What is your idea to reduce terrorism in our india? plz give Seariously!?
chandru y
2008-11-26 20:35:56 UTC
What is your idea to reduce terrorism in our india? plz give Seariously!?
228 answers:
geetu k
2008-11-27 10:49:21 UTC
Well better late than never,i think its now a high time.We need to answer the terrorists who are having fun with their guns and bombs.Indians have patience and a hope to win hearts by her peaceful nature.

But terrorists are overlooking a fact that India is a country of braves and fighters.Terrorism in India has crossing its limits day by day and whats so imp today is to keep an strict and active eye of police checking on the airports,seaports,railway stations ,metro stations .

we need full proof armed forces at the imp places of our country

There are a no.of things to be done.but for that we need to wake our Govt ,our polititians to stop fighting among themselves to get higher seats rather they must show their potential in big (terrorism,religion or caste related) issues to deserve those seats .

Above all...if every citizen wanna fight against terror ..dont just depend on the armed forces to secure you ..just be aware of your surroundings and dont let any strange thing to happen in future.Awareness in public really counts..their participation matters a lot!

Rest for mumbai attacks terrorists should be hang to death for killing hundreds of innocent people.
2008-11-28 03:18:44 UTC
Terrorism is here to stay. It is time we understand this and change ourselves according to the current scenario. An individual cannot fight terrorism, but he certainly can help the agencies concerned.

Like they say "charity begins at home", the first help towards this should start from an individual like me. We should have a serious committment to enquire what is happening in our area. Our own awareness about our neighbours, society is the first step. Bring to the notice of the concerned any new face, person, who seem to be out of place. Social gathering and interaction in this direction is a must.

Our awareness will further take us to the places we travel daily. Probably to the office, market, shopping mall etc. In the beginning it may sound crazy, but keeping an eye on everything around us, whereever we are, will make a lot of difference.

Individual housing societies etc can keep a track of what is happening around them and keep the police posted about any suspecious person or surrounding.

Change in attitude of the individual is a must, if we are to live peacefully. Closing our eyes to what ever is happening around is no solution.

On a larger scale, there are many things which our Government can do.

1. We should first have a central agency (like the FBI in US) responsible for terrorism in India (not individual states). They should have the ultimate power to apphrehend people, question them, take them to custody, move in to the area where untoward incidents are happening, power to search any one (including politicians). They should be the best trained people in India, like we have the NSG now.

They should be above all laws.

2. Govt should get the best surveiliance systems, equipments etc in place for all the agencies concerned with the law. Starting from police of different states. This would also include, best possible vehicles for moving around, guns etc.

3. The old system of collecting information from the people on the road by the local police should be revived. This should merge well with the latest model equipements available in the market.

4. As prevalent in the defense forces, the Federal agency and the local police and all relevant agencies concerned, should have only one religion. That is " Protecting the people and the country". Political affiliation should be banned from these forces.

5. These agencies should be out of the purview of the politicans.

6. Strict punishment for the persons found guilty, whether they are individuals or politicans.

7. We should have the American system, wherein a capital punishment should carry on as long as the person is alive. There should not be a chance for any such criminal to come out of the prison.

8. Instead of anouncing judgement and keeping the terrorists in the jail at our expenses, they should be hanged or shot dead. There is no need to keep a terrorist in the jail. The society dont need them. We should not give chance to another terrorist to come and save the life of the other terrorist.

9. Our waters, borders, airports etc should be protected by with the best of people who are not corrupt with the best of equipments.

10. The devide and rule policy of the politicians must change. It bring more hatred among the people, leading to internal terrorism and support to international terrorism.

11. The world should punish the countries that are supporting terrorism by putting proper sanctions in place. They should also openly support the country which is suffering from terrorism.
Krishna Kumar K
2008-11-27 03:58:41 UTC
Terrorism can not be tolerated in any form.

First of all, the Government should have strong determination to root out terrorism from India. Secondly, there should be no VOTE BANK tricks. The guilty should be taken to task immediately and at the same time the punishment also should be severe and timely.The judiciary should be geared up to this extent.

I have been writing on so many occasions, we have no shortage of sincere and dedicated Army and Civil Officials. A team consisting of Excellent proven track Record of Present and Ex-Army Top Officials and IPS Officials under the chairmanship of President of India and Prime Minister of India shall be constituted. Other than this, no politician should be involved. The decision taken by this Committee shall be final and unquestionable by any Judiciary in India and abroad. Both Central and State Governments shall not have any Authority to intervene in the decisions except to implement the decisions rigorously.

If the Terrorist happened to be any person, shall be punished with out any hesitation and consideration. The Country is permanently existing. The people are permanent. But we the individual souls are quite temporary in this living world.Some more fine tunings can be taken place to this view by any gentle person having Nation's interest

This is my view.
2008-11-28 01:32:54 UTC
Prevention is BETTER than Cure..!!

I would suggest that all the intelligence and military depts like RAW, IB, CBI, CID, NSG, ARMY, AIR FORCE, NAVY, COAST GUARD, State Police, Disaster Management Authorities, Emergency Service Providers etc be integrated into an APEX body which should be headed by responsible Chief but not any politician.

Plus the sale and availability of explosives should be tracked.

Moreover, all the borders and the coastal region should be monitored and patrolled with utmost caution.

Also, the neighboring countries should be warned about the consequences of allowing terrorists and other organizations working against the wellbeing of the Republic of India.And still if they DO NOT restrict any of these activities on their soil, a full-on war should be declared against those countries specially Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Lastly, every Common Man should be aware of his/her duty as the responsible citizen of India, and thus should not be involved in any anti-India activity that also include spreading false rumors which more-often-than-not leave our police departments confused increasing their in-efficiency against the actual strikes.
2008-11-27 22:41:36 UTC
The politicians should stop making such aN incident as a tool for their own seat and power. They should at least wake up by this time and think prospectively toward development, increase security system, etc. This is complete failure of intelligence and security system not only in such a reputed hotels but also in the country. How can they enter into the Indian coast without Navy or Coast guards interference? This is not the first time, we have seen such things in the past too Kandahar, Kargil and attack on Indian Parliament and so on…. This is the time to rise. I think people should know their responsibilities and should take initiative to report any suspicious activity around. Our leaders are chosen not only to rule the country also to serve and protect nation, and last but not the least the COMMON MAN.
2008-11-29 09:54:44 UTC
Terrorism can not be thrown out country over night.It require a constant and systemic approach to reduce terrorism and its effect.

I will not blame any country, religion or region for terrorism. There is reason why m not blaming any one.

Only education and Development can bring a change in whole ecosystem. This will bring about change in the whole system and will decrease hatred between different community. More education means more business and more contact between different community thus reducing apprehension about each other.

I don't think so there is any other solution for terrorism. Violence is recursive loop which will never end this
rajan l
2008-11-29 06:52:47 UTC
India is a country of undisciplined people who are mostly corrupt and will do anything for money. As such anybody can enter India by bribing police, fishermen,offcicials with or without valid documents. Most of the politicians and business men are corrupt and stash their money abroad and do not mind in helping smuggling and terrorism.

It happened with Sikhs in their Khalistan movement, Nagas, Mizhos etc and happening with Muslim terrorists also. I was one told by one colonel that BSF personnel sometimes take money and allow Pakistanis & Bangaladeshis to enter India at the borders.

Even after 60 years of Independence we do not have a national identity card and no address proof other than the ration card. Even today it is difficult to travel inside the country and you will not get reservations in trains and bus.

Political leaders like Prakash Karat, Mulayam Singh, Karunanidhi, Maya devi etc are in the forefront if police arrest Muslim terrorists and ask them to be released.

All the political leaders who are corrupt and against should be hanged and their assets nationalised. Also stringent laws should be enacted to catch and punish all culprits.

But again people like the despotic J.Jayalalitha would use them to arrest and imprison all their enemies using this law. Some of the Tamil Nadu politicians (especially during Jaya's rule) use Ganga cases to arrest their enemies. Police also lick the shoe of the rulers.

So where is security?
2008-11-28 01:49:08 UTC
India does not have an efficient rescue system nor proper intelligence service like the FBI in US. We can't handle it so we are victims of terrorism But we Mumbaikars are very tough and can handle such crisis and not blame one and other. Any government we elect has to have an excellent security system.The money we pay as taxes should be used for creating an efficient organization so that the terrorists will keep thinking on how to break the security barrier and will for get about attacking our motherland forever.

2008-11-29 17:00:15 UTC
Firstly, my heart goes out to the brave commando's who fought the terrorists around the clock. Here is what I think :

Make the best effort to catch them alive. Get the most you can get out of them and kill them. No need to waste time in courts! If they can kill innocents, why can't the 'system' do the same? We definitely do not need the bloody politicians to visit the scene of a terror attack! Let the commando's do what they are best at doing! A terror strike is NOT the time to beg for votes! We need an aggressive defence minister! The kinds who kills and answers next! Rename his profile as "Offence" minister, if need be!

We need the media to stay low when such an attack is happening. Why cant they think that the terrorists are/were having access to the latest news? Isn't it funny that the terrorists are holding hostages in a building, but they know how many commando's have entered it from a news channel with BREAKING NEWS? Ofcourse, the citizens need to know every minute of it. Why not delay the telecast by a few minutes? Why cant the Intelligence think like terrorists? It's more like, they are telling the terrorists how many commando's are going inside the building!!
Lalitha R
2008-11-29 02:12:21 UTC
Terrorism, in India or elsewhere, is bad.We cannot blame the youngsters (mostly teenagers) who turn to terrorism.They are either brain-washed into believing that they are saving the world or they enter into it as a form of livelihood. There are powerful people behind these boys who would love to create chaos and confusion among people.The minds of these powerful people are dirty;not the minds of the terrorists.It is an ardous task to free society from these power-mongers;but not impossible.1.We must see that good education is given to all.2.Education should include value-education, dignity of labour, community service and religious tolerance.3.Parents should take special interests in the children during their adolescence.Parents should know who are the friends of their children.4. Students should be encouraged to channelise their energy into constructive activities like music, painting,, carpentry, gardening etc.5.The youngsters should be encouraged to form small establishments for self-sufficiency.6.Students, while studying should not be encouraged to enter into politics.7.They should be reprimanded for destruction of public property.8.There should not be any youth without employment, idle and doing nothing.9.Most important, under no circumstances, the outh should become victims of drugs and alcohol.10.Parents and teachers should work together.
2008-11-27 07:04:56 UTC
Some ways to reduce by atleast 50% are:

1 The laws for terrorists should be as strict to terrify them

2 Ministers like Shivraj Patil should be kicked off with their ineffective Congress government.

3 There should be an better technologically advanced Anti terrorist squad with powers to arrest any suspect any time whoever he may be 4 Money should be used to place cameras everywhere including hotels, roads, the parliament premises or even minor streets.

5 If some state gov. cannot afford to put cameras it should have honest(rarely found) police or proivate security personnels deployed every street/road (it will generate employment also)
2008-11-29 02:52:11 UTC
India should severely warn Pakistan not to encourage terrorist outfits. I don't mean the warning should be in words. We should use our military power by attacking the terrorist camps in Pakistan. If the terrorist camps are protected by the Pakistan Military, we should not hesitate to attack the Pakistan Military base also. Government should not worry about the consequences of war. I feel its good to die in a war situation but not in this kind of terrorists attack.

We all know that the main source of terrorism is Pakistan. Still how many years we are going to bear this. Still how many brothers and sisters we are going to lose. If we are ready to bear this, we should be ready to lose our children and our generations to these covert terrorists. Enough, we lost lot of things to the terrorism. We must stop this at any cost. Or else our generation have to face it in a very high magnitude.

Our military and police are very vigilant only for the period of one week after any such terrorist attack. Then after the medias forget about the incident, they go and carry on regular task of being a servant to the politicians. If the vigilance is stringent we can avoid such incidents.
2008-11-29 01:29:59 UTC
Any outfit , terrorist or otherwise , has a base and a set of training centres. The base is manned by clever , behind-the scene instigators and the trainees are young , manipulable people. . The brainwashed are ones who are sent to execute . the plot. The cowardly trainers are hiding somewhere.

Our actions should aim at attacking the base ( trainers ) who should be eliminated by the joint efforts ALL countries . Tall order but should be attempted . That way we could choke recruitment of new trainees.

At the same time the "brain washable" front people should be brainwashed . Powerful advertisements showing that familiies of Moslem are killed , maimed , orphaned etc. . That may appeal to some young corrupted mind and one changed person is enough to lead us towards the base.

I believe that only change of heart of people can bring about a change in the world order. No amount of force will eliminate it.
tmadhava m
2008-11-28 06:22:56 UTC
all thro our long history, we have locked the stable doors only after the horses had been stolen. when Mohd. Gazni invaded ancient hindu kingdoms in india, they thought it was just a few attacks on their rivals and sat back. when the British swallowed up India bit by bit, our rulers thought that was good; only they would be safe. now, we blame "intelligence" - which is exactly what we lack.

there is no short cut to national security. laxity of defense personnel and bureaucrats is the first enemy; but our politicians and capitalists thrive on that! so, our enemies pick us off one by one.

i believe international terrorism is BIG BUSINESS. our capitalists get a lot of profit out of it - for example, LTTE smuggle drugs and kerosene out of India, and push in narcotics and political hullabaloo! but now, BIG BUSINESS too is at the suffering end - tatas have taken a big hit. other capitalists are perhaps secretly rejoicing over it.

Politicians are also secretly happy over it. Indian National Congress welcomes it. It gives them an opportunity to bribe and threaten their rivals into agreeing to the imposition of National Emergency, so that elections can be postponed, and an unholy conspiracy concocted to stick on to power and profits through bribes - INC are great experts in that.

So, what can WE, the PEOPLE, do? I believe we should expose our corrupt political leadership. We should generate new leaders. We should strengthen local self government - all power to the Panchayats. And then, our people will automatically be vigilant, and guard against terrorists.
2008-11-29 10:30:08 UTC
1) Increased intelligence of terrorists activities of the groups known to plan and execute terrorist attacks in India as well as new groups that pose serious threats to India (known by their activities and dialogue). 2) Networking intelligence assistance from Israel, U.S. and Britain collectively and under wraps so there isn't backlash from their opponents and no favors to perform in the future. 3) Take help from allies if there are no strings attached but in secret again. 4) Have higher security for hiring, for instance in the hotels that were struck or any other places that will be potential targets - everyone should have a background check and activities/alliances scrutinized 5) Find ways to increase the empathy between all religions alike. Have classes in schools that teach tolerance. TEACH GANDHI'S PRINCIPLES TO ALL children and college students alike. Make it a huge contest for students about to pass. It can be a part of everyone's curriculum. 6) Work on India's infrastructure. Help the public have a vested interest in India succeeding. Lessen the cynicism in which they view government. 7) Continue with the conversations with Pakistan. Build that alliance strong and know we are brothers and sisters. Believe and hope they will keep their end of the bargain, give them the benefit of the doubt. Help them, help us and do keep them accountable and honest.
2008-11-27 21:13:30 UTC
Terrorists need locals help to enter the city. They need food-travel-stay! Govt must issue Social Identity Cards to each and every individual of this country - Use the best technology - we could have finger prints and photos as a ruling factor. People should be made to use this even in smallest of small hotels, while travelling in trains-taxis-autos-buses, mobile phone connection, renting out houses to outsiders, in colleges where students come from outside - all this database should be accessible to Police. In india anybody can get a driving license card, ration card, mobile phone connection - these should be be checked periodcally. All this is not impossible, but a definitely a huge task.
dream for chaos free india
2008-11-27 03:58:47 UTC
Terrorism..A big question mark for any country's development.But how many of us know what terrorism is and how terrorists crop up??may be a few. Terrorists are a group of young generation who have been motivated by so called mujahidins...they term it as Jihad..but do they knowthe meaning of Jihad? killing young children,women,tourists,inncocent old persons is not Jihad.Kuran says Jihad is necessary but it is applicable when your own home,children or your spouse(wife) is under threat. I never at all agree that Muslims have been discriminated in any part of India. They have restricted their ideas to the notion that they are being looked down upon. Was Maluna Abdul Kalam Azad not a Muslim? Was Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam not a muslim? its all bulshit to say muslims are discriminated. Right from the starting of the post independence period it was always the Muslims who started the chaos first. May be it from the partition of India to the Indo-Pak wars to the Kargil Out break. Now the question is what the world is asking among all people..are all muslims terrorists or all terrorists are muslims?? i will say not all muslims are terrorists but the second one is applicable that all terrorists are muslims. All attacks negotiations , talkings, cross border friendships are just child's play. ATS should be given the ultimate power to curb terrorism. NSG commandos should be deployed with full supply of ammunition to gun down any suspect.They should be given a chance to work without any political influence..coz our country always had been prone to ******* political games.Govt is really inefficient to handle such situations. I will deadly support Lal Bhadur Shashtri's ideologies under whose reign army fought these rascal neighbours valliantly. If the govt still continues to play its politial games without caring for the problem and accusing each other party for the cause then let the youngsters take up thematter. "The wednesday" the movie which was released recently is a very motivating movie which i recommend all young mass to watch it.Rise up guys..hold your hands together..throw this impotent govt lead by a crippled PM with persuance from a lady who has no idea of running the govt. Outwit everybody who creates and co-operate with the ATS force,police.Lay your life to fight out this religion based terrorism.
2008-11-29 09:38:04 UTC
I feel we have been patient n peace loving for 60 years but tat hasn't helped. The whole world knows that pakistan is has a hand in all the terror attacks. I feel like Bush declared war against iran & afghanistan after the WTC attacks, its HIGH time we declare a WAR against pakistan bcoz the govt there is also not supportive.

I feel thats the ONLY option left. Its a big thing but we r seeing bloodshed for 60years n it doesnt seem to stop. EVERY DAY innocnet people r killed in Jammu n Kashmir n they r not even counted, is it tat only bomb blast n firing is terrorism wats happenin for all these years in J&K is not.

Also we shud make it VERY CLEAR that KASHMIR belongs to us n it WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF INDIA ...tats it n there wont b ne further discussion on it. JAI HIND.
2008-11-29 11:36:07 UTC



read the book mein kamph by hitler his policies must be creul but his ideas were for the betterment of the people


education has also made the people undisciplined and also led to terrorism since all the terrorists are brain washed due to illiteracy

population is also increasing at an alarming rate has to be controlled

dont look for removing terrorism for there is no method except for understanding those terrorists and then take corrected actions



2008-11-29 00:27:39 UTC
This is long term process to reduce, because there is no heavy legal punishments and act. To imply this the political parties are playing each other if one is intended to enforce, the other one is objecting. Before that they should co-operate each other to stay in one line to defend. Moreover they should meet the globel leaders and should get a strong co-operation to make a international law against the supporting nations for terrorism and band them unitedly. Otherwise no solutions. It is a very shame even our people supporting for money and helping them. Every citizen of india should support against terrorism.
2008-11-28 04:48:08 UTC
Our Politician are hopeless and they do not care for general public. If there was an attempt by terrorist on our top LEADER, army would have been called at the border. Amar Singh gives stupid reason for the terrorist encounter at Delhi, he is making politics in police encounter.How can you rely on our policitican? There are nearly a dozen attack by terrorist in last 2 years and all well know that they come from POK which is govern by Pakistan. Now what for our goverment is waiting for? USA was attacked, it was within a week IRAQ was attacked. What do our politican want from Indian public? Just to lay off hand and die on the terrosist bullets. It is a real shame that such politician arrange visit and get back to their work without any action. Do you think that in such critical situation all our politician are one?
2008-11-27 14:28:21 UTC
Q}What is your idea to reduce terrorism in our india? plz give Seariously!?

i think media is partly responsible for giving rise to the terrorism.

when usa had 9/11 strike not a single drop of blood shed was shown on the tv....our media show every bit of a blood shed which is spread on the roads....i need to say do they hv any responsibility or not every information they telecast is again used against us......

1)when u hv such kind of attack media should not be allowed to telecast the footage unless the situation is under control...

2)the security officials should not leak their information to media..i think this again gonna be telecast ed by which the terrorists get the information wats happening in n around them...

3)INDIA is complete in its own (JAI JAWAN JAI KISAN)

we dont want any friendships to be done with the neighboring countries those r the ones who were and are attacking INDIA since decades....

4)early military training in schools n colleges..filling patriotism in the live for india n to die for india...

5)end the democratic rule introduce the president rule so that no community can over power over each other..........

6)indian army: if u hv enough evidences shoot every single community,every single person who is responsible for it there are 10 crore INDIANS to back u .....
2016-02-20 10:10:51 UTC
I have been writing on so many occasions, we have no shortage of sincere and dedicated Army and Civil Officials. A team consisting of Excellent proven track Record of Present and Ex-Army Top Officials and IPS Officials under the chairmanship of President of India and Prime Minister of India shall be constituted. Other than this, no politician should be involved. The decision taken by this Committee shall be final and unquestionable by any Judiciary in India and abroad. Both Central and State Governments shall not have any Authority to intervene in the decisions except to implement the decisions rigorously.
2008-11-29 10:31:16 UTC
It should not be just reducing terrorism. It must be destroying terrorism totally from all over. We need to take the ideas of intelligent people from all fields viz., science, technology, engineering, warefare, etc., who should come forward and contribute voluntarily and urgently. We should chalk out plans to avoid deaths of innocents and damages, by adopting tactics to get these cowardly terrorists who attack the innocents and unarmed civilians.

One idea is that our scientists should be asked to conduct research on a special gas which can put the people in particular building to fall unconsiousness immediately they inhale this gas. This gas should be pumped into the building where the terrorists have entered and put them to unconsciousness for long time, so that without any bloodshed we can catch them without killing. We can also save the lives of innocent civilians and stop other damages too.

Similarly, intelligent persons can contribute their ideas quickly so that we are well prepared for all kinds of calamities due to terrorism. Our ideas and actions should be such that we should make all the actions of terrorists futile and they should never venture into such actions in future.

All intelligent people of the world, please come forward to help destroy terrorism.
2008-11-29 01:06:30 UTC
Seriously we need very strong anti terror laws, not a lame government who is a puppet of the terrorists. We need well -equipped and trained policemen. India should join hands with Israel and U.S.

Citizens should be alert. A better navy and strong action against the terrorists.

Get an insight of how the terrorists attacks were carried out and who are responsible for the loss of innocent lives and brave sons of the soil.


blue 09
2008-11-28 05:50:53 UTC
1.) Treat them like cockroaches & mosquitoes

2.) Realize that humanity is for only humans and terrorists are not humans- they are incorrigible robots

2.) Invest in better and sophisticated intelligence and then USE it!

3.) Stop worrying about what the world will think! Do what is needed to protect our country.

5.) Strike Pakistan.

Our country is too nice and large hearted. We believe in humanity and forgiveness. We believe that humanity will change the terroririst. Well, some people are incorrigible. They are not humans, hence they should not be treated like one. Had this happened in a Western country, these people would be out in the streets! Remember what happ in Afghanistan etc..
kashyap g
2008-11-27 23:35:09 UTC
First of all stop political intervention in the matter. Second thing which can be done is that allocate all the mastermind of terrorism to the special squad in all the state. Run a nationwide checking of all this masterminds and shoot at site, no if no but only jut. Need no reporting if they are in the hit list for killing them at any place any where. Only young and aggressive squad should be indulge in this matter and not the old and lethargic person of police and army. Kill them...come what may be..........

Vande Mataram
2008-11-28 07:51:21 UTC
You cannot end or reduce terrorism on a fine day.

It should be pinched out in the bud itself.

Child beating is the Real cause of terrorism. When a child is beaten,it cries,feels sad..saddness changes into sorrow...sorrow changes into hateness ...and later into taking revenge.

Child grows into Man ,Tears grows into revenge. The spirit of revenge is rented for anybody, for any purpose. Thus terrorism is an act deeply rooted in the mind of a person.

Abolish Beatings in school,home and other place on children.

Born in Love should be brought in love.
Ajit S
2008-11-28 04:21:47 UTC
I genuinely feel that now we should stop using Gandhiji Principles while dealing with terrorism. Rather we should use Netaji Subhashchandra Bose's principles. We know that for one world trade center of America, whole Afghanistan was taken over by American Military. Something like that need to be done with Pakistan as well...

Now is the right time or our useless government & politicians will let terrorists to do whatever they want. Till now our prime minister didn't get courage to blame Pakistan openly. He is saying it as Neighbouring country....what a shame....
2008-11-27 06:41:56 UTC
Have a Benevolent Dictatorial Form of Government. With so much corruption in the system rooted in the unfilled desires of man that it's not possible to take corrective measures. We have a system in which the honest and true people are not rewarded.

Those responsible for terrorism even minimally should be incarcerated for life.

Sudhir Adhikari
2008-11-29 09:02:53 UTC
The first thing to reduce terrorism is to reduce the politicians who are soft on terror only for their vote. Country should be led by people who are aggressive to curb Islam terror. This is the kind of terror which the whole world is facing and hence the whole world should unite for 'war against terrorism' and the people who don't support this war should be thrown out of power and if required out of world. Thats the only way Bush curbbed terrorism in US
2008-11-27 19:26:48 UTC
In order to protect are country we need to do something that is some thing urgent. We need to stop inter-state migration. Some people are migrating from North to south. some from Bihar to Madhya pradesh. But where is the check by authorities. There is no ID check. We should start ID check by latest methods. There should be a special permit thru which one can migrate. More and more people are migrating in search of jobs but in absence these people indulge in crime,begging.

For terrorism there should be shot at sight orders.

There should also be ban on Bollywood movies carring such stuff. I once again say that from the grassroot level start preparing database on biometric basis. ID's to be checked to use any public place (Hotels/Hospitals/cinemas/Schools)

IDS should be checked at RLy stn,Airports and Bust & sea terminals.

Still there is no check on SIM cards being issued all across the country. There should be no dealer for Telecom companies. The telecom companies should handle thru their own offices.

There is need to check the existing system of sale and purchase of second hand cars. The buyer in question does not tranfer the vehicle in his name.

Fresh registration at Police stations should be started to keep a check on new migrants/immigrants.

Install more cameras in cities. Install scaners at all railway stations,of advanced technology at all public places.
2008-11-27 11:33:20 UTC
Dear Friend

We have seen how many are responding to you.

Some are with anger , frustration, sympathy for the injured and killed, severe punishment for the terrorists and their supporters ,but none has any answer for long term solution. As long as fundamentalists and fanatics are there in any religion, be it in Muslims or among Hindus or any in other religion, this type of terror activities will go on. Combined with this, the corrupt politicians whose aim to to cling on to power at whatever cost, bureaucrats who swindle public money, outside powers who want to create chaos and destabilize the economy add to the cause.

What we need is another Gandhi, another Martin Luther King, another Mother Teresa , another Swamy Vivekanda,another Bhudha, another

Shah Wali Allah (Qutb al-Din Ahmad al-Rahim) another Ram, another Guru Gobind , another Jain Acharya to guide the nations.

But this will not happen.

Then what is the other alternate for this.

Remove all politicians first, give the powers to Army for a few years.

Let them enforce strict law and order, let them punish all guilty whether they are terrorists or corrupt politicians.

Let them negotiate all out standing disputes like Kashmir, border dispute with China, infiltration from Bangladesh and any other problem.

Let us not side with any country, keep our neutral stand in any international disputes .

These measures may bring some peace and reduce terrorism in our India

Jai Hind
2008-11-27 03:38:37 UTC
First and the foremost all the political parties should unite in fighting against terrorism. Secondly people should not vote the parties which support terrorism or any religion. No political party should ask votes in the name of religion caste or tribe. Our policemen should be given proper training and sophisticated weapons to fight terrorists, which is missing now, due to which I think we lost precious lives of our Policemen. Kill terrorists whereever you found them, don't spare them, even kill the politicians who come to the rescue of terrorists. Ban the political parties which ask vote in the name of religion. I think if we could do atleast few of the above we will be in a position to eradicate terrorism from India.
venu g
2008-11-29 00:37:19 UTC
Terrorism could be understood as a conflicts over National liberation and self determination using violent means. It(Violence) has being used for achieving political ends associated with governments . One State "terrorist" can be considered as a "freedom fighter" of another State. Cynical behaviour, corruption and discrimination of humans results unhappiness,sadness,groupism, which develops strong dislike and impatience.If every Individual is provided with basic needs and correct upbringing. I mean the way parents treat and they teach when growing up will certainly lead to great life , eliminating most hassles of life.This is my personal opinion.
2008-11-28 02:49:44 UTC
'Samool Vinaash' that is complete destruction.

It's time for India to adopt a policy of ATTACK rather than retaliate/ defence. Media had adequate information about the breeding grounds/ hide-outs/ traning centres of the terrorists. Why do we wait for a few of them to come out of their hide-outs and create menace in our country and keep the entire nation busy following those handful of terrorists. It's better, we attack them and destroy them in bulk. Their numbers is not 10s and 20s and killing a few of them will not serve any purpose. They will come back again. Adopt Chankya's policy of 'samool vinash'. Why wait for another attack and then form committees, draw sketches and finally arrest a hand-full of them only to invite another hijack of an airline. Freedom is their birth-right and they will try to have it at all cost. Just find them and kill them wherever they are. Use your airforce, bombard their training centres. What are we afraid of? No more meeting with the filthy politicians. The Army should take up the matter in its own hands and not just act as puppets of the dirty politicians.
2008-11-27 22:27:22 UTC
Let’s ask our govt. why they continue keeping terrorists in Indian prisons? For what good these culprits are required to be alive? We should not forget the Kandhaar Plane Hijack episode (India released 3 terrorists for the exchange of the Indian Airlines passengers.)

It is our responsibility to keep an eye on our Govt.’s activities. If we agree or ignorant to all the decisions they are making, nothing can stop India to fail in achieving its victory. Rather remaining unconcerned to all events (e.g. Bombay, Surat, Delhi blasts) because they did not happen to us; we should come forward & start doing something actually fruitful to save our country.
Karan S
2008-11-27 19:57:23 UTC
All the police men need to be strict:

I am a collage boy and daily do to and fro for my collage via metro the police men over there are so lazy that they will just touch the bag and says - "checked". They aren't checking people at the entrance too.

I say only if the police will stop being lenient then only such terrorist activities can be controlled. And thats more then enough (if done seriously).
raj r
2008-11-27 12:10:12 UTC
To reduce terrorism new laws should be made.Punishment not less than capital punishment be given. When this terrorist kill innocent people, the guys shouting human right slogans sleep, but when you try to punish terrorist they awake and shout for mercy. Its bullshit. Terrorists should be given capital punishment in public . India should learn from U.S.A. Lives in India is cheap. If the politicians cannot make laws and measures to safeguard people's safety they should be punished and hanged.

To combat terrorism be terrorist against terrorism and terrorists to save innocent lives.To preserve humanity one should not hesitate to dirty themselves.Lives of innocent people all over te world is precious. Its not just for India or U. S. A or U.K.

No mercy for terrorist!!!!
Mr Smith
2008-11-27 11:45:23 UTC
Line them up and shoot them! is the first idea that comes to our minds, but just like Fire can not be put away with fire, terrorism can not be ended with terror, the truth is that terrorism is a product of the flaws in our social and political system, eliminating terrorists is important but even more important is to determine and eliminate the cause of it.

Violence can not end violence,

An eye for an eye makes the world blind (Mahatma Gandhi )
nandan s
2008-11-27 08:51:42 UTC
it came from out side, it developed in side our country due to our weakens.

it has taken more than 20 years to be stronger in

India ,Bur our Govt. is still sleeping. As in delhi when police made encounter and loss their one brave Inspector the one of leader shri Amar Singh reached there and tell the public that the tarriest killed were innocents. another day a senior teacher of Jamia miliya university added we will fight for the tarriest who were caught by the police by funds to be fight in the court to free them. like this Shri Raj thakrai also a terr est and always says that Mumbai for only Maharatiean people he is with them only, when Innocent people were getting killed by the tarriest, why hi not come to save them. Like this Govt of India and states also do not want to solve the problem because votes are more valuable from the human life, govt always says that it is done by pakistan but we declare to this is most favor ate country than why govt is not responsible for the killing of the innocent people. It is now too much and we have to change our veiw about the terrorism and need to take some hard decision in favor of nation, no body is bigger to nation. If any one speaks in favor of terrorism he should be punished under the terrorism act equally, and govt need deploy fast track court for the terrorist. If govt not takes the hard decision yet it mean they are allowing the terrorism. If it found that pakistan is responsible for this , govt need to take action like America. Every county has right to make safe his country and to destroy every conspiracy whether it is in his own country or out side the country.
2016-02-05 08:08:17 UTC
idea reduce terrorism india plz give seariously
Ashish c
2008-11-27 09:00:28 UTC
terrorism is not the first time we seen such a thing happen in india.

it is because of our politicians that such things happen in india they care only for money for money they can sell their own mother. The only way to reduce terrorism is to kill the people who give birth to such situations through which the common man turns himself to a terrorist.

We know that the terrorists are not all fools amongst them are some of the brightest minds of the nations.
2008-11-27 04:36:56 UTC
there is nothing new in any idea, you will find it. However, what I would like to do is to ask our political authority to be disciplined, look at the country's health than their own, don't commit and show their willingness to fight terrorism but actually act and try to locate all the resources needed for it.

the answer looks bit ambiguous but you will see the point in it.

Overall, its' just the matter shedding our individual preferences and think & act as Indian and not an individual, as almost all of our leaders do. You see your problem is solved.
2008-11-27 00:20:45 UTC
Terrorism has increased so drastically that i don't think now we can stop them only have few options left to reduce terrorism.

1. Speak to them, try to analyse what are they demands- y killing the innocent, instead they can come forth and declare wht they need

2. Try to develop a device which can acquire the frequency of the bomb before it explodes at least at a min. distance of 1 km., so that they can be placed at all places.

There are many ways to eradicate terrorism, but to be frank one is not striving to do anything in this issue, no one is bothered regarding one's life, lets all together bring out the ideas and try to implement them, yes v all have the caliber but one need to come forward.
2008-11-28 22:36:23 UTC
I do not wish to criticize any government system.


According to me I feel that if every educated citizen votes sincerely for the betterment of the country and chooses a worthy candidate,not because he is his friend but because he is good and who is more interested in the country than the size of his pocket, then India would be more safe.

I'll tell you how...

when educated people do not go for voting then obviously the poorer sections of the society will be majority and they generally vote the parties who have offered them the maximum subsidiary, not because the candidate is good. Therefore a pocket filler who would do anything to fill his pocket is elected to rule the country. Now think why wouldn't the pocket filler hesitate to betray his country for money offered by enemy countries?

I wouldn't say this is the main reason this is one of the



Next i would say is the narrow mindness of those terrorrists who knowing that they will have to die, kill people in the name of religion.
The champ...
2008-11-28 05:47:08 UTC
I think the first step should be taken by the muslim community majors like the imams.they should write to the terrorists that 'they are not having any benefits from this terrorism instead they are losing their status and faith in them in the society. the problems of muslims are also like that of others.Terrorism will bring no relief for their problems as the terrorists are claiming that they are creating terrorism to stop the violence against the muslims.the terrorist activities taking place in the world are making the discrimination against the stop it as the whole of muslim world hates u & ur activities. u are distroying the status of the muslims.' ...etc..

the rest will be left to the govt: to make the securities tight.and take appropriate measures like raising a federal squad with advanced weapons to fight against terrorism.
2008-11-28 04:57:07 UTC
Terrorism is a fast growing poisonous plant which should be plucked from the roots. we people should stand together without any discrimination towards one another. we must not fear of these kind of people who create havoc to his own brothers and sisters.. terrorism can only be reduced by selfless thinking and treating others as our own people. In a strong note govt must take action against these people through defence people.
2008-11-29 03:59:03 UTC
I don't understand why such questions are asked to the people who are not even being listened to. Those who can answer such questions don't even care about taking any actions.

My question is: What the hell are they waiting for?

They know everything, they know who all are behind this, they know who's to be treated how but they don't just know how to control them and the only thing making them blind is the 'buggin'-vote-bank'.

Anyways, let me answer to your question now.

My idea to reduce terrorism is to reduce terrorists. Kill them all when you get them. Catch one you'll get one, from that one you'll get another one. I know we can never reach the root but we'll have to start from somewhere.

I seriously condemn whatever is happening and whoever is behind this.

Give A Man Some Peace.
2008-11-27 21:20:49 UTC
It seems that the terrorists in wednesday's Mumbai attack incident are demanding the release of certain Mujahideen terrorists in Indian Jail. In future who ever is demanded to be released through such a violent way should be hanged after the incident with out any delay or proceedings. This will discourage the people to put such demands.
Arya Varma K
2008-11-27 08:21:52 UTC
Jai Hind,

The first most thing is to update our law.

2. Can i ask a question to this bloody judges the real culprit's and bastard all you idiots had learned same law and wrote same exam then why the judgement in each court varies?????. where is the fault

3.If any member of indian consulate publicly give his word no terrorist , please public ask him to brief

4. If any one is catch-ed deal with terrorism the ******* judge don't support them and be behind for eye witness.

5. Cease all the property of his family and him / her and make him to roam on the street for water and food.

6. family i mean his direct blood related such Mom Dad Sister Brother and all his Laws

7. The utmost thing my Hindustani Warriors if u have love to my country please remove all this baster-ed away from Hindustan

8. Please Hindustani people shout all over to make a new law one who are graduated and passed IAS must stand for Hindustan election not bloody illiterate.

9. If the govt says 60 is the retirement age , doesn't it work for them.

10. Remove this Congress govt who is root cause and good for nothing rite from Nehru to today, is its there hereditary job. and No Hindustani in Hindustan is eligible to rule or guide Hindustan than this Italy.

Jai Hind
Akshay Ash
2008-11-28 05:34:11 UTC
If the terrorists think that the india is soft on them they r wrong

but the army men and the policemen are not given modern weapons

while the terrorists possess modern weapons like AK-47automatic

while the policemen are having rifles while the police reloads the terrorists could shoot 10 policemen at tat time.So my idea is they should provide modern weapons and kill every terrorists at the sight.
raman g
2008-11-27 04:50:05 UTC
In today's situation we need a Government who is not just bankoing on Votes and working only for Votes...

No softcorners toowards the terrorism.

We have to punish them immediately or it gets diluted esily.

In some cases politicians are involved so cases never ends.

Even if one innocent is punished it is ok but 1000s of innocents should not suffer because of one terrorist..

Wake up my friends...

It is tiome for us to help each other

Will educated people think of some sensible PM who can think independently without a foreigner's support as back bone...

2008-11-27 03:49:23 UTC
Change the Rules and regulations according to our new requiremnt as our rules are framed 50 years ago which is not sufficent to avoid terrorism. Catch the terrorist kill in front of every one so that the other should not even think of doing such terror activities. JAI HIND
2008-11-28 18:52:59 UTC
When the intelligence services are used by the politicians for securing their status, take revenge on opposition parties and to get things done on personal grounds, also to corrupt the system, then our country people should face such type of situation only.

We the foolish people forget the politician's blunders / corruption charges, once they are away from the govt. for 5 years. So they come back and enjoy the double.
2008-11-27 09:17:09 UTC
men die ,but ideas live forever.......

terrorism is one of them.It is very difficult to fight a man who is ready to die.

The mumbai terror strikes have shown just that. Nobody can guarantee 100% security but yes we can definitely reduce the chances.

Our govt. is spending millions on missiles and lunar landings but what we really need is more investments in defense management i.e better best technology available should be installed to prevent border breaches.

secondly, tougher is to be noted that laws have been used against innocent citizens so the fear of POTA as reported from minority community is genuine.but just because of that we cant just do nothing.

so my idea is to make a special task force consisting of police officers ,army officials,psychologists and engineers having the cleanest of the records.But the best part is to have 50% of them from the minority community to add credibility to the team .this team would have the sole power to use the strictest laws made only for their use.

Now whenever they arrest somebody they could always ask members from the minority community to face the press .

thirdly , special courts to give verdict on such cases very fast.

Fourthly ,and most importantly the police should take as many youngsters from the minority community in confidence to convert them into assets which would help them to thwart such attacks and when the time comes infiltrate the border themselves for indian benefits.
2008-11-27 07:24:05 UTC
Tough Anti-Terrorism laws.

Very well trained & modern Anti Terror Cell.

This Anti Terror Cell must be free from any political,bureaucraticc control.

Special courts for terror cases.

No mercy approach towards terrorists, their supporters etc.

Seize properties of proved trerrorists & their supporters.

Above all, helicopter, satellite surveilance of complete Indian territory.

Last but not least; HOT PURSUIT.
Parag Ahir
2008-11-28 01:31:36 UTC
Bann any business-contacts with pakistan, not to help pakistan, changing the current democratic system in india will help a lot, building firewall kind of thing in country like US/UK,last but not least attack pakistan taking help from other countries against terrorism.
sayed j
2008-11-28 00:35:44 UTC
their should a strict law for this and a person found guilty should be killed in public so as others do not try for this act and any person found helping this person should be punished severly, apart from this corrupt officials who have certainly help this kind of acts should be shot in public and all their properties should be seeled,

corruption is the main cause for all these kinds of acts, political influences should not be entertained.any political party or political person found in this act should be banned fork life time.

political leaders are respected in all over the country they should act as a model for the people of our country, if these people mis behave or found in this act,(any citizen of india)should be killed in public or hands and legs should be cut immideatly.


with the heip of any officials may be any this is not possible,

for example you try to get in to any place such as ahotel or a cinema or a airpore or a railwsay station their is strict vigilance and checks going on then how come these people entered such high secure areas with out the help of a insider in abig question, which needs a immideate answer IMMIDEATLY people try piay politics should be punished
2008-11-26 23:28:49 UTC
security at railway stations and airports should be technology should be used to check for bombs and other harmful onw should be allowed to pass without checking.once a person is found guilty of an illegal thing,they should be punished in such a way that others have to think 1000 times before doing anything army with special training should be created and terrorism should be unrooted from this complete world.
2008-11-29 05:57:09 UTC
Actually now onwards we should not try to defend .Wipe out all ASAP

1)Destroy the terror camps in bangaladesh and pakistan

2)Throw all Pakis and bangladeshis out of country

3)Stop train,Bus and cricket with pak and bangladeshis

And introduce compulsory Military training for all youths above 20
2008-11-29 00:51:12 UTC
The only way to do this is to keep the political babus and other idiots of the political class away from anti-terrorism missions, because they only end up using it to score political brownie points. the three armed forces should be given complete control of anti-terrorism agencies, who will work with the police and other groups.
2008-11-28 22:08:22 UTC
India has big corruption problem to remove terrorism in india first remove corruption.its like every country has corruption to some extent but its all at very low%. second it would come down to system then change the system. so GO Vote. then change some laws finally it would change. it would take time but its a victory in the end.
2008-11-27 20:54:56 UTC
In India, terrorism has grown to such an extent just because of lack in political will. Our political leaders have not learned any lessons from past. They have not done anything in last 5 yrs to curb this terrorism. Politicians got their Z security every time, everywhere but very few are concerned with general public.

Our so called congress government always tries to please the people with reservation and loan waving techniques but nothing to curb terrorism and India’s development. We have the least efficient government this time with silent PM and stupid fellows in defense and home ministry. PM post is held with someone and governed by someone else (Sonia and rahul).

I dont want to offence anyone but most of Muslims of India still favor Pakistani jihad to some extent directly or indirectly, intentionally or non-intentionally. Their donations in madrasas are still used in terrorism, they enjoy when India lost in stupid cricket matches against Pakistan, they still portray their religion with hard liners. First they converted Indian Hindus to ISLAM and now using them against Hindus.

Our system has many flaws in it. When their is attack in Mumbai, NSG commandos will take 3-4 hrs to reach Mumbai from Delhi. Why not NSG distribution in metros? Police always feel helpless in such situations. ATS officers went without full protection to fight terrorist. Every time after attack, government will talk about formation of new force and laws. Why not use the existent system efficiently. I will not talk about police but our military forces get one of the most efficient training in the world. The problems lie only with the equipments given to them and their proper deployment.

We have luxury hotels like Taj and Trident but what about the basic security?? Just nothing.

I would like to tell every Indian to help your India else these politicians will eat it out for their own advantage. Please choose your vote carefully next time else you and me will be the target next time.
bibhuprasad r
2008-11-27 05:00:41 UTC
A photo I card with bar code for all tansactions including filling of petrol. The card should provide a link to a comprehensive data base. Start with air travel, than cinema halls and railway ticket booking and finally filling up of petrol. gradually but surely an all purpose photo I card is a must in this country to check terrorism
2008-11-26 23:41:11 UTC

I think this is the most important and complicated questions in right time.

If we want to write off terrorism in India then first we should have a wish to do that. It's not that we do not have a wish but it is not enough. We have to have this wish seriously. Every students want to come first in the class but only few students study hard for this.

If we have the intention first thing we have to purify our politicians. The politicians and police themselves are the creators and nurturer of the terrorists. They themselves take help of goons, musclemen, anti socials who are the base of the terrorists at different times. Moreover the politicians always play the religious card to keep their own power.

The religion cards are the most dangerous card. For me the politicians are the creator of terrorism. Like America, who created Bin Laden to keep the Russians at the bay to enjoy the power all over the world. Now he is the most biggest threat to the peace and unity of humanism. Innocent Muslims are feeling the heat instead.

Moreover we should have a strong anti terrorism act. in our country. No politicians should back any terrorist/mastermind of any attack like presently doing by Mr. Advani for sadvi Pragga. Also the agency like ATS should work neutrally, as per the law of the country.
2008-11-29 09:46:41 UTC
Giving severe punishments like cutting hand, leg, head.

India should follow strict rules, like Saudi Arabia to end the terror, which happened in the last two days.
2008-11-29 05:44:09 UTC
What Bush did was absolutely correct after 9/11 attack. Also what Gandhi said was correct to some extent..'an eye for an eye..makes both blind.' Now since the tolerance level is exceeded we should take stringent steps againt the terrorisum..leave no trace..shoot at sight..should give full control to the indian forces..need to reform the political moves...eliminate dirty politics completely...

I would like to salute brave NSG, Indian forces who fought against the coward terrorist Mumbai..and took control over the situation.
2008-11-29 03:42:15 UTC
I think firstly Hindus and Muslims should unite (if possible) and therefore India and Pakistan should combat terrorism together, they're both in the same tight situation Pakistan's Marriott then India's Taj, if we unite we can combat anything.
Arun T
2008-11-28 01:26:37 UTC
i'm arun from Bangalore in India .

I'm asking to you . what a your decision yeah .

i have some good but I'm small boy .

pl z help the people who i request you pl z your people & foreigner safety . pl z terrorism keep quit thats safety for Indian .

who are terrorism person not to catch pl z shot person improvidently . India is not back word country . India improving country .
Keep living!
2008-11-29 04:07:19 UTC
Seriously speaking we need to blame ourselves for these attck. We have formed a government by using our most precious power to select a Government which is handicapped. First and foremost we need to revamp our constitution and bring in the dual party system instead of the multiple party system bcz then we can switch to the alternate party if one fails to show up.

Second,we need to show intellect in voting if the earlier point is not taken to consideration.

Trust me follow either of the two point and you will see a better India
2008-11-28 14:01:23 UTC
check this out- 12 diabolic mad guys leashd out of pak ,get themselvs sum nasty ammos, a deadly but crude strategy, puts all of it in rafts ,rows up to bombay n goes about killing anything living.

is something missing here?

a seriously gaping security system. we ve got some pretty loose borders as all the barb wires exist only in kashmir n these terrorist takes us for granted. they blow up things around and gets killd by 'hit n trial' encountr -thanks to antique weaponary laden police. those which gets caught aftr much ado gets 'spl. clemency' for death by certain presidnt on 'humantarian' grounds- oh we r a peace loving democracy.

y does one evn think of removing terrorism. these dementd dickheads wil always b there.thier mind r manipulatd in a way that they r almost mechanical in their evil practices so the normal methods of punishmnt or guilty factors wont work.

so best solution to terrorism is defence - some pretty solid defens.

n lets save some politics here
2008-11-29 06:59:17 UTC
First of all kill the activity at its early stage. One has to be visualiser to see the long term impact of small things. But our politicians do not understand this. They are only concerned about themselves. The people like you and me think politics is dirty so we neither vote or opt for this as a career. About a month back a person named Raj Thackerey calls for Mumbians to unite against north Indians. To me people who sow the seeds of division amongst us is the terrorist. If people like him are left like this he would continue to sow the seeds to hatreds till after 20 years Mumbai becomes another Kashmir. Can we do something about this? Can we stop people like him? So many people have been killed, does he feel accountable for this? I actually do not know what is the answer to this. This needs to be stopped.
Francis R
2008-11-28 21:32:18 UTC
Live for the country. Meet the terror, face it and beat with your physical and mental power. Help the police, Commandos, Army by giving valuable evidences, Don't help the terrorist people, trap them with your intelligence. Drink the blood of terrorist. Fry their flesh and send bones to pakistan president.
2008-11-28 06:05:31 UTC
well its very difficult coz we allow EVERYONE in da country.

its not a bad thing but dey shld have some security checks at least.

n whoever has done dis will pay i swear they will.

all we can do is stand united and let da terrorists noe that dis will not break us

da best thing is lets join the army everyone who can should!!! iam not at all a fit person so i'm nt gonna join but i'm gonna be a war journalist n i will convey the message as to why one should join the Indian army.
raja w
2008-11-28 04:20:30 UTC
We have to find out the root cause for this kind of mischiefs

why this terrorism is heading up....

peoples say terrorist and whatever language but

find the root cause and where it is been creating issues

find the remedies fr that and every one should see peoples as human beings not as animals........
A. J.
2008-11-26 23:02:17 UTC
Seize the bank accounts, trap all the phones (lines) being used by these militants. Create a new sophisticated Anti Terror Squad providing them with technically the best training, weapons and autonomy.

And pray that corrupt politicians will not have hands in these.
Prashant k
2008-11-29 12:28:36 UTC
In a complex country like India, it's very hard.

Good leaders, unity among the people and one of the most imp thing is education and prime goal should be "Population Control"
2008-11-28 01:49:37 UTC
sir, If the Intelligence Agencies and Police and Government are not able to Provide a preventive mechanism,and making the condition worse as now in mumbai,Then they should think of giving licensed weapons to citizens so that they can fight for their own lives and for their families in this situations .The condition is now like that. Thats mine view.
2008-11-28 00:26:02 UTC
Read my answers here:

When it comes to defence and offence,

here is another

And yet another


DRDO scientists need to ensure that

they watch Future Weapons before going to sleep and reporting to duty next day


They provide NSG commandos the right toys for best operational performance

1). Night Vision System

2). Mobile+Satellite Phone Spectrum Jammers in their backpack

3). Develop Robots

4). Realise the vision of Network Centric Warfare

Better integration and coordination was expected

It took an unexpectedly long time with such large manpower deployed in militarized zone.

Should we thank the terrorists to help us take a decision, that now we need to form a Federal Intelligence Bureau just like the U.S FBI police?

Also its high time, raw energy of Indian youth is tapped in the right directions

The number of educated unemployed living wasted bloods in India has increased with decrease in outsourcing of jobs like say software programming jobs etc

Because Wipro is making 5000 software engineers (fresher joined) work as BPO workers(in technology news)

What changes you recommend in academic system? (Should courses like MCA/MCM/BE/BSc in Computers be scrapped? with immediate effect?) Because its the parent's hard earned money that gets wasted here in such a case ...

And how to make "Earn while you Learn" a reality in India?

If IT industry never booms again

What career options are left for the talented educated unemployed living wasted bloods of India

Considered as a precious national resource (just like Water / Electricity) which need to be conserved

whose joining has been indefinitely postponed by IT firms?

What are the private venture capitalists in India doing to lessen the suffering of such students?

And what would you recommend the students to do if there is no solution?

Any freelancing projects available with minimum risk? Where these students can work on projects?

Where students get paid stipend on non-profilt basis atleast and get experience of that registered company for the time being?

If Barack Obama is rightly helping under developed nations in becoming self-reliant by reducing outsourcing and U.S dependence...

Why India and its venture capitalists are not adapting to such changes fast enough? (for the sake of self-reliance?)

Like super fast evolution of India's own e-Governance system with such resources that are getting wasted ...

But instead citing the excuse as a cost restructuring issue? What do you say?

Also Read

Dont you feel India needs such an initiative like:

Can this be marked the Best Answer?
2008-11-27 22:58:50 UTC
India will have to attack the neighboring countries like Pakistan Nepal and Bangladesh and find the terrorist training spots but due to political personal gain s I do not think it is possible
Ram D
2008-11-27 22:48:53 UTC
We must be self confident, and must have capacity to fight against terrorism in self style.Our securities are so strong then donot know how all these peoples are entering into our border, that means there are some loopholes in our laws or active govt policies
2008-11-27 06:31:43 UTC
First and foremost: Throw out this Congress Government which is 100% responsible for terrorism.
saif s
2008-11-27 00:44:45 UTC
If you seriously want to recuce terrorism in India or anywhere in the World , answer is be justice to all community , do not disriminate the people according to relegious or caste, provide them equal opportunity to sustain a good life. Particulary in India, manority are misguide, misslead, mistreated. They are being killed , wormen are being raped in the name of Roits in different parts of India, like Gujrat, Orissa etc.. and no action has been taken against those Roiters. Question is that why the common people are adopting the act like terrorism because of that they are thinking they are not justified.

Justified to all , provide equal treatment to every caste and every community do not blame only one cummunity? see the other mistake also which they are comitting in the name of castism or region, relegion etc..
2008-11-29 17:25:28 UTC
if we really want to get joined in the row of developed country early then we should not think to reduce but destroy it at any cost..

so according to me we should replace our current security options

and full fill their weapons according to new technology.if we are fast as US then terrorism must be destroyed.we should speed up out plans because when it is time to gain then election is on head.of every one one think abt.these type of prob ........
2008-11-28 18:24:12 UTC
Long width camera in every nook & corner in all major cities & national high ways and main entrance in main roads. Metal detector or advanced equipment to detect RDX etc also gold & white powder-- mayakku marunnu-- in all star hotels & main institutions assembly halls etc.

On seeing any person terrerist or without identification should be shot dead immediately. No arrest is required.
ashish c
2008-11-28 00:11:06 UTC
Revamping the whole system.If necessary we seek assistance from UK,USA.Building up an efficient infrastructure at least better than Terrorists.Stringent law,efficient personnel,modern arms and ammunition and the removal of this corrupt and inefficient Govt.
2008-11-27 01:28:13 UTC
1- there should be a single law for every citizen in india stop religion to sit top of the nation

2- change the whole law written by dr ambedkar

thank u
2008-11-29 01:14:24 UTC
1.To give Full Power of Indian Army.

2.Narko test of Indian Politicean.

3.Shake a hand America,Briten,China and Other Top level Country.

4.We all preference of our Country.
2008-11-27 09:37:24 UTC
the latest news says that the commandos found a mobile when the terrorist's were throwing grenades,some one is calling in this mobile from "PAKISTAN",so my advice is to stop terrorism in india is to have a fight with pak and finish them and FREE the terrorism from the whole world
2008-11-27 07:36:03 UTC
one of the idea is reduce terrorism is prevent all the religious place use

terrorism activities and all the nation and international countries are to fight against terrorism and to use prevent terrorism act.
2014-12-17 17:39:07 UTC
EDUCATION in the right way. When I say education, I don't mean getting a post graduate along with MS,MD or whatever. Education, according to me is understanding things in a positive way. Understanding the nature of people, the things around us, the system and the daily phenomenon.

One cannot live a peaceful life if he is not changing himself. Educating people with our thoughts that we are brought up with, can do wonders! There are a lot of people who crave to learn good things. Teaching people in an appropriate manner can help them change their minds, their prospectives on things, etc. Good talking can influence people easily. A lot of people complaint having no money, no education, no confidence to talk, etc. But I feel each of us have something good to share. You don't necessarily have to be a double graduate or a scientist to educate people about the good and bad. You just need to share your knowledge about peace, love and unity with your personal experience.

We all are brought up with good teachings from our peers & elders. We are taught to differentiate between the good and bad. None of us are taught about WHO is good and WHO is bad. Hence, it is important to understand that it's the 'evil' inside us that causes hatred. It's not a particular race/caste/religion that teaches us to do bad. It is important to cut off the evil from us so that we make this world a better place to live in.

To conclude, I would say..we MUST share our good thoughts to people (specially to ignorants) . It is never too late.
2008-11-28 08:50:57 UTC
First of all Indian people should be very bold.Police should be alert at very time .The terrorist were attack we,then only police said that they were come by ship. terrorist were killed the officers,public and some people were get injured.The public should help for the police if the saw any wrong people they should inform the police immedatily.
2008-11-29 07:21:08 UTC
To reduce terrorism we have must be organized
Barack Obama U.S.A
2008-11-28 12:18:18 UTC
Let america to do help

and put islamic law in india and see the result immediately

without delay

and stop exploiting muslim and innocent people by the politician
2008-11-28 09:09:18 UTC
i think it is a serious matter why india is been targeted now by the terrorist.india have never been into any kind of support to any terrorist activity or disrespect for any particular nation cast or creed.we always stood by our strong human reduce terrorism we should have faith in ourselves and our ideals.we should come forward united and stand once and for all our respect for humanity.
2008-11-26 23:56:11 UTC
Reduce terrorism? If we all are continue a relationship each other only by the source of honesty that can be only the solutions of every difficulties that we are suffering.
2008-11-29 15:33:27 UTC
i think india could be the next nest for terrorism when they let them all through.. i think its a bad conclusion when someone gets elected as president.. and then the terrorist attack at the hotel i think some terrorist

just wants to get attention for whats happening but to attack hotels...

that brings india bad name.....for foreigners i think its all wrong...

whats happening with those people who was captured if i were the president ill help to encounter terrorism in each hindi or moslem terrorist

hideout or bomb them by spy planes.
ninad k
2008-11-27 09:45:50 UTC
1. close borders

2.stop trains to both the countries

3.get down the government

4.let people kill the attacker and live telecast shold be shown to whole world.

5.take over occupied kashmir

6 government should not be allowed to take decision on security it should be hand over only to army
2008-11-27 09:24:57 UTC
Good intelligence, coordination amongst intelligence agencies, trained ATS in all important cities, multi location NSG Commando with faster mobility, citizen training & participation, and long term strategy for national security.
2008-11-28 02:42:23 UTC
Approach America to stop financing Pakistan for terror activities
2008-11-28 01:57:49 UTC
seariously if we want to reduce terrorism

hame ye terrorism felane vale ko pakd na nahi chahie

vahi pe esi mout deni chahie jo na kabhi kisi ne dekhi ho na dekh sake

uhe mout se dar nahi lagata par mout k tariko se har kisiko dar lagata he

or yehi ek solution

yaha ab gandhigiri se kam nahi hone vala
2008-11-27 03:44:09 UTC
I think when the politicians will forget the votes and will fight with terrorism till their last breath I think it would be the end of terrorism.
2008-11-28 05:13:19 UTC
oh ya , i can understand this problem

because we faced terrorism in daily routine ,as we have example of taj hotel in mumbai .

we can reduce this problem if we have some great policies for all people whosoever rich or poor .

roots of terrorism according to me corruption which plays a great role in spreading terrorism .

so,we can reduce this by finishing corruption......
2008-11-28 04:12:35 UTC
Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.

-Abraham Lincoln

We need a strong leader (like LIncoln) who dares ?

The current govt. failed miserably.
deep s
2008-11-27 21:41:12 UTC
Every person,who is indulging in such kind of activity should be tourtured by the public in open public place & kill them,not easier death,but most awful death should be given to them & there family as well.Let get together & show intelligency about such activity,& every one should be involve in help activity.

Lets put hand together & if we become hostage then also we should not encourage any activity which indulges release of any other terrorist.

Lets kill every one who is indulging in any activity which is not a cup of tea for indians.
2008-11-29 03:20:28 UTC
We will call all terrorists in our country and hold a All Party meeting with them. We take all their demands and will appoint number of committees who will go in detail listing and suggesting solutions.

We will chart a five year problem which addresses all their issues.
2008-11-28 05:27:10 UTC
1. remember we had to fight for freedom, remember the many countless people who sacrificed their lives so that we might get to live a free democratic life.2. Respect other's religion & make it a habit to realise that no religion teaches one to hate others religion. 3. Love thy neighbour as thy self. 4. Baharat mata is our mother & we shoulf be vigiliant against any one trying to harm her. 5. Irrespective of any caste or creed we should be one and face & prevent the enemies of humanity.
gryffindor champ
2008-11-27 23:58:13 UTC
basically we must stop thinking our religion to be the #1. Terrorists are people who are mentally deranged and just join terrorism for what they think is the superb sport of killing human lives.
Surya P
2008-11-27 07:24:11 UTC
Our government should form anti-terrorism group in college and school.

Our police should more interact with public and they should form some group for helping them.

young and old people of our should join together against them.
Srinidhi K
2008-11-27 02:50:12 UTC
India should improve intelligence servicess.Borders must be made infiltratuion free.Navy should wake up.All the entry points like highways should be checked regularly.All the police personell gaurding entry points must be given machine guns with enough man power.Police personell must be paid properly & rewarded with honours so that they dont take bribes & do their duties efficiently.Any boat or launch entering indian watr must be thoroughly checked.Security@gate way of india must be tightened with a police ptrol boat going around 24 hours.ALL THE TERRORISTS ARRRESTED MUST BE HANGED AFTER INTERROGATION.
2008-11-27 05:12:41 UTC
prevention is better than cure

infirst place this event shudnt have taken place,if the harbour area was secured and well guarded

yes we cant predict the events,but indian govt & all other state govts shud be well prepared to stop these attacks

introduce new strict anti terror laws and upgrade the intelligence section

why our govt is giving chance to these terrorist,squash them before they hatch a new plan to destroy other city
2008-11-28 22:27:54 UTC

Kill them right away. even few citizens killed in the event doesn't matter. But it will be a lesson for future. We have to punish immediately. We should not wait for court trials, Evidence etc. let us live peace
2008-11-29 01:43:41 UTC
I am not too sure wether i have enuf knowledge about politics , but i know one thing that i want mumbai to be a better place . i am planning to write a letter to all the authorities , i know they get a lot of letters , nut i want to really creat an impact this time . if you all are with me . give me your views of wat you all want to ask or to convey the terrorist , ministers , mumbaikars , whoever u name it and we shall do something about it , instead of discussing and only discussing in forums , newspapers , radios , people lets get into action ?

Let me see the true guts of mumbaikars
2008-11-28 07:39:01 UTC
it has taken time for terrorism to it will also take time for it to disappear..

as citizens of india we need to be aware...and most importantly change the thoughts of the youth..because its the youth which has ended up creating this..if u hav noticed then the people who attacked the hotel are no one else but people from among us...teenagers...18-20 years old...

their mentality needs to be is very easy to say..."kill them"...but we need to find them to kill them...even if one is left then he will start it all over is not easy to point out terrorists from among such a huge population...killing one will make the others aggressive and u know wat they can do...12 of them resulted in such a big issue...wat can all of them together do...

the matter needs to be talked upon...we need to keep in mind that the present generation is not influenced or bended towards terrorism thinking that it is an easy business...

secondly, media is unknowingly misusing its freedom to some extent..instead of spreading awareness among the citizens it is spreading awareness among the terrorists...we do not know bout their plans or shortcomings but they are aware of our shortcomings and arrangements...through media...this needs to be worked upon...

thirdly, we need to be wise instead of aggressive..otherwise there will be no difference between them and us...

"every dog has its day"....its their time today...we will have ours tomorrow...keep faith...
Magesh W
2008-11-27 02:19:48 UTC
The state and central congress government should displays immediatly. They are approch terrorists issue via vote-bank politics.This is not good for indian demacrasy.
2016-03-02 19:20:04 UTC
There are a no.of things to be done.but for that we need to wake our Govt ,our polititians to stop fighting among themselves to get higher seats rather they must show their potential in big (terrorism,religion or caste related) issues to deserve those seats .
2008-11-28 22:47:57 UTC
bring about development in pakistan.

help it to grow by spending on education...............coz ed helps bring awareness and understanding which pak so woefully lacks

2)call a spade a spade.let all d world leaders sit and see the urgent need to deal wid pak

3)let all the teachers in pak be monitored from time to time.

4)spend more on grass root level ed
2008-11-28 22:35:40 UTC


John Dayaluddin Sing
2008-11-28 13:54:50 UTC
Eradicate Congress Party and see the results in 6 months.

Afzal Guru is patriot , Baghat Singh/Sadvi are terrorist.

SIMI ,IM are social service org ,RSS,VHP are terror org.

Great sivaraj patil compares azfal haning with common indian (Sabarjit singh ) in pak.

Afzal is human ,Sabarjit is traitor.

Godra Train carnage is accident ,gujarat riots are preplanned .

15% muslims are human ,85% hindus are insects.

Supporting Majority (80 crores hindus) is Communal ,20 crores muslims are minority (lol population USA)

Malegaon blasts are only blasts ,other blasts are not at all blasts ,just they are diwali crackers.

5 muslims died in malegaon are important ,1000s died in other blasts are not important.

reservations for muslims ,bomb blasts for hindus.

crore of money for Haj pilgrims, nothing for amarnath pilgrims ,allotting 2 acres land in kashmir is blunder.

supporting islamic terrorist is secularism ,

killing Indians is patriotism .

babri masjid is issue , 100's of hindu temples demolished that is development.

supports kasmiri jihadis, kills hindu who works for india.

If muslims die it is killing ,if hindu dies it is fate.

Hindus should fallow roles ,muslims cant obey common civil code.

Allah is god ,Ram is fictional character.

Great, long live congress.
2008-11-28 10:07:12 UTC
Our government should change its point of view for our neighboring country specially Pakistan, our government focuses at only countries of the west specially America, it should try to improve its negotiating skills and should also try to improve our relations with the neighboring country. Manmohan Singh has fcuked up everything.
double s
2008-11-28 03:33:59 UTC
Get corruption out of Indian mentality. 90% of problem including terrorism will be stopped when our internal & external soul become pure.

Security, checking, duty (without corruption) can alone tackle these kinds of problems with effectiveness.
2008-11-27 21:12:36 UTC
give them a death with pain, which should be live telecast all around the world where ever the terrorists are watching, so that even their sole will get frightened. thats all

my points -

1) all country should unite to cope up with terrorists

2) modern and effective weapons must be use so that terrorist will find no-way out.

3) every citizens should see his surrounding rather than putting headphones and listening song

4) our defence system should be made stronger.

5) citizens should inform if they fing any one suspicious.
2008-11-27 19:38:29 UTC
I have read most of the answer of this question.........

But what I think that Neither POTA nor Gujcock can stop terrorism.

The solution of Terrorist is nothing but Just stop injustice....Surely Terrorism will be Stop
2008-11-27 09:20:02 UTC
Eradicate Congress Party and see the results in 6 months.

Because Congress thinks as below:-

Afzal Guru is patriot , Baghat Singh/Sadvi are terrorist.

SIMI ,IM are social service org ,RSS,VHP are terror org.

Great sivaraj patil compares azfal haning with common indian (Sabarjit singh ) in pak.

Afzal is human ,Sabarjit is traitor.

Godra Train carnage is accident ,gujarat riots are preplanned .

15% muslims are human ,85% hindus are insects.

Supporting Majority (80 crores hindus) is Communal ,20 crores muslims are minority (lol population USA)

Malegaon blasts are only blasts ,other blasts are not at all blasts ,just they are diwali crackers.

5 muslims died in malegaon are important ,1000s died in other blasts are not important.

reservations for muslims ,bomb blasts for hindus.

crore of money for Haj pilgrims, nothing for amarnath pilgrims ,allotting 2 acres land in kashmir is blunder.

supporting islamic terrorist is secularism ,

killing Indians is patriotism .

babri masjid is issue , 100's of hindu temples demolished that is development.

supports kasmiri jihadis, kills hindu who works for india.

If muslims die it is killing ,if hindu dies it is fate.

Hindus should fallow roles ,muslims cant obey common civil code.

Allah is god ,Ram is fictional character.

Great ,long live congress.

Jai Hind
2008-11-29 07:28:11 UTC
the root cause of terrorism is the idiotic strength of the people.

hence the knowledge need to be strengthened to remove the idiotic people from the world..

so unite the people for eradication of terrorism around world with strengthening the values of humanity.

long live humanity.long live the world.
mickey g
2008-11-28 23:49:06 UTC
all should vote, and bring a proper and commited government, which has commitmen to work for the masses and the country

some one like narender modi , or late sanjay gandhi ji ,of gujrat should be allowed to be the P.M.
rayaprolu k
2008-11-28 21:39:04 UTC
By nipping it in the bud. Ban religious indoctrination . All education must be under Govt. supervision.
2008-11-29 09:23:09 UTC
as friends tell to kill where ever we will find them ,kill them,,as per my view it is not perfect method to reduce the one can stop the person who want to kill himself, and these terrorists are like this.they can only think to in stead of thinking to kill them ,better way is that the make the security system strong and capable to know the next step of these terrorist.Also there is need of good political will.
Vijay P
2008-11-28 03:30:05 UTC
Stop all the transactions,trade with Pakistan.Now the time is to attack on Terrorist camps in Pakistan.We should seal the border.
2008-11-28 00:32:45 UTC
whn u catch thm plz dun leave thm fr years in jail..v need to do some unhuman thngs or punishments to thm in such a manner tht no other will evn dare to do n think such things.. plz...think abt it..the jurisdiction shud be made more tough..
sanjay patel gujarat
2008-11-27 19:15:06 UTC
bring high law like gujcock,photo. protect our all border.and finish pakistan.we are ready for war against pakistan.use latest technologoy to aginst money from our costly minister and this money used against terrorism.we or our govt not seat when mumbai blast declare war aginst pakistan.
peace w
2008-11-27 00:48:30 UTC
i think this problem is created by politician. politician & terrorise is a two side of coin.when election became this type problem Create n we have not other way, this is a part of our indian people. because we are a big country in world n we have not option of election type.i think one country one leader one type state is in a dream. we see in our country at maharashtra raj Thackeray's nature. this type nature's people was responsible of this problems.
2008-11-27 23:02:48 UTC
I would first of all ask our politicians to stop playing dirty politics and to stop fighting among themselves. Instead they should use the resources and time to make our borders more stronger and vigilant.
2008-11-27 06:15:34 UTC
very hard and tough Anti-Terrorism-Law should be enacted.No mercy or such things to be shown as in the previous cases.
2008-11-26 23:42:07 UTC
Region that has been invented by Man is the true cause for all terrorism.

Scrap religion, caste and creed from the system everything will fall in place.
j pranay kumar
2008-11-27 06:12:03 UTC
firstly i think that to have a presidential rule of course democracy exists in our country but some times in this cases you have to put this rule and if our police caught the terrorist they take to court but that case will take lot of time to end so it should not be in that way. our laws should be rewritten .
2008-11-28 13:41:16 UTC
I hope that they get all of them and someone tries to understand who organized everything and they catch the MIND of every thing is happening now.
2008-11-28 01:52:43 UTC
Let us run a non-cooperation moment against the community forcing them to change their youth and stop killing innocent.
2008-11-27 20:55:11 UTC
shoot the politicians,who are the main culprits, how do we know that this is not one of their election agendas? They start the uprising and we the common man suffer and when all is over then the politicians come to offer sympathy.
2008-11-28 22:53:33 UTC
to reduce it ,atleast from now the government n police should take very

serious action on them... , every time dees terrorist are attackin us n creating a big mess.n this government is waitin , giving them chance.before dey attack us we have 2 attack dem ll kill them..

very frequently terrorist are attackin and killing our indians,n we are very silent enough , we fight with words dey fight with guns , dat is the defference , so please stop showing talkin power n please use gun power........once we use dat then we can reduce this terrorism very easily......we show mercy ,for them dat is the only mistake we are doing..........
2008-11-28 22:50:27 UTC
our politics are not strongs ... are they??

who have to go in jungle for sadhana are in politics at this age...

politicians must be like our late mititary chief subhash chandra bose,

sa manek sha , late prime minister indira gandhi( who gave right answer to pakistan), sardar vallabhbhai patel, etc.

today : our main weakness is our politicians who are old age and comes to visit injured peoples at hospitals after attack....shame on our politicians

they must be like america : they destroyed ( saddam with his country,

afghanistani terriorist, and so many more ) the same this we have to with bangladesh and pakistan who help or trains to such human bombs to make war against humans...

finally to stop terriorism declare war against PAKISTAN & BANGLADESH and destroy them...
saravanan A
2008-11-28 06:30:27 UTC
Make unemployed population and selfish political leaders less in numbers
n k
2008-11-27 23:52:11 UTC
change the present sytem of democracy.decide & freze the exact qualification for all posts i,e for PM, he must pass mpcp or upsc. at the same way freze specific std,s for all political positions. presently our all polititions are mostly non educated & hence not able to get decisions right at right time.
sengu t
2008-11-27 06:50:31 UTC
first all our laws should be changed and it should be very vigorous and our politicians should change their minds in misusing the laws , and a special court should be formed for dealing the terrorist and it should be only one court no high court no supreme court, no mercy petition and instantly they should be hanged. and many more to say.
2008-11-28 15:49:32 UTC
Good Question and I hope it goes to the masses. Dnt kill them in shoot out. Catch them and then in public place hang them to death or slaughter them. Kill these people in public and let the whole world know.
2008-11-28 11:15:03 UTC
We must co-operate with powerful nations such as Russia, US, UK in terms of defence to combat and eradicate Terrorism completely..
2016-03-13 11:19:52 UTC
Nuke Pakistan. This act of aggression will in turn force the hand of the USA who will nuke India. Problem solved.
2008-11-29 15:47:06 UTC
I really wish i can answer to this question's answer the way you want but it is going to be like this only that's what my 1cent says.

My serious answer would be: need to know what exactly they (who) want? it has become kichadino clue who wants what and why?
2008-11-28 01:56:26 UTC
Fire them

Seize the bank accounts of their origin

Stop their at every possible place be it RSS SAkha or Muslim outfit

Create atmosphere of solidarity
chittesh k
2008-11-27 05:40:23 UTC
2008-11-27 06:01:23 UTC
i think there are , some indian muslim link which is involved in this type of acctivities , so we should keep watch on that public , if some dout comes , we should inform police earlier
Ashok T
2008-11-27 23:35:41 UTC
first of all call the team of best 1000 commander

and divide into the group's of 200 and give them a particular position.....
2008-11-27 21:20:33 UTC
this time once this terrorist will come in hand just hang them till death at gateway of india openly & telicast this on each & every channel & keep a banner down that henceforth who ever will dare to do any thing in INDIA his condition will be like this.................
2008-11-27 03:26:21 UTC
First muslims has to come out from their houses and make a big chain with the hindus and show the world that we all are indians and give Challenge to the terrorism .come ,we are ready to face you. then lets see who has carage . muslim brothers the real time has come to save our country.
2008-11-26 22:46:07 UTC
have you ever tried to standagainst the terrorism ?

I think your ans is no..............

This is the time to wake up not sleeping do not show your dependance on government because its also are resposibility to protect are self ...........

And as you are youth has no intersted in our value and culture ..

Let do something which never done before in any history of world let joined the youth and make a commnity of youth for fight against terrorism.

other wise no one can help us.......

If you are ready to take such serious action than n than you are able to win this fight against terrorism
Ram Krishan C
2008-11-28 10:11:17 UTC
we should prepare sincere honest free-and fair ,uncorrupted ,secular,Democratic bold and highly speedy laws to contain terrorism active ties for national int erst,preservation of democracy.
Rajesh kw
2008-11-28 01:45:05 UTC


anti-terriorist banao !!!!

and make me the chief of it!!!!

by the way its impossible

till pakistan not agree with it!!!!

and seriously im very serious!!!!!!!!!!!

final root

give good education to muslim community!!!!

i think this may be the best answer

right friends!!!!!
2008-11-27 20:34:48 UTC
they should be physically tortured on live tv

so that other terrorists watching it , would think twice before doing such activities

and checking on bounderies and borders and sea coast must be of high standard

2008-11-27 09:22:45 UTC
first of all dont be confused about the fate of a person who has killed another person. in any case its a serious crime and deserves a sentece of death.

seal every border forever. capture kashmir and kill the root of the problem.

get a life!!
rahul s
2008-11-27 07:22:12 UTC
environment should be made more stringent so that ppl think twice before doing such things

let me know ..about ur idea of joining politics!!!
Mukesh Kumar S
2008-11-28 04:45:47 UTC
Each one of us should understand this problem and bear the responsibility. We should be self disciplined.
ready to l
2008-11-27 23:22:43 UTC
This Pakis are the one and only soursce of terrorism.We have to BAN Pakistan .....and we have to BAN all the sources of help to PAKISTAN.

I hate this letter P now they are all a curse to humanity............
2008-11-29 06:29:03 UTC
Indians should become more patriotic & cultivate posetive feelings towards our nation.
2008-11-28 09:03:37 UTC
We need to reducuze terroizm. all the economys around the globe is just going to to hell in a hand-basket
2008-11-28 06:20:07 UTC
raj thakaray was saying mumbai is of my father, so when his father's asset was in troble,then where is he gone.{this means he is only a dog who mean himself a lion when he trobles north indian & when his own maharastrian people were in danger he has shown his back}
Rahul V
2008-11-28 05:14:52 UTC
big terrorism is police department in india , firstly finish him
2008-11-29 07:26:10 UTC
i think it is planned before by some of the politicians inorder to form government of them means to show that the present govt is not at all caring about the people and it is eating the money of indians.......etc

it is planned before, i truly believe this......cuz elections r also coming.........

dont ignore my answer
s b
2008-11-29 16:17:23 UTC
The soft policies of our leaders and lack of political will is major hurdle.
2008-11-28 10:31:57 UTC
Make IB and RAW work more and seriously........ make Police force work under center ( as army do.....cuz under state guv they can't do much..... u know y).....and ofcourse being an ideal citizen try to stop corruption as much as possible at your level.
M Samuel
2008-11-26 22:13:45 UTC
Seal the borders. Take over all schools and collages. Give equal education despite the religion, caste and creed. Provide job opportunity to every youngster. Then change law for eye for an eye.
2008-11-28 01:41:29 UTC
blast all the terrorist camps and politicians who encourage and support terrorism
2008-11-28 22:02:28 UTC
Give them a very very painfull death ...infront of media & evry1 .....

wid live telecast ...

So dat othr terrorists will get scared .....n ... better not to do so....

Kill themm ....
2008-11-28 09:10:02 UTC
Kill the culprits(terrorists) and don't give any excuse.

Coz they don't know the value of human soul and the value of peace.
Dilip Shivsharan
2008-11-28 06:02:15 UTC
polis protekstion full,sikurtis full, onliy indias pipals hands identiy,jo ye sabit karte hain jo ye indian hain, jahabhi terrorist dikhy use vahi pe inqaunter karna agali bar india ke tarf akh uthake 10 bar sochega...... ke, hamar anjam kay hoga......?
A.Ganapathy India
2008-11-28 03:25:47 UTC
Give equal merit to other community.
Sanghavi k
2008-11-27 15:28:41 UTC
to spread awareness about education and the importance of living peacefully.
2008-11-29 11:18:59 UTC
i would say to increase security but about the subject that the terorits are saying they are from pakistan.... i doubt that could be possible its just one of those easy to blame type of things
2008-11-26 20:54:49 UTC
Those who involve in terrorism thinks that Indians are very soft on terrorism ..For that we need one central agency like K.G.B or like Israel and stringent laws to deal with terrorism ...we have to finish terrorism by killing terrorist we cant reduce it with present approach to deal with and politician should be strictly abstain making it political issue
2008-11-29 02:24:04 UTC
i think India should take seriously to terrors they should find them and kill them
2008-11-28 22:10:14 UTC
Live in religious harmony.
2008-11-27 02:26:20 UTC
Kill them whenever u caught them , me 2 agree wid d 1st answer ..

Really we should give them death full of pain so dat another terrorist wud get scared by seeing all dat ....painfull death & not repeat again such things......
pantu p
2008-11-28 07:08:32 UTC
sabhi aatankvadiyo ko turant fasi do. koi maafi nahi
2008-11-26 21:37:17 UTC
There should not be any chance of excuse to the terrorists. Whenever they are caught they should be killed. We should not think the person is Hindu/Muslim/Christ. Do not decide the crimes on the bases of religion. Everything happening in india on bases of religion.

And first of all our politicians should be good. I think the politicians encouraging, such situations to happen.
2008-11-29 04:51:14 UTC
we have to give power to one party who can take fast & dashing action like MAYAVATI . and we have to faith on them for taking action like BUSH. and we have to support them for all harsh disision or we have to hand over all pawoers to militry atleast for one year.
Shashank P
2008-11-28 21:50:11 UTC
politician to be strict ,rules of pota should be applied and apllied crimes rule of usa and other developed country
2008-11-27 22:52:52 UTC
atttack on pak kyunki pak hi sabhi fasaad ki judd hai.

wahi aatankiyo ko palta hai. kill terrorist by deadly death if they caught.
2008-11-27 04:14:16 UTC
Instill Patriotism in young minds...Avoid any sort of Discrimination...This ll do good...
2008-11-27 20:13:00 UTC


why are we sitting by and watching ? why don't we take a stand? We need to get tough not as individuals but as a group as a nation as ONE. And to to do anything we need to get tough on our so called leaders.

Why does India allow illegal refugees to vote? Why doesnt India rid itself of terrorists who infiltrate under the guise of refugees?


Over the last 40yrs Pakistan has sought to destabilise India ....WHY???? Pakistan was created any Muslim that wanted to live in an Islamic state was welcome to go to Pakistan ...India remained secular India remained India for everyone Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian and Jew.

If Indian muslims have a problem with the way they are being treated in India speak up stand up for yourselfs dont go around bombing the innocent...yet I do not believe this is the case > I still believe Indian Mulims are first and foremost Indian and will protect India before bowing down to terrorists from the arab world

I dont care who I offend and India no longer needs to care who it offends India needs to be proactive!!!!!!!

If Pakistani terrorists are disgruntled with the treatment of Indian Muslims I say dont be hypocritical ..Such hypocracy can only ne laughed at ? What Muslims are you fighting for I ask every terrorist ???

Are you fighting for Qadyani Muslims ...who were rounded up and killed in the 1970's due to a fatwa issued by some ayotollah in the arab world ...or are you trying to protect the sunnis and shias of India who live in peace while your sunni and shia brothers in Iraq are at war with one another.

WHAT IS MY POINT YOU ASK ???? my point is that get your nose out if Indias business ......The muslims in India are far better of and are treated far better by all walks of life in India than they are by their Muslim Arab counterparts.

My solution to Indias problem is to start a protest all of India unite and start a peaceful protest ..stop the nation and ask all Indians around the world to stage a protest (peaceful ) at the same time. solidarity is the key.

DEMAND that your leaders take action . Demand that they stop being afraid of pakistan and the arab world and start to take action against them

The UN did not support the USA in going into Iraq ..yet US troups still went ..what happened to the USA NOTHING no sanctions no ramifications nothing SO WHY THEN DO WE NOT TAKE ACTION

We will not start the war we did not bomb Mumbai but we need to fight back answer is go into Pakistan with or without permission and flush out the terrorists

I sat seal all our borders , stop trains , planes and buses from pakistan and bangladesh

Rround up all illegal refugees and ship them back to pakistan and bangladesh. Then target any schools in India teaching the young to bomb their own country in the name of religion

Make all madrasas accountable make them all transparent.DONT WORRY ABOUT WHO WE OFFEND WE CAN APOLOGISE LATER





2008-11-27 09:00:36 UTC
All to carry guns on earth and shoot at sight anybody upon a threat,
2008-11-27 18:22:14 UTC
study american homeland law.

bring american experts atleast for 5 years to india

bring back POTA law.

diswon politicians who are sympathisers to terrorists
harsha v
2008-11-27 07:12:17 UTC
joining civil services,NDA,cdse exams,Indian army etc is must 4 every true Indian who really cares 4 his country..who really want to serve his mother.....bcoz she has served him.....he who cares 4 his mother..he who says dat " Indian mujahideen beware!!! i am gonna come to protect my mother..".
2008-11-27 04:23:33 UTC
no. of trained soldiers & commandoes = (should equal to )

no. police cops +reserved forces +army +

navy + air wing
2008-11-27 03:42:02 UTC
if you say here nothing will happen,......just go and do it....many answers u got says just kill.....if you kill them you'll get doubt.....India is making more and more Sections of crime,.....and keeping them in jail is not a punishment,......they should bring them in front,..of public and kill in front of the other won't follow,....if they do it they should get da same way done.....just burn them...into ashes.....if you want to fight crime,.you u need to do da same.......peace is not always da answer....da time of peace is away, its time to fight...."DO or DIE":..
Twisted Values
2008-11-26 22:23:52 UTC
well I already answered a similar question an ended up with a citation.

you are from india, I mean no offense to peaceful muslims. Americans are sad for your lose of life, and are angered. We see this as an attack on India and the western world and the united states and Brittan. I am well aware of the previous attacks on your country in recent years by the Indian Mujaheddin.

A I think your terrorists are being funded by bigger terrorist groups, like al-queda, who I think are hiding in Pakistan, and influencing the Pakistan government(NO OFFENSE TO PEACEFUL PAKISTANIS)

B irregardless of who or why, your security needs to improve at airports and your borders. even within your cities you need checkpoints at all major roads, rivers ETC that lead into your city, or big cities that have tourist targets or have a large population.

this would have never happened in the united states, because most of us are armed, but we cant just carry a gun around town or posses automatic weapons in public, once in a while a crazy man shoots up a market or school but not in numbers of force like what just happened in india.

in other words our laws prevent a large armed group to succeed at an attack of this scale, yes we have armed criminal gangs, but they are disorganized and don't generally kill and terrorize their own people

so my suggestion to your government is to start searching people entering your cities by any avenue, sea ports, roads, and air ports.

search everyone for weapons, bombs, grenades. use your national guard or citizen armies to guard the home front, and investigate who did this to you, and Westerners. then find where they are and attack them at all cost. If this means attacking another nation, then get help from other nations like the united states.

additionally your country needs to ask for help with anti-terrorism from countries that have been successful at reducing it, like the united states.

so our experts can come in a help your government implement the necessary changes to your countries current method of counter terrorism.
2008-11-29 20:37:22 UTC




2008-11-29 01:46:31 UTC
immediate results if an tarriest is caught and punishment is very high and immediate
uday d
2008-11-27 02:31:57 UTC
what the feels so bad..firstly our govt warm their *** to take some serious action against culprits of our neigb countries..if they can't then leave their seats and hand to youngistan as they have got that heat stuff in their ..they can surely take up some firm decisions which our leaders have not got in their ....
2013-10-25 12:41:21 UTC
According to Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7500 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves.

Demons grow human skin and put it on so as to look like us.

Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after.

Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people.

If you're being abducted, scream: "JESUS!!!"

Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft.

The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts.

Demons have 4 UFO bases:


2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet

3)In lake Baikal in Russia

4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean.

There are no aliens.

Nobody lives on other planets.

Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus.

Antichrist is pale with red eyes. Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card (world passport). Police will chip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost. If you're about to be marked, scream: "Lord, have mercy!" three times. Go hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666.

God gives you a name during baptism.

Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.

Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.

People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell;

but those who receive green 666 (given with world passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.

How not to go to hell?

Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast

by writing to appropriate authorities.

If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).

If you wrote to the gov't three times about it, but gov't refused, then God will not send you to hell.

Don't take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the world passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.
2008-11-27 19:43:03 UTC
fingerprint every one in india
2008-11-29 02:06:47 UTC
r u serious ? okkkkkkk !

cast ur vote to that party who can do anything for their country,

may be like Bush, sheron,kastro, or Obama......
2008-11-27 01:58:54 UTC
Evrbody should be enpowered and given the authority to kill those bastards
Vikas S
2008-11-29 06:11:45 UTC
finish pak. means ( NA RHAGA BANS NA BAJAGI BASURI ) from mY hearth with mind.
2008-11-28 12:02:57 UTC
First of all ... police must be replaced by the army ... army must take the responsiblility of the security............bcz police can not protect our country.............
2008-11-27 10:49:17 UTC
choosing a less stupid government through elections
2008-11-26 21:00:42 UTC
Nice Question. But if you want the answer seriously....

Follow Israel. You know they have the most effective methods to fight terrorism.

An example. Once Israeli bus carrying few children was on a tour. Due to mines, the bus met with accident. Israel got secret information that mines were set by its rival country.

Immediately Israel sent its fighter Jets and destroyed 13 planes on the airbase itself. Some of the planes were of other country. You can see what Israel can do.

But due to STRENGTH of our polititions, we dnt dare to attack like that.

My suggestion is just find and destroy the terrorists from anywhere.

Got it?
manoj k
2008-11-27 21:03:30 UTC
Immediately attack to Pakistan and destroy whole the country.
2008-11-27 06:55:34 UTC
we can talk to them directly y they do this or we can make more security administration.
2008-11-27 00:16:25 UTC
its sad, sad, that we cant do anything .all said, but still these maniacs are around who are not educated and ready to die. they are brain washed and spreads like mosquitoes.

above all they use muslim name and for that muslim should do something about it. its gods religion and should be protected from these maniacs. its frustrating and feel bad.

remove these muslim name "WE DONT RECOGNISE YOU" you fuccole maniacs
2008-11-28 17:01:05 UTC
a nuclear bomb on pakistan..thats it ....terrorism gone forever
sai baba
2008-11-29 00:10:31 UTC
make them feel when they are caught by someone and injured
Durai R
2008-11-27 21:53:31 UTC
strict vigilance
2008-11-27 04:04:27 UTC
make the indian police active.........................if vigilance is active there is 1% chance to remove terrorism
panneer s
2008-11-26 23:29:48 UTC
strengthen the force to catch them well in advance.
2008-11-28 21:53:38 UTC
security should be intensified. that is the bottomline
farhan s
2008-11-28 05:55:57 UTC
Attack them before they attack us... kill them before they kill us... We need a KP S Gill... high time we get one...
2008-11-26 22:18:32 UTC
no trial...just kill them......

take serious measures....

tighten the security......there is always room for improvement...

let it be the last terror Attack........

this will make the civilians trust the government..
First L
2008-11-26 20:45:29 UTC
My heart goes out to all the peace-loving people in Mumbai and entire India right now.

I hope your government realizes what's going on and does something about it...such as working closely with world leaders who are committed to end world terrorism by religious extremists...they are evreywhere.

pradeep y
2008-11-28 05:45:36 UTC

GOLI MAR DENI CHAHIYE IN LOGO KO.....................!
2008-11-28 05:26:41 UTC
hiiiiiiiiiiii r u there nw
2008-11-27 06:10:19 UTC
all must be educated
2008-11-27 01:46:29 UTC
Indian people keep voting for the Congress and it's allies and whenever terrorism hits they wonder why it is happening.

It's happening because you voted in a spineless PM who takes orders from an Italian woman!
2008-11-29 07:47:20 UTC
i have no idea
2008-11-26 22:32:18 UTC
hang them in the public when they r caught.
Michael H
2008-11-26 20:52:19 UTC
Do not compromise. Compromise in their eyes is weakness. Do not let people pretend this is a war against "religious" extremists. Non-Muslim terrorists are a tiny minority. This is a global war against Islamic militants. Always keep this in mind...most Muslims are not terrorists but most terrorists are Muslim.
2008-11-27 04:51:42 UTC
sorry i cant say
2008-11-26 21:11:48 UTC
simply put...what do you do with a cockroach / mosquito...?

Yesss....that is correct.

just kill the terrorists
2008-11-26 20:43:36 UTC
kill them all when you caught them

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.