Is the Death Penalty "Cruel and Unusual" ?
2008-04-23 22:22:49 UTC
Lethal Injections have been seen as torture. I would personally choose Mr. Sparky if I were to get executed, only 'cause it is quick. A single bolt to the brain.
But, executions cost more money than spending you're whole life in prison? And, that is only why it should be outlawed.

Prisoners are not even scared of the prospect of state executions for commiting crimes. So what is the point of DP?

And, remember Oz? Shirley Bellinger was evil.
Thirteen answers:
Rod J
2008-04-24 00:20:24 UTC
Only when it's done by the sociopath, not to the sociopath.
2008-04-24 05:42:23 UTC
Well, in any case, the "suspense" or anticipation that builds up before the actual "death sentence" is all the same for each and every penalty.

I would agree with you about outlawing the DP, it's really a waste if what you say about the cost is true. Many people are against it and when you really look at it, there has to be a better way to make people stop committing crimes other than a threat of death sentences.

For those with an argument about how a high degree murderer should be given the DP, I would disagree. What would this really mean? Just another person killed. The US is up there in the ranks for DP's, and even though not at the top, it still doesn't mean that the US shouldn't think about modifying it. I'm with you all the way, remove the DP.

(In the very end though, I'm kinda confused on which side you are on, your statements go against each other)

And finally answering the original question, I would most definitely consider it cruel in the ways in which it is administered, but it depends on how you look at it for "unusual".
2008-04-24 05:32:03 UTC
In my opinion, the people on death row are the worst of the worst. They are violent, they are murderers...and they should get what they deserve. And that is the death penalty. And why should they take up valuable prison space? We need the room for more prisoners. My only objections is HOW LONG they let these guys sit in death row before it is carried out. If you look at the viciousness of the crimes these people committed, they don't deserve to even be in prison for life. Whether they are scared or not, the sooner they are executed, the sooner they get to spend their eternity where they belong.
True Blue Brit
2008-04-24 08:33:51 UTC
I think it is outdated, like hanging, drawing and quartering. We no longer execute here in the UK. I don't believe it actually has any purpose other than revenge (and I would also want that revenge if it was my child etc that was murdered) - few people believe they will get caught, otherwise they wouldn't do the crime.

Many of these people on death row spend years fighting their execution - it costs an absolute fortune, surely far more than keeping a prisoner on bread and water for the rest of their lives.

We have alternative now - life imprisonment. And life should mean life.
2008-04-24 05:38:57 UTC
i personally don't think it's "cruel and unusual" because to some people, like myself, think it could be a good thing to offer. for example, i know i'm no killer, but if i were charged like 2 life sentences with no chance of getting out, i would want the deal penalty cuz i aint gonna waste my time rotting in a prison, i'd rather just die. and as for the ones who don't want to die that are in prison, i'd say leave the death penalty for those ones that are truly horrendous like some others here on Yahoo Answers said to your question. maybe the u.s. or the states can have a set thing on if you kill more than 4 people, you get the DP. i duno... just my 2 cents.
→Ms.RocK-a-HuLA bBy←
2008-04-24 05:51:08 UTC
Not cruel and unusual because would you rather let someone live who committed an atrocious crime or execute them. It used to eliminate the wrongdoers of society, but there will always be rotten apples. It sets an example to others of what will happen to them if they commit crimes, but there are people who still do it regardless of the consequences (there will never be a society w/o crime)
Susan S
2008-04-24 13:33:41 UTC
There isn't a good point. Many people support it because of fears that dangerous criminals will be released into their communities and because they aren't aware of how the death penalty system actually works, or of the risks and the alternatives.

128 people on death rows have been released with proof that they were wrongfully convicted. DNA, available in less than 10% of all homicides, can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people.

The death penalty doesn't prevent others from committing murder. No reliable study shows the death penalty deters others. Homicide rates are higher in states and regions that have it than in those that don’t.

We have a good alternative, life without parole, on the books in 48 states. It means what it says. Life without parole costs less than the death penalty.

The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison, mostly because of the upfront costs of legal process which is supposed to prevent executions of innocent people. (upfront=before and during the initial trial)

The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed?

The death penalty doesn't necessarily help families of murder victims. Murder victim family members have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative.

Problems with speeding up the process. Over 50 of the innocent people released from death row had already served over a decade. Speed up the process and we will execute innocent people.


Death Penalty Information Center,, for stats on executions, reports on costs, deterrence studies, links to FBI crime stats and links to testimony (at state legislatures) of victims' family members.


The Innocence Project, page 3 and 4 on why the death penalty is so expensive for statements of victims’ families


Death Penalty Information Center,, for stats on executions, reports on costs, deterrence studies, links to FBI crime stats and links to testimony (at state legislatures) of victims' family members.


The Innocence Project, page 3 and 4 on why the death penalty is so expensive for statements of victims’ families
Joseph, II
2008-04-24 05:38:51 UTC
I believe that the Death Penalty is "Anti-Christian". -And if WE support it as a Society, then we Support Christ being sentenced to Death by the Authorities of HIS Day- and can NOT be legitimately called "Christian". No excuses. If killing someone who has done something Wrong is the Only way we can think of to deal with that behavior, then we are every bit as hypocritical- as the perpetrator. :(
2008-04-24 05:31:15 UTC
I don't think it's Cruel and Unusual, but I think it should only be reserved for only the most horrendous crimes, which are very far and few.
2008-04-24 11:49:21 UTC
I'm for the death penalty. Sometimes there is no other way to protect society from evil.
2008-04-24 06:53:42 UTC
I think people these days get away with too much. Murderers etc Should pay for what they did I would choose hanging for the horrible people.
2008-04-24 06:20:48 UTC
I think that they should be given the same courtesy that they gave their deceased victims.
2008-04-24 22:44:22 UTC
not as cruel and unusual as what he did to the other guy.

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