Israel killed 17 journalists ISIS killed 2 SO HOW COME ISRAEL GETS AWAY WITH THEIR DEATHS ??
2014-09-21 19:51:36 UTC
Killing is killing, but it seems that James Foley & sotloff were more important than the 17 journalists killed by the Israelis or is it possible that the media outlets were manipulated by the their owners to keep it low key, why isn't there any interest in their deaths
21 answers:
2014-09-22 10:28:33 UTC
Correction: ISIS BEHEADED and MURDERED the two. With Israel, if any journalist died there was no beheading nor intended murder.

As cold as it sounds, none of these reporters were purposely targeted nor were their deaths utilized to send a message like the ones done by ISIS.

The journalists in Gaza were in a war zone. They knew the risks, and if real I wonder if they followed Israeli instruction for their own protection as otherwise they should've been safe. Israel did inform people to evacuate, though journalists sometimes run towards danger at their own peril.

Besides, the deaths of Foley and Sotloff were used for political reasons, to carry a message. Obviously that'll be picked up.

I do have to ask: While many children did needlessly die in Gaza during a month's span, are you aware that one Sub-Saharan nation saw hundreds of times more children die in that time's span due to violence and warring conditions? The sad fact is that this story was hardly reported to the point that I don't even remember what nation it was, just this startling fact and the recognition that some children's deaths are deemed more newsworthy than others.
2014-09-22 02:58:38 UTC
Well it would seem that ISIS kills journalist to demonstrate their political and religious ideologies and their dissatisfaction with the West, they tell the world of their intent.

Israeli Zionist kill journalist and (other for that matter) to stop them from telling the world, the truth behind the atrocities that they commit, there is a subtle difference.

The USA has made the Muslim religion their new enemy, they need an enemy, otherwise American foreign polities can't work in favour of the arms manufactures.The USA has already fill Israel was American arms.

Obama farts and everybody in Washington shouts, it was the Muslims.

Israel is what one calls a terrorist state, has been since 1948.
2014-09-22 03:02:09 UTC
They don't really care about those journalists, they just want support for their latest oil expedition dressed up as a crusade and in fact, the more journalists that get killed the better as for sure the western media will give it 24/7 coverage.

Israel can massacre whoever it wants, they can lock up & torture children, wipe out entire streets even break the Geneva convention day in day out with their highly illegal settlements, war is not about right or wrong, these are just stories they feed to the idiots to gain public support.
2014-09-23 10:58:37 UTC
There is a difference between bystander casualties of war (not the target, but collateral damage) in an act of war against enemy combatants and deliberate murder of prisoners restrained from conducting warfare under your control. The beheading of James Foley by the ISIS is deliberate murder and was intended and could have been avoided, given the fact the ISIS on the ground has an ability to discriminate between right or wrong. Foley was under confinement by the ISIS and instead the ISIS took him out and deliberately kill him in live TV, for political reasons and to strike fear to the foreign journalists who dared on reporting them. The ISIS dared and intended to kill foreign journalists who seems to be in their way.

That's what distinguished the Israelis from the ones who rather hack off peoples' heads for the hell of it, especially those under their confinement.
2014-09-21 20:22:53 UTC
In Gaza, Hamas admitted on its own al Aqsa TV network to the Geneva Conventions war crime of using civilians as human shields. They encouraged civilians not to leave areas civilians had been warned to leave in advance of Israeli counterstrikes against Hamas targets. Foreign journalists exposed Hamas militants committing the additional Geneva Conventions war crimes of using civilians areas for military purposes and launch rocket attacks against civilians.

If reporters were killed covering that, that's the risks journalists take in war zones.

ISIS executes anyone it considers an infidel. An infidel is everyone that doesn't convert to ISIS's Salafist version of Islam, including both Sunni and Shia Muslims and all Westerners.

Israel's never done that.

Nor has Israel ever demanded the deaths of all unbelievers globally the way ISIS does:

'ISIS audio urges Muslims everywhere to kill 'unbelievers''

Link -

So either you're genuinely deranged, or just pretending to be in order to Fail Troll on Yahoo.

Which is it?
2014-09-23 04:47:04 UTC
You could equally well ask why it took the death of 2 American journalists before the world woke up to the murderous brutality of ISIS, but you're more interested in calumny against Israel...
2014-09-21 22:04:56 UTC
It's all Gaza fault, they put civilians in harms way to begin with knowing that the israelis were going to have to fight a war against the Terrible Hamas terrorists that want nothing more than to exterminate all of the Jewish people in Israel. So blame those who use civilians as human shields before you blame those who are just trying to defend their homeland against those evil cowards.
2014-09-21 21:29:08 UTC
Just because you can find an off-the-wall "news" website saying that does not make it true. While I'm sure you are a complete pacifist and would never lift a finger to protect your children or family, most of the world are not pacifists. Make attempts to kill their children and most people will fight back.

I'm sorry that you feel Israel should simply allow their families to be murdered, either due to your anti-Semitism or your pro-terrorism beliefs. I disagree with you.
2014-09-22 10:12:49 UTC
Another day, another false equivalence posed.

ISIS deliberately captured a journalist, tortured him, and brutally killed him.

Any journalist who was in Gaza was in a war zone which means that they were not deliberately targeted but should expect that they run the risk of injury or death.
2014-09-22 16:24:55 UTC
Because the Zionists own virtually all the media so they get to suppress ALL & ANY atrocities committed by the Israelis so its a case of happy hunting,remember when mossad agents murdered that man in a Dubai hotel ALL CAPTURED on CCTV but hey presto, have you heard what became of that killing ????,ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, the media conveniently made the story disappear
2014-09-22 06:43:43 UTC
there is a difference between accidentally killing someone and doing it on purpose....ON THE INTERNET as a STATEMENT. DUH.

When we first went in to Bagdad, we managed to kill 4 al-jezzera journalists, but didn't kill their damn camera. They were filing from a high-rise apartment. We were taking sniper fire in the area. an M-1 tank crew saw a reflection up in the high rise,thinking it was a sniper scope, and fired a TANK ROUND at them.


If journalists want to go in to an active war zone, they need to be prepared to DIE in the cross-fire or stay out of the way.
2014-09-22 00:58:22 UTC
It doesn't matter how many Israel killed compared to ISIS because Israel and ISIS are best friends. The leader of ISIS is not a muslim. He is only posing as one. He is in fact a jew. So they friends.
2014-09-22 00:31:18 UTC
Israel gets away with murders and more all the time because pro Israel bankers / companies own and run western media
2014-09-22 06:44:24 UTC
I think your number of 17 journalist is as exagerated as the hammas of deliberately bombing childrens day nursery's and hospitals o/k.
2014-09-21 20:06:45 UTC
I must have missed the reports about the journalists firing rockets against the civilial population of a sovereign nation.
Jay H
2014-09-21 19:57:20 UTC
Are you trying to tell me that you do not know the difference between collateral damage due to war, and the act of cowardly terrorism?
2014-09-21 19:53:19 UTC
Casualties of war are different than hacking someone's head off with a knife. I can't believe you are so desperate that you put these on the same level! Israel wouldn't have been dropping bombs if Hamas wasn't shooting rockets into Israel in the first place.
2014-09-22 00:45:07 UTC
Since you are a conservative, you support the efforts of Islamic extremists. Nice.
2014-09-21 21:25:50 UTC

With small dull knives?

oin film?
Simple Simon
2014-09-21 23:55:49 UTC
Never heard about 17 journalisst beheaded by Israel?????????????????
2014-09-22 21:37:32 UTC
YA is where you can read where your head has been handed to you by Jews or whatever.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.