Do kids play out where you live?
2009-10-02 07:00:15 UTC
With the debate about kids not being safe going on and child abusers, do you see many kids on the street?

Where I live there are kids everywhere (Salford) even riding around on mopeds after 12am.

At night they congregate on waste ground in a mob, kids of various ages, up to young adults. All sorts of burning stuff, often teenagers driving around in stolen cars.

They never seem to come to any harm, well not often anyway, considering.

They seem to like congregating on a grassy knoll next to two houses, and every so often you'll see a new person in the house, like maybe a black muscle guy, then a month later it's got iron windows and the family has gone, sick of vandalising youths.

Its just mad man, like living in the Bronx, how can I get out of the place. I can't afford anywhere else.
Fourteen answers:
2009-10-02 07:54:38 UTC
The kids in my area won't get off their text messaging and video games long enough to get out and about. The fresh air would probably be a shock to their bodies.
2009-10-02 14:36:53 UTC
I used to live in the city, in a multiracial area. At first everything was fine, then about 4 years ago a large family moved into my apartment building and there were kids as young as 7 or 8 and others in their teens playing outside sometimes after midnight, but almost any night until after 10, were running up and down stairs and in and out of the doors. Their mother, who may of may not have been on drugs didn't seem to care, older teen aged siblings and cousins were 'watching' them. (by the way, the mother was white and so I am I, the children were white or bi-racial, I don't care what color they are, kids should not be playing outside at 10, 11, 12,etc. and should be in bed on school nights, at least)

I was called a racist for saying the kids should not be running around at midnight. Some of these kids were white.

I live in a nice quiet suburban area where kids ride bikes when it is light or skateboard, but not during the night.
2009-10-02 14:32:04 UTC
Yes kids play outside where I live. Most of them are12 and under so nobody is out late doing something to get in trouble. There is also a basketball court and play ground (swings,slides etc.) one street over. The difference is that nobody around here would put up with any crap from kids. The park is open all night no gate locked and the teenagers don't hang around there late at night. The people on the street there wouldn't put up with them an police make routine runs around the whole area. The bottom line i if you put up with it and let them keep doing it they will never stop. Any chance you can get others involved and ask the police to make rounds to break up the groups. I live in a city outside of Boston and believe me if I couldn't go out or had to put up with the bull you have to I'd do something about it or move.
2009-10-02 14:08:57 UTC
There are always kids in the streets, mostly on estates around here and in the parks, a lot hide out at night and drink and smoke, obviously nothing better to do, there aren't hundreds of kids on the streets though, although where we live is such a safe area, nothing horrible ever happens up where I live, at my previous job I always had chance to talk to customers, they used to comment on how peaceful our town was, and how they never got any bother off children. We do have the odd couple of idiots here and there but I honestly think it's quite a safe and friendly environment. The last horrible think regarding children here was a rape and kill many many years ago whilst a girl and her friend was camping in their yard. I've had people talk to m about moving here and even asking me about crimes and that, so pretty safe up here. Not telling you where I live you might come kill us all :) lol Just kidding. I know there are a lot of places where I would never want to be seen on the streets after 8pm, places near where I live that I know about, especially where I used to work, all the children were little brats and would vandal everything, so Irefusedd to work there and moved back to my own town.


I live in Wales... not saying where ^^ lol
oh helloooo
2009-10-02 20:27:36 UTC
I live in a place in Birmingham which sounds like that. My mate got attacked by a kid who was 9 at the time, he smacked her with some big massive iron bar. Mental.

There were two lads (bout 7 years old!) playing out once (their parents are immigrant workers) & these lads my age robbed their ball & started on 'em. Telling them to get out of this country etc. The mum was out the front & was shocked & really upset. The lads were upset. There wasn't anything mum could do as such because it was so sudden. I did tell 'em to fck off & they legged it.

The police don't do anything, they're pally with them. It's so weird.
2009-10-02 14:36:01 UTC
Where I live, in Pennsylvania, US, the children do play outside often, but they are young kids, not older ones like you mention. They are also not causing trouble. They're just riding their bikes and running around, etc. It's wonderful to hear the sound of children playing. There are probably 15-20 kids in my neighborhood, and the street is alive with the sound of children.
▐▀▀✿▀▀▌ LIL BEAR ▐▄▄✿▄▄▌
2009-10-02 14:05:13 UTC
Yes. We live right behind the high school so lots of kids live around us. They are ALWAYS outside. Even if it -45 degrees outside! lol. Anyways, my husband and I looked up our neighborhood on the sexual predators site and they are all over the place. I thought they couldn't live that close to a school but they do! There's no way I'm raising kids in our neighborhood. I thought we lived in a nice suburb but I guess not. We're trying to find a safer place but are finding out that just about everywhere in our state is the same.
2009-10-02 20:18:49 UTC
I live out in farm country. Far from the city. Everyone is safe and there are no problems. But at 12 am they are sleeping because there is work to be done in the morning.

And that is the secret. Idle hands are the devils playground.
2009-10-02 14:04:59 UTC
i am only 5 minutes away from you deighton , you could try downsizing or renting in a better area , not ideal but a solution

yes kids play out but are mostly in their gardens and watched

when i was younger we played on the park all day , we often got flashed at by dirty old men

this new breed of younger men and even women as peadophiles is horrific
2009-10-02 16:28:52 UTC
Young kids play on my street in the summer,but only til about 8.
jack in a box
2009-10-02 14:06:33 UTC
they usually go around where most popular places like a skate park a dam or a place where mostly where kids in other neighbor hoods were most kids live and mosley check at local kid dinners or food places if they have any money so alert your kids to stay off the roads and there is nothing to worry about (please ask many questions to me i help out with any question kind of like a guidance counselor)
2009-10-02 14:03:18 UTC
It's great where I live, I see kids outside and riding bikes. We live where there are no stupid play dates and all that other PC crap.
2009-10-02 14:03:30 UTC
I live in suburbia so no.
2009-10-02 14:04:45 UTC
too long

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