As a law-abiding citizen (i hope) would you be seriously offended by this ad?
2010-08-11 10:57:23 UTC
Or would you be glad that there was something was being done to curb terrorism?

London, Aug 11 (ANI): The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), Britain's advertising watchdog, has banned a police advertisement on radio encouraging people to report neighbours they suspect as being terrorists, saying it could cause "serious offence" to law-abiding citizens.
"We considered that some listeners, who might identify with the behaviours referred to in the ad, could find the implication that their behaviour was suspicious, offensive. Some listeners might be offended by the suggestion that they report members of their community for acting in the way described," The BBC quoted ASA as saying.
"We therefore concluded that the ad could cause serious offence," it added.
The anti-terrorist hotline ad lists "suspicious" behaviour to look out for from quiet neighbours as paying by cash and keeping curtains drawn.
"This may mean nothing but together it could all add up to you having suspicions. The man at the end of the street doesn't talk to his neighbours much, because he likes to keep himself to himself," the radio ad stated. He pays with cash because he doesn't have a bank card, and he keeps his curtains closed because his house is on a bus route. If you suspect it, report it," it suggested.
About 18 listeners who heard the advert on Talksport, complained to the watchdog with ten of them saying it could be offensive to law-abiding citizens, while the rest said it could encourage people to harass or victimise their neighbours and was appealing to people's fear.
The campaign by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) was aimed at promoting the confidential anti-terrorist hotline.
The Metropolitan Police, speaking on Acpo's behalf, said that the d addressed the issue of terrorists living within communities and sometimes what appeared to be an insignificant behaviour ould potentially be linked to terrorist activities". (ANI)
Nineteen answers:
2010-08-11 11:47:08 UTC
Well, I find terrorism rather offensive. Can we please take the p.c. out of policing? Please?

That said, it is important, whilst encouraging people to remain vigilant, that we remember not to stereotype the imagined profile of the "typical" terrorist. Lots of people avoid contact with their community, behave strangely, etc. It's perhaps increasingly likely that the more sophisticated brand of terrorist will be exactly the opposite. And perhaps, in the name of safety and anti-terrorism, those people who are referred to the police will, providing police contact with them is polite and not aggressive, understand that we need to push the boundaries these days if we are to win the war.
Bad Doggy - no care for mentalists
2010-08-11 21:27:42 UTC
A great idea! LOL! An inept service asking a paranoid public that hates it's youth to carry out and dissect complex strategies and intelligent surveillance to catch criminals... oh wait "terrorists", now THAT'S different because with "terrorists" you can already wipe out 90% of the population as being suspects.

What would be your reaction if it was in India? Would most the reports made to the police about suspects be people from lower castes?
2010-08-11 20:05:17 UTC
I agree with Kaffo. What if someone reports a night shift worker because their curtains are closed all day? If they don't know that person they could also say they are reclusive and keep strange hours! As for paying by cash I think many people living on poor estates will do just that because they have no bank account. I have one but prefer cash so I don't go overdrawn. Such a paranoid society we are becoming.
2010-08-12 00:21:44 UTC
Where do I start. The police are short of manpower. Too much paperwork. We are all watched by big brother (eg smile you are on candid camera). neighbourhood disputes they put up cameras recording all there activities. You don't need to report anything anymore they know before you do. You never know some bright spark might even put you on a film one day. No privacy never mind offending they don't know they are being recorded on cd. You do know there is a camera that can see through walls, yes your phone can be tapped your computer you name it. You go to the airport the machine shows your flesh. Not being funny but I wondered why the muslims covered there heads now I know. and so do you. They have more brains than we give them credit for.
2010-08-11 19:47:26 UTC
I do think it's a wee bit offensive. I prefer to pay with cash the majority of the time, easier to keep control of your finances. I don't talk to my neighbours at all, apart from "hi" or a nod. I don't need some nutcase deciding that makes me a terrorist, then convincing themselves of that and taking it further.
Christine H
2010-08-12 10:29:23 UTC
Have given this some thought and decided "Yes I would".

Having first hand knowledge of spies, all be it from my childhood days, I can pretty much assure you that they seem to be Joe Pleasant and his wife.

I imagine that pretty much the same hold true for terrorists. They don't go out of their way to make people watch them...

Yes, we should,be on our guard and not be afraid to speak up if something seems a little off, but implying that the poor soul up the road who keeps him or herself to him/her self is a probable terrorist is asking for trouble......and not the expected kind at that.

Let them give us all a bit of credit for having brains we can use!
2010-08-11 22:22:03 UTC
WHY? What are the Police going to do?

I remember a couple of months ago that a chap traced hjs stolen car to a Gypsy encampment,but the Police said they couldn't do anything because Gypsies tended to be a "Rough Lot" !
2010-08-11 18:12:47 UTC
In New York City they have a "See Something, Say Something" campaign to help avert more terrorist attacks.

The guy who reported a suspicious van earlier this year, which was rigged with explosives, reported the suspicious van because of this campaign.

We must do what is right to prevent more terror attacks. If a few people are unfairly scrutinized or accused, well... that's life.
marcus VI
2010-08-11 19:13:52 UTC
Alertness in regard to terrorism should never be relaxed. We all rely on our security services and police to watch out for us in this respect. We, the public also have a duty to be aware, any suspicions that we have should be passed on to the police who I am sure will take these calls seriously !
Proud Infidel
2010-08-11 20:36:57 UTC
Talk-sport must have a record of the telephone numbers of those who complained so pass them on to the police just in case,you never know.
2010-08-11 19:15:55 UTC
I go along with tigerlil on this one. As someone who was within stones throw of the London bus bomb going off, can safely say that if i thought someone was doing anything untoward would report it.
Helen S
2010-08-11 18:12:11 UTC
I think we all have to be very aware of things happening in our areas more so now than ever before but this - it's childish. Who on earth dreamt this up? I'd sack them for gross incompetence.

However, i'm not too surprised, the Police today aren't a patch on the old time bobbies and have their hands well and truly tied by the PC do-gooder brigade and all sorts of human rights red tape balderdash. I was very dismayed to read this today though in my local paper and have already requested confirmation that if my name does appear anywhere on their files that it MUST be removed immediately and that they MUST confirm this to me within 7 days. I've not done anything wrong and would not want my name being kept on any Police files, this is an invasion of privacy for any innocent person.
2010-08-11 20:04:08 UTC
What if I'm just a loner who doesn't want to be bothered by people. That makes me a terrorist suspect does it?
2010-08-11 18:03:59 UTC
I am offended that the Advertising Standards Authority have taken this action.
R T Fischall
2010-08-11 18:01:10 UTC
considering we are already encourage to blow the whistle on benefit cheats, people who put their bins out early, people who put up flag poles etc without planning permission we should feel quite happy to inform the police confidentially of course about suspect neighbours, see film the burbs one think it was about dodgy going ons in suburbia lol.
2010-08-12 07:56:52 UTC
Once again the authorities are Kow-Towing to a certain ethnic society.
2010-08-11 20:14:06 UTC
as 'law abiding citizens' we should not need to be asked, we should always report criminals

The advert would not offend me in any way
2010-08-11 18:00:45 UTC
No! What does offend me is terrorist living in my country, claiming benefits, getting free housing and NHS, whilst all along plotting to kill us. That is treason.
2010-08-11 18:17:43 UTC
Not offended,but describes me perfectly!

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