What is your reaction to the Mumbai terror attacks ?
2008-11-28 01:22:20 UTC
How have such frequent attacks in public places in our cities changed you? What was your reaction to yesterday's two day long siege in Mumbai? How has this affected you?
54 answers:
2008-11-28 22:12:33 UTC
Mr spider 11.. and Mis anita from spain and other people of their mind set are lacking in knowledge and having a small brain like these extremists are having!!! its very easy to say that pakistan is responsible but its impossible to prove because its not true. to call Muslims as terrorist is not fair because terrorists dont belong to any religion their religion is terrorism! A Hindu can be an Extremist and you people have proved that some of the Hindus are because without any research you people are blaming Pakistan and Muslims. extremist means that closing your eyes from the reality and doing whatever you find right, so you people have closed your eyes from the true picture of the attacks and blaming Pakistan and Muslims. first of all pakistan is not involved in it and lets suppose if pakistan is involved then its a big slap on the face of your government as well as on yours too, that your security is so poor that they failed to smell the threat and some young boys destroyed the the biggest city in such a well manner, it is redicules that indians are not working out for the effecties but they are only working on "how to indulge Pakistan in this Issue" wake up indians your government is doing all this drama and BJP is involved in this activity to get the favour in elactions because they want to prove that Congress is failed to run the government and cant secure the life of innocent people. this is extremism that indian media, government and now the general public is blaming pakistan without any evidence. the tragedy of Samjotha Express was also blamed as the Extremist Activity done by Pakistan but the real man behind him is an indian army person Major Prohat is his name and he has accepected that he was the master mind of that activity. at the moment he is in an indian jail so soon another indian army officer will confess for the mombay attacks so polish your extremist faces for another slap.
2008-11-29 02:32:18 UTC
I first thank all the armed forces that are involved in this operation for their bravery and thoughtful approach to the situation but i still think their reaction time to reach the situation was too late. What I imagine is the NSG guys planned everything else where and then they had to come to mumbai to counter the terrorists but they could have done this faster if two teams did this like one team which plans elsewhere and the action team implements it immediately without much time waste. I think some more lives could have been saved.

Also through out the entire situation the NSGs never used any flash bombs or any tear gas bombs while attacking the Terrorists, which could have been a safer approach as it would not kill the hostages too. Anyway, they must have thought it out. I feel this attack in a way did good to all the citizens in India and else where too. Now we know the terrorists are thinking at least 6 months ahead of us and we are totally surrounded by terrorists who can attack us anytime and we are not ready in anyway to tackle these guys with this kind of corrupt politicians and unequipped police.

I would like to conduct a survey asking if how many believe that Indian politicians are corrupt.
Soumitro C
2008-11-30 21:43:22 UTC
It was an Attack to our Nation, Humanity and the People of India. We all shocked and are in Pain. This could happened to us. Noone is Safe in India Except the Politicians. Enough is Enough. 1971 war, kargil war, Bombay Blast and all the Other Blasts which was happened in recent past in other parts of our country which directly points out the Involvement of Pakistan, then why the hell our Politicians are not taking any action against PAKISTAN.

As an Indian Citizen we should all stand up and ask our so called Politicians that this is High time now and we have to take an action against those Culprits. If they can't then we should rule out Democracy and Implement President Rule. If we cannot bring President rule then we need Politicians like S.C Bose or Sanjay Ghandhi or Rajiv Gandhi not Like Politician who needs someone others help to walk properly.We need Young and Brave Politicians who can take Responsibility.

Everytime why should we become the Victim of terrorists. Why not those Politicians? Why they keep NSG Security with them why not they roam without any Security them they will realise the Pain of a common Man.

At last i can only say that this attack is a Entirely our Politicians failure and they have to accept this. If Intelligence agencies have already Informed the centre then why they have not took any action.

We salute all of them who has lost their Lives in this attack.

Jai Hind!!!
2008-12-01 19:46:47 UTC
As a New Yorker, this whole incident brought back the World Trade Center tragedy for me completely.

I do so identify with the people of Mumbai right now. Their city is like my hometown of New York City - a huge, fantastic, multicultural, busy, international city! These are wonderful places where many people find a way to live together, usually peacefully.

I can't stop thinking about what happened over the past week over there, and my heart grieves for you. As usual, the American press is dwelling on the Western tourists and businessmen who were killed or injured, but with so many dead, the vast majority must have been Indian citizens. I can't tell you how sorry I feel for you! I wish I could do something to help.
deepak k
2008-11-29 17:14:26 UTC
hello mr indian and sami paki. there is no need to fight at this moment it is just that the terriost who was caught is telling that this has pakistans involvement so friends there is an investigation going on . and nothing has been prooved yet this will take some time and yes if we teh general people are fighting upon this in this childish manner then from where will the dream of having peace will come true and when will the threat of innocent people loosing their lives will be over come on u guys tell me i agree with sami paki that terrorist have no cast except terrorisom. but then yes i would aks you to be sorry for the commment you have made on india being a week country . you guys need to take that in recent past even your country had many terror attacks. and as u assumed that if this had to do with pakistan involvement then it is to be a tight slap on the face of india then the trerror attacks in ur country are much tighter slaps if it has to be true. i am not disrespecting anyone out here and i dont even mean this it is just that i am trying to explain YOU THAT WE RESPECT EVERY ONE AND EXPECT THE SAME FROM OTHERS AS WELL. OUR DREAM IS TO END TERROR AND NOT ANY NATION OR ITS INNOCENT PEOPLE
2008-11-28 20:04:24 UTC
The attacks has certenly made a negative effect on our lifestyles. Though i hail 4m pune.I think nothing can damage the INTEGRITY of the Indian. And if they try to play with our integrity they will be punished severly. Killing innocent people to show their so-called-bravery is such a cowardice act. Due to the recent Mumbai attacks the security in all parts of India has been beefed up. The common man is being quistioned about safety.

Lastly, i would like to salute the spirit of 'Mumbaikars', who are known for living in the PRESENT and not making fuss of the situation ...i would like to tell them that u are not alone.. We (each & every citizen of India) is with you.Be vigil. If u come across any suspicious thing/person contact police. Take Care.
2008-11-28 14:31:17 UTC
This terrorist attack shows the biggest intelligence failure of Indian gov, and also innocent citizens are paying the price for the soft laws against terrorists threat in India. Indian politicians are mainly responsible for this act.I hope that this incident will change the way the Government of India will approach terrorism in India in the future.but I am very pecimistic about this, simply because terrorism has become religious issue in India, and the present government does not want to loose vote by bringing tough laws agaist them.We should heave already learned from the past bomb blasts and also parlement attack incidents, inspite of that, In India they are playing blame game. When two Israeli soldiers were kidnaped by Lebanon, Israel considered it as attack on their soil, and they brought the enemy on their knees, But when so many cross border firings happen almost weekly basis, to give cover for the infiltrating terrorists and so many soldiers die in India, politicians go to shake both hands and sit for dialog. Only country like India can do this in this world.But I want to salute the brave soldiers and commandos of India who who fought and killed the enemies of India today in Mumbai. The first step to fight terrorism in India is issue of identification cards to every citizen, so the illegal immigrants issue can be solved, and also tough border control and tough anti terror law.Unfortunately India has become most unsafe place for not just Indian citizens also for tourists. India has become a safe heaven for Islamic radical extreme groups, which is supported by both eliments across the border and also with in.

Jai Hind.
rohini s
2008-11-28 21:23:11 UTC
I proud our millitry and NSG and all mumbai police force that they are trying their best in the need a heartly salute to them the words are not enough for their admiration from such attack not only mumbai the whole india is suffering b'coz the whole india is like body and one of its part it get affected but the pain is in throught the body the pakistani should shame on themselves for such things b'coz the roots of terrorism in pakistan and onwords the people need to be very carefull and alert b'coz anything can happen in india only b'coz of pakisthani the politician should also shame on themselves they also doing nothing for good to india now this is time to people just wake up and take a step for such a fool and greedy politician
2008-11-28 02:42:48 UTC
This is the Responsibility of Religious Leaders, Priests to teach them By doing this they are committing sin, and they are not achieving something great, if they think in humanity point of view they will get what actually their religion and holy books tell and what they reveal and how they perceive it wrongly to do wrong, if they are doing like this they are not a good followers of their religion. all such centers that are encouraging terrorism in terms of god,Religion has to be demolished and those people responsible for this kind of activity are to be put in jail because they are not use full any way to the society.
2008-11-30 02:34:47 UTC
That was sad very sad. But blaming it on Pakistan with in five minutes of Attack is very shocking and really childish and look like preplanned. It could be possible that some of Indian Politicians are involved like they were in Gujarat's Muslim's massacred. And all the so called evidence can be arranged by RAW as well since they are very active in Pakistan.
Anita P
2008-11-28 02:55:07 UTC
Well, I live in Spain and when I got the news I hardly couldn’t believe it was the truth.

As there have been many Spanish politicians in the attacked hotel all TV channels are talking about the attacks and we get more information as usually.

Of course I called my people in India as well and asked them if everybody was all right and if they had some more background news.

I felt shocked in the first moment and I felt helpless in the same way, because I would have liked to do something… whatever.

Then I felt anger and I felt furious… and yes, I also feel a tremendous hate against these terrorists, against the terrorism organization and also against these governments, which hide and tolerate the terrorists in their countries.

This is how I feel right now.

I mean, I am a person who likes to understand everybody’s point of view and I respect everybody’s religion and faith… but I do not tolerate extremism, neither do I support these people who think they are the only ones who hold the truth in their hands… and I hate these people who think that they have to input their irrational and radical ideas by force and violence among innocent people.

I am sorry, but I have to name them: PAKISTAN!

I do not hate this country, neither do I hate the people there, but I am aware that nowadays it is the most dangerous place on earth, the country which literally produces terrorists who are firstly brainwashed and secondly trained for suicide bombing, with the target to destroy everything which is not acceptable due to their false and irrational interpretation of Islam.

Al Qaeda has been born in this radical Muslim s Koran schools.

The question is: Does India have to stand this any longer? What the hell happens with India’s prime minister?? Is he sleeping again??? Why is he so weak?

We are always told that we have to be politically correct and respect other countries autonomy and (crazy) laws that we have to accept certain things from other religious communities, as it obviously is part of their culture… so we have to respect even things which are against any human sense and clearly violating all human rights. Such as cutting peoples hands and feet off as punishment, such as burning girls face with acid because they refuse to wear a veil, such as stoning people, such as burying alive of young women who simply choose their own husbands, such as ritual killings and violations --- and of course we have to keep our mouth shut when these Islamists scream and shout that all of us have to be converted to Islam or destroyed and that they will not stop till they rule the whole world…

So I ask you: How long shall we be quiet?

I always thought that we have to treat everybody with respect, but it is them who do not respect us… neither our culture, nor our religions.
ganesh v
2008-11-30 06:18:26 UTC
According to me and our Indian president Thiru DR.Abdul kalam every indian must be educated .Educated persons elect good government.And educated persons go to work in good organization not organizations like the one involved in this attack.Usually terrorists dont like to negotiate.Their thought is negotiating is waste of time , rather we kill a person to avoid problem.But there is a big unorganized terrorist is growing called "nature".She will become so rude one day that without negotiating she will kill everybody even the terrorists those who are responsible for the mumbai attacks.This alert must be given to every human being that only god nature must be preserved not any meaningless god.If this alertness is there with every human he will never think of carrying a gun.Let nature god bless you all.
You think you know me?
2008-11-28 05:22:36 UTC
As an NRI, of course i was shocked and disgusted. how come they did this? this is like 9/11 and Bali bombing all over again, it's sad really sad. hope this will be over soon, oh and please for the Indian government try to be more responsible in taking terrorist acts, banned or kill every terrorist you know, search every warrant and make a damn difficult pass to enter India right now, specially from the Islamic countries.. i think with that some tragedy can be prevented!
2008-11-28 01:43:37 UTC
It's another example of extremist muslim terrorists attempting to blackmail the free world. They never seem to work out that the more of this type of outrage they facilitate, the stronger and more vicious will be the response. Until they are dealt with, hunted and eliminated, the world will never enjoy peace. It seems it is only the muslims who are intent on destroying any harmony there is in this world. They are an abomination and should be eradicated from the planet. The taking of life is forbidden in the Koran. They preach falsehoods to their people and lie to the rest of us, they lie to their own God. They are dammed!
2008-11-29 04:54:53 UTC
“Long Live Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan“, “Sandeep Unnikrishnan Amar Rahee” - these are the lines that were heard from outside the Bangalore house of the NSG Commando Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and thousands lined up to pay their last homage to the martyr who laid his life to save thousands of innocent people at hotel Taj Mahal Mumbai. On Friday, 28th November 06:00 PM IST Major Unnikrishnan was hit by terrorist bullet when he was taking part in evacuating Hotel Taj from the terrorists.
aarti m
2008-11-29 21:24:25 UTC
.really ****** ...dun have words to say about this coz of this attack..i can't understand what our govt do ..they r just in their own world no body care about anyone just the blood play... the most pwerpowerfulocracy in our india and their is such type of silly attacks happened... dun knw whts the future of our indians.. actually our govegiveeady knw abt this n after the attacks they all are quite n said it is just happen..just thinking about those families who will lost their dear one in this attack..really shameful for our indians.. i think if we all youth will combine and take necenecessaryp and go ahead then we should win the war...this is very shameful for each and every india...beside finding out any way to eradicate this eveievilr govt should blame each other ..hmmmhm mmhing will change here....nothing...every year the no. of attacks will rise and we will do nthinothing.really shamshame full
2008-11-28 15:43:03 UTC
Our Govt is not only soft on terrorism they don't give a damn to natinon's and it's citizen's security. They r too busy planning to make their sons n daughters next PM.shame to them n shame to us who choose such GUDDAR govt to rule our country. Man singh, Sonia and all their party members should be brought in court, be treated same way as a terrorist. Please don't bring this Govt ever again in power.we r better off with some one like Modi or even BJP.And yes where r Thakres and patekars now ? Should'nt they be sent first to face these terrorist instead of our NSG?
rohan ban
2008-11-30 00:37:11 UTC
according to me terrorist can do whatever thay want to do in India due to corruption! wenever there will be more honest minister and law enforcement officers there will be less terrorism in not only in India everywhere in the world. Also govt. should creat more jobs and school so that poor or lower class people dont engage with terrorits for money.
swati k
2008-11-28 07:42:07 UTC
the mumbai terror attack has completely shocked me!!

but what is most appalling is how easy it has been for the terrorists to enter the country, enter the hotels and claim so many lives and create so much havoc. kudos to the NSG but our country needs to wake up. and i don't mean the politicians or our political systems. time and again, our government has proved to be useless. many claims have been made to the governments involvement in this attack.

its high time the people of India wake up to its social and political system. we need to be more aware, more involved, more aware and more demanding of our rights at which time we need to do the utmost justice to our duties. we cant blame the politicians, its our fault they hold the positions they do. we give it to them! therefore we are the only ones to blame!!

may the souls of those who lost their lives rest in peace!

my condolences to all those who lost their loved ones!!
2008-12-01 12:42:53 UTC
I was absolutely floored. The couple in the Chabad house broke my heart. I study with a Chabad rabbi here in Los Angeles and I cried the whole weekend, especially when I saw their pictures. They looked like people I knew or people I should know! Every article I read, every newsclip I watched sent me off into tears again.
2008-11-28 09:23:46 UTC
A country with criminals in main stream politics,with the bloody socialism, with corruption in our blood,i feel our greatest mistakes which our so called fathers did is ,they never revolted for sardar vallabai patel as our prime minister.

A damage has done now at least let us unite and throw throw the old fools out and act in leading the country in a profesional way.

The so called redtapism , the so called corruption, the so called fundamentalists,are to be wiped out .
2008-11-28 20:14:16 UTC
It is not new to me.I have seen this incidents many in Kashmir? First and foremost thing is our politicians should do some thing to our country which is having so-much potential.Instead they misguide people in the name religion,caste and creed which is benefiting this people to do this type incidents.Long back it was Sikhs,Dal its,Muslims and now Christians.According to my experience this type of incidents will increase day by day.

Next we have 5lakh registered god man in this country who squeeze my nation income are they not able to do any thing at this incidents.They do yagnas for rains,peace and all non-sense .Where they are now?
Ahoy S
2008-11-28 13:53:52 UTC
Its high time our beloved PM shed his soft approaches and start using carrot and stick language.Indian armed forces should act now and hit hard to erradicate this cancer.More action and less blah blah.Late PM Lal Bhadur Shastri said Hum eat ka jawab Pathar se degay.Well now the slogan should be Duniya mill ke is cancer ko jhad se khatam karenge . Vande Matram
Husker Fan Man
2008-11-28 01:33:12 UTC
Sad . Angry . Disgusted. It is sad but the acts of a few ANIMALS. Make the rest of the world dislike a region as a whole. Not to sugar cover it. I have no desire to see speak or interact with ANIMALS of said group. The more this kind of stuff happens makes me wish they did'nt even exist. The world would be a better place with out them. Crappy and unjust view. But honest.
Bapu babu, Adv. India.
2008-11-28 04:49:12 UTC
MY PERSONAL FEELINGS : Now, I am more rigorously encouraged towards my nation's most secularistic fundamental parties united in UPA.. May god help them to be more soft ( mulayam like soft ) on all terror related issues concerning India. They must adopt Gandhian Principles in such situations, so that can win the heart and soul of the group / community active in terror.
2008-11-28 03:01:54 UTC
Really shocked.................................. This is very bad thing. I can't understand why the terrorists do all this type of things. They have no fright of God. They made this earth a hell. I think they are without heart men. They don't think about those parents who lost their children, those children who lost their parents in these attacks. If anyways they lost their children and parents what will they react. If they think about these thing not only they i think if all people think about it not a lot only a little bit then this "WORLD WILL LOOK LIKE A HEAVEN".
2008-11-30 22:10:56 UTC
Firstly, My deep condolence to each, KILLED AND INJURED brothers and sisters and ofcourse all the POLICE FORCE / INDIAN ARMY / INDIAN NAVY / NATIONAL SECURITY GUARDS, who has sacrificed their lives for our COUNTRY.

It was a tremendous situation, where most of our Indian Brothers and Sisters and ofcourse foreigners, who visited our India, got killed and injured, made me deep sorrow.

As per reporters, the 10th militant says proudly, they want to make the mission grand success like WTC, U.S.A. Daily, I used to watch in INTERNET and feel helpless.

As I had and have very much interest in joining INDIAN DEFENCE FORCE, by this time, I too would have strived for my INDIA to do more best service.

But, finally, we all should appreciate all the POLICE FORCE / NATIONAL SECURITY GUARDS / INDIAN ARMY / INDIAN NAVY, who has involved in mission and could save INDIA.
2008-11-28 11:10:37 UTC
shocking. I feel that every individual should come together to fight terrorism and not develop hatred towards countries or religion. This is a time for all to help and support Mumbaikars to come out of this horrific and nightmarish incident.
2008-11-28 01:42:54 UTC
Immediate Reaction is thrash the fellow .

Slow reaction is take measures and improve the technology and if possible change mind set
2008-11-29 02:48:12 UTC
saima paki :: In which world u are staying dosent matter how big ur or anyones mind is ur brain can see those picture only that u want to see. 9/11 and uk blast and all the blast happened in India pakistan based terrorist group had involvement in if u want proof i will give u in next post not from Indian media it is from foreign media. only diffrence is we call them terrorist group and u people call them freedom fighter of kashmir. this is alllllll utter bulllsh.... grow up.... u guys wanted to have seprate from India and wanted pakistan and u have it now. we can keep that many muslim in India because of liberliasation in India. why cant u guys fff ur self in ur own country even if we have our own hindu extremist we (our democracy) will tackel them. but ur marshal law cant tackel ur extrimist as in India we might have diffrent religion diffrent caste so many diffrent language and bigest democracy so all the reason that some terrorist groups are giving is because they are looser. even if u will have what u wants u will be like this even if we give kashmir(which we will never now it is time to take it back) u will be still terrorist actually because of the amount of haterate u guys have. Do u know the percentage of muslim populations are doctors

and engineer and scientist it is 14 % of total workforce. just shut the ffff up ... u guys just want scenic front to hide ur ugly thinking.

tell u the turth u guys are just big looser and u cant see ur self in the mirror after u see our progresss. how many Indian muslims or pakistanis have acheived something outside India or outside PAkistan. The only achievements that pakistan got after independence is only in Terrorism and in defence. I bet the day we indian lost our endurance u pakis will regret to ur forefathers that why did they converted them selves from hindus to muslims. go in history more then 50 % pakistan populations were hindus 5 generation prior, dig ur ancestors religion. I beg to u please have a bigger terrorist attack then this i will give my life first to give life to inqulab. Then u seeeee u seeeee what is haven and what is helll u guys dont have much time now start ur countdown.

Indians are frade up now decide u want to live in real world or in history.
narendra b
2008-11-30 22:55:40 UTC
Pakistan govt. has no control on ISI, militant groups and can not curb their activities, India and world is not safe from pakistan govt.'s nuclear arsenels and can ruin the world. Entire world must come together to elemenate these bad elements from earth.

2016-04-09 13:17:59 UTC
i had not imagined that such attack was happened on Mumbai. But after news channel confirmed that was the Terrorist attack we were really shocked
2008-11-28 23:11:19 UTC
it was shocking.we didn't expect this would many peoples were was disaster toMumbai.........we should not escape from this we should fight back.......we should do our best to make Mumbai again a dream we all Indians are ready to fightback.......let's wait n it's our turn to fight.......and we all pledge that we youngsters would come and show our power to make Mumbai again an extremely rocking city!!!!!!!!!

shilpi gupta
2008-11-28 01:51:57 UTC
Sad and at same time angry on our country's security system. No security to citizens what are our leaders doing. Blast such stupid leaders.
shanwaz i
2008-11-29 06:46:56 UTC
i feel so shame about the netas they dont do any thing they always want money and party and they r not in the fear room because they have their guard but we innocent people we dont have our personal guards and i want to say 1 thing that b togather and holdings 1 another hands in this crawod and chang d govt and throwing the terrorist out of the country .i feel so angryand i canot say in words how i feel inside if i find any netas in front of me i shot him onm spot.and last one thing b alert and take care your self and others also.
2008-11-30 14:10:02 UTC
9/11 is in india
yash_000345 y
2008-11-28 20:06:43 UTC
we are bladdy indians becoaus we are always wait.some bodyy come in my house and kill my family,and we are just see,becouse they not kill me,we just thik my self,,,but its not good.we need change my think

i meed today bhagat singh ,,,if we all stand like him bhagat singh and rajguru and if any body darty in my house,then kill the bassted, we are not wait. any come my help.and its my reqwest everybody plz come oon frant and give the answer bladdy bassted. i want to do some think for my country like a soilder becouse every cevilian a soilder.

2008-11-28 03:36:08 UTC
Firstly i was shocked!!!! Too shocked to react! And now, anger has replaced shock....How dare those bloody terrorists attack MY COUNTRY???? How dare they kill my countrymen? How can they be so inhuman.....they worse than even animals!!! Morons....killing for nothing!!! Absolutely nothing!!!

To commandos and other officers incharged - Go for the Kill, Sir!!! Just kill them, like they killed hundreds of our innocent countrymen!!!

I salute all the shaheeds... and may the souls of the victims rest in peace!!!
swaraj s
2008-11-29 21:28:12 UTC
its enough ! now its our turn to react ,we all must unite n fight for our 2nd independence.n now its really very necessary to show d INDIAN blood to d terrorist n terrorism supporting nations.To end this type of frequent attacks we must drop two nuclears ( "JAI HIND", "JAI BHARAT") in pakistan n bangladesh. N THAT WILL BE OUR TRIBUTE TO D MARTYRS.jai hind
2008-11-28 01:49:29 UTC
really shocked to see such damage by terrorists....i have been watching all the news live for whole of night......our forces are trying their best to fight against them.....hope everything get normal as soon as possible
2008-11-29 08:59:39 UTC
Please also investigate why the senior police officer involved in investigation of alleged involvement of Indian Army Colonol in recent bomb attacks was killed by the terrorists.
2008-11-28 01:51:29 UTC
I can't imagine why they'd want to kill innocent people at all.. I wish there were some super heroes in the real world.. I Wish! :-|
2008-11-29 00:57:11 UTC
Ban Koran to stop Jihad but Govt asks ISI Chief to investigate who helps Jihadi Muslims in the latest Mumbai Terror attack -

Qaida in partnership with Lashkar in India -

‘4 terrorists checked in at Taj’ -

Israeli media calls India's reaction 'slow, confused' -

Britain link to Mumbai terror? Speculation rife -

Islamic Jihadis asked for water, said thank you with a bullet -

Arrested terrorist says gang hoped to get away -

Koranic Jihadis want Kafir India finished, ban the Koran, One Indian Taj terrorist was working as Chef -

Quran - (60/4) Lo! we are guiltless of you and all that ye worship beside Allah. We have done with you. And there hath arisen between us and you hostility and hate for ever until ye believe in Allah only.

(4/144) O Ye who believe! choose not disbelievers for your friends in place of believers. Would you give Allah a clear warrant against you ?

(8/39) And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is all for Allah. But if they cease, then lo! Allah is Seer of what they do.

(9/5) Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free.

(9/29) Fight those who do not profess the true faith (Islam) till they pay the jiziya (poll tax) with the hand of humility.
2008-11-28 10:00:20 UTC
All i can do is PRAY THE ALMIGHTY to feed good thoughts to all the people and to lead a peaceful and lovable life.
Kuldeep K
2008-11-28 02:07:16 UTC
I am against the terrorism

and stand with our nation
allwyn d
2008-11-29 18:24:33 UTC
Stop the hate politics
2008-11-29 08:35:38 UTC
it looks you have to end pakistan to end these type of acts of terrorism against India.
2008-11-30 10:28:35 UTC
i think this netas should be hanged and shooted.

i want to pay homage to our brave soldiers who laid down there live while protecting our life & country.i deeply from my very core of my heart want to salute them.
2008-11-28 09:26:06 UTC

I felt very sad on seeing others hunting my own mother nation in front of my eye.
2008-11-30 06:33:00 UTC
Shocked nothing more
2008-11-28 09:04:43 UTC
Ravindra B
2008-11-28 08:19:01 UTC




2008-11-30 12:37:52 UTC
security..and congress govt
2008-11-28 01:26:24 UTC

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