Is Holocaust Remembrance Day an insult to victims of Jewish racism, extremism and genocidalism?
Joachim M
2008-01-22 08:57:23 UTC
In 2006, the UNGA designated Jan. 27 as the day of commemoration to honor the victims of the Nazi era.

From the end of the 19th century through the manipulations of fanatic racist Jewish Neocons today, Jews have led murderous radicalism and subversion in the Czarist Empire, the German Empire, the British Empire and the USA.

3/4s of the leaders of the murderous Communist Coup in Bavaria after WW1 were German Jews or ethnic Ashkenazim.

The Communists would not have been able to steal the Russian Revoluation without the talents and skills of Russian Jews.

Russian Jews were in the forefront of Soviet mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and genocide from the Revolution through the end of WW2.

Zionist Jews murdered Arab Palestine.

Jewish Neocons have manipulated the USA into making or supporting wars causing millions of casualties.

Is remembering Jewish victims more important than memorializing the victims of Jews?
Fifteen answers:
2008-01-22 09:05:53 UTC
they've used this to their advantage to attack, rob blind & kill innocent men, women & children for TOO, TOO LONG, NOW.

they need to learn from their own history!
Drop short and duck
2008-01-22 19:54:01 UTC
I think you should always cross reference any book that makes the claims that you are referring too. Especially where you stated under the Czarists Empire of Jews being the murderers. It was the Jews who had to flee Germany during the 18th and 19th Century including the Lutherans who were being persecuted by the Catholic Church fundamentalists.

Communism didn't find its roots until after WW1 where it became apparent the working mans needed a strong union that took over the old Free Man's work for better conditions that was on the go in about 1830's until 1900's in Europe and England. This founding association even found its way onto the Australian Gold Fields in 1850's where the Eureka Stockade rebellion against inflated mining licenses took place.

You also have missed the point about the number of the Jewish population in Russia and Germany as they were always a small minority and not the massive enforcer of extermination.

As I said before you should always check the facts of what you include in your rationale as miss information will always get you into trouble on Q&A's. It is a very big world out there Master Jack.
2008-01-22 14:24:09 UTC
The answer is no and I have a question for you. Do you guys still wear the robes with the pointy white hoods or just slap the swastika on your arm and say "Heil hilter" and be done with it?

I mean, are you an open idiot revelaing your face or do you hide behind the mask of racism that people have been hiding behind for 100 years?

This question is offensive.

Pick up a non-biased history book and read. Learn something instead of spouting this racist propoganda.

Once again, we Jews are to blame for all the ills of the world blah blah blah blah. I have heard all before. I know you think this question was probably cute and funny and you made some sort of radical point but trust me, we Jews have heard it all.

Ok, you don't like Jews and you do like Palestinians. Great. Clap clap cheers to you.

Now, do us a favor and ask real question that don't show you have been reading propoganda.

Oh and Dicarlos, you might try actually picking up a history book too. The Nazi's recorded the holocast themselves. Get real. I guess my family members just dug a hole and buried themselves, huh?
2008-01-22 13:11:34 UTC
Does it not bother you to keep calling fiction 'facts'?

My family is from Russia so I know for a FACT that what you say about Ashkenasi Jews is utter rubbish. Ever heard of pogroms, perchance?

Oh, and with regard to Holocaust Memorial Day, I'm going to quote the remark made by a non Jew on this very site, since he put it better than I probably can. He said:

'Frankly, having lost six million of your number just because of their religion, you're blinking well entitled to memorialise their loss in any way you choose.'

Jews in Russia were the ones BEING killed. Every historian knows this.

And who are these 'millions of casualties' that we Jews are now suddenly responsible for????

We make up LESS THAN 1% of the world population, yet you are attributing to us the destruction of half the planet!!!

Though having read your blog, I acknowledge that you are a raving paranoid with serious psychiatric problems. I hope that new psychiatrist is working out better than your previous one?


- if I may ask, have you been to Israel? I have, and I have seen what is happening there firsthand. I can assure you that NOTHING going on there is even remotely similar to what the Nazis did to the Jews.

Do you know that over TWO MILLION Arabs happily live and work INSIDE Israel as citizens?

Do you know that Israel built brand new housing for the Palestinians, that they have built them schools and hospitals? That the Palestinians tore down those new houses?

Do you know that the very term 'Palestinian' originally referred TO Jews because we have been there for 3000 years CONTINUOUSLY?

And do you know that 80% of the region Palestine WAS GIVEN TO THE PALESTINIANS FOR THEIR HOME? It's called JORDAN.
2008-01-23 22:33:07 UTC
The fact that there was genocide did not just come from the Jews but also from the other people who were sent to the camps with them.The was not just murdering of Jew but also Romanians,Poles,Jehovahs Witnesses,and some clergy of other christian churchs .Those who survive say there was a holocaust.Since they were there and you werent I choose to beleive them.Read something by Cory Tenboom She was a Christian who was sent to the camps for refusing to give up her Jewish neighbors to the death camps.
2008-01-22 12:00:06 UTC
I am a non practicing Christian and I do not like this trend that is creeping into this site of anti semitism. Not all Jewish people are bad. I recently read of a group that are sending aid , food, medicines etc to the people in Gaza. Its a pity that their government don't show some compassion to all these refugees that they themselves were responsible for. Is there any other country in the world that has been to get away with so much death, destruction and misery without a single country speaking out or is it that we are all afraid of the United States of America. ?
2008-01-22 09:28:47 UTC
Holocaust Remembrance day is not an insult, it is a very valid day and the tragedy of those millions of deaths should always be remembered.

But as well as not forgetting the past the current situation in the Israeli occupied territories should not be ignored. what is going on there bears some similarities to the beginnings of the Nazi campaign against the jews.

Israel should look at its own behaviour and learn from the past. They have been victims it is true, but now they make others suffer at their own hands.
2016-10-05 09:26:27 UTC
Having been to Auschwitz i will blatantly say the Holocaust is a load of crap. of course 5-7 million Jews died that is no longer up for debate, yet its an irony, and easily genocide. The biblical term holocaust ability sacrifice, sacrifice likewise ability giving up some thing for some thing else of equivalent or extra advantageous value. properly we lost some human beings on the tip of WWII, yet what did we benefit? frequently human beings merely want to renowned Jews dieing. properly 3 million Poles died, and with the mixed form of Gypsies and homosexuals that quantity rises to 5 million. So truly 11 million died. i think of its tragic that we merely care approximately 6 million, while 20 million chinese language died. apart from the holocaust replaced into placed an end to place no longer via allies that have been morally upright. the U. S. and Britian have been bombing civilian objectives to maximise causalities, the belief in the back of this replaced into to lead them to supply up the conflict and spare the international this mess, yet that doesn't exchange the actuality that they've been committing conflict crimes, and the Soviets have been dealing with villages raping. around 3.2-5 million ethnic German civilians died in the process the conflict .. etc etc. ultimately achieving a grand entire of 70 million lifeless. i think of we could get extra out of the holocaust if we regarded at it as a bleak time in historical past the place guy destroyed one yet another, and their sacrifice replaced into to teach us that it could never ensue lower back. no longer that it could never ensue lower back to a definite team. forget the chinese language....
2008-01-22 09:07:40 UTC
Though the Holocaust was a terrible and horrible thing in this worlds history. We cannot forget it, as it did happen. Many people died because of it and we must remember those lives lost, as well as to remember that just because some one is different from us whether it be race or religion or something else, we still need to treat people as equals. We are all human and we need to treat each other that way.
2008-01-22 09:40:20 UTC
I know there maybey some crooked people that happen to be Jewish, but that does not mean that all Jews are collectively an evil religion. Iam Jewish and I don't collectively consider Islam an evil religion just because a few murderous kookoo's who happened to be Islamic flew planes into the trade centers as I know there are more ordinary muslims that would disprove of the action themselves (in fact there were some muslim families that were actually 9/11 victims themselves). Well going back to my point, genocide is wrong regardless who the people are that are being exterminated so it is important to remember the many innocents that died in the holocaust for the sake of supporting humanity. Also Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust, people that were also victims included Roma's (or Gypsies which ever is politically correct to say), Blacks (with exception of ones from nations captured or allied with the Nazis), physically Handicapped people, mentally handicapped people, homosexuals, capitalists, communists, socialists, Poles, Jehova witnesses, pro-democracy supporters, people who aided holocaust victims, POWs, drug addicts and so much more. Also, some of the communists were just people that happend to be born to a Jewish family along with many Christians born that individualistically chose to be athiests. So dispite the fact that Lenin and Marx happaned to be born to a Jewish family, they considered themselves athiests and chose not to practice their religious heritage. So Judeaism and communism obviously would not be a valid correlation because communism is an ideology that involves strictly enforced athism and since Judaeism is a religion, it would contradict the strictly atheist ideals behind communism. Anytime innocent people die their death should be morned regardless of what ethnicity or race they are. Also another thing, Israel is not at war against Islam and Palestinians, they are only at war against terror. The only problem is that there is high condonance of suicide bombings and terror being initiated in the Palestinian territories to target innocents in Israel. Since it's impossible to punish suicide bombers since they are already dead, the only way to fight back is sadly by punishing the family (or sometimes an entire community for their condonance) The Israelis hate doing that and I personally disagree with it too, but after many offers to give land and appease violence with Palestinian militants were often rejected and demanding more, we just don't know what to do about it. So Israel is forced into an ethical dilema, of either risking their families being suicide bombed or barraged by rockets or risking innocent Palestinian lives to help stop violent militant activity. The fact that many of the militants encourage civilians to cluster at locations of targeted hamas militants as human sheilds the minuet that residence that live nearby some Israeli military targets are automatically sent automated telephone messages in Hebrew, Arabic, and English warning of an Israeli airstrike 48 hours in advance to minimize civilian casualties . But unfortunatly those automated warning that are designed to minimize civilian casualties are being exploited to warn Hamas millitents and those militants usually encourage civilians to shroud around airstrike targets complicate military operations. So often this leaves the Israeli army no choice but to bomb the target at the expense of innocent palestinian people that were tricked into being human sheilds or (not so innocent ones that volunteered to be civilian sheilds). I have been to Israel myself, Israel allows Arabs to vote in their elections, they are willing to preserve arab artifacts and they even have laws their against disrupting arab prayers and Arabs go are able to go to Israeli Universities. Hence some have even joined the IDF themselves. The statement that the Islamic religion is being oppressed in Israel is a myth. Otherwise they would have demolished Al-Aqsa Mosque a long time ago if that was true. It's just that Israel is dealing with a highly complex security situation dealing with militants that hide behind innocent palestinians and making it almost impossible to handle the conflict ethically. I support Israel but I do not like some of their politicians (Olmert and Sharone were ones that I strongly disliked because they destroyed Israel's image of being a democracy by getting carried away with the ways they make the nation secure.) and some of the ways they handle the situations such as disallowing protesting, lack of effective omsbudmanship in Palestinian territories, and arbitrary demolition of houses (which is being strongly dissented against by Israel's own civilians). So I hope that Israel will elect a new leader that can bring peace and tranquility without having to cause so much innocent casualties. We just want peace but were constantly dragged into war.
The First Dragon
2008-01-22 09:24:33 UTC
It is Palestine that wants to expel the Jews from Israel. There are many Arab and Muslim Israeli citizens; Israelis have no desire to expel them.

Israel has offered Palestine 95% of what Palestinian leaders say they want, and actually given them most of that, and still they won't make peace. Still they bomb Israel.
Mark S, JPAA
2008-01-22 09:14:53 UTC
Answer: no.

Comment: Reported. This takes the cake for anti-Semitic question of the day. Congratulations!
2008-01-22 09:35:37 UTC
,there is a =slight= inference in your question that you could be anti Jewish correct me if I am wrong?
2008-01-22 09:32:53 UTC
All of this is an answer to your question main point at end pertaining to your question.

YES this has everything to do with whats going on in russia .Check out all the facts look at the big picture.

north korea freaks out russia says get out thanks but we dont trust you or care for your help with anything any more leaders all over the world terminated unrest in italy right now all pertains to this same problem with the world .

Its the ones behind the scenes crossing off theyr lists.

Many have tryed to give warnings in the past like JFK did in his speaches about the people actualy in control of the puppets.

The thousands that die american british iraqi pallestinian they dont care its all part of theyr plan they cant wait till its just them on the planet and a few slaves.

Research look into new laws and directive and actualy read the garbage called 911 commission report.when you pull it all out from george washington to george bush and stand back and look at it all BIG PICTURE you will see the truth scary sad truth.

recent report in the news .Record amount of tourist in N.Y. last couple years hmm mabey its because tens of thousands of people have been gathering there for 911 truth rallies trying to get the Gov to start telling the truth.Or is it just people going there to meet Silverstien the man who admitted giving the order to push the button on the buildings he had just leassed.

.First ill start with the last pres and what he was put into his position for.

The only reason Clinton was ever put in office is so he could be ridiculed by the media and so America could see the problem with our Gov. has been fixed (in the subconscious).

Same thing they did with the N.C. lottery right before it came into effect in that state they had to put someone in court for something to put in the subconscious that any problem that might BE is gone from the subconscios mind of the masses.

I know this sounds out theyr but do the homework mkultra and such youl get the picture.

Anyway Bush himself just some basic well know facts hes part of skull and bones .illuminati . is tyed to JFK Jrs death quite the was his father who was also directly tyed to JFKs death.if you still think some idiot working in the book depository did it do some homework Bush Sr. was put in charge of the JFK assassination and did what they payed him to do made it go away and coverd it up quite the way Bush of 911 did After he got off his butt in florida.

who was in charge of security at the WTC complex on 911 and the months leading up to it (Marvin Bush ) wow what a coinsidence.Who helped fund and arm Hitlers cause and was even (on the record ) charged but not convicted of such ?None other that Prescot Bush Pres.Bush s grand father.Ever heard of Bushs oil intrest and dealing with a man named Osama Bin Ladin?

look up the music video from eminem bush knocked down the towers wether you like rap or not if you like to hear the truth and want to get to know your pres. better watch that video.

But to those of you reading this who still think it matters democrat republican what ever WAKE up it matters not even WHO you vote for any more the last 3 elections have proven that they have controll over it.Who ever the World Bank wants there to be theyr puppet is who will get elected (unless you see our army headed back any time soon to retake controll of Washington )as our consitution actualy tells them to do in this kind of situation.we will never again have controll of our Gov. Medea or our schools and what our children are being taught.If you take a serrious look back into history you can trace it back even as far as T.Jeffersons notes about the illuminatiand theyr plans for how they would set up the new world order .Awell thought out and so far well orcestrated plan they are more than half way theyr .But it was John F Kennedy that tryed to warn us in his speaches thats why he was shot listen to his speaches. His words tell it all , whats happening right now he tryed to warn us he saw it comming.

The pres is just a puppet, who cares what his name is or what he says he stands for. Its the bankers running the country not him. They had alotta people fooled untill they did 911 that actualy woke some of us up think it might have backfired on them to some point cause they left it so obvious they did it.Do the homework dont believe anything sept for what you see for yourself please look , do research.

Doesnt take long to see the truth .Doesnt take long to figure out how the BBC accedently reported the solomin brothers building coming down oops 20 min before it collapsed.

As Silverstien put it after he gave the command to Pull.

Doesnt take a scientist with a PHD like Dr, Judy Wood to figure out a 110 story building cant come down in 10 seconds without some help.Though i did like her presentation.

What she found is prob. what scared the hell out of north korea and made them start freaking out.

Its also probly why China has recently anounced its putting more sattelites in space alot more.Judies got it down to a science litteraly just think 47 story tall building has a higher rubble pile than 2 110 story buildings hmmm time to do some math .

Hope this helps.911 ripple effect or 911 coincidences or

look up loose change if you never have ive resurched all theyr material for months and others but anyway they did a good job and all theyr info IS FACT .There Are others out there though ,some are out there to misslead you just pay atention to the proof easy stuff like all the documented but not made public( through so called Media) sooo many people in the buildings and all around saw and heard the bombs going off sooo many people know first hand and reported the demolition but not mainstreem media.

Was no surprise to me at all when i read in the news that Tony Blair joined J P Morgan when you see the big picture and put all the banker pieces together rothchild and such you too will not be surprised it is actualy a step on a list checked off.

try to prove me wrong in any of this PLEASE that means your finding truth sory this truth hurts but just think of what the firemen with 30 years in that have to keep theyr mouth shut have to go through

Most of the big bankers in charge are not even pretending jews and all of them worship a totaly dif deity then most have even heard of.By the Biblical definition they worship the devil and they are the ones in charge not real jews .not to mention if you look hard enough you will find the recently opened documents that tell the TRUE story of what happend in what you efer to as a holocost. Another bit of knowledge you wont ever see unless you realy look for it cause there are certain things they cant let the main stream public know.

''''''''Israel isnt run by jews look at the BIG PICTURE '''''
2008-01-22 09:03:59 UTC
Holocust didnt happen

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