you can only vote the way you feel at the time you vote
there is a lot of bullsh//t pushed by both sides - but mostly by brexiteers
the cost to YOU of being in the EU is about £2.5/day
the cost to YOU of the amount the UK gives in foreign aid is about £2.8/day
NO country in the world is in 100% control of what happens inside it
What happens in EVERY country depends on the value of its currency
THAT is determined by the international market which comprises every country in the world
YOU will never be in control of what happens in this country
the government and parliament will, and you will only get chance to change things when there is an election
The problem will ALWAYS be - that government has ot take decisions based on whats best for the country (if you happen to be worse off as a result then tough)
the key thing that government MUST do is try to keep the value of the countr's currency as stable as it can
(when the referendum voted to leave the EU the value of the £ fell by 15% - bet the prices you pay in shops has gone up
In 1992 those markets decided the £ was overvalued - so its "value" in the market started to drop
TO try to keep its value where it was- Normal Lamont increased the bank rate up to 15% (that would have put mortgage rates up to about 18%) also also pumped around £2 billion into the market to keep the value of the £ up
HE failed - the UK lost that £2bill , and the £ dropped in value by 25% (so EVERYTHING we bought from other countries cos a hellova lot more than they did a week before (a decrease in value of the £ by 25% means you need to find 33% more £s to achieve the same amount of the currency you are buying
for example you are buying something from the US that costs $100 the £ is trading at 2$ to every 1£
(you sell 1£ you get 2$ in return) - so day 1 you only need to find £50 to trade into the $100 you need to buy it - But day 2 the £ now drops in value by 25% - so now you dont get $100 for your £50 - you only get $75
if you still wanna buy you need to get another $25 and thats gonna cost you another £16.7
So what would have cost you £50 yesterday is now gonna costs you £66.67 and THATS an increase of 33% over what you originally needed
(I was in process of buying some hi- tech equipment from the US at the time- WE had to terminate the purchase cos its price went way beyond our budget . Unfortunately there was nothing even close to it available in the UK - so NOT getting it set my company back I reckon about 5 years)
THATS how much control the UK has in controlling its own affairs
It only has SOME control over what happens INSIDE the UK - it has little control over what happens with the UK in relation to other countries
One last thing-
1) AFTER the UK leaves the EU the EU will STILL be the 2nd largest economy IN THE WORLD - YES its bigger than china's
2) AFTER brexit there will be 480 MILLION people in the EU - THAT's a higher population than the US Theirs is 360 million_ - WE are 62 million
3) WE import 60% of ALL we import from the EU
WE export 40% or EVERYTHING we export to the EU
YES the EU will be affected when we leave the EU - but WE will be affected a hellova lot more - cos the stuff we import/export to them is a large part of our economy but only a small part of the EU economy (remember even without the UK the EU will STILL the 2nd biggest economy IN THE WORLD)
4) YES we will be able negotiate our own trade agreement with the rest of the world BUT thats gonna take time - What are we gonna do until then?
YES we can rely on WTO rules- but NOBODY can be forced to trade with us unless THEY want to
AND WTO rules aint anywhere near as good as the ones we already have with the EU and trade deals the EU has negotiated with the rest of the world on our behalf -
- you buy new zealand lamb ? - If so thats thanks to a trade ageement the EU has negotiated with NZ
If there is a "no deal" then you wont be ABLE to buy NZ lamb any more until the UK gets a trade agreement with them - cos its the EU that has the agreement and WE wont be part of the EU any more
5) brexiteers think that by leaving the EU we will be able to control immigration
We have ALWAYS been able to control immigration from non- EU countries
ONLY thing thats gonna change after brexit is the countries they come from
(last immigration figures- immigration from EU gone down - immigration from rest of world gone up
Overall immigration has increased but now its mostly from rest of world by far (which we have ALWAYS been able to control)
6) brexiteers also think that by leaving the EU we can put the UK back to where it was in the world 50 years ago
WE cant - THAT world dont exist any more- EVERY country in the world has moved on in those 50+ years
(WE lost the ability to dictate to other countries what they could and couldnt do long before even then)