Are you worried about the bird flu?
2006-03-17 12:31:23 UTC
If you are, are you putting a can of tuna and dried milk under your bed? Or is the press and others just making to big of a deal about this?
Fifteen answers:
2006-03-17 12:33:27 UTC

its all hype like Y2K or Africanized Bees
2006-03-17 13:03:52 UTC
I am not worried about bird flu because it is easily preventable. I am however worried about our preparedness in case of an outbreak and/or to prevent an outbreak. Anything simple like the flu which we are prepared for yearly can cause major havoc in the absence of anticipation (see Spanish flu outbreak). Bird flu has been able to cross species (from birds to humans) and killed some. Those who have survived the bird flu will enable its evolution into a form more virulent and stable and therein lies our problem.
2006-03-17 12:35:12 UTC
Since the last time I checked I neither work with nor near birds, do not play or handle raw meat from these animals, nor am actually a bird, I do not worried. Since H5N1 has not yet been proven to have mutated to a human to human strain, I will wait for a while to freak out. Remember, the great influenza epidemic of 1918? 20 percent attack rate (20 percent of the population affected) and it killed about 600,000 americans. I figure I'll lay in some tamiflu and if it goes human to human I will take two weeks of leave, and lock my door or head out in to the countryside to wait it out. No problem. These things burn themselves out in about 6 weeks.
2006-03-17 19:46:24 UTC
I don't want the bird flu to kill off our beautiful bird population and I also worry about our cats as there have been cases reported of cats catching the virus (including tigers in thailand) so even if the virus does not spread to us humans i think it is a sad thing for our animal friends
2006-03-17 13:19:30 UTC
Being afraid of a disease that doesn't quite exist yet seems a little like chicken little saying the sky is falling. Just because a few chinese people got sick from working with chickens, doesn't mean that there is a world wide epidemic on its way. Remember West Nile? That hit Colorado a few years ago and everyone freaked out. Now, like one or two people die.
2006-03-17 12:33:41 UTC
Press makes a big deal out of everything. I'll belive it when I see it. To many other more important things to strees about in life than having to worry about stuff like this.
2006-03-17 12:33:31 UTC
No, I'm not worried about the bird flu. If I get it and die, I will perish; but the chances of getting the specific strain of flu that is deadly this year is small.
2006-03-17 12:34:02 UTC
Yes I am. ABC news says that the bird flu could reach Alaska in two weeks from now. I am afraid it will kill lots of people.
2006-03-17 12:33:53 UTC
Big deal out of nothing, all of these EPIDEMICS are just ways to stray our attention from the really bad things that are happening.
2006-03-17 12:37:10 UTC
i think bird flu is like making an issue out of nothing.

so were all gonna die someday !!

i think some people over react

personally im happy eating my chicken nuggets
2006-03-17 12:32:49 UTC
I am not a bird - so no - I'm not worried at all. :)

And eventually we all die anyways so why worry even if I were a bird???
lil craigie
2006-03-17 12:34:01 UTC
nah im more scared of my cat eatin me m8 lol
2006-03-17 12:32:17 UTC
I'm not worried yet
2006-03-17 12:33:10 UTC
no because it is not a big issue in the U.S
2006-03-17 12:32:35 UTC
Not really

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