I imagine that in most constituencies there wouldn't even be a BNP candidate, a fact which is also true for other minor parties. Therefore, that alone would prevent the electorate from voting for any of the minority parties, including the BNP.
A lot of people, understandably, are very angry indeed with this current Government. It would take a very strange person indeed not to be. Extremes toward the 'left' tend to create swings to the 'right', based on anger and downright frustration.
It is understandable, why peoples anger would point them in the direction of the BNP, or perhaps, UKIP. Their headline policies seem attractive, and offer people what they see as the answer to this unpatriotic and traitorous totalitarian regime.
The thing that tends to make people hesitate, in the case of the BNP, is the extent to which they would be prepared to go to bring about what they regard as the answer to our problems. Lets not forget, that it is the provocative behaviour of the 'left' that has caused such anger in normal right thinking people.
This Government, therefore, in my mind, is every bit as odious in its past/present behaviour, as anything that the BNP might plan to do. The one has caused the other, and I would like to see more criticism of this current administration, rather than the usual rants against the BNP, which adds a lot of heat, but no light.
It is often overlooked, that the BNP are a legally constituted party, and as such, in a democracy, are entitled to be heard. Their treatment by the likes of the BBC and other media outlets, is quite disgraceful, and only adds to the frustration I referred to above. Truth is, the media are afraid that they will strike a chord with the British people, that is the real reason that they are not allowed to put their case. By accepting this situation, we are threatening our Democracy and playing into the hands of this Government.
Regarding our electoral system. Proportional representation sounds attractive, but you would end up with a lot of small parties represented in Parliament, none of whom would have overall control. You would end up with a talking shop where none of the parties were strong enough to direct a coherent policy. You would end up with countless alliances, and confusion inside and outside of Parliament. No party would be in overall charge, and who would represent the country abroad?