i dont understand the riots and violence why are they fighting who caused the problem?
Seven answers:
2013-08-07 11:30:38 UTC
It did start as a racial problem between the Catholics and Protestants.
Today, I'd call the fights or riots political statements and not so much to do with religion.
Jimmy C
2013-08-07 02:34:28 UTC
Because they are christians, but two different sorts of christians. Who says only moslems have problems with violence?
Actually there is more to it. Ireland was a catholic country until protestant England took over part of it. A lot of the conflict is political, but divided along religious lines.
2013-08-07 02:06:33 UTC
That is a really good question. Truth is that the Protestants, and Catholics have been shooting eachother, and blowing eachother up for many years. It is a shame that both sides claim to believe in, and follow Jesus Christ, yet both sides continue to commit murder. The whole idea behind being a Christian is to try to be more like Christ. Well the Lord clearly commands us to love one another. He also tells us that murder is a sin, and unlawful in his eyes, yet they continue to kill eachother. I wish that I had a better answer for you. Both sides in Ireland commit terrorist acts.
2013-08-07 02:10:10 UTC
National, ethnic, racial, which can not be avoided and must face the contradiction. Just hope that the negotiations to resolve these contradictions, understanding, peace rather than war and killing.
2013-08-07 01:43:42 UTC
there are two different religons at war in northern ireland cathotlics and protestants
2013-08-07 06:34:34 UTC
do you think that ANY of them REALLY know or give a damn either....lmao.....its generational brainwashing ....reminds me of Gulliver's Travels ... Big-Endians and Little-Endians....
2013-08-07 02:16:50 UTC
One is protestant & the other is catholic. They are idiots.
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