Why is Obama not responding to Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
2014-02-28 19:04:04 UTC
Ukraine is a country whose people (including Russian speakers) overwhelmingly voted to become independent of Russia. Ukraine is also a country on the eastern border of a close US ally, the European Union (particularly Romania and Poland, both of which are friendly). Ukraine is also a country with clearly-defined borders, and the US has fought for the right of a country to keep its borders.

Yet Russia has started invading Ukraine, and it's even sent a warship near Miami, which is a complete threat to the US and a slap in our face.

Why is Barack Obama doing nothing other than saying a few meaningless things? After his flop on Syria, his words are worthless.
26 answers:
The First Dragon
2014-02-28 21:14:38 UTC
Because he does nothing whenever he can, especially when it comes to defending the rights of the vulnerable.

There may also be good reasons for staying out of this conflict; but considering Obama's record, I think he just doesn't want the US to take a stand.
John W
2014-02-28 20:52:44 UTC
It would be more correct to say Kiev voted to become pro-EU though I suspect the vote was more by the remaining politicians to avoid being associated with the snipers. The country itself can be described as being separate countries within and large parts such as Crimea ( which would've once been it's own country in the distant past ) are actually people who are ethnically Russian, see themselves as Russian and what's happening in Kiev as not something they want to be a part of. The Russian activities were maneuvers allowed by long standing agreements for the military bases in Crimea, hardly an invasion yet. Also the US has had several warships in the Black Sea to address fears of terrorism during the Sochi Olympics so the Russian warship near Florida is somewhat understandable to remind the US not to overstep bounds in the Black Sea. Obama has already been far more forward than is prudent by warning Russia there would be consequences to military action.

I think, you're demonstrating a profound ignorance of the historical conflicts in eastern europe along ethnic lines. There are no happy countries with unified populations in that part of the world.
2014-03-01 02:50:21 UTC
For 1 because we're not sure they're Russian troops, they could be private-militia, also Russia is at least as powerful as the US, so going to war is NOT an option.

Finally Crimea was Russian until Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine, to keep them in the Soviet Union, it clearly never became Ukrainian on a Society level, so it's not strange the Crimea wants back in with Russia.
2014-03-01 11:14:51 UTC
If the US get involved, so does NATO (which includes the UK, France, and Germany). Russia would request China and North Korea; China would be reluctant but North Korea would jump in on the action and then South Korea and Japan would effectively join, Australia would invade the Pacific nations to make sure North Korea doesn't use them as a leeway to invade the U.S., the Middle East would collapse, and World War III would effectively start.

This is my prediction, and it's terrifying.
David GH UK
2014-03-01 00:51:12 UTC
We dont always need America to do everything. Britain has a world more experience in these matters and its best to leave her to deal with it.

David Cameron spoke to Putin last night and must have been satisfied what he heard. Russian troops have only been sent in to protect their naval base.

As you can see from my BBC link the Ukraine leaders have appealed to Russia to keep the peace. Russia is not the old Soviet Union.They are no longer a threat.They are a democracy now.

So let America sit back for once. Ukraine is in Britains back yard.
2014-02-28 22:32:30 UTC
"Why is Obama not responding to Russia's invasion of Ukraine?"

Russia is a nuclear armed state with a veto in the UN Security Council...what exactly do you expect him to do?

"Ukraine is a country whose people (including Russian speakers) overwhelmingly voted to become independent of Russia."

Well, yes and no. I mean the 1991 referendum did find that all of Ukraine's oblasts, special administrative cities and even the Crimean ASSR voted for independence, albeit in the case of Crimea and Sevastopol it was not a majority of eligible voters.

However it should be noted that that vote wasn't independence from was independence from the Soviet Union. Put simply, although people assume it's the same, it really isn't.

"Why is Barack Obama doing nothing other than saying a few meaningless things?"

Because ultimately it is in no one's interests, save for the Ukrainians themselves, for the USA or NATO to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. Russia, who supplies much of the EU with the energy needed to keep their industries going, is a nuclear state and a permanent member of the UN security council.

It is not Iraq, Afghanistan or any potential decision on Russia has to weigh carefully the fact that Russia is the regional power, and has the capacity to both punish the EU and block any UN resolutions concerning Russian actions.

Edit: I think you're a bit naïve about steps that Obama can take.

For starters, do you think there is ANY political will in the USA to folk over billions to Ukraine? And even if there was, do you see this President and this Congress being able to agree to do that?

Secondly, do you really believe an official protest would be cautionary for Russia at this point?

Thirdly, how do you know that Poland, Romania and Turkey want to be a part of US sabre rattling with Russia?

Poland has been burned by the Western betrayal before, and placing US missiles on Polish territory is unpopular in Poland.

Romania would undoubtedly be sensitive to upsetting Russia because of the fact that Russian troops never left Moldova, a former Soviet Republic populated mainly by people (Moldovans) who are ethnically, linguistically and even culturally linked to Romania.

And Turkey had it's own anti-government protests in 2013 that were not unlike the Euromaiden protests. Does Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogen really want to risk sending the signal to his own detractors (who consider him an authoritarian extremist) that he supports mass public action to overthrow unpopular elected officials?
2014-03-01 03:25:29 UTC
Because it has nothing to do with your country nor your ruling government.

This was a dispute between the EU and Russia before the USA got involved, but now Russia feels the need to boast its military might because your politicians cant keep their mouths shut.

This is going to escalate into something which isn't needed, and the EU will take a step back as it is the Americans which are instigating the Russians, not the Europeans. Allow the EU to deal with problems in Europe, we don't need help from the loud mouths across the Atlantic.
2014-02-28 21:18:00 UTC
If we went after Russia each time they had a ship or plane near the US, we'd always be fighting. My brother was stationed in AK. They had to chase Russian planes out of the fly zone almost monthly, I think he said. They like to "flex their muscles" politically at the US. They love to intimidate. Putin is fully aware of Obama's no-war stance. Obama likes to bark, but has no bite. Obama could care less about Ukraine. I think for once, he's right by really not getting involved. He talked a lot about Syria as well & look what happened - NOTHING. He talked a lot about N. Korea & look what's happened - NOTHING. Obama will not intervene & Putin knows it. Putin's just putting on a show & Obama's going bark, but do nothing more than give America a well-written speech written by someone else.
2014-03-01 05:52:44 UTC
Did you ever think that maybe Romania, Poland and Turkey may not want to get involved in a conflict with Russia? Obama would need those countries permission before he could put troops in their respective countries.
2014-02-28 19:33:40 UTC
Russia and the United States are among the world power, well known for their military. Who is going to fight? People are tired having to pay for wars and want their troops back. There is a lot to consider before declaring war, which may lead to a lot of destruction. Think about this, Russia has nuclear weapons, and so does the USA. What good comes out of that? Putin doesn't care.
2014-03-01 03:00:50 UTC
What exactly can the US do? Really?

Without committing to a big show of force with possible nuclear overtones there is nothing he can do more than he is now. That would be the same for any US president, even Mr Invasion Bush could do nothing.
2014-02-28 20:37:15 UTC
It's better to take stock, look at the options and try to find a peaceful solution to keep the Ukraine independent rather than going in gung-ho with itchy trigger fingers and starting WW3.
2014-02-28 19:48:11 UTC
Crimea is Russian land, inhabited by Russians, stolen by Ukraine. What the hell is America even doing meddling? Stay the hell out if you know what's good for you. This is not Syria. This is not even Serbia. Our people are involved. The rest of Ukraine may be damned to us but now is a time to remember that Crimea belongs to us and if we continue to not mention that, for the sake of maintaining neighbourly relations, it would be super-dangerous to give the thugs in Kiev and Lviv a sense of impunity. Losing a region that never belong to it anyway is the most painless thing that can happen to Ukraine now. If it dares touch Crimea... trust me, you wouldn't even *want* to interfere.
Shawn Robin
2014-03-01 10:03:30 UTC
Since when is it any of America's business to do anything?

And whatever gave you the crackpot idea that it is?

Until the Ukraine requests international assistance, it's entirely up to Ukrainians how they deal with Russia.

And even if they do make such a request, it's up to the UN to decide what to do, not America:

Link -

That's reality. Deal with it.
Jimmy C
2014-02-28 20:06:17 UTC
If Obama starts a war with Russia, you may wake up dead in a few days after they drop bombs on the US. Better to use diplomacy.
2014-02-28 19:18:11 UTC
And what would you have him do? Land helicopters in the Ukraine, move troops onto Ukrainian territory?
2014-02-28 19:12:50 UTC
There are news outlets that are saying it is the Obama Administration that has been agitating in the Ukraine causing trouble there. One wonders where the truth really lies.
2014-03-01 05:57:51 UTC
Obama is crapping his loin cloth at the thought of Putin manning up to him!
2014-03-01 01:56:48 UTC
Obama can talk the talk, but cannot walk the walk. He will say he will do something, but will not. Like the Syria incident. He did nothing, and said he would.
2014-02-28 21:04:38 UTC
He has responded by making threats yet again.

"Dont attack Ukraine even if the people beg you to intercede or I willl get angry.!!!!!!"

I promise you I WILL GET MAD AT YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so far there had been no red lines.

2014-02-28 23:39:20 UTC
Russia will chicken out in a few days like they did in Georgia.
2014-02-28 19:57:03 UTC
So. What will American solders find in this far and foreign land? Except obvious death, of course.
Harley Drive
2014-02-28 19:05:53 UTC
our so called military can't deal with a pack of medieval tribesmen they are not going to do well against 2500 attack helicopters
2014-02-28 20:30:45 UTC
We don't need a war.
2014-03-01 00:21:37 UTC
No reason to.
2014-02-28 19:08:23 UTC
Obama is a gay......


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