How about an English campaign to boycott Scottish goods?
Essex Ron
2009-08-21 06:59:33 UTC
Given that their posturing and trying to establish themselves as a state that can stand up to the USA has harmed the image of the UK in international eyes, isn't it time they were taught a lesson?

The worst terrorist atrocity ON EARTH before the 9/11 attack is seen as worthy of a mere 8 years in jail and then release to a hero's welcome in his homeland.

What on earth are they thinking about? It seems to me that we should just let everyone out of prison, barricade ourselves indoors and let the criminals and terrorists a free hand.
34 answers:
2009-08-21 07:19:13 UTC
Buggered if I'm giving up my Bells whisky but I will certainly not buy Scottish shortbread biscuits or Aberdeen Angus steak if a campaign is initiated. To be serious, it was all to do with oil. Everything these days is down to oil. Decisions such as this disgraceful repatriation are always tied up with some underhanded political/commercial oil companies deal connected to the supply of energy in one shape or another. There's no justice for us ordinary people. We might just as well live in a totalitarian state, which whilst thinking about it, we probably do! I'll bet if the dead from this outrage had been over 200 Scots there's no way this bastard would see the light of day again.
2009-08-21 09:55:09 UTC
I watched the half hour that Kenny MacAskill addressed the press conference ( fully covered on STV/ITV but NOT by the metro centric BBC who missed the start and cut off half way through!! ) He spoke in detail and very logically . His statements as to the failure of the British ( not the Scottish ) Government to communicate and liaise with the US Government requires further investigation . Although the majority of the victims were of US nationality the loss of Scottish lives on the ground was not insignificant . We too grieve the loss of life. MacAskill's studied response to the complexities of the tragedy were extremely relevant and pertinent . Compassion is in short supply these days on both sides of the Atlantic as well other places around this world . Megrahi is dying and wants to die . I am not a great admirer of much of the Calvanistic ethos I have grown up with in Scotland but what Kenny MacAskil said was sincere , honest and morally correct .
2017-01-21 08:25:11 UTC
shame you think of like that, so the Scottish regulation became into applied and your blaming the Scottish human beings? So boycott Scottish products because of the fact they're made in the Scottish parliament, or is it certainly? they're made via the Scottish human beings, so boycotting the products punishes the Scottish human beings. that incredibly appears like an incredible thought, at getting back on the regulation that made this mess in the 1st place. Bye the way, it became into no longer a British regulation it became right into a Scottish regulation that became into applied. you're saying "Britain tolerates terrorism", does it, so why are they heavily in contact in international terrorism intelligence with the rustic and characteristic been for years. Come on get actual, your query became into to get a reaction, so nicely accomplished.
That's Dandy :]
2009-08-21 10:08:09 UTC
That would mean they'd need to boycott our oil, which they wouldn't do as they'd lose too much money. Our oil saved the British economy in the 70s. Sad for you. :( Anyways there were quite a few American politicians who supported the IRA and their murders of innocents British citizens. Double standards, no? To highlight the hypocrisy of Americans in the hope they'll get down off their high horses, here's some reading material.
2009-08-21 07:46:06 UTC
IDIOT!!!, do you really think this guy was guilty from the beginning, if he was the yanks would have demanded he be handed over to them, the english did not want him, So he became a hot potato no one wanted,In real life the scots knew his trial was flawed, and if it was flawed he should have had a retrial, or released, That why we have laws in place, If this guy was not so much as a high profile case he would have been released a long time ago or retried, The yanks and downing street did not want to embarrass themselves by digging deeper into the truth, This would offend the victims families and as they had someone locked up this would help to pacify the victims family, The yanks and the english caused this situation, and the scottish government was left to sort this out,They have let a guy that was not tried to the letter of the law and no retrial now would do any good due to the publicity surrounding this man, Boycott us Scots !!!

for telling the truth and sorting out an injustice,,,Go ahead ( IDIOT )
2009-08-21 11:58:59 UTC
I think I can get by by boycotting Haggis.

As or the comment about English war mongers, I was under the impression that the British Government was largely Scottish when the war mongering began. And we still have a Scottish PM (when he's not hiding that is).
2009-08-21 07:41:53 UTC
I agree or rather I agree with your last para's. BUT I have to applaud the Scots for standing against the USA and the pressure brought to them to keep incareated this demon from hell who has never shown remorse.

This guy laughed his way through the trial and showed no mercy for the victims or the families and now as he has a terminal illness he is free to see his family something the victims will never have. BUT where do we draw the line? do we show we are as blood thirsty as he was/still is, is he not a victim of his Country remember he always maintained his innocence and there was no clear cut evidence against him [ I am the devil advocate here]

I belive an eye for an eye but are we not as guilty as he may be for that stand? are we not lowering ourselves to his level by saying stay in jail and rot in pain and die. Unfortunately the legal system have been proven wrong many times with miscarriages - can we really do anything now that he is free on home territory? let the man die and if he has a conscience he will know that while he says goodbye to his family others did not have that choice. he will no longer have the benefits of our NHS or the drugs that maintain him, His death will be painful and have no relief
2009-08-21 07:16:45 UTC
No, because:

1) He was most probably an innocent patsy.

2) How do you define a terrorist atrocity? The US Navy's shooting down of an Iranian airliner resulted in the loss of more innocent lives than the Lockerbie bombing, and no-one was ever punished for that.

And I don't think it has harmed the image of the UK in international eyes, as you put it. It shows the rest of the world outside the USA that we're not going to bend over and meekly pucker up to the Americans just because their government tells us to.

After all America single-handedly refused to hand over IRA terrorists who had killed innocent British citizens in the 70s and 80s, so why should we dance to their tune now?
2009-08-21 10:05:59 UTC
Perhaps Londoners should stop paying through their council tax money that goes north of the border under the Barnet Formula.
Helen S
2009-08-21 11:37:22 UTC
Does that mean we can send Brown and all the other Scottish MPs and Peers presently at Westminster home too? If so then i'm all for it but i seriously draw the line at relinquishing my supplies of specialist Whisky from over the wall!
👑 Hypocrite󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣
2009-08-21 09:42:19 UTC
I suspect that you do that anyway. I guess you neglected to import our world famous common sense and intellect.

Honestly, I quite like bits of Essex, but your neighbours in Suffolk have it better.
2009-08-21 08:00:57 UTC
Hahaha... I'd boycott Essex,if I ever had any intention of going to Chavsville in the first place.

Howsabout Essex boycotts Scotland as a holiday destination too...PLEASE!

Especially you,you look like a creepy sex case.
2009-08-21 07:14:57 UTC
If you are referring to the Lockerbie bombings then I don't see what that has to do with 'teaching the Scottish a lesson'. What an earth has it got to do with boycotting Scottish goods?

If England suddenly releases a near-to-death-anyway terrorist should we just stop selling Yorkshire puddings, Melton Mowbray pies and Hamley toys.

The reason Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was allowed to return to his home country of Libya was to die in three months of Prostate Cancer, yes he is a terrorist but I am sure that he was not the only to blame. He was more than likely to have been following a bandwagon of loads more terrorists.

And the point your trying to make about Scotland trying to stand up to the USA, I just think thats a stupid and absurd accusation.

I think this is just another example of 'I'm English so it's my duty to dislike the Scots'.
Prince of Darkness
2009-08-21 07:26:33 UTC
Ron, get yer facts straight, I just saw Tam Dalyell interviewed and giving the case that the man is innocent, and that the Trial in Holland was a Travesty of Justice. He was at the Trial.

He stated that Teddy Tailor, ye know? the right wing Tory? is ALSO of this opinion and that Delectable 'Dave' should have a wee word with him to get HIS facts right.

Hmmmm, Dunno if we need any lessons from Warmongering fools like the Engs or Yanks!

I Thank You
Vinni and beer
2009-08-21 07:08:36 UTC
I am ashamed to come from the same county as you

honestly people, some essex men are intelligent and can think for themselves.

get and education about lockerbie and the conviction -

get an education about why IRAN, not Libya, planted the lockerbie bomb,and read how the people who blew up Iranair flight 655 were given medals -

Can't you change your name to Mo Ron, and stop bringing down the name of Essex
2009-08-21 07:05:00 UTC
oh yeah n i could just hear u if that guy was found innocent after he died. Whatever they decided - we just couldn't win!

The streets are roaming with criminals and terrorists anyway or do you live in far, far away land that you don't see these people?
angela s
2009-08-21 14:45:06 UTC
" isn't it time they were taught a lesson? " spoken like a true bigot !
marcus VI
2009-08-21 12:57:35 UTC
No, this shameful chapter was brought about by one cowardly Scottish parliamentary minister, bad cess to him !
2009-08-21 08:13:30 UTC
You think they did that without backing?

Don't be daft.

And no - no boycotting. I'll still be having my oatcakes and shortbread tvm!
2009-08-21 07:04:39 UTC
Or maybe the so called terrorist should have been allowed his appeal so the REAL truth could have come out....

The guy was a patsy and set up read more into the case instead of the Daily Mail
2009-08-21 07:36:35 UTC
i am reliably informed by a contact in the US that scotch eggs have been renamed eggs wrapped in wiener meat and deep fried, and that scotch pies have been renamed extremely tasty so get one down your neck jimmy pies
Misty Blue
2009-08-21 08:45:46 UTC
Not your day Ron.

C'mon, surely even you know there's skulduggery afoot here?
2009-08-21 07:29:55 UTC
Aye well you can start by boycotting Scotland`s oil. Your lot have been stealing it for years and giving Scotland nothing in return. So feck off and stay in the South East you poncy bam!
2009-08-21 07:09:35 UTC
Oh please, stop trying to act like the USA didn't have a reason to declare independence from the English all those years ago. Your question is ignorant. But if you can get England to boycott the North Sea Oil, then please do. They've stolen enough money from the Scottish economy over the years. lol
2009-08-21 07:07:44 UTC
Nice to see that someone does not bow to the US, but if it bothers you, maybe boycott Scottish oil and Whisky?
northern lass
2009-08-21 09:55:21 UTC
How about starting with our oil?
Auld Gitz happy as a pig in.....
2009-08-21 07:09:08 UTC
Essex? Says it all really. Have you by any chance boycotted your brain?
2009-08-21 07:10:33 UTC
I´m boycotting Essex.
2009-08-21 07:09:57 UTC
scottish people should not suffer for what their government did

blame the government not the people Scotland has high unemployment why would i make that worse for ordinary people who did not make this decision
2009-08-21 07:09:38 UTC
ok, throw yer telly in the skip along with

yer phone just to mention a few things we

gave you.
2009-08-21 07:50:59 UTC
You are an abhorrent supporter of state-sponsored terrorism.
Andrew S Calm before the storm
2009-08-21 07:06:51 UTC
The U.K. has already done just as much harm by banning Michael Savage and Geert Wilders.

Conservatives in the U.K. should replace the Labour Party as quickly as possible.
Dream life
2009-08-21 07:06:48 UTC
No, The scottish, Welsh and Irish have my up most respect for standing up to the fecking English.
2009-08-21 07:03:14 UTC

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