That's all well and good for the elite rich and global corporations I suppose who are bound to benefit from a further drop in real wages, and there will be given that those coming into the country will accept much lower wages, but for the majority of those of us who live in this country the standard of living can only get worse if immigration isn't reduced and the population level doesn't decline
Where do you propose we draw the line here in terms of population growth?
An increasing population now will result in an increasing number of those retiring later in life in the future so who will pay for their retirement?
This is not some pyramid scheme to take advantage scheme, these are real people we're talking about, some of whom are yet to be born
The days of final salary payment pensions are gone and governments have put more pressure on individuals to pay for their retirement themselves, hence why we're seeing automatic pension schemes and an increase in the retirement age as we head towards more people living into their hundreds due to medical improvements that stretch out human life long beyond its original intentions
But although we now have what's known as a minimum wage, companies are under no obligation to actually pay that out and hence why we're seeing the rise of zero hour contracts for instance
Anybody from a poor country will welcome such meagre wages when it makes them feel better off and if you're used to living in poor conditions you're not going to complain too much as the level we experience now falls to their current levels. And some will settle for much less than the rest of us as they send money home where it's worth far more to their families due to the conversion rate alone
In addition you'll see an increase in corruption as a result of the cultural trends that certain countries have
All of which means more and more people will either be on lower wages or benefits and there will be a reduction in taxes per head of population
Now what about those in this country already and their offspring or even the immigrants that we bring in and their offspring that fall into this employment trap you refer to and so as you say become uneducated and unemployable?
Are you proposing that we simply sideline them and not address that part of the problem?
Because what you're suggesting seems to be either to leave them on a lifetime of benefits, which means taxes must go up for those of us above low wages or more likely those who are poor but employed start paying taxes
Or would you rather we abandon them to charities and more likely give them shorter lives spent being homeless?
More interestingly where do you propose all of the people live?
This country is already one of the most densely populated countries in the world and it's only going to get worse as a result of a population rise that's due to immigration along with the additional offspring they will have
The NHS is already struggling, our schools are becoming overcrowded, transport is getting more congested, more and more people are chasing fewer houses while the available land declines
The current generation is already struggling to get on the property ladder as it is and as the population continues to rise then people will be crammed into smaller and smaller accommodations which they won't even be able to afford to buy
Life will simply get worse and worse for future generations and we'll go back to the days of one class of the elite rich and everyone else will be poor. And I mean poor as in the workhouse days
Don't believe the c*** that current politicians tell you. The Tory party were once the only rich party to benefit from this sort of thing, now Labour politicians are just rich boys as well, fresh out of public school. Worse yet these left wing ones still have a chip on their shoulder; They increased immigration simply to insult the Tories. It's ridiculous. Rich people trying to snub even richer people. They aren't even part of the original working class this party came from
When there is a problem, you shouldn't be focusing on just the symptoms. What needs to be tackled is the actual problem itself
If as you say this country isn't educating its youth then that's what needs to be dealt with, not bringing in educated people from abroad as then the problem only gets worse
As history as shown, countries have coped perfectly well when they had smaller populations. Common sense tells you that when they reach a certain limit they will break