2010-07-25 09:43:22 UTC
Adam Jacot de Boinod, an ex researcher for TV panel game QI, wrote the book 'I Never Knew There Was A Word For That', which has been published by Penguin and costs 12.99 pounds, after discovering the words.
Boinod discovered that a person who collects teddy bears is known as an 'arctophile', and that the act of pretending to be busy is termed as 'boondoggling',
'Crepitation' is said to describe the crackling of a wood fire, while 'hypnopompic' describes the fuzzy state between being asleep and awake, and 'desiderium' is the yearning for a thing one has lost.
If one is not able to recognise familiar faces 'prosopagnosia' is the word to use, and if a person is thinking about death then it is 'thanatopsis'.
Want to make money by any means possible? Then the word 'quomodocunquize' describes it best...