Primarily because it will bring more unstability to an already unstable region. As well, the Iranian President has made it quite clear he has no use for Jews and would like to eradicate them. He even held a Holocaust denier summit in Iran. This man is a megalomaniac, and to put such powerful weapons in his hand would be a kin to giving 3 year old child a loaded and cocked 9mm.
A few other things.
'Some French guy" Is that akin to some muslim guy.?
That's right Iran is part of the non-proliferation treaty, that is why they must let in UN inspectors, and be completely transparent in their quest for nuclear technology, which like Hussain they are not. Israel is not a member of the non-proliferation treaty, therefore there is no requirement for them to let in anyone they don't want to.
Israels 100-200 nuclear weapons, please provide a link for your information, because I believe your estimate is wildly innaccurate and unsubstantiated. Israel has never admitted that they possess nuclear weapons, it's only speculation, and Olhmert has once had a minor slip of the tounge that suggested that they may have them.
Saudi Arabia, to my knowledge has not admitted to having nuclear weapon either. But if they did, wouldn't that be good, would they not protect their Muslim brothers. If not, then why? Is it because they also don't trust the Iranian government.
Loonies? Are you talking about the Isrealis bombing Lebanon, after terrorists kidnaped and killed their soldiers during an incursion into Israels soverign territory.
Or the ones who launch rocket propelled grenades and mortars into civilian areas and kidnap people
Or the ones who let school girls burn to death in a school dormitory because they faces and bodies are not covered.
Or the ones who behead, burn, beat, drag through the streets, hang from bridges, engineers and civilians.
Or the ones who kidnap a missionary group hold them hostage, murder a Pastor...For Money!!
Or the ones who take over a primary school and end up murdering 500 children and some teachers
Or the ones who shoot defencesless Israeli children fleeing a bomb attack, by shooting them in the BACK!!
Or the ones who kill nuns and burn down buildings and advocate bombing and killing over a....CARTOON!!
Or the ones who get on buses full of civilians and blow themselves up, or in train stations, or in tube stations, or in front of hotels or busy coffee shops, all in the name of God!!
You seem to express some outrage about the international community not wanting Iran to have Nuclear weapons, but where is you outrage for the above Loonies, bring dishonour to your "peace loving" religion.
No Muslim peadophiles....sure...I suppose there are no Muslim gays either, right. LOL
Muslims are just as conniving and greedy as their Christian counterparts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. No matter what your faith.
Please...are you saying there are no Christian engineers and doctors in this country...I'm sure you are not that naieve. The chavs may suffer however because all the chippys and takeaways would be closed.
Knock the fu*k out of wives-... you're right, they don't do that. They "educate" them in the ways of respect, and I believe it states in the Quran that this is exceptable. And if that doesn't work, they stone them, or slit their noses, but to be fair they are just a vile to the men, by stoneing or killing them as well. God forbid if you want to leave the Muslim faith, that is punishable by death. But not very fair to the kids is it. They don't even get a chance to choose, and by the time they can learn about all faiths, it's too late. Oh, and lets not forget honour killings, for bringing "dishonour" to the family, whatever the father and brothers skewed idea of that may be.
Loads of Muslims drink and whore around, just look at the UAE or the causeway between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on a wednesday night, cars as far as the eye can see, all going to Bahrain to PARTY!!!
One other thing...If Iran is not interested in making weapons, why didn't they take Germany up on their offer to build a light water reactor and provide them with energy grade plutonium. Instead they say no and want to build a heavy water reactor and build a 3000 centrefuge cascade to refine weapons grade plutonium. Why is that? Save your "America has it" answer, be creative.
J-Lo - actually it's the 13th century according to the Muslim calendar. 1427-1428.