Probably, but then again one half of Europe can't stand the other half, so nothing new there, I know the EuroVision Song Contest is only a daft and pointless waste of time, but if you look at how one half of Europe votes as against the other half, it starts to give you an idea behind the mentality of the many different parts of Europe, in essence they have betrayed themselves in a pointless stupid song contest, (yep you can learn allot just by looking and listening and saying nowt).
And this is where and how their little plan to sideline Britain will fail, I can just see it now a couple of years down the road and some near bankrupt country (State) wanting a bailout to pay for their health service or pensioners and this new supper EU State turns round and says "sorry no more money for you, your people will suffer and your pensioner will have to go without, your books are not balancing out", yeah, they'll love that, and I can see that happening if they persist in mad venture, and if and when that does happen, then all hell will be let loose both diplomatically and financially, that is why it'll never work, never, too many ifs and buts.
Helen S, I find your answer very enlightening especially the bit about what Germans think of the Euro, I remember when the Euro was first introduced and one News channel at the time did a quick opinion poll in Germany and it said that many Germans were not keen to ditch the trusted DMark and were suspicious about a currency that had been dreamt up by Brussels bureaucrats.
seems they were right to be suspicious.