The Jewish state was forcibly wrested from Palestine which has since continually and illegally annexed further Palestinian land and resources. This has deliberately reduced the Palestinian territories into disconnected and unviable cantons - effectively large concentration camps.
Inside the concentration camps, which cannot support themselves as so much of their resources have been appropriated by the Israelis, the oppression and harassment has been cruel and relentless. Constant air, missile, and helicopter gunship strikes and official and civilian kidnappings and assassinations. Periodic tank-led invasions and destruction followed by further land occupations.
Every now and again, just to rub it in, the camps are blockaded and no UN or other international food and medical or other aid is allowed in and/or power and fuel supplies, also controlled by the US/Israelis, are cut. The current attempts to escape from the Gaza concentration camp into Egypt are a result of one of these US/Israeli super-atrocities .
The US and Israel, just by coincidence, of course, have probably the most compliant (owned by members of the ruling plutocracy) media in the world. Most of their citizens would have no way of uncovering these sort of facts. many Israelis are probably still unaware that they are a nuclear power - courtesy of the US.
Despite their destitution, a few Palestinians occasionally scrape up a few weak missiles to lob into Israel to put up a token resistance to the US/Israeli terrorist campaign and this is claimed by that true axis of evil to justify continuation of that terror campaign for another decade.
Both Hamas and the PLO, and consequently the Arab League (including Iran) have long accepted, and expressed this acceptance to the US and UN, a two state Israeli/Palestine solution on internationally specified borders. "In other words, the international concensus. The only two major actors that do not accept this concensus are the United States and Israel" [They continue] ... to reject and block a diplomatic settlement of the ... problem, and render it impossible by their illegal actions, as they have for the past thirty years" (Chomsky, 2007. (p13-14)
The US as a member of the Security Council has a veto power at the UN. The UN, like the World Court, has repeatedly condemned Israeli actions declaring them illegal but cannot act against US veto. Which country would be brave enough to defy US military and economic might to intervene?
US/Israel have also both refused to be bound by the Internaional Court of Justice (World Court). They are, therefore, outlaw states.
To all those Yanks who will give me the thumbs down, l ask that you first check the facts I relate. It is verifiable.