Pro-Troop or Just Pro-War?
2007-09-23 18:53:09 UTC
On September 15, up to 100,000 people protested the Iraq War. Iraq Veterans Agains the War took the lead in organizing the protest; also attending were members of Veterans for Peace and Appear for Redress (active-duty military against the war). Less than 1,000 counterprotestors also demonstrated.

Given that hundreds of members of IVAW took part, as well as other veterans and active-duty soldiers, anti-war veterans surely outnumbered the entirety of the counterprotest.

Counterdemonstraters claim that they are not necessarily pro-war, but that they are just pro-troops. However, as troops passed them, they held signs and shouted at them, calling them "traitors, "commies", "moonbats", and the like.

Given their attacks on actual troops, including many who have served in Iraq, should we instead consider the counterprotestors just plain pro-war, and perhaps even outright anti-troop?
Six answers:
Barbara E
2007-09-23 19:04:30 UTC
Counterprotestors are pro-war. Anti war demonstrators are truly pro troops ... support our troops. Bring them home!

If you won't bring them home, then declare this whole mess to be a war and start acting like one: gasoline rationing, tire rationing, sugar, meat and cotton rationing; let's repeal the tax cuts for the wealthy and let them pay for this war rather than passing the cost to our children in the form of huge deficit spending and the uncountable cost of providing lifelong care for the injured troops who are "surviving" but will be disabled for life.

"Pro" troops people want to bring them home; leave the so-called Iraq war to the profiteers and let the wealthy people give back their tax cuts to pay for it.
2016-05-17 11:13:28 UTC
I've been hearing a number of people recently making the point that "you can't support the troops if you don't support the war," and I'm sure by the time this is posted there will be two or three here. But think about the ultimate logical end to that statement. It means you must suspend your ability to judge right from wrong and support every single war that America gets into, no matter the reason. We could invade Switzerland for making a bad batch of chocolate and, under this logic, we are expected to believe that it was a great decision and a worthwhile mission or be a troop hating traitor.
2007-09-23 19:07:05 UTC
The American soldier is and has always been the best and most venerated and technically advanced on the planet. OUR military might has literally changed the the world for good over and over again. The soldier's job is not unlike every blue collar JOE who wakes every morining and braves the world to put a meal on his or his familys table. There are risks in every job at work on the way to work and to serve and die for OUR country is the the most honorable job of all. We didn't start this war in Iraq and we should stay and finish it proper. Support our military or move to another country is what I say.
2007-09-24 04:56:58 UTC
I am part of the US army and I'm proud of it. not the fact of being in a war but that i can go around the world "for free" and meat people from every part of the states and the world. Right now I'm in Korea and its if very nice place to be, i would not mind coming back after the army, but anyway i will be going to the sand box at some point. But I'm not worried about it. To me I'm fighting so you can say what you want to, saying without someone shooting you on the spot bc it they did not like what you said. I don't care if someone hats me for what i do with my life. But i know its a life that is my chose to give if need be so you don't have to. It makes me happy that i might have a chance to go back home and have a family in a world that my kids wont have to be in a war. Or even think about joining. In my eyes, " you must work hard before you can play hard". Althou not evryone suports what the millitary does for them and yes it pisses me off when people do stuff like that man with the pic of his son. But then i have seen and met so many people in the army with different ressons, if for them selfs, family ressons, and what not. thay are all good people. We all know that we can die in ower line of work, and every person i have asked has agreed that thay joind knowing people wont like what thay are doing, and not suport but its ok "bc we have each other". so all in all i agree with Rascal Boy "Support our military or move to another country ".
2007-09-24 07:47:59 UTC
When you join up you agree to serve however it is deemed necessary. As you go through training the men and women at your side are your brothers and sisters. You fight jsut as much for them as you do your country. If you turn your back on them, its hard to forgive. Someone who pledged to give their life for you and vie versa to suddenly walk away. These men and women who sign up for the military and get their free health care and dental, their college educations provided for and then decide that they dont need to hold up their end of the bargain.... piss on them. If you're one of the men and women who have actually served and know what if means to fight for your brother, then you support the troops, you support their endeavors. I dont think sending food to the brave and honorable that are lying in the sand right now makes me pro war- I think it makes me pro troop. I think the medal I wear makes me pro troop, and frankly Id rather be called pro war than stand and disgrace those who are fighting. By saying their job is meaningless you say they are meaning less. Why not put the energy and time that goes into protesting into making care packages and fund raisers for the troops.... aaaah that would signify allegiance to the country that we live in and those who stand for it while we whine here on safe soil. It so much easier to be a whiny brat than to stand up for something huh? Now trying carrying a rifle every day and living with sand in your crack and cracks in your feet and tell me who much harder it is to stand for something. I say to all the anti TROOP or "war"- as the words can be thought of as interchangeable, bug off! Learn to respect the people who support you or move the hell out!
2007-09-24 20:49:16 UTC
pro troops.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.