Should the World allow Iran to develop and mass produce nuclear weapons?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Should the World allow Iran to develop and mass produce nuclear weapons?
28 answers:
2010-09-23 14:50:00 UTC
A'ma'jad also said that "the future belongs to Iran". But no, no one will do anything. Our president is still on the apology kick for the USA being the USA. He'd never get a spine. This is what happened in the 1930s when Germany was building the most modern military in history. Everyone watched and no one acted.
2010-09-23 16:09:36 UTC
Obviously not, but the world is and continues to believe the Iran government lies that they are developing nuclear energy for "peaceful" purposes. If someone else called for a holocaust they'd be tried for incitement to genocide, but the world lets Amadinejad continue to do so again and again and again because his intended victims are Jewish. Once Iran does have it's nuclear missiles ready it will start an arms race in the middle east, Iran is a shiite country, the other moslem countries are mostly sunni and they do not get along with Iran either. So stay tuned for WWIII.
2010-09-23 14:59:42 UTC
Under no circumstances should they be allowed to produce a nuclear weapon.

Here is something that should scare you. It is extremely unlikely that they will be allowed to be. North Korea is viewed as a rogue nation, but headed by a regime that wants to maintain its own power and existence.

Iran is not viewed that way. They are percieved (rightly or wrongly) as basically a bunch of religious nuts that want to bring on the end of the world. They are also percieved as a regime that would allow terrorist groups access to nuclear grade materials.

So what you have is: Zero chance of Iran stopping their nuclear program, and zero chance of the United States allowing them to have one.

It aint going to be pretty.
Joe T
2010-09-23 14:56:48 UTC
Everyone should be aloud to participate in World War 3
2010-09-23 14:44:26 UTC
Iran wants to toot it's horn as a nuclear power and the president of Iran is a weirdo who would not think twice about causing destruction and war. We need to remember that he does not have the last word in his country. Sometimes we get so caught up in the media frenzy and need to only believe half of what we hear in the news, etc. But of course, we must be vigilant and keep an eye on Iran and Syria and those countries that support terrorism and have no regard for human life, etc.
2010-09-23 15:26:30 UTC
Should the USA develop an education system that prevents its people from being so stupid?

Please cite ONE credible source that shows Ahmadinejad said Israel should be wiped off the map. While you're looking, you can also cite ONE credible (ie not Fox 'news') source that proves Iran is developing nukes. Bearing mind that the USA's own Defense Intelligence Estimate, the IAEA, and the UN all report otherwise. Allow me to explain; uranium must be enriched to around 95% to be any use in a nuke. Uranium that hot gives off so much radiation that the IAEA would find it in no time; you do know that the IAEA inspectors are still in Iran and doing their job, right? Uranium used for nuclear power, on the other hand, needs only to be enriched by about 5% to be suitable for use in a reactor.

Lupines; if you wish to be taken seriously, you need credible sources. I prefer the military and intelligence reports to Congress in April 2010 by Lieutenant General Ronald L. Burgess, Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, Statement before the Committee on Armed Services, US Senate, 14 April 2010; Unclassified Report on Military Power of Iran, April 2010; John J. Kruzel, American Forces Press Service, "Report to Congress Outlines Iranian Threats," April 2010. The reports make it clear that the Iranian threat is not military. Iran's military spending is "relatively low compared to the rest of the region," and of course minuscule as compared to the US. Iranian military doctrine is strictly "defensive; designed to slow an invasion and force a diplomatic solution to hostilities." Iran has only "a limited capability to project force beyond its borders." With regard to the nuclear option, "Iran's nuclear program and its willingness to keep open the possibility of developing nuclear weapons is a central part of its deterrent strategy."

Just because Fox news reports something as true, doesn't mean it is true.
2010-09-23 14:48:25 UTC
yea its not like they are crazy or anything is it

allowing Iran nuclear weapons would be like giving retarded kids fireworks to play with
2010-09-23 14:40:45 UTC
Don't worry, if it goes too far the Israeli's will take care of it.
Helen S
2010-09-23 14:43:57 UTC
Do you think that just for once the UK can stay out of it? We are BROKE - no money! Broken society too! I'm seriously beginning to wonder if a bit of good old fashioned middle eastern law and order might sort out a few problems here as we seem to have lost sight of British justice in appeasing the PC brigade! Let that odd bod sort himself out, he will do so anyway and there's precious little we can do to stop him other than a repeat of Iraq and look what happened there.
Barbara Doll to you
2010-09-24 00:51:05 UTC
No, we've lost control of who in the world gets nuclear weapons. Dr Dinner Jacket will have his also.
2010-09-23 15:15:28 UTC
No, the world should not allow it.

During the Iran-Iraq war it was Iran who sent thousands of their children into the Iraqi minefields to clear them so their adult soldiers could pass. Those children were armed with "plastic keys to paradise."

Iran doesn't care for it's own children and it's obvious what they would do to ours. If any of us want to live through this, we'd better stop Iran while we have the chance.

If its us or them, I pick them. It is an allied decision not just an Israeli decision. There has not been a continent immune from suicide bombing and Iran has already been declared the #1 sponsor of terrorism and the terrorists have already requested a small nuclear suicide bomb.

Really now guys. To do nothing means one is just signing their own death certificate for themselves and millions of other people. I really can't put it more blunt than that.

If anyone wants to live, they will support the bombing of Iran to the stone age, and it needs to be an allied effort, and then leave the Iranian people to clean up their own mess.


@mongoose, don't be so abrasive. I am limited on the amount of data I can post on one thread. Links on this topic are actually numerous, as it has been a topic of wide discussion. Anyone is free to add to my friends list (except mongoose) to check them out. Here are a couple:

Associated Press Writer Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press – Wed Sep 15, 2010 - UNITED NATIONS – The United States, Britain and France expressed growing concern Wednesday that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program and developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

"The Escalation of the Conflict During Ahmadinejad's Presidency

With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's rise to power in 2005, the conflict reemerged, with greater intensity. Ahmadinejad reverted to Iran's previous policy of anti-Saudi hegemony, by pushing the export of the revolution, and promoting a messianic Shi'ite vision that stresses the imminent appearance of the Mahdi and the reestablishment of the great Persian Empire. In his second television appearance following his election, he said: "The message of the [Islamic] Revolution is global, and not restricted to a specific time or place. It is a human message, and it will move forward. Have no doubt... Allah willing, Islam will conquer. Islam will conquer what? It will conquer all the mountaintops of the world." -- MEMRI

"Saudi Arabia responded by increasing its support for the Sunni minority in Iraq, for various Muslim and Christian forces in Lebanon, and for others who were confronting Iranian threats in their territory (e.g. in Yemen, Sudan, and Palestine)." -- MEMRI

'"Iran is the No. 1 world sponsor of terrorism," said Richard Clarke, ABC consultant and former national security official.' -- ABC News

"U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is criticizing Iran for promoting terrorism and trying to intimidate its neighbors and others in the Middle East.Clinton says Iran poses a serious potential missile threat not only to Israel but also to the United States' European allies and to Russia." -- AP

#1770 - Jordanian University Lecturer Ibrahim 'Alloush Suggests Sending Suicide-Bombers Armed with "Small Nuclear Bombs" to Israel Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar)


@mongoose, yes i have data from a variety of sources, including gov't data if that's what you prefer:

Remarks on IAEA Report on Iran's Nuclear Program and Iranian Reaction

September 13, 2010

"In sum, this report is the clearest evidence yet that Iran is refusing to address the proliferation concerns of the international community, number one, and number two, much more ominously, that it appears determined to acquire a nuclear weapons capability."

------ edit

to add: Indict Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the crime of incitement to genocide.
2010-09-23 22:36:12 UTC
Not really. But then I think any country who is trying to develop or already has nuclear weapons should have sanctions imposed on it. No trade at all internationally with the intent of getting rid of all nuclear weapons. That goes for US, Russia, China, UK, France, Pakistan, India etc. Do that and all the non-proliferation treaty would be unnecessary. That will never happen though you can be sure.

Now for poor old Ahmedinejad's speech in the UN. You have to feel a bit sorry for the guy. Seems everytime the Ayatollah lets him share his bacon at breakfast the poor guy goes off on one. This is a bit disconcerting for the muslims as it allows the world to see what the Islamic religion is really like and all about. Seeing as these people are the muslim worlds leaders and so very devout then it sort of lets you know what their true aim is with conquering the whole world and forcing it into the muslim faith. Afterall it is ok for them to kill or lie to us infidels. Says so in their Qu'ran.

Oh! Before I forget. Don't you Newcastle(UK) police try to arrest me for being racist for what I've written. I don't like most of the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, etc other religions either. More like you could arrest all of them for incitement to kill and murder. All of them talk about death and destruction to their enemies which means all of us non-believers. It truly is a sorry state of affairs when the religions of the world can cause so many wars and so much strife brought about by their followers. All of us are of the human species. Doesn't matter what colour, nationality or religion you are. If people would remember that then the world might actually be a better place. Other than that we will go the way of the dinosaur for real and it will be our own fault if we do.
2010-09-24 00:12:30 UTC
Unless the nuclear powers can prevent nuclear weapons going to countries run by madmen the world is finished
2010-09-23 18:47:52 UTC
1) Either everyone has them or nobody has them.

2) Who does the weapons inspections in the US?

3) If the US had it’s weapons inspected I wonder what sorts of weaponry UN weapons inspectors would find.

4) Does anyone trust the US not to use nuclear weapons on innocent civilians?

Sorry I forgot, they already have.

All you need to know.

Joe T - Exactly, everybody should be allowed to participate in WW III. I believe in a fair World War for all. At the very least it should be a fair fight. lol
2010-09-24 02:19:44 UTC
the world cant stop it

the world didn't stop the US & they used em - Pakistan & India have em but haven't gone nuts so

north Korea

breakaway Russian republics?

cant put the genie back in the bottle
2010-09-24 00:59:45 UTC
It is no other countries job to interfere with the development of other states. Israel/Pakistan - what about them - were they stopped - NO! About time we all butted out and let other nations do their own thing!
2010-09-24 04:44:36 UTC
for a start he should be killed and the next person in power should be given the option of end all nuclear projects ,because he is a lunatic,not because of israel,honestly his dislike for israelis the only thing we have in common ( ALTHOUGH I DO NOT DENY THE HOLOCAUST AND I DO NOT WISH ISRAEL PEOPLE DEAD,AL LEAST ALL OF THEM)
2010-09-23 21:45:00 UTC
Can we really stop him short of war?

Do we want to fight that war?

Will other nations surrender their weapons of mass destruction too or do we all continue to live with the fiction that some can be trusted with them and others cannot?
2010-09-24 03:54:23 UTC
i'm guessing they are very close right now, how long does anyone think they will wait? my guess is they will launch as soon as they get rockets with the capability to reach america. they are very close to completing the warheads so the 2012 prophecy is looking spot on to me atm.
2010-09-24 12:00:28 UTC
Why not? If there's someone who shouldn't have them, it's actually USA. US is still the only one who's actually used a nuclear bomb in a compat...
Nancy D
2010-09-23 15:04:45 UTC
I can't even believe they allow that jerk in our country. But just what do you suggest we do? They use one threat after another and I think people are just abiding time to see what actions are taken on their part.
2010-09-23 14:45:22 UTC
the middle east will never be a safe place for anyone to live, it never has been and isnt now. so let them do what they want and then civilised people can step in and make a new home.
may experience some odd behavior
2010-09-23 14:45:17 UTC
Sarah Palin said she would nuke Russia she is even more of a nutcase than him at least and that was an incorrect translation that had him saying he would wipe israel off the map. and he don't think Freaking dino's were running around four thousand years ago which to me makes him at least a few degrees more intelligent than Palin.
The Chosen One
2010-09-23 14:48:39 UTC
Yes but just to be fair it kinda looks hypocrtical for us to have a hella lot of nukes as well
2010-09-23 14:44:26 UTC
I think we should have left Saddam in power to take care of them
2010-09-23 14:38:49 UTC
In one word...Yes

If nothing is done then bad things will happen in the near future.
Laurens of Suburbia!
2010-09-23 14:41:31 UTC
Iran should not be allowed to develop nukes, but Israel should be made to get rid of all it's illegal nukes.The middle east would then be a bit safer.
2010-09-23 14:38:21 UTC
Of course...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.