I am in the process of adopting a child of a different race.
If all goes well I will have a second child who I will love and cherish as I do my biological son. Ethics about the race doesn`t come into it. I don`t care what race my baby will be .
I`m blonde and my baby will be chinese. She will be my daughter. She will be loved so much. End of.
Another question;
Is it ethical that Madonna goes and handpicks the child she wants?
Is it ethical that Angelina does the same?
Adoptive parents are grilled and put through the mill in a way that you really couldn`t imagine unless you`ve been there.
These famous people are" buying" their babies with their fame.
I started the process two years ago and have maybe another three to wait.
I can`t help but feel really angry and bitter about the ease with which some celebrity adoptions take place.
lol jack ;)
edit; I have no problem with Madonna adopting , she`s in a position to adopt a whole football team if she wants to and good luck to her, I just wish it was so easy for all of us: