What is it with Americans accusing everyone/everything of being socialist?
Don't you people have (or know how to use) common household dictionaries?
If more Americans did that, fewer Americans would embarrass themselves and their nation with nonsensical talk of nonexistent socialism because nobody anywhere is actually socialist.
Universal healthcare is a social program.
Social programs are NOT socialism. They're two VERY different things:
-Socialism is where there's no government and the people own & control everything themselves.
-Social Programs are public programs & services paid for by governments.
In the case of Universal Healthcare, it's a form of health insurance whether you realize it or not.
Canada has universal healthcare. And it's absolutely capitalist, not socialist:
'Canada: Richer than America and more economically powerful than Europe'
'The most prosperous nation in the Americas, Canada ranks first in personal freedom'
'Canadians getting richer, average net worth tops $400,000'
Canada first and only G7 country to recover all jobs lost during recession'
'Canada to lead G7 nations in average growth for next 50 years: OECD'
'Canada Trounces U.S. In Best Countries For Business'
'Canada leads North America in economic freedom'
'Americans moving to Canada in record numbers: report'
'Look out, Americans, average Canadian is richer than you are'
'Study: Canadians Live Longer, Healthier Lives Than Yanks'
'Canadians pay less tax per person than Americans'
'Americans enjoy less economic mobility than their peers in Canada'
'U.S. students flocking to study in Canada for cheaper fees'
'U.S. Unemployment: Canada Sees "Dramatic Growth" In American Job-Seekers'
'Americans are the latest economic refugees, and they’re heading to Canada'
You want to save $$$ on healthcare, move to Canada or Europe.
Because the vested interests in US healthcare (HMOs, insurance industry & etc plus their lobbyists have Americans so screwed up that it's the 21st Century and despite instant access to information via the internet, you people mostly think universal healthcare somehow = socialism.
You're like cultists that need extensive deprogramming in order to smarten up.