This war in Iraq is a total disaster. We need to pull out of Iraq, very soon. What do you think?
2007-10-25 16:37:19 UTC
This war had nothing to do with "freeing" the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein and bringing democracy to that country.
It has all to do with oil and getting back at Hussein for trying to assassinate Bush's dad, George H. W. Bush.
But like I said, oil also has alot to do with our occupation of Iraq. Remember, Bush is an oil man and Iraq has the oil.
This whole war has torn Iraq apart --- not to mention killing or severely hurting our troops, caused huge casualties
among the civilian population, done alot of damage to their buildings and their infrastructure; it also enabled radical
Muslims to gain power and cause terror there; and there are many, many other grave problems there.

The only ones who really stand to benefit from this war and occupation is Bush, Cheney and others in their group.
Anyway, we just need to leave Iraq, very soon.

Our soldiers in uniform are dying for nothing, in my opinion.
But this is strictly my opinion.

So, again I ask, what do u think?
Eleven answers:
2007-10-25 23:29:00 UTC
The current strategy is to fight until we are able to successfully turn it over to the Iraqi Military and leave as soon as possible after that.

To simply say quit begs the question, where does that leave Iraq? Doomed to the terrorists, Iran or any other country wanting to take their land?

I am sick and tired of the BS about the USA not getting involved in other countries problems. Wouldn't that be nice...than why do we spend so much on relief for disasters, and humanitarian needs? Why do our celebrities go to other countries to care for their children, when we have sick and dying right here at home?

Because we are a nation who cares and it applies to the military support as well as the relief and humanitarian support as well.

I think it is very hypocritical for liberals to want it one way for social programs and another for the military.

Thanks for the question!
Mr. Wizard
2007-11-02 08:36:50 UTC
Every war has hidden agendas. It's been that way for the USA since the Revolutionary War--where both freedom AND money were the real issues.

Here's some other hidden war issues:

Civil War: Slave freedom was a front that allowed enough public support for the North to eye the real prize: Texas Oil (the same prize Mexico once eyed as well). The North was booming industrially, but they simply didn't have the coveted oil for their machines....and the embarrassing ousted South wasn't going to just give Oil it became brother against brother.

Vietnam: Russia was tired of paying North Vietnam's bills--and immense pressure was on the VC to get their act together. They needed a volitale international export industry....and South Vietnam diamond mines would do nicely. Problem was, some US empowered in D.C. had hefty stock options in those very mines.

We just couldn't lose those precious mines to the commies!!!

Ike naturally flowed US troops from Korea into Vietnam....and a reluctant JFK carried it along--until he saw the need to end it. And we know what happened to him for even trying to end THAT war..........

Vietnam was the first "dirty" war the US got involved in; they were surrounded by the enemy in "friendly" terrain in broad daylight on South Vietnamese cities---and the VC ran circles around us in their familiar jungles.

Granada: A rescue mission to protect college kids of some empowered D.C. politicians from a local flashpoint violent uprising. A few Marines I believe were killed in that conflict.

Desert Storm: Bush, Sr's answer for Hussein's "assassination attempt". Daddy Bush blinked when he had Saddam cornered....and let him go!!!
2007-10-26 00:02:29 UTC
Unfortunatly Iraq is a double edged sword. We stay we lose more American lives and money fighting a battle that we "may' win over the terrorist. Remember we already won the first war in Iraq.

We leave Iraq will fall into a civil war in which countless more will die and the USA is to blame.

TThe initial problem was the US went into Iraq ill prepared. Bush had the fantasy that once Saddam was out of office the Iraqi people would envy him. Well like most of things Bush has done he was wrong. When Saddam was removed from power there was no government to put into place so anarchy arose. This caused a lot of problems as every group wanted control. Bush and his drinking buddies wanted Iraq to be a democratic nation, but they wanted to control who was in charge. A little tough to do when the guy you want is the minority and in Iraq you do not cross religious lines.

The US needs to start forcing the Iraqi Government to take control of their own nation. The US military is not a police force, however that is the task they are currently doing in Iraq. Also the US government needs to start training an Iraqi Army for national defense otherwise we will have to keep an army in Iraq to defend them incase of invasion.

I agree that our troops need to come home, but done wrong and they will be back there to prevent a genocide. We need to train an army so that it can defend itself from immediate attack and until back up arrives. The problem is now that anytime there is a conflict in the next 25 years in Iraq the world is going to blame the US for it and require us to go in.
2007-10-31 15:23:29 UTC
What do I think?

I think you're embarrassing yourself with you total lack of knowledge. Wake up. You're living in the past. You can't make a failure out of a success, no matter how hard you try. We're winning this war, our economy is the best it's been in our history. Why do pessimists like you continue to try to make the best times in our history into your idea of a depression? Oh, that's right, pessimists see everything as doom and gloom.

You and the "Jaded Leprechaun" should get together and continue to shut out the real world. Both of you are bent on ignoring reality and living in a sea of ignorance, but that's your choice. Just don't expect intelligent people to believe you and your hate-mongering ways.
2007-10-25 23:51:01 UTC
You probably need to rethink your opinion. The Iraqi people have voted for; and elected their own leaders for the first time in eons. Because of our military the Iraqi Men, Women, and Children now live in freedom and not in fear of a mad and ruthless leader! President Bush is far too upstanding to profit from something like the war he is engaged with! You really need to search and find the real facts of what has and is happening in Iraq and the rest of the World prior to pointing fingers and making in-accurate statements.
2007-10-28 02:21:29 UTC
The Iraq Freedom Congress ( )

is a libertarian, secularist, non-violent, democratic, and

progressive group that opposes Ba'athism, Islamism, and

nationalism -- as well as the US invasion/occupation.

The Iraq Freedom Congress has organized a self-defense

Safety Force that patrols neighborhoods in Iraq (population:

5,000) and has reduced sectarian violence there to zero.

However, far from supporting this effort, US forces have

assassinated the head of these Safety Forces

( ).

News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:
2007-10-26 00:14:59 UTC
the war has nothing to do with George W Bush Sr it all started when Clinton was pres dent when he mad them mad then he left precedence now Bush Jr has to deal with this **** and i think he is doing a dam good job i voted for him and i would vote for him again if i had the change to do so and i have brother over their fighting so don't go their
2007-10-26 11:41:43 UTC
Obviously you haven't been watching the news, or you've been watching the Communist News Network (CNN). Allow me to educate you. The numbers of casualties & insurgent attacks are declining. In Ramadi the unthinkable happened. they held a parade. Yes you heard right, a parade. It celebrate a new peace in the region, an apreciation of our troops, and to tell Al-Quaida to to go to hell. Instead of being one of the bloodiest areas. Ramadi is now one of the safest.

But hey, don't let the truth stand in the way of your crusade.
2007-10-25 23:41:48 UTC
i think ur very smart for seeing thru the bushshit. Be prepared for typical neo con smear campaign. I predict u will be accused of loving the terrorists whom our great leader can't catch and not supporting the troops. Draft dodging Bureaucrats support our troops by playing russian roulette with their lives. You may even be accused of not supporting the worst economy since the dpression imagine that
2007-10-25 23:51:44 UTC
I agree. I never thought going into Iraq was an idea. But going into Iran's next on the Bush agenda. Not our econ..
2007-10-28 22:56:32 UTC
Ever since the United States Army massacred 300 Lakotas in 1890,


forces have intervened elsewhere around the globe 100 times. Indeed the

United States has sent troops abroad or militarily struck other


territory 216 times since independence from Britain. Since 1945 the


States has intervened in more than 20 countries throughout the world.

Since World War II, the United States actually dropped bombs on 23

countries. These include: China 1945-46, Korea 1950-53, China 1950-53,

Guatemala 1954, Indonesia 1958, Cuba 1959-60, Guatemala 1960, Congo


Peru 1965, Laos 1964-73, Vietnam 1961-73, Cambodia 1969-70, Guatemala

1967-69, Grenada 1983, Lebanon 1984, Libya 1986, El Salvador 1980s,

Nicaragua 1980s, Panama 1989, Iraq 1991-1999, Sudan 1998, Afghanistan


and Yugoslavia 1999.

Post World War II, the United States has also assisted in over 20


coups throughout the world, and the CIA was responsible for half a


assassinations of political heads of state.

The following is a comprehensive summary of the imperialist strategy of


United States over the

span of the past century:

Argentina - 1890 - Troops sent to Buenos Aires to

protect business interests.

Chile - 1891 - Marines sent to Chile and clashed with

nationalist rebels.

Haiti - 1891 - American troops suppress a revolt by

Black workers on United States-claimed Navassa Island.

Hawaii - 1893 - Navy sent to Hawaii to overthrow the

independent kingdom - Hawaii annexed by the United


Nicaragua - 1894 - Troops occupied Bluefields, a city

on the Caribbean Sea, for a month.

China - 1894-95 - Navy, Army, and Marines landed

during the Sino-Japanese War.

Korea - 1894-96 - Troops kept in Seoul during the war.

Panama - 1895 - Army, Navy, and Marines landed in the

port city of Corinto.

China - 1894-1900 - Troops occupied China during the

Boxer Rebellion.

Philippines - 1898-1910 - Navy and Army troops landed

after the Philippines fell during the Spanish-American

War; 600,000 Filipinos were killed.

Cuba - 1898-1902 - Troops seized Cuba in the

Spanish-American War; the United States still

maintains troops at Guantanamo Bay today.

Puerto Rico - 1898 - present - Troops seized Puerto

Rico in the Spanish-American War and still occupy

Puerto Rico today.

Nicaragua - 1898 - Marines landed at the port of San

Juan del Sur.

Samoa - 1899 - Troops landed as a result over the

battle for succession to the throne.

Panama - 1901-14 - Navy supported the revolution when

Panama claimed independence from Colombia. American

troops have occupied the Canal Zone since 1901 when

construction for the canal began.

Honduras - 1903 - Marines landed to intervene during a


Dominican Rep 1903-04 - Troops landed to protect

American interests during a revolution.

Korea - 1904-05 - Marines landed during the

Russo-Japanese War.

Cuba - 1906-09 - Troops landed during an election.

Nicaragua - 1907 - Troops landed and a protectorate

was set up.

Honduras - 1907 - Marines landed during Honduras' war

with Nicaragua.

Panama - 1908 - Marines sent in during Panama's


Nicaragua - 1910 - Marines landed for a second time in

Bluefields and Corinto.

Honduras - 1911 - Troops sent in to protect American

interests during Honduras' civil war.

China - 1911-41 - Navy and troops sent to China during

continuous flare-ups.

Cuba - 1912 - Troops sent in to protect American

interests in Havana.

Panama - 1912 - Marines landed during Panama's


Honduras - 1912 - Troops sent in to protect American


Nicaragua - 1912-33 - Troops occupied Nicaragua and

fought guerrillas during its 20-year civil war.

Mexico - 1913 - Navy evacuated Americans during


Dominican Rep 1914 - Navy fought with rebels over

Santo Domingo.

Mexico - 1914-18 - Navy and troops sent in to

intervene against nationalists.

Haiti - 1914-34 - Troops occupied Haiti after a

revolution and occupied Haiti for 19 years.

Dominican Rep 1916-24 - Marines occupied the Dominican

Republic for eight years.

Cuba - 1917-33 - Troops landed and occupied Cuba for

16 years; Cuba became an economic protectorate.

World War I - 1917-18 - Navy and Army sent to Europe

to fight the Axis powers.

Russia - 1918-22 - Navy and troops sent to eastern

Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution; Army made five


Honduras - 1919 - Marines sent during Honduras'

national elections.

Guatemala - 1920 - Troops occupied Guatemala for two

weeks during a union strike.

Turkey - 1922 - Troops fought nationalists in Smyrna.

China - 1922-27 - Navy and Army troops deployed during

a nationalist revolt.

Honduras - 1924-25 - Troops landed twice during a

national election.

Panama - 1925 - Troops sent in to put down a general


China - 1927-34 - Marines sent in and stationed for

seven years throughout China.

El Salvador - 1932 - Naval warships deployed during

the FMLN revolt under Marti.

World War II - 1941-45 - Military fought the Axis

powers: Japan, Germany, and Italy.

Yugoslavia - 1946 - Navy deployed off the coast of

Yugoslavia in response to the downing of an American


Uruguay - 1947 - Bombers deployed as a show of

military force.

Greece - 1947-49 - United States operations insured a

victory for the far right in national "elections."

Germany - 1948 - Military deployed in response to the

Berlin blockade; the Berlin airlift lasts 444 days.

Philippines - 1948-54 - The CIA directed a civil war

against the Filipino Huk revolt.

Puerto Rico - 1950 - Military helped crush an

independence rebellion in Ponce.

Korean War - 1951-53 - Military sent in during the


Iran - 1953 - The CIA orchestrated the overthrow of

democratically elected Mossadegh and restored the Shah

to power.

Vietnam - 1954 - The United States offered weapons to

the French in the battle against Ho Chi Minh and the

Viet Minh.

Guatemala - 1954 - The CIA overthrew the

democratically elected Arbenz and placed Colonel Armas

in power.

Egypt - 1956 - Marines deployed to evacuate foreigners

after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal.

Lebanon - 1958 - Navy supported an Army occupation of

Lebanon during its civil war.

Panama - 1958 - Troops landed after Panamanians

demonstrations threatened the Canal Zone.

Vietnam - 1950s-75 - Vietnam War.

Cuba - 1961 - The CIA-directed Bay of Pigs invasions

failed to overthrow the Castro government.

Cuba - 1962 - The Navy quarantines Cuba during the

Cuban Missile Crisis.

Laos - 1962 - Military occupied Laos during its civil

war against the Pathet Lao guerrillas.

Panama - 1964 - Troops sent in and Panamanians shot

while protesting the United States presence in the

Canal Zone.

Indonesia - 1965 - The CIA orchestrated a military


Dominican Rep- 1965-66 - Troops deployed during a

national election.

Guatemala - 1966-67 - Green Berets sent in.

Cambodia - 1969-75 - Military sent in after the

Vietnam War expanded into Cambodia.

Oman - 1970 - Marines landed to direct a possible

invasion into Iran.

Laos - 1971-75 - Americans carpet-bomb the countryside

during Laos' civil war.

Chile - 1973 - The CIA orchestrated a coup, killing

President Allende who had been popularly elected. The

CIA helped to establish a military regime under

General Pinochet.

Cambodia - 1975 - Twenty-eight Americans killed in an

effort to retrieve the crew of the Mayaquez, which had

been seized.

Angola - 1976-92 - The CIA backed South African rebels

fighting against Marxist Angola.

Iran - 1980 - Americans aborted a rescue attempt to

liberate 52 hostages seized in the Teheran embassy.

Libya - 1981 - American fighters shoot down two Libyan


El Salvador - 1981-92 - The CIA, troops, and advisers

aid in El Salvador's war against the FMLN.

Nicaragua - 1981-90 - The CIA and NSC directed the

Contra War against the Sandinistas.

Lebanon - 1982-84 - Marines occupied Beirut during

Lebanon's civil war; 241 were killed in the American

barracks and Reagan "redeployed" the troops to the


Honduras - 1983-89 - Troops sent in to build bases

near the Honduran border.

Grenada - 1983-84 - American invasion overthrew the

Maurice Bishop government.

Iran - 1984 - American fighters shot down two Iranian

planes over the Persian Gulf.

Libya - 1986 - American fighters hit targets in and

around the capital city of Tripoli.

Bolivia - 1986 - The Army assisted government troops

on raids of cocaine areas.

Iran - 1987-88 - The United States intervened on the

side of Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War.

Libya - 1989 - Navy shot down two more Libyan jets.

Virgin Islands - 1989 - Troops landed during unrest

among Virgin Island peoples.

Philippines - 1989 - Air Force provided air cover for

government during coup.

Panama - 1989-90 - 27,000 Americans landed in

overthrow of President Noriega; over 2,000 Panama

civilians were killed.

Liberia - 1990 - Troops entered Liberia to evacuate

foreigners during civil war.

Saudi Arabia - 1990-91 - American troops sent to Saudi

Arabia, which was a staging area in the war against


Kuwait - 1991 - Troops sent into Kuwait to turn back

Saddam Hussein.

Somalia - 1992-94 - Troops occupied Somalia during

civil war.

Bosnia - 1993-95 - Air Force jets bombed "no-fly zone"

during civil war in Yugoslavia.

Haiti - 1994-96 - American troops and Navy provided a

blockade against Haiti's military government. The CIA

restored Aristide to power.

Zaire - 1996-97 - Marines sent into Rwanda Hutus'

refugee camps in the area where the Congo revolution


Albania - 1997 - Troops deployed during evacuation of


Sudan - 1998 - American missiles destroyed a

pharmaceutical complex where alleged nerve gas

components were manufactured.

Afghanistan - 1998 - Missiles launched towards alleged

Afghan terrorist training camps.

Yugoslavia - 1999 - Bombings and missile attacks

carried out by the United States in conjunction with

NATO in the 11 week war against Milosevic.

Iraq - 1998-2001 - Missiles launched into Baghdad and

other large Iraq cities for four days. American jets

enforced "no-fly zone" and continued to hit Iraqi

targets since December 1998.

These **100** instances of American military

intervention did not include times when the United


(1) deployed military police overseas;

(2) mobilized the National Guard;

(3) sent Navy ships off the coast of numerous

countries as a show of strength;

(4) sent additional troops to areas where Americans

were already stationed;

(5) carried out covert actions where American forces

were not under the direct rule of an American command;

(6) used small hostage rescue units;

(7) used American pilots to fly foreign planes;

(8) carried out military training and advisory

programs which did not involve direct combat.

U. S. Government Assassination Plots


Following is a list of prominent foreign leaders whose assassination

(or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since

the end of Second World War. The list does not include several

assassinations in various parts of the world carried out by anti-Castro

Cubans employed by CIA and headquartered in the United States:


1949 - KIm Koo, Korean opposition leader

1950's - CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of numerous political figures in

West Germany

1955 - Jose' Antonio Remon, President of Panama

1950's Chou En-lai, Prime Minister of China, several attempts

on his life

1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premiere of North Korea

1950s (mid) - Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader

1955 - Jawar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India

1959 and 1963 - Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia

1950s-70s - Jose Figueres, President of Costa Rica,

two attempts on his life

1961 - Francois "Papa Doc"Duvalier, leader of Haiti

1961 - Patrice Lumumba , Prime Minister of Congo (Zaire)

1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic

1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam

1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, more than

15 attempts on his life

1960s - Raul Castro, high official in government of Cuba

1965 - Francisco Caamanao, Dominican Republic opposition leader

1965 - Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi

1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France

1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader

1970 - Salvadore Allende, President of Chile

1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army, Chile

1970s and 1981 - Gen. Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama

1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence

1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire

1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica

1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua

1984 - The nine commandantes of the Sandanista

National Directorate

1980's - Dr. Gerald Bull, Canadian Ballistics Scientist

assassinated by Mossad in Belgium.

Partial List of Muslim Leaders Assassinated or

Attempted Assassinations

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia

1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt

1960 Brigadier General, Abdul Karim Kassem, Leader of Iraq

1980-86 Muammar Qaddafi, Leader of Libya, several plots and

attempts upon his life

1982 Ayatullah Khomeini, Leader of Iran

1983 General Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan army Commander

1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadllallah, Lebanese Shiite Leader

(80 people killed in that attempt)

1991 Saddam Hussein, Leader of Iraq

Reference: Blum, William, "KILLING HOPE - U.S. Military and

CIA Interventions Since World War II," Appendix III

U.S. Government Assassination Plots, page 453,

Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 1995. ISBN 1-56751-052-3

Very likely Victims :

April 4, 1979 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Leader of Pakistan, for pursuing



Nuclear Bomb.

August, 1988. General Ziaul Haq, Military Leader of Pakistan.

1995 - Murtaza Bhutto, Son of ZUlfiqar Ali Bhutto, Anti-American

would-be Leader - Pakistan.

March 25, 1975 - King Faisal of Saudi Arabia through his Nephew, Saudi


for imposing 1973 Oil Embargo.

August 24, 1999. Mullah Mohammad Omar, in Kandhar, Afghanistan.


"ہ"List of Known Assassination Plots

1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia

1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President

2001 Since early this year more than 40 Palestinian leaders


through surrogate Israel.

Please visit

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.