Poll after poll has shown that the BNP is the party that best mirrors the views of the Brit people. Is it...?
2008-02-16 02:07:06 UTC

Is it fair that we have a 'first past the post' electoral system that virtually forces people to vote for the established parties rather than the party they really support?
32 answers:
2008-02-16 02:12:39 UTC
2008-02-16 07:45:33 UTC
BNP this, BNP that, BNP the other!!!!!!!!!

As long as people are discussing the BNP then eventually the light will shine brighter.

Many on here are giving them a good slagging, yet as has been said, there is not one single party that even touches on the one subject which is close to everyone's heart at the moment, Immigration!

The BNP do broach this subject, agree or disagree, they are the only ones who are prepared to discuss it. Now imagine that when they do eventually see the light and tone down their demands, get rid of griffin and co. and appeal to a greater number of people, then you will see a vast change in the political make up of the UK.

The major established parties are commiting Hari Kari with their attitudes to open immigration. The only hold up is that the populace are looking for a reasonable alternative.

When the BNP do eventually fill that gap, then perhaps the white residents of this country can start to hold their heads up again and stop being the laughing stock of the world.

All of this discussion, wether for or against the BNP helps their cause and long may it continue.

Repeated crimes and acts of terrorism by foreigners within these shores will ensure that the worm will turn.

Glad you are all helping

2008-02-17 01:23:34 UTC
You don't need a poll to know that the BNP will do well at the next General election. For a start they hope to field candidates for every seat in the houses of Parliament. No, it is not fair that a minority government should be able to rule

It is also not fair that the three major parties are using corruption to pay for their election campaigns and as most of the SWP supporters keep reminding us honest parties like the BNP and UKIP are struggling to make ends meet.

Your right the BNP do represent the view of the British Native population but so do UKIP and these two parties are the only real alternatives we have to get our country back into what it was. Voting main stream is simply a wasted vote.

What do we do about it? both parties need funds to carry on so, keep your donations rolling in and remember every penny counts. They thought we British were done for but I tell you something, how many times have they made that mistake?

Mr Sceptic
2008-02-16 15:29:55 UTC
Once again, a BNP supporter selectively reports this old poll to spread their hate politics.

Why didn't you draw attention to:

UK should withdraw from EU - 32% support

Halt all immigration to UK - 48% support

Deny immigrants bringing families - 43% support

Non-whites are less British than whites - 11% support

Encourage immigrants to leave - 22% support

All stated BNP policies that only a minority of British people agree with.

Yet even with this level of supposed support, why when it comes to a national election cannot the BNP even muster 1% of the total vote?

Because the British people know that whatever the stated policies of the BNP, they are really a bunch of racist thugs with a whites-only Britain agenda. So only the racists and those too stupid to see that consider voting for them.
2008-02-16 03:39:45 UTC
The BNP is not the party of choice for most Britons.

British people are fed up with uncontrolled immigration, both legal and illegal. They are also fed up with some migrants attitudes to this country, sponging off the state, supporting terrorism, refusing to mix in, crime etc etc.

However, the vast majority of Britons are NOT Racists or Fascists, and have always accepted a reasonable amount of immigration, and have been welcoming to those that came here and fitted in to British society, worked for a living, obeyed the laws, respected the culture, and were loyal to Britain.

Regardless of the first past the post system, how many people actually voted for the BNP at the last election? Errm, very few is the answer.

They are unelectable, just like the Socialist Workers Party!

The BNP has no real policies, and is unashamedly racist, wishing to see EVERY person of foreign origin deported from Britain, simply because of their ethnicity.....that would also mean deporting many that are feircley loyal to UK, and who love this country, its people etc and who contribute greatly to britain, unlike so many of these home grown CHAV scum that go around kicking people to death in front of their own kids!

PS I can understand some people in certain areas becoming so frustrated with their towns being literally colonised by large groups of migrants or communities from other cultures, eg in Oldham, Bradford, Leeds, Wakefield, Blackburn and parts of London etc.
2008-02-16 02:34:28 UTC
The party in power power isn't really the problem and I doubt the BNP would be any better. They have a few ideas that really don't sit comfortably with most British people and it's those ideas that will ensure the BNP never get elected.

The problems in this country aren't about party politics it's more to do with politicians who are too scared to do or say anything that might upset anyone. They are elected to represent us but they tow the party line regardless of the wishes of their constituents. Why? Because they're too cowardly to stand up to the party even if it's wrong.

They take their pieces of silver and sell us and the country down the river - they are the lowest forms of lieing, corrupt, spineless scum.
2016-10-08 04:28:21 UTC
ballot after ballot, eh? What, the single you have suggested and which different ones? in simple terms because of the fact some people proportion the perspectives does no longer mean they are going to vote for you. maximum people comprehend the distinction between a comedian tale and actuality. and you will supply up bleating approximately first previous the submit too. Your lot tried to get seats interior the Scottish Parliament by potential of utilising the checklist vote which operates below proportional representation and you nonetheless did no longer get a seat. sturdy grief, even the eco-friendly occasion have been given 2! One p.c. of the final vote became into all you purchased. no longer adequate, fortuitously.
2008-02-16 04:00:20 UTC
most voters (middle-upper class liberals) hate the bnp due to propaganda from the BBC and other biased media, making the "BNP BRAND" of BNP = racist, fascist, etc.

also the bnp has no real policies or agenda for the economy etc, they are just anti-immigrant.

also if they did win an election somehow the queen would not let them start a government, to stop what happened to germany in world war 2 happening to england...
2008-02-16 02:54:15 UTC
I imagine that in most constituencies there wouldn't even be a BNP candidate, a fact which is also true for other minor parties. Therefore, that alone would prevent the electorate from voting for any of the minority parties, including the BNP.

A lot of people, understandably, are very angry indeed with this current Government. It would take a very strange person indeed not to be. Extremes toward the 'left' tend to create swings to the 'right', based on anger and downright frustration.

It is understandable, why peoples anger would point them in the direction of the BNP, or perhaps, UKIP. Their headline policies seem attractive, and offer people what they see as the answer to this unpatriotic and traitorous totalitarian regime.

The thing that tends to make people hesitate, in the case of the BNP, is the extent to which they would be prepared to go to bring about what they regard as the answer to our problems. Lets not forget, that it is the provocative behaviour of the 'left' that has caused such anger in normal right thinking people.

This Government, therefore, in my mind, is every bit as odious in its past/present behaviour, as anything that the BNP might plan to do. The one has caused the other, and I would like to see more criticism of this current administration, rather than the usual rants against the BNP, which adds a lot of heat, but no light.

It is often overlooked, that the BNP are a legally constituted party, and as such, in a democracy, are entitled to be heard. Their treatment by the likes of the BBC and other media outlets, is quite disgraceful, and only adds to the frustration I referred to above. Truth is, the media are afraid that they will strike a chord with the British people, that is the real reason that they are not allowed to put their case. By accepting this situation, we are threatening our Democracy and playing into the hands of this Government.

Regarding our electoral system. Proportional representation sounds attractive, but you would end up with a lot of small parties represented in Parliament, none of whom would have overall control. You would end up with a talking shop where none of the parties were strong enough to direct a coherent policy. You would end up with countless alliances, and confusion inside and outside of Parliament. No party would be in overall charge, and who would represent the country abroad?
Carol x
2008-02-16 02:23:05 UTC
BNP Its a bit like the Liberal democrates..... a few great ideas but no one to sensibly carry them forward.

I am a person who is very keen to continue a multi cultural society, yet, I do believe that alot of British people ARE peeved off at the present situation.

Did we just not hear last week about the Maternity units that cant provide a proper service anymore due to the influx of immigrant mothers using the service? That is inherently wrong!

It IS unfair that we have the first past the post system... I mean if ONE THIRD of the country votes Tory & they win... that actually means TWO THIRDS of the country didnt want them in!!! All very surreal!
2008-02-16 02:57:19 UTC
It's not the system that matters it is the 3 'main parties'(And the BBC) who deliberately do anything they can to stop anyone else muscling in on their cushy number so slur the party with words that'll tarnish them.....It is about time they were all taken to court for liable. After all if anyone is racist surely it is the 3 'main parties' who seem to love the most racist of laws the 'equal rights law' that discriminates against the natives of this country!!!!
Dr Watson (UK)
2008-02-16 02:55:59 UTC
People say they support the BNP but when it comes to election time they opt for one of the three major parties. The BNP has yet to make any kind of break through in main stream politics because not enough people vote for them. The mechanics are there already for people to vote for who they support.
2008-02-16 02:24:50 UTC
No such poll, except ones rigged by the BNP itself. Both my grandfathers were injured in the WWII to rid the world of the Nazi scum and all other extreme right wing political forces. Anybody who supports the British form of Facism as practised by the BNP is a traitor to the memory of all the allied victims of WWII.

Would it be 'fair' to have a BNP government which would create a biased community in favour of their supporters. I think many of their supporters are just impressionable simpletons who's 'brain' is easily washed. Even bearing in mind the frequent incompetences of politicians (socialists, liberals and tories) I'd far sooner have them than the BNP.
2008-02-16 02:24:35 UTC
That poll by the way is coming on three years old. Also in the poll at the ballot box a few weeks later, the only one that counts they were the tenth party in order of votes. with not even a quarter of a million votes. Proving they are not popular at all. Which going by that poll they happened to ask around 220 of the voters that voted for them. Think of that they asked in fact less than one percent of the people who voted for them in that years general election.

Unlike the BNP the conservatives have not had a failed election candidate jailed for trying to make explosives. Nor does the conservatives have doing web master for them a person who tried to blow up a school. Only failed due to they did not connect one wire right, So much for been tough on crime they refuse to aid the police in the investigation into such things as the Soho bomber, a member of the party who wished to start a race war and of this failed local election candidate who was jailed in July for trying to make a bomb.

Paul D I have read the web site before they changed the parts that were racist and bigot. Until November they had such things as all people will have to do national service are lose the right to vote. That concensius objectors would instead do such things as work in mines most of them closed by the way. But even after doing so will not be allowed to vote. They also did not mention any persons that could not do national service in that bit of rubbish such as if you are unable due to illness are inform health would you lose the right to vote. Then there was their part about deporting all immigrants. Now considering that most of the property in Britain is owned by immigrants are people married to immigrants they will have to pay these people for that property. Some 500 billion euros in value of savings and such. Now could they explain how they are going to get their hands on that kind of money in one go. Not to mention leaving the EU. this would lead to one thing as well most of the companies that set up in Britain do so because it is part of the EU why would they set up in Britain if it was not part of the common market.
Paul D
2008-02-16 05:38:36 UTC
Unlike a lot of people answering this question, I've actually had a look at BNP website. It makes for some interesting reading, I especially like this section:

I've seen polls that show support for BNP policies, that support drops when people are told those policies belong to the BNP, not one of the "big three". I believe that people are so scared of being branded racist, that the BNP will never become a major political player.

It took years for Sinn Féin's political re-branding from terrorist mouthpieces to legitimate political party to work, I don't think the BNP can wait that long.
beth x
2008-02-16 02:23:33 UTC
Even with proportional representation the BNP wouldn't do very well at all, and to say that the BNP mirrors the views of British people is ignorant in the extreme.

When will people realise that the major problems we have in the UK are not about immigration or asylum seekers. Yes, the immigration issue is one that needs attention, but the mismanagement of public services, our schools, crime, etc., etc., are all things that need sorting. The muslim/immigration issue is just a bloody smokescreen. If we are busy blaming the immigrants, we are not going to look at the real culprits - our sham Labour government.
2008-02-16 04:41:16 UTC
You were saying.....

Try the immigration section, that's where the BNP supporters tend to hang out. lol
2008-02-16 06:21:28 UTC
Most Brits, of which I am one, are too decent and intelligent to ever vote for a racist, neo Nazi group like the BNP.

Do you know BNP policy on Jews, Blacks, Gays, and Asians? They say they would 'repatriate' them.

In other words: kick them out the UK.

Do you care that several BNP leaders have served prison time after unprovoked assaults on Jews and Asians?

Do you care that some of the BNP literature DIRECTLY imitates the Nazi propoganda of WW2?

No sane, decent Brit votes for BNP.
2008-02-16 02:45:47 UTC
All of the mainstream parties have lost the plot and are all singing from the same hymn sheet regarding the open door policy on immigration,moral breakdown and lawlessness in society and using global warming as an excuse for higher petrol prices and "green" taxes.They are all perfectly willing to sell Britain down the river over the EU and people who disagree with any of these policies have very little choice other than to turn to the BNP.

Critics of the BNP accuse them of being a bunch of crooks but unlike the Conservative party the BNP has never had two cabinet ministers jailed for lying in court and perverting the course of justice.And unlike the labour party they have never lied to the country over weapons of mass destruction and taken the country into an illegal war, causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people including children.
2008-02-16 02:28:49 UTC
This will be the poll that the BNP creates in the knowledge that the general British public do not want the BNP...

And yes it is a fair system that has worked perfectly well for many years and will continue to do so...

BNP...Representative of British feeling...BOLLOCKS...
2008-02-16 02:38:37 UTC
Its not that the people don't want the BNP its the media hype that's putting them off the party, and who owns the media, the very people who don't want the BNP governing this country. Democracy in its lowest form, that's all one can say.
2008-02-16 02:18:28 UTC
People do not wholly support the BNP, OK so most of the country are sick of the immigrant situation including the majority of the British ethnic community but no one i know or would want to know supports the revolting ethnic cleansing and criminal intents of this so called political party.
Helen S
2008-02-16 03:12:42 UTC
Even if we had to keep this shambolic crew at Westminster for another 10 years i would have that rather than a bunch of thugs pretending to be politicians. They are vile, horrid, non-intelligent, homophobic cretins! The only card that they play is the race card! They certainly do not mirror the views of the BRITISH people nor do i know anyone who supports them apart from a random exbusiness man who lives near us whos wife left him after years of abuse both physical and verbal and he is just typical of these low-lifes.
2008-02-16 03:19:26 UTC
The link you have posted is to a BNP webpage which mimics the official UK government ones in its URL and sets out to confuse people, everyone beware.

The above is an example of one of the government URLs.

Bad luck mate, you've been rumbled by all the good people on YA, so back to the drawing board.........
Dee L
2008-02-16 02:17:35 UTC
The information also says that 62% of those polled would not vote for the BNP or associated type party.

Therefore they would be likely to rally support in other parties who would form a coalition government to keep them out of they wouldn't get in anyway.
2008-02-16 08:57:48 UTC
I don't know what polls you read, but you talk a load of rubbish.
2008-02-16 03:04:35 UTC
The BNP have one policy - "send all immigrants back". If that's enough to run a country, I'll chew off my left foot and post it to you.
2008-02-16 02:33:04 UTC
Twats, all of them, mindless racist scum bag twats who are just a joke.

They have never amounted to anything and never will.

most BNP have the IQ of a lettuce, sad really, what it must be like to be consumed with hate and be the laughinng stock of the rest of us.
2008-02-16 02:38:02 UTC
we all moan about others taking jobs benefits and housing so are not we all racist
The Landlord
2008-02-16 02:16:51 UTC
poll after poll my ****. BNP are a bunch of twats and shouldn't be taken seriously. Their arguements fall apart under any kind of close scrutiny.

I know of no-one who would vote for them
2008-02-16 02:15:17 UTC
Their thoughts may be true but their methods are discraceful.
2008-02-16 02:15:19 UTC
The BNP deserve to be hanged, Nazis of Britain.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.