May God help all children and teenagers in the world
helping them understand that happiness does not come from
TV, brand shoes & clothes, ipods, videogames, hollywood crap of violence/sex/divorce, gangsta bad music and all materialist garbage that drive them away from love, kindness, charity, brotherhood, closeness with their parents, good company, good books, sports, nature, healthy food, community involvement and good old values with good old moral.
The industries related with entertainment (and their empty materialistic minds) are making all the efforts to make people specially young ones believe that you're happy only if you wear this cloth or if you wear that shoes, they make all efforts to make us believe that if we drive a certain car or we live in a certain type of home and eat certain garbages we're going to be happy and satisfied.
Satisfaction my friends come when you are in Peace with you, with your mind and heart and with the world around you.
But the propaganda on TV, magazines, outdoors, everywhere are only to serve one thing the money and the industries profit.
None of them are really interested in what is going on with you and you family and your friends.
In order to be happy you Dad, you Mom, you Son, you Daughter, brothers and sisters you have to love each other (and that comes not only kissing/hugging) you have do search for spiritual content, you have to look after what is healthy for your mind and body, you have to think locally and globally, what you have do help the elders in your family (not throw them in a home care and leave them alone to die there), you have to care after your kids and read and research what is really healthy for them, do not believe in propaganda/ads which tell you that their stuff is good, think about the poor in your city and what you can do for them, how you can help build up a better neighbor and community where you belong, buy locally, respect strangers and immigrants (they are here to help your country in some way), and most important of all, the reason why the past generations were more happy than us and they had more peace, less crime, less drugs and less blood is because they were more attached with
Pray, go to your church whatever religion you have, do charity, forgive, respect and look after GOD's love.
Love all and above everything GOD.
I'll pray for this girl.
Everyday I pray for all the children, elders, natives, people oppressed by the money and the power from the countries who think can dictate rules to others.
I wish a better world for the children and teenagers of this world, a world with more love, understanding, tender and care.
God Bless Us All.
Peace be with you.