2010-11-20 22:27:29 UTC
It's ludicrous for us to give the government carted blanche simply b/c they claim it is in the interest of "national security".
National security is in fact the job of the federal government. But not at ANY cost! This is still America, and Americans don't do ANYTHING at ANY cost.
Freedom does come w/ a price, but that price is NOT the LOSS of your personal freedom.
While National security is vital, the TSA should be focusing on PROFILING for terrorist threats, & NOT treating every U.S. citizen as a potential terrorist!
And Napolitano says, "if we don't like it, we don't have to fly"?? What?
That's like the government REQUIRING drivers to have to take a drug test, a breathalizer test, & a written driver's test, EACH & EVERY TIME BEFOR being allowed to get in their cars to drive.
Then telling us it's for preventive highway safety, & if you don't like it, you don't HAVE to drive.
I hope I didn't just give any ideas to Obama just now.