Madonna is planning to adopt another child from Malawi - is transracial adoption ethical?
2007-08-29 03:37:40 UTC
Madonna is planning to adopt another child from Malawi - is transracial adoption ethical?
22 answers:
2007-08-29 03:47:12 UTC
I think if someone wants to be able to adopt a child and can continue to teach the child about his ethnic background etc but at same time provide a loving home then I think it is OK.

I think it's very important for the child to remember or be taught his roots from where he came from.

I'd love to adopt a child from any country really and do all the above. Sadly my husband does not want to do so.

I think Angelina Jolie appears to ensure that the children she adopts remember their country that they originated from.
2007-08-29 03:57:19 UTC
Well i don't know Madonna personally so, i wouldn't know if she'd be a good mother, But i'd have thought being adopted and taken to a country where there is the opportunity of education, proper nutrition and a loving family would probably be better than staying in Africa, in an orphanage and risking death by famine or disease. Maybe the kid will grow up, go to university and write a thesis on transracial adoption ethics.
2007-08-29 06:01:34 UTC
One of my closest friends in Ireland was adopted, she is white, she was adopted by a white family.

She endured years of hell, the family she went to were religious and her entire upbringing was about having guilt apportioned to her, she was 'unclean' 'illegitimate' etc etc. As a result she has very low self esteem and practically no self confidence. Perhaps that adoption was not ethical?

Colour and race have nothing to do with the love any parent can give a child.

Madonna has the finances in place to ensure that David and any other children she may adopt can not only be kept informed of their backgrounds, but can also have visits there should they wish to.

At least she's doing something productive, even though some may not agree and wish to shoot her down in flames,
2007-08-29 04:15:16 UTC
I am in the process of adopting a child of a different race.

If all goes well I will have a second child who I will love and cherish as I do my biological son. Ethics about the race doesn`t come into it. I don`t care what race my baby will be .

I`m blonde and my baby will be chinese. She will be my daughter. She will be loved so much. End of.

Another question;

Is it ethical that Madonna goes and handpicks the child she wants?

Is it ethical that Angelina does the same?

Adoptive parents are grilled and put through the mill in a way that you really couldn`t imagine unless you`ve been there.

These famous people are" buying" their babies with their fame.

I started the process two years ago and have maybe another three to wait.

I can`t help but feel really angry and bitter about the ease with which some celebrity adoptions take place.

lol jack ;)

edit; I have no problem with Madonna adopting , she`s in a position to adopt a whole football team if she wants to and good luck to her, I just wish it was so easy for all of us:
Arrmand A
2007-08-29 03:50:33 UTC
Its not a case of if its Ethical, but why dont she just donte lots of money to a school or somthing in Malawi instead and give lots of children a gift of Knowlege.

For some reason I find the stars like Madonna etc, adopting a child very distaistful how the hell can you choose one poor child from the next?
2007-08-29 04:57:25 UTC
I personally dont know Maddonna or her circumstances behind closed doors so cant comment on that BUT i think if a child has a chance of a loving home and upbringing then i think it should be allowed. Every child shoudl be given a chance of that.

I do beleive tho that if the child is moved away from its cultural roots / country then it should be the adoptive parents responsibility to learn themselves and then teach the child his / hers roots and taught about the culture and place that they were born.

I know Madonna case has been a highly publicised one but if you look at some stars like Angelina Jolie, Mia Farrow and a few other stars they have managed to do so without the publicity and are sucessfully raising as far as anyone knows happy and well cared and rooted children. That has got to be better than leaving the children in Orphanges where they starve and are prone to illnesses which in most cases goes on to kill them.
2007-08-29 04:00:42 UTC
There is nothing wrong with transracial adoption. Of course, one should always be mindful of the child's original culture etc - and often this will not be a problem until the chilld grows up and lacks a sense of belonging.

My point is this, why does Madonna not want to give a british or american child a home? The reason is this, she won't be able to jump on a plane with a bucket load of money, pluck the cutiest kid out and pop back home with no questions asked - in short, she won't be able to buy a child. If she were to adopt the proper way, there would be far more questions asked by the authorities for a start. Social workers would be involved and she would have to put a lot of herself into rearing the children who undoubtedly would have problems (children in care are often very damaged by their experiences).

Madonna is a collector of things, a show off, she is not interested in the long term, she is only interested in herself. She can't actually sing that well and needs to stop writhing aroud on the floor showing us all her crotch - she is nearly 50!
2007-08-29 05:31:40 UTC
Personally I don't think it is anyone's business as to whether Madonna adopts another child or not.

There is nothing that has been reported as to her credentials as a mother. If we are to assume that she is a good mother, then what is wrong with it. If she want to adopt a child from a poorer nation, who are we to say otherwise. I am quite sure that if she has gone to these lengths then she will make sure that they are aware of their ethnic background. She would be slighted either way by whatever she does.

My personal opinion. Well done Madonna for using your wealth to make some children very happy while fulfilling your own needs as a mother. It is just a pity there are not enough of you in this world.
2007-08-29 04:20:47 UTC
My view on adoption is clear.

As long as child is in a good home I don't care.

Those who think a child of a different race should be adopted is racist.

If Madonna takes care of the child that is should be the only thing.

I also feel the same about gays adoption if they are good parents is the only thing that matters.

btw: I am a Conservative Christians go figure that one out.
Misty Blue
2007-08-29 04:25:41 UTC
I see what you're getting at.Giving any child regardless of race a better chance at life through adoption can only be a good thing.I do think that where possible a child should be placed with parents or at least one parent of same race.That's not always possible though, sadly.
2007-08-29 04:00:40 UTC
what does race have to do with anything? black, white, asian, we are all human beings, we all function the same way, we all have the same basic necessities in life such as food and water. if madonna is able to adopt and care for a white child, she can easily care just the same for a child from Malawi.
2007-08-29 04:42:45 UTC
If the child is not trafficked or up for illegal adoption and the parents are willing then sure it is a good thing to give a good life to another person.
2007-09-01 13:33:10 UTC
If a child needs parents who love theme what is the problem? Is it because the child is African? get over yourself & get some counseling for you hateret. This is an innocent child who deserves love & a good home.
bottle babe
2007-08-29 03:49:16 UTC
Ethical, I would guess not. These kids will spend most of their time away at creches and the like. What do kids care about riches, how much they gonna cram in of it all? Maddy is a scrubber, whom wants her as a mom?
2007-08-29 03:59:18 UTC
I'm in two minds about this one

I think it is important for a child to be fully aware of its culture and if Madonna can do this then maybe its OK but I have my doubts.

There are also many many many white American/British kids that she and guy could adopt before looking overseas, I am not sure why it is that celebrities go overseas to do this and I do worry that babies of another ethnic origin are becoming fashion accessories and that their reasons are not totally in the best interests of the child. Baby David is a classic example as he has a father still alive, could she not have sponsored David so that his father could still raise him?
2007-08-29 06:11:59 UTC
It's all the rage in hollywood...saving children from 3rd world poverty with my riches looks good for my public image..I am the ultimate of Political racism here.

wonder if she is actually raising these children or is it the hired help doing the work for her.
2007-08-29 03:46:01 UTC
Madonna shouldn't be allowed to adopt anything. Especially not a human being. 'Bugs' maybe, flies too.
2007-08-29 03:50:17 UTC
I think if she wants to help then she can. Shes also helping the community in where they came from, by giving them 3 million to help build schools. So come on all of you that are critersising the women what are you doing to help????????
country bumpkin [sheep nurse]
2007-09-02 03:00:04 UTC
atleast she is trying to help a child to have a life.colour religion and race means nowt to love.
2007-09-01 17:49:37 UTC
With her morals she should not be allowed to adopt.
2007-08-30 15:30:22 UTC
i wish she would adopt me
joan g
2007-08-29 17:51:39 UTC
no its unethical

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