What's going one? What's the point of Israel VS Lebanon?
2006-07-23 13:45:14 UTC
Why is Israel attacking Lebanon? What are they fighting about? What's all this about Hezzabolla? What are they fighting for?

Unfortunately I have been unable to keep up with the news for the last week and I gotta know what's going on lol.
Fourteen answers:
2006-07-23 13:52:45 UTC
Why do some people refuse to admit the truth, and tell the WHOLE story? Not just the part that fits the agenda.

The point is... When Israel is doing kicking the sh*t out of all the terrorist mulims that surround THEIR land, then peace will be possible. Only after muslims can no longer make war, will there be peace. Only after the muslims love their children more than they hate Jews will there be peace.
2006-07-23 21:26:11 UTC
Well this whole thing started when some Hezzabolla militants attacked Israel. They killed a couple people and took two hostage (this is not to be confused with the two hostages Palstine took) Hezzabolla thought they could trade the prisoners for some Israel had. Israel didn't like that idea and I think was looking for a reason to get rid of them any way so they started bombing in relatiation. Poor Lebanon was just there, Hezzabolla has really no assosiation with their government. They are kind of like the minutemen on the boarder in the US except they carry guns and missles.
2006-07-23 21:23:43 UTC
The strife between Israel and the Arabs is a complicated issue, however, if you read the story of Abraham in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, you will understand how it got started. It goes something like this, Abraham received a blessing from God because of his righteousness and willingness to obey God's commands. The blessing included the area in which Israel exists today (the land of Canaan). Abe went so far as to almost take his son Isaac's life at God's command. Sarah, Abe's wife, was barren most of her life and it was an embarassment to her. She arranged to have her handmaiden, Hagar, to concieve a child with Abraham. The child was named Ishmael. Several years later God came to Abraham in a dream or vision and told him Sarah would concieve a son. Abe was over 100 and Sarah was over 90 at the time. However, a child was concieved and named Isaac. Enmity developed between Sarah and Hagar. God came to Abe in another vision and gave him instructions on how to handle the problem. Abe responded by banishing Hagar and Ismael out of the family and into the desert.

It was the custom of the time that the firstborn son inherited the blessing of God through his father. The Arabs claim the blessing of God through Ishmael and the Jews through Isaac. God told Abe there would be enmity and bloodshed between the two nations and there has been ever since. There will never be peace and the waring will continue until Jesus comes back.
jack f
2006-07-23 23:35:44 UTC
Its not Israel vs Lebanon, its Israel vs Hezbollah.
2006-07-23 21:24:17 UTC
The pictures will tell you what's going one. Sorry they are graphic:

To get a full understanding, we have to go back a long time ago when the Israelis were expelled from 109 locations and the British mandate and Balfour declaration gave Israel a part of the Palestine land that was occupied by the British forces then.

The Israeli Zionists had their own agenda to attain their "promised land" - the land between the Al Forat & the Nile Rivers - and Israel began to invade parts of Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and more parts of Palestine.

In 1967 the UN passed resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdraw form the occupied Arab territories they have invaded & occupied during these wars.

During this time, Israel has been conducting ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians and is continuing to do so to this day as it is now doing to Lebanon as well. Have you heard of the Israeli Sabra & Shatila massacre in Lebanon or the Deir Yassin massacre in Palestine? Please read on:

The whole issue of the current abuse over Lebanon is not the issue Israeli soldiers. Israel provoked Hezbollah by crossing the Lebanese borders to aggravate matters and have Hezbollah retaliate. Lebanon is only a stepping-stone to reach Syria and Iran after Iraq has been totally destroyed and occupied by the US. (Israel was behind the Afghanistan / Iraqi wars).

For Israel to be able to fulfill its agenda, then it has to ensure that there are no powerful Arab / Muslim armies in the region except the Israeli army, which is backed up & fully equipped with US military weapons. Israel also has its own nuclear power station and nuclear warheads.

I have many sources to support all that I have said if you care to check them out yourself.

Israel throughout history has been conducting covert operations against the US (in particular) to set up the Arabs and begin wars with their neighboring Arab countries to achieve their cause / agenda.

From history, Israel did conduct attacks on the US harming and murdering US citizens trying to set up Arab countries in the process so that the US may start wars with these countries – Check the sources below: USS Liberty and the Lavon affair and others:


Please take a look at the results of the current war and Israeli aggression and judge for yourself:
Dean B
2006-07-23 21:18:46 UTC
Lebanon has no oil you morons. Lebanon supports Hezzbolah 100% or they wouldn't be in Lebanon. Oh yeah, its time to start bombing Syria and Iran too. Watch the news pal.
2006-07-23 21:03:56 UTC
Israel wants to get rid of Hezbollah's weapons. They claim they don't want to hurt the Lebanese, but their bombings have killed hundreds of innocent Lebanese and has destroyed many buildings, roads and bridges.

Hezbollah wants to see Israel destroyed.
2006-07-23 21:35:38 UTC
You are better off not even reading the above answers. For one thing, there is no oil there. Secondly. the previous answers (and probably the ones that follow mine ) are given by people with little fact and lots of opinion
One Hand One Heart
2006-07-23 20:47:50 UTC
Beats me, why is Bush so intent in continuing the war his father started? It's all about money and oil.
cave dude
2006-07-23 20:48:10 UTC
watch the NEWS
daljack -a girl
2006-07-23 23:11:36 UTC
All wars are about whose d*** is the biggest.
2006-07-23 20:51:11 UTC
read the bible, then you will know that those people been fighting sense.
2006-07-23 21:04:12 UTC
to summarize everything, its about oil.
2006-07-24 02:02:42 UTC
Hezbollah is not the government of Lebanon

Its spiritual leader is Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, and its senior political leader is Hassan Nazrallah, who has held the title of secretary general since 1992. Its military arm is known as Islamic Resistance.

Hezbollah (Arabic: حزب الله‎, meaning Party of God) is an umbrella organization of radical Shiite group founded in early 1982 to combat Israeli, French and American troops in Lebanon. It is supported by Iran and Syria and located in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah are Shiite Muslims as are most Lebanese, Syrians, Iraqis, Iranians and some Yemenis, Pakistanis and Bahrainians. Diplomatic efforts are aimed at getting the Sunni Muslim countries to negotiate. This includes Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

Hezbollah gained popular support by providing social services such as hospitals and schools for Lebanese Shiites. Hezbollah was able to step into the power breach created by Lebanon’s weak government. Hezbollah has pursued a political and religious agenda that centers on the destruction of Israel and opposition to the United States and has been carried out through terrorism against Israeli and Western targets. In 1983 Hezbollah killed 241 US marines in Beirut. Syria admits supporting Hezbollah, but denies arming the group.

Hezbollah’s official rhetoric calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamist Palestinian government. Initially, the group sought to replace Lebanon’s secular government with an Iranian-style Islamic government.

Hezbollah maximizes Israeli civilian casualties when they launch Syrian and Iranian designed antipersonnel missiles with ball-bearing shrapnel. Furthermore, in Lebanon, Hezbollah deliberately operates military wings out of densely populated areas to maximize Lebanese casualties. It seems that Hezbollah wants to maximize civilian casualties on BOTH sides.

On Beirut Al-Manar TV Lebanese President Emile Lahhud expressed his support for Hezbollah leader, Al-Sayyid [Hasan] Nasrallah. The Lebanese government could have chosen to expel Hezbollah.

The ground war in Lebanon began Friday, July 21st. Several Israeli brigades now appear to be operating between the Lebanese border and the Litani River. According to reports, Hezbollah forces are dispersed in multiple bunker complexes and are launching rockets from these and other locations. Hezbollah strategy is to draw Israeli troops as deeply into Lebanon as possible, forcing them to fight on extended supply lines. In order to destroy Hezbollah's infrastructure, Israeli troops must move into the Bekaa Valley and as far as the southern suburbs of Beirut. Simply occupying the border-Litani area will not achieve any of Israel's strategic goals. The war has begun at Hezbollah's time and choosing.

The first point to bear in mind is that the crisis did not truly begin with the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah's Operation True Promise . The kidnappings presented a serious problem for Israel, but could not, by themselves, define the geopolitical issue. That definition came when Hezbollah rockets struck Haifa, Israel's third-largest city, on July 13. There were also claims coming from Hezbollah, and confirmed by Israeli officials, that Hezbollah had missiles available that could reach Tel Aviv. Israel's population is concentrated in the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem corridor and in the Tel Aviv-Haifa corridor. In effect, Hezbollah had attained the ability to strike at the Israeli heartland. Hezbollah has been hitting the northern part of this heartland, as well as pounding Israel's northern frontier.

Formerly, Syria had troops in Lebanon. When Syria withdrew its troops Hezbollah could operate freely.

Hezbollah has indicated that it will bombard Tel-Aviv, Israel with 500 missiles. So far, Hezbollah has used Kassam and Ketuysha rockets. It has not used the Zelzal or Fajr missiles, yet which have longer range. Israel is committed to ferreting out the missiles and destroying them. This will be costly to both sides in casualties.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said on MEMRI TV the volcano of rage of the people in the region is on the brink of will not be limited to this region.

The ground war has begun. Israel first conducted massive air strikes and sent special forces troops into Lebanon to ferret out strongholds and weapons. Many of these are located in tunnels.

Early in the morning on July 21st, IDF ground forces were operating in the area of the Karni crossing in the northern Gaza Strip. In a military engagement just over the border of Lebanon Israeli soldiers of the Egoz regiment discovered one of the many fortified bunkers holding the large arsenal of missiles currently raining upon Israeli towns in the North. Several Israeli brigades now appear to be operating between the Lebanese border and the Litani River. According to reports, Hezbollah forces are dispersed in multiple bunker complexes and are launching rockets from these and other locations. Hezbollah has implemented its strategy by turning southern Lebanon into a military stronghold, consisting of well-designed bunkers that serve both as fire bases and launch facilities for rockets.

Hezbollah's strategy seems to be to draw Israeli troops as deeply into Lebanon as possible, forcing them to fight on extended supply lines. In order to destroy Hezbollah's infrastructure, Israeli troops must move into the Bekaa Valley and as far as the southern suburbs of Beirut. The war has begun at Hezbollah's time and choosing.

The United Nations has called for a ceasefire and wishes to oversee the peace

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.