2006-09-07 13:41:02 UTC
Let's go over the similarities first...
1.)Both are indoorl environments.
2.)Both are simulated environments that generate simulated experiences
3.)Both are trying to grab every buck they can off you before you leave.
4.)People waste hours upon hours of their lives in both places
5.)People in both places have the same zombie, eyes-glazed-over look generated by the aforementioned fake environments that suck
up all your money.
6.)Employees in both places are underpaid and unskilled, in what
is essentially a dead-end job
7.)No windows can be found in either place, to sever any connection with the real outside world further.
8)ICasinos and Malls are what passes for culture for most
people, from rich suburbs to inner cities.
------So, what is the connection between these two mind-numbing
places that would cause them to remove all clocks and windows
from the premises?