2015-07-28 07:35:33 UTC
Professor Iain Begg, of the London School of Economics, believes the threat of what would effectively be 'Brexpulsion' - rather than a British exit or 'Brexit' - from Europe is becoming an ever-more likely scenario.
He believes Mr Cameron is treading on a dangerous tightrope as he tries to appease EU leaders while also refusing to help with the ongoing Mediterranean migrant crisis and the Greek debt disaster.
Prof Begg told "The Italian PM Matteo Renzi said he was in principle backing Britain's stance but then believed he was slapped in the face by Cameron over the recent migration issue, when he heard Britain would not accept a quota of immigrants.
"From what I hear from Brussels insiders the Italian PM was spitting feathers and using some strong language after hearing about it.
"The issue of the Greek rescue package was also played very badly, where Britain's opposition to assistance was seen as petty. It only involved short term overdraft to the Greeks and no risk."