2013-09-12 00:01:44 UTC
please watch this if you havent watched it
[Obama addresses the nation]
what do you guys think on his announcement and whether the US should intervene in syria
this is very controversial...
an airstrike dosent sound like the best move.. they can get shot out of the sky even though obama says that syria dosent have the resources to be a threat to America YET they have chemical weapons so they obliviously have anti aircraft weaponry aswell god only know what else they could be packing
i know that hes trying to please both the rest of the world and the American people but he cant have both
what i think is that he's sending these planes to get shot down in order to stir fury into the heart of the American people so they will give him the green light to send troops but this is just a thought
if the Americans decide to not do anything they wont have to waste men and money BUT it will make a fool out of itself in the eyes of the rest of the world and worst yet it will look weak (and for a developed nation thats not good)
many more will die and the possibility of other country's using chemical weapons or nukes sense no one is going to stop them the law is worthless unless someone enforces it and at the end this could end up being WW3
and if they fight ..hmm so many things can go south ...America is a country that is composed of men and woman of different nations, ideology, religion and culture so obviously there will be loyalist and extremist in other words a wave of terrorist and spys is a possibility and WW3 is also a possibility that cant be ignored AND America cant fund another war plain and simple
anyways most of what i said is just me speculating im just trying to give you guys food for thought
what do you guys think?