Why is Israel not sanctioned?
2008-01-31 19:28:14 UTC
Why has the U.N not sanctioned Israel, when it is they who imprison thousands of innocent people, kill people daily, occupy lands, reject U.N resolutions and break international law.

Does anybody agree?
Thirteen answers:
2008-01-31 19:33:08 UTC
Because the U.N. is dominated by the U.S. If it were otherwise this alleged government would have been dismantled years ago.
Yaqub H
2008-02-01 23:31:10 UTC
I counted of your first 12 answers, 8 of them are anti-human and pro-oppression.

I agree, Israel has continued to kill of many nations and oppress people. It currently holds 11,000 prisoners and 4,500 of these are children.

The U.N has tried many times to sanction Israel but the U.S as a permenant member has been the only nation of 52 voters to say "no".

Even countries like France, U.K, Italy, India etc... want Israel punished.

8 of the first twelve answerers have no knowledge, they speak from stupidity and ignorance. If people visit the West Bank they can see how cruel the Israelis are.
2008-02-01 06:52:59 UTC
Because the UN is an organization that is filled with anti Semitism and any sane member knows this.

Since the US provides most of the financial funding and sits on the Security Council and Israel is an ally who has done a lot of the dirty work for us in the Middle East; IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.

I got a better idea, tell your little terrorist buddies to stop blowing up Jews and the Israelis will quit going after them.
2008-02-01 21:36:56 UTC
Because someone out there knows that if the UN sanctions Israel, it must sanction nations who do real crimes against humanity. Such as Iran, where a student protester was killed for speaking out against the government.

Student activist dies in police custody !!!!!!!!!

Fri. 18 Jan 2008

Adnkronos International

Tehran, 17 Jan. (AKI) - A Kurdish student has died in custody at the Iranian intelligence ministry's detention centre in Sanandaj where he was taken after his arrest ten days ago.

Ebrahim Lotfollahi was a well known activist from Payam Nour University in Sanandaj, capital of the Iranian province of Kurdistan.

The parents of Ebrahim who saw him for the last time after his arrest on Wednesday last week told the media that "the boy showed evident signs of torture and abuse".

As soon as news spread about his death, dozens of students gathered at his university campus.

The students blame Ebrahim's death on Mehdi Molavali, from the office of the intelligence ministry, who reportedly conducts interrogations of political detainees and is said to use violence to obtain confessions.,10,0007278
2008-02-01 03:57:13 UTC
I agree with you 100%.

Why? That's easy. For one, Israel has close ties with the US. There are a lot of Jewish contributers to the American coffers. Also, Israel is a rich country and they import a fair amount of goods. Applying sanctions means that the big Multinational companies won't be able to sell their rubbish to Israel. Therefore sanctions will work against the 'sanctioner' rather than the 'sanctionee.' Forget the UN. They are a bunch of toothless US puppets. Plus, the US will vetoe any self respecting secretary general. Remember how the US got rid of Boutros Ghali?
stale mate
2008-02-01 04:22:34 UTC
The UN is a joke that was created by the Illuminati to control the world for their own private interest and global domination. If helping Palestine doesn't fit their agenda, then they'll manipulate Americans through the US media that they own and get us to think Israel can do no wrong. But don't worry, when WW III starts Israel will get wiped off the planet, along with the US, Russia, China etc.
2008-02-01 04:33:03 UTC
The Jewish state was forcibly wrested from Palestine which has since continually and illegally annexed further Palestinian land and resources. This has deliberately reduced the Palestinian territories into disconnected and unviable cantons - effectively large concentration camps.

Inside the concentration camps, which cannot support themselves as so much of their resources have been appropriated by the Israelis, the oppression and harassment has been cruel and relentless. Constant air, missile, and helicopter gunship strikes and official and civilian kidnappings and assassinations. Periodic tank-led invasions and destruction followed by further land occupations.

Every now and again, just to rub it in, the camps are blockaded and no UN or other international food and medical or other aid is allowed in and/or power and fuel supplies, also controlled by the US/Israelis, are cut. The current attempts to escape from the Gaza concentration camp into Egypt are a result of one of these US/Israeli super-atrocities .

The US and Israel, just by coincidence, of course, have probably the most compliant (owned by members of the ruling plutocracy) media in the world. Most of their citizens would have no way of uncovering these sort of facts. many Israelis are probably still unaware that they are a nuclear power - courtesy of the US.

Despite their destitution, a few Palestinians occasionally scrape up a few weak missiles to lob into Israel to put up a token resistance to the US/Israeli terrorist campaign and this is claimed by that true axis of evil to justify continuation of that terror campaign for another decade.

Both Hamas and the PLO, and consequently the Arab League (including Iran) have long accepted, and expressed this acceptance to the US and UN, a two state Israeli/Palestine solution on internationally specified borders. "In other words, the international concensus. The only two major actors that do not accept this concensus are the United States and Israel" [They continue] ... to reject and block a diplomatic settlement of the ... problem, and render it impossible by their illegal actions, as they have for the past thirty years" (Chomsky, 2007. (p13-14)

The US as a member of the Security Council has a veto power at the UN. The UN, like the World Court, has repeatedly condemned Israeli actions declaring them illegal but cannot act against US veto. Which country would be brave enough to defy US military and economic might to intervene?

US/Israel have also both refused to be bound by the Internaional Court of Justice (World Court). They are, therefore, outlaw states.

To all those Yanks who will give me the thumbs down, l ask that you first check the facts I relate. It is verifiable.
2008-02-01 03:49:28 UTC
Of course I agree! Israel MUST be sanctioned as soon as possible--why are people so blind? The western media is slavishly pro-Israel, and this propaganda can get the masses to believe whatever they choose. Unfortunately, the media makes Israel look like the innocent angel, and the poor defenseless Palestinians look like evil stone-throwers. This is not fair. Israel needs to be sanctioned, but it will never happen. America is pro-Israel; we give billions of dollars of aid to Israel each year. America pays Israel blood money.

Everything you said is true and accurate (but the average person would disagree because they have already been severly brainwashed by the very propaganda that led to believe this way).

Good luck!

Jim H:

Oh, please, give me a break! Stop trying to generate undeserved sympathy. The truth is that Israel is the undercover villain, and deep inside this is well-known. Have the Israelis let the Arabs and the Muslims go for a change! How 'bout that? Stop with the lies and misleading twist of events already. You aren't fooling anyone...oops, millions of people have already been fooled and made ignorant...
The First Dragon
2008-02-01 04:31:41 UTC
It would be easier to blame Israel if the UN were able and willing to protect them from incessant random attacks from their enemies.

The Israelis have given the Pals 95% of what they say they want; but still the Pals won't make peace.

There is nothing that Israel can do that would satisfy them, unless it would be to commit mass suicide.
2008-02-01 05:08:08 UTC
Mainly because the countries that want to sanction Israel have the worse human rights records in the world so it would be hypocritical to do so.
2008-02-01 03:38:34 UTC
You have no idea what you are talking about. Israel and America stand together.

The terrorists burn the Israeli and American flag side by side. They want to destroy both Israel and America.

God bless Israel and God help America to continue to help Israel. May we never turn away from her.

Israel is the strongest Nation out there.
2008-02-01 03:46:36 UTC
i absolutely do not agree.

they don't give a damn abut the puny,spineless UN and they see their people killed in spite of all the concessions they have made.

the lands they occupy is a result of hostile action and they should keep them.they never started the 6 day war or any other aggressive action.

they would be perfectly happy to be left alone as i would if those war hungry arabs and muslims would just let us alone.
2008-02-01 04:01:16 UTC
From the very beginning, Isreali are victims of all sorts.

They were slave of Eygtians, then God brought them our to be slaves of God.

In their history, Isreali were always slave of some sort. Now they are slave of America.

Class struggle is what Isreali are doing. Those captured and killed were anti-revolutionists. They tried to stop Isreali to be independence.

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