How about trimming the fat out of all the government jobs. 1/2 of the overpaid, underworked lazy pencil pushers can go, they'll fill your supposed gap.
Immigration is not the answer... everyone that sees an immigrant working away at a job, doing a good job and working hard... not knocking them, they don't see the family of 8 back home all crammed into the apartment, not working and taxing our health care, all the while they're happy with all the money because it's so much more than they had at home. Opening up more immigration won't up the workers, it will lower the numbers, and only raise the population while shrinking the tax base! Look at this c&p from another forum discussing immigration:
(name of forum & poster withheld)
I am new here and i am glad i have found a place where i can post all of my frustrations (sorry) and the injustice i feel.
Namely i came to Canada (Toronto) 2006 from Macedonia (Ex Yu) for professional development in my teacher's career and also visiting my Godmother. I had visited Canada in 1997 so i had some idea what it is like and on that occasion i had met my husband, who never married nor did i , so this time we decided to be together and get married.
It is now 1,5 years and i am STILL waiting for their decision as they said they will inform me until July! In the meantime i am not allowed to work, nor study nor have any health inusurance, but i do volunteer all this time and have had a chance to view and see all this injustice. I am only asking to work, not welfare as most of them do!!!!
I used to live in Australia for some 10 years and i am considered as a native english speaker, I grew up there. I also worked in an American International Highschool as a social science teacher and have vast experience.
Yet i don;t understand the immigartion policies and why some marriages are checked and some are not , especially people from the third world countries. I get really angry when while volunteeringly teaching some of them (actually most of them "use" the benfits of FREE english classes and programs, i have no met a European that attends these and i simply do not know why, i guess they all work! Whereas these immigrants are mostly on welfare, some work for cash, have 3,4 children, after 5,6,7 years are STILL learning english and act is if they own the country.
I knew and read that Canada is "multicultural" , but i never knew i would come upon such a scenery, especaially in North York where i live i cannot see a white person, This is totally disgusting as what i see makes me fall into a depression, I did not stay here to be in India or Somalia yet i fell like i am there. I am now forced to use the bus as i have no work yet and i cannot beleive my eyes of what has become of Canada.
I thought that it is "british" a former dominion of Great Britain, yet i feel it is not so! White people have become distinct here!
Everyday i witness the lack of culture these people have and their attitude, plazas and streets dirty from their filth, crime, a lack of security, drugs and prostitution.
This is all a result of allowing so many of those uneducated people to enter and multiply.
I am sorry i feel this way, i never was a racist really, i also taught world cultures and was proud to know about the World and ancient civilizations, but this is beyond my imagination and expectation.
I did not beleive that this government has a specific attitude towards me, only because i am white, have education and experience and am geniunly married!