Here are two good Web sites about the Berlin Wall.
The Festival of Freedom will commemorate the end of the wall. It is coming up in about 10 days. Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article about the festival:
20th anniversary celebrations
On November 9, 2009, Berlin will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with a "Festival of Freedom", during which over 1,000 foam domino tiles over 8 feet tall will be stacked along the former route of the wall in the city center and toppled.[59]
In the United States, the German Embassy is coordinating a public diplomacy campaign with the motto "Freedom Without Walls" to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The campaign is focused on promoting awareness of the fall of the Berlin Wall among current college students, and students at over 20 universities will participate in "Freedom Without Walls" events in late 2009.[64]
An international project called "Mauerreise" – Journey of the Wall takes place in various countries. Twenty symbolic wall bricks are being sent from Berlin starting in May 2009. Their destination: Korea, Cyprus, Yemen and other places where everyday life is characterised by division and border experience. In these places the bricks will become a blank canvas for artists, intellectuals and young people to tackle the “wall” phenomenon.
Also, check out these Web pages on the Festival: