Would you ever tattoo your significant other's name on your body, why or why not?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Would you ever tattoo your significant other's name on your body, why or why not?
467 answers:
2013-02-06 16:24:38 UTC
Wait a second while I just read this story.......

"A Russian man has tattooed his name on the face of his girlfriend, after knowing her for just 24 hours. The pair reportedly met in an online chat room and now are engaged."

I just...what the ......I don't know what to say other than enjoy your tattoo when your 70

That is just stupid...
2015-08-18 10:22:44 UTC
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Would you ever tattoo your significant other's name on your body, why or why not?

A Russian man has tattooed his name on the face of his girlfriend, after knowing her for just 24 hours. The pair reportedly met in an online chatroom and now are engaged. Would you ever tattoo your significant other's name anywhere on your body?

2013-02-07 10:16:37 UTC
No, I would not.

Tattoos last forever. Love may not.

I am engaged to a wonderful man, and I don't feel our relationship won't last, but since there is always a possibility as no one can see the future, I wouldn't have his name tattooed anywhere on my body.

After all, it would be a bit unappealing if I were to date a guy who had his previous loves name tattooed on his body.
2015-11-07 04:52:22 UTC
You could as well love your partner until you die and not have any adversity of the tattoo, but then again, maybe not. Maybe you'll break up and when you find someone else, I'm pretty sure they'll have difficulty accepting the fact you have your ex's name printed on your body. You might end up regretting it. Like when you regret a haircut, except you can't just grow your inked body back to normal, you have to deal with it.
2013-02-07 10:16:55 UTC
No way. That's like the kiss of death for relationships. Want to guarantee a breakup? Get their name tattooed on you.

I know too many people who have their ex's names tattooed on long after they've broken up. SO tacky! Would you want to date someone with someone else's name tattooed on them? Neither would I. And I wouldn't wish that on whoever I'm dating either.
2013-02-07 08:26:42 UTC

You can't predict the future. You could as well love your partner until you die and not have any adversity of the tattoo, but then again, maybe not. Maybe you'll break up and when you find someone else, I'm pretty sure they'll have difficulty accepting the fact you have your ex's name printed on your body. You might end up regretting it. Like when you regret a haircut, except you can't just grow your inked body back to normal, you have to deal with it.

It would be better getting something subtle tattooed onto your body that resembles a memory or moment in your relationship.
SnowyOwl ♥
2013-02-06 19:19:11 UTC
Never ever. Though some relationships do last, literally, till death do they part, a lot don't. Maybe matching tattoos, but I would never go as far to tattoo someone else's name (unless family as a memorial) on my body. Some people find this sweet and endearing, but what about the people who are weirded out over it, or the people who go way too far? Knowing someone for 24 hours? You don't know anything about someone. You don't know their habits or quirks yet - the things that make someone who they are, the things you're attracted to or turned off by.

Back to the original question though, I think it's pure bad luck to get someone's name tattooed on you. When you do split or divorce from this person, they're not with you forever but your tattoo is. And it's a really big turn off if you have someone else's name tattoed on you.
2013-02-07 11:00:26 UTC
If the person and I were to break up, where would I go from there knowing that there's their name permanently inked on my body? A ring is enough to symbolize my love for them, as well as some gifts here and there. But getting a tattoo? No chance.
2014-09-21 09:13:09 UTC
I think tattooing a name onto your body is ridiculous. Then again I think that tattooing anything onto a conspicuous part of your body causes you more harm than good. A person with a tattoo on his/her face, neck, or arms closes a lot of career opportunities.Probably not, because if something were too hapoen between kyou, it woul d be there forever. Also, if say pn of the partners passed away, perhaps spmeone who doesnt deal with stresswell wouod have that cpnstant reminder of the relationship everyday, and would probably have a hard tome fonding a new spouse.
2013-02-07 10:57:36 UTC
I'm soon getting a tattoo of something that I once drew my husband when we were in a long.distance relationship.

Now that we're married, I am going to tattoo the picture on my wrist with his name incorporated into it.

We have been through.... a lot. Not bad things or fighting or the like, but we have our own little love story, and I want to honour it.
Michael Jackson Roxxs My World
2013-02-06 06:31:28 UTC
Nah, i don't see how that shows that you love them... You can do much more better things. Plus you never know what will happen between you two in the future... If they end up hurting you i don't think you'd want their name on you... So like i just said..stick to showing them love in other ways... The only persons name i'd get on my body is my mom or dad, or my grandparents. They have got my back since the beginning and always will...
K-Dawg Spartans Fan
2013-02-05 14:10:40 UTC
No, because I'm not stupid.
The Questionare
2013-02-05 14:07:52 UTC
No, who's to say in 10 years, you'll still be together. Relationships have a high possibility of not lasting, but tattoos are forever.
2013-02-05 14:10:32 UTC
no doesn't last forever....the ink does
2013-02-05 14:23:06 UTC
This is a good example of self-harming, disgusting.

He's treated her like property, she may as well have been branded with a hot iron like cattle.
River Song
2013-02-05 14:28:36 UTC
No. I might get a tattoo to represent them but never their name. Something small, discreet & personal.

And never something so obvious as a facial tattoo in large Gothic print.
2013-02-05 14:19:13 UTC
you could never have a tattoo and that person could stay in your heart and mind forever , a bit of ink is no indication of love in the long term really

or you could have a tattoo and never really think about them

I know men with three or four girls names tattooed on them

my answer is no
2013-02-05 18:18:23 UTC
No. What if you break up or divorce or something. That's a little weird. Maybe you could get jewelry with their initials.
2013-02-05 19:33:31 UTC
I've been married for almost 17 years, I have two children and I believe our marriage will stand the test of time. That being said, every couple I have EVER known that has had a tattoo of one or the other or both of the significant others names tattooed have broken up. I'm talking about couples that no one would ever think for a moment would get a divorce or break-up, once that ink went into the skin that couple was done.

It's a curse, to get your lovers name inked on you. I will get loved ones names that have passed (I have one for my brother in-law), I plan on getting one of my children's names, but I will NEVER ink my beloveds name on me - I love him way too much.
2013-02-05 18:24:09 UTC
2013-02-07 10:58:55 UTC
I did have a boyfriends CB handle tattooed on my ankle over 17 years ago. Two weeks later we split up and he went back to his wife. I've been carrying that around for 17 years and plan on getting it covered up soon.

9 times out of 10 when you get a someone's name tattooed on your body the relationship ends.

Will never do it again.

Came close to getting Tattoo wedding rings. Marriage ended in divorce after 12 years together (married 6) ...
2014-11-22 06:54:15 UTC
The world of tattooing has so many great icons, and symbols that tradition convey exactly what you mean. Why wife's name is Carmen, which means garden, or orchard in the Hebrew. Red roses are only given to women you love. I have great respect for her and our path together has not been easy over the last 28 years. She is in my heart always. Not just any tattoo would work, it would have to be amount the best ever done. So I found the best tattoo artist in the region and after a wait, he agreed to see me. I told him I wanted a rose, over my heart. We designed a rose that is as intricate and diverse as my wife. The rose, is a reference to the garden for which her name is derived, it is the most spectacular red and again it is over my heart. Because the road has not been easy and I acknowledge the fact that bear most of the responsibility, I had the stem included with thorns. Also, a red rose has religious meaning as well, to those who understand it. The stem has three leaves, one for me, which is the largest and closest to the rose itself, and two others for each of my sons. Now, how many words, names would that take to convey. Lets see, there would be my wifes name, my name and both my sons names. Also, I would take at least two paragraphs, maybe three to explain it. When those close to me see it, I explain it to them. Telling the story and its meaning is just so much more interesting then a collection of words. No, just putting name there would be silly and of course my wife would think it was stupid. It would embarrass her.
2013-02-07 08:29:10 UTC
Never! Certainly not across my face, but then some people think that tattoo's are an art form...some are, but most are just distracting from the beauty God gave you.

I feel a tattoo should mean something to the person who has it-24 hours into a relationship that seems unlikely. Find her in 5 years and see how she feels about it.
2013-02-06 15:55:57 UTC
The above mentioned story is about an extreme case of tattooing. The tattoo mentioned here is put on a very noticeable un ordinary place for even most people who have tattoos. With that being said, a tattoo of any kind on a face is a matter of very personal conviction. But I say this, The question asked here, to me, has no relation to the story of this Russian man tattooing his name on his GF's face. The "story" as to be related to the "question" has no nexus. The only commonality is the "tattoo" whether or not the boyfriend put the tattoo name there or not actually matter little or not at all to the separate question asked here. Knowing someone for a short time matters nothing to the girlfriend allowing, agreeing or asking for this tattoo. In addition the story is about a tattoo on the FACE, yet the question asked is "would you ever tattoo your significant other's name (ANYWHERE) on your body"? The question should be,whether or not you would tattoo your significant other's name on your face as this woman did in the story? BY THE WAY MY ANSWER WOULD BE HELL TO THE NO ! ! ! !
2013-02-07 06:34:23 UTC
Absolutly not! i know many people who have been together and married for several years, and some even for 25 to 30 years and it all goes downhill and they get a divorce and leave each other. then what about the tattoo? its going to be with you. and in this economy.. who has the money to spend hundreds of money on coverups? i have a small tattoo that the artist totally screwed up. (fading and color splotching in 2 months!) and it is estimated $100-200.00 just for adjustments and not even a full cover up. This chicks hole face is tattooed. Even if they don't make it, not saying they won't but chances are slim, how are you going to cover that up? thousands of dollars and a total freak of a face not one part of the face will be without permanent ink.. so moral of this story is. you can't fix stupid!
2013-02-07 06:19:33 UTC
No. I find that totally unnecessary and you never know what will happen in the future. I can't imagine tattooing someone's name on my body whether it's someone close or someone I have total respect for. It's a little creepy and disturbing if I did that. You don't need your significant other's tattoo to show them you love them. What matters is what you are willing to do for that person you love on the long run. If you compare that to tattoos, tattoos seem rather more insignificant don't you think?

I'm not against couples getting tattoos like that because it's their life and their decision to make. I just personally wouldn't want to do that to myself :)
2014-10-21 07:44:32 UTC
Besides all of that, Me, No. I will not even date a woman with tats. Some think I'm wrong for being that way. The fact is they are a huge turn off. Especially the "boob" and lower back trap stamps we see now.

Here is another simple truth that a lot of people don't want to admit. Tats are a form of body mutilation. When I see someone like this the first thing I think,Especially with boob tats, Mental problems. Who ever she is, She isn't comfortable within herself. To me, Any woman who will let some stranger mark her on her boobs, You know he had his hands all over her boobs while doing the tat job, Just very uncool and a huge turn off.
2013-02-07 08:42:03 UTC
No. Tattoo is art and it would be a shame to diminish it by using words to convey your love. The world of tattooing has so many great icons, and symbols that tradition convey exactly what you mean. Why wife's name is Carmen, which means garden, or orchard in the Hebrew. Red roses are only given to women you love. I have great respect for her and our path together has not been easy over the last 28 years. She is in my heart always. Not just any tattoo would work, it would have to be amount the best ever done. So I found the best tattoo artist in the region and after a wait, he agreed to see me. I told him I wanted a rose, over my heart. We designed a rose that is as intricate and diverse as my wife. The rose, is a reference to the garden for which her name is derived, it is the most spectacular red and again it is over my heart. Because the road has not been easy and I acknowledge the fact that bear most of the responsibility, I had the stem included with thorns. Also, a red rose has religious meaning as well, to those who understand it. The stem has three leaves, one for me, which is the largest and closest to the rose itself, and two others for each of my sons. Now, how many words, names would that take to convey. Lets see, there would be my wifes name, my name and both my sons names. Also, I would take at least two paragraphs, maybe three to explain it. When those close to me see it, I explain it to them. Telling the story and its meaning is just so much more interesting then a collection of words. No, just putting name there would be silly and of course my wife would think it was stupid. It would embarrass her.
2013-02-07 05:59:02 UTC
I've had the image of my face, tattooed on my girlfriends face, so now we look the same. We've only known each other 8 hours, and 4 hours of that was spent in a tattoo parlour, getting her face tattooed with my face. The likeness is OK, not great.
2013-02-07 04:25:12 UTC
I came to the conclusion that it was so much not an expression of any kind rather than his ego surfacing. It's almost like he's treating her face like a billboard for his selfishness and sheer arrogance that you can almost see 6/12 months down the line they'll have broken up and she'll be suing him for abh like the last girl in belgium (he fled the country after she pressed charges because he inked 23 stars over her face!!)

If it's small,hidden and easily removed possibly i would do it but large elaborate designs are there for life unlike maybe the person you want to impress. They can affect your job prospects,people's perception of you character wise and this girl may find her career choices have now dramatically narrowed because of this idiot's far more over riding love of his tatt gun and the attention he gets off doing mindless stuff like this. Guess he'll be back on the chat rooms looking for the next naive,gullible lady very soon indeed..
2013-02-06 22:44:38 UTC
He does what he wants too, that's what he wants to hear right ? A lie. But really it's not something you ever want to do. Even if you two stay together forever, a tattoo for a girl signifies nothing. More so her name, who knows what could happen ? The two of them could get a divorce. As someone who has done it [i know why am i criticizing this person, when i've done it] it's not a smart thing. I was stupid. I got it removed. The two of us broke up shortly after that. I couldn't live with myself knowing that a part of her was on me. I didn't get her name, but i got something that signified the love we had. In conclusion if i had the choice to do it again..i would immediately say no.
2013-02-07 10:56:53 UTC
Sometimes it has to do with showing the world who you 'belong' to or 'own'? It could also have to do with immaturity and age of the people.... If someone who wants to do that would make themselves wait even 6 months to get the tattoo, chances are they would change their mind!
2016-07-27 08:20:13 UTC
1000's of Tattoo Designs & Ideas
2013-02-07 09:33:54 UTC
Not. Mainly the reason is when you tattoo your body from a parlor it is permanently pigmented into your skin down to the deepest layer. Tattoos are not easily removed. The only way to remove it is through surgical removal of the skin or scar it. This leaves a long lasting scar that can only be fixed again by surgical grafting. Costing several thousand dollars.

A tattoo of anything but the tattoo your spouse is better. If you tattoo your spouse and when they ditch you and you're angry from them, you'll wind up surgically removing your tattoo.
Classy Lady
2013-02-07 09:09:10 UTC
I would never tattoo a man's name on my body. The only names I would get tattooed is my name or my childrens' names. People have been together for 50 years and divorced. I refuse to walk around with my ex significant other's name permanently on my body. My children are an exception because I gave birth to them and they are apart of me. As much as I love my husband, I would do something else to declare my love for him but not that.
2013-02-07 07:56:11 UTC
No, I definitely wouldn't. That man is a fool.

For a start who's going to employ him looking like that? He's going to seriously limit his employment prospects.

Secondly What happens if the relationship breaks up? It's cooing to cost a LOT of money to get that tattoo removed. That's if it ever can be removed without leaving ugly disfiguring scars.

I would never have a tattoo anyway, of any sort.
2013-02-07 06:50:02 UTC
No. I would however tattoo something that symbolizes my significant other for me personally if they had enough positive impact on my life. I would not regret getting such a tattoo because even if that person was no longer in my life ,if they meant enough for me to get a tattoo with them in mind it would forever be an important par of my life. The meaning would not change. However it would never be a name or their portrait or anything else that to me has little to no meaning. It's just the exterior.

That said people should be free to do whatever makes them happy.
2013-02-06 22:56:02 UTC
Okay, first, tattooing your own name on someone else (especially someone you BARELY KNOW) is just ridiculous. It's so stupid and arrogant that it should never even be suggested. Ever. I don't care who you are; don't go tattooing your name on other people. It makes you look like an arrogant pr*ck. And I don't know what in the h*ll that girl was thinking letting some stranger tattoo his face on her body. Grow some self-respect.

Now that that's out of the way... no, I would never tattoo my significant other's name on my body. (And, obviously, I would never want them to tattoo my face on their body.) It's not just that I have no interest in tattoos - it's that tattooing people's faces on your body is just weird. I wouldn't tattoo my child's face on my body either. Or my friend's face, or my parent's face, or my pet's face, or anything's face. It's just creepy to have someone's face on your body. Even looking at the most poorly done tattoo is better than having to have someone's (dead) ex-husband stare you down while your trying to have a pleasant conversation....
2013-02-07 10:14:51 UTC
No simply due to the fact of how the relationship Is going to work. In 10 years you may have split then there would be no purpose for the stupid tattoo to be on your arm. It's gonna hurt getting it off!
2013-02-06 16:59:02 UTC
I like my body being tattoo free. Most of my friends have felt the need to have some sort of tattoo, it must be an age thing in their case. (45+). There is certainly nothing romantic or loving about a man who would let a lady disfigure her face with ink. Sounds to me that he sees her more as something he now has ownership over.
2013-02-06 22:52:07 UTC
No wouldnt because who know how long this relationship will last. It might seem like it will last a life time but there is a chance that at any given moment by any situation, you relationship might grow weaker, thus causing it to break under pressure. You want to be able to move to a new life, new love. so why keep holding onto the past instead of the present?? i am just saying that it is not wise to get a tattoo of your significant other because you never know wat is going to happen in the future so its better safe than sorry. By that i meant, its better not to regret this descion later on in life, so dont make a tattoo of their name. You dont want to be stuck in the past, you need to move forward.
2013-02-06 16:47:40 UTC
A tattoo would be fine but of the name no. I would much rather it be a tattoo of something that is of great significance to the 2 people. Also, in the forehead? That is just silly.
2014-11-08 08:02:53 UTC
It might seem like it will last a life time but there is a chance that at any given moment by any situation, you relationship might grow weaker, thus causing it to break under pressure. You want to be able to move to a new life, new love. so why keep holding onto the past instead of the present?? i am just saying that it is not wise to get a tattoo of your significant other because you never know wat is going to happen in the future so its better safe than sorry. By that i meant, its better not to regret this descion later on in life, so dont make a tattoo of their name. You dont want to be stuck in the past, you need to move forward.
2013-02-07 01:12:18 UTC
Never!!! I even don`t know if I would get myself a tattoo in the first place,and only after knowing someone for 24 hours no way!! I mean what if it does n`t work out! then you have forever this name printed on your body that you never can erase!!!
2013-02-06 17:46:49 UTC
No. Studies show that over 90% of people who regret getting a tattoo regret it because of the name they tattooed on their skin. I've had so many broken hearts I don't believe there is a significant other that would last a lifetime for me, as tattoos do.
2013-02-06 16:59:11 UTC
Who ever this woman is, She must not have good sense herself to allow, What you might as well call a stranger, Mark her up. When this blows over and this guy is gone, Other guys will see this and "brand" her as some kind of nut.

Besides all of that, Me, No. I will not even date a woman with tats. Some think I'm wrong for being that way. The fact is they are a huge turn off. Especially the "boob" and lower back trap stamps we see now.

Here is another simple truth that a lot of people don't want to admit. Tats are a form of body mutilation. When I see someone like this the first thing I think,Especially with boob tats, Mental problems. Who ever she is, She isn't comfortable within herself. To me, Any woman who will let some stranger mark her on her boobs, You know he had his hands all over her boobs while doing the tat job, Just very uncool and a huge turn off.
2013-02-07 09:17:36 UTC
Yes, depending on how long we've been in a relationship. But not on my face. I believe it shows a certain level of commitment to the other person, just like marriage. And like some people said, relationships don't always last. True; that's why there's divorce...and laser tattoo removal.
2013-02-07 06:03:31 UTC
When I went to college, a guy came around selling these 'college beer mugs' with the school's crest on the front and space on the back to write something. He suggested we put our name there and warned us, specifically, "Now guys, I know a lot of you might think it'd be neat to put your girlfriend's name back there, but don't! You'll end up throwing this thing away." I still remember that and the impression it made on me. Except for a tattoo, nothing in life is permanent.
2013-02-06 18:26:28 UTC
Anyone living enough of a wild and impulsive life to get themselves tattooed after five minutes of thought is not likely to have any lasting relationships with, no way!

Ironically, once most people settle down with a permanent mate they have probably lost all their impulsive urges and would not resort to being tattooed as a way of improving the quality of their life...because they'd most likely figure out that it would not really do much for them to run out and get tattoos.

If a tattoo would improve the quality of my life I would get one...but it won't...I personally can think of a lot of better things to do that would not disappoint me in the end, lol...
Tom S
2013-02-06 15:00:20 UTC
I know a few people that have done so. A woman i know has tattooed her boyfriend's name onto her back. Then they broke up and she found another boyfriend. The first name was crossed out and the second name appears. She broke up with him. To make a long story short, her back looks like a Christmas list of names with most crossed out.

I think tattooing a name onto your body is ridiculous. Then again I think that tattooing anything onto a conspicuous part of your body causes you more harm than good. A person with a tattoo on his/her face, neck, or arms closes a lot of career opportunities.
skull lady
2013-02-07 09:25:30 UTC
Actually i did this and with in 2 months we were fighting all the time and we ended up getting a divorce. Was this a bad thing to do? I would say yes,yes,yes but i found a great tattoo artist and he covered it up and now you can never even tell his name was ever there.
2013-02-07 07:53:16 UTC
Possibly depends the situation. Probably not, because if something were too hapoen between kyou, it woul d be there forever. Also, if say pn of the partners passed away, perhaps spmeone who doesnt deal with stresswell wouod have that cpnstant reminder of the relationship everyday, and would probably have a hard tome fonding a new spouse.
2013-02-07 01:43:16 UTC
Absolutely not. There are way too many people whose tattooed a significant others name and they are not with that person any more. With the exception of the tattoo "mom." of course!

Do a personal survey, you'll see.
2013-02-07 00:06:05 UTC
Yes I would. As a matter of fact I would get their face tattooed on my body. And let me tell you why...

It's friday. Your going out with your buddies drinking some beers at the bar, shootin the shits. All of a sudden your girl calls you. "Frankyjim! it's our anniversary, where are you!" BAM you forgot all about your anniversary. "baby i'm looking right at you, as you glance at your tattoo of her face." and if she has an I.Q of more than 17 just say you had a bad day at work and had to stay late, and you need a ride home from the bar.
2013-02-06 18:08:23 UTC
I think getting any form of tattoo is a very personal and profound experience that most take seriously before deciding.

When it comes to names, for some people its proof of how much they love and care for that significant other, and im sure in many cases it has lasted them a life time ( like my grandparents did during WW2)

I personally would stick to family, or in my case the initials of my father in remembrance. Whoever it is for, I would say just make sure it is somewhere hidden and for your eyes only.
Gloria Dirnt
2013-02-07 10:27:54 UTC
no, because the relation will most likely end, and then you will have a random exes name on your leg or something. i agree with tattoo's and i am going to get some, but no-ones name
2013-02-06 23:29:21 UTC
The unspoken rule is once the name is inked on somebody, the relationship is doomed (think Tommy Lee, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie to name but three of many).

In tattoo land, children are forever, relationships potentially not so much!
Ava Maria
2013-02-06 20:13:47 UTC
Absolutely not and the reason is your significant other may not be significant for very long and another significant other may come along, then another, etc. and this could go on and on and while your significant others continue to become insignificant over and over, your body would be covered with a bunch of significant others who became insignificant, then when the right significant other came along, all the other significant others would be seen, and you would then be definitely considered insignificant forever.
2013-02-06 20:01:43 UTC
I am a girl and I have a guy's name tattooed on my body. It is the name of my oldest brother who passed away when he was only 20 years old. In fact it is not just his name, it is his actual signature. Other than that the only names I would ever POSSIBLY consider putting on my body for life is if I have children.
2013-02-06 19:45:15 UTC
I always liked the idea of some sort of tattoo that was reflective of something you share with a significant other. But even that can be a stain if something does go wrong in a relationship. Either way, it's best to stay clear of that and let your tattoos be representative of YOU.
2013-02-07 03:23:36 UTC
Absolutely not. Relationships and marriages don't always last. Most people do it as a sign of showing affection and that they'll always be together but they could show other signs rather than getting a forever lasting tattoo of their name. When you end a relationship with someone you don't like to keep their things and have it remind you of them. Tattoo's are forever. Its something you can't get rid of.
uneducated doctor
2013-02-06 22:29:17 UTC
A chinese couple kept playing farmville and their baby died of hunger.

that doesn't mean you ask a question "should i play farmvile" ?

its matter of being logical.

theres alot of people in the world. many do weird things. if those russian couple express love like that. its their choice. no need to follow that.

now about tattooing the name anywhere else in ur body. still dont. its not hot. i dont think so. something else would be even better. its safer to write a name of tattoo after ur married just to be on the safe side. but please. nothing on face. u'll look like a jerk a looser who got wasted n friends wrote names on ya.
2013-02-06 20:52:04 UTC
No way!! a lot of things don't last forever and love may not be one of them! A million things could happen within the relationship and don;t think that is a good idea. Maybe a type of symbolism between the two would be a good idea but not a name.
2013-02-06 19:27:24 UTC
That's a big HELL NO. I don't care how much I loved the person, you never know what's going to happen. I'm not a big fan of name tattoos & wouldn't do it, but if I did, it would be my own or if I had kids. Because that's never going to change. And suppose you & your significant other stayed together, but they passed away. If you ever remarried, it might kind of bother the other person. It's just not for me, but to each his own.
2013-02-06 19:10:26 UTC
Its generally not a good idea to tattoo names other than family members or children onto yourself. Maybe some momento somewhere if you're dedicated, but I'd hate to go through a bitter divorce with my wife's name tattooed on my leg somewhere.
2013-02-07 04:52:09 UTC
No because if we break up or argue, you will always remember them,when actually your just trying to forget them,and you probably will never get a date because that person will see the tattoo! Also i hate tattoos and when your a old person,the tattoo will be wrinkley... Lol!
2013-02-07 01:34:35 UTC
For some strange reason whenever a person gets their partners named tattooed on them they end up breaking up soon after. Tattooes are forever and people arent. So no I wouldnt tattoo someones name on me. I do have both of my sons names on me tho
2013-02-07 00:49:27 UTC
I would not, because my Fiance Cares .He never like it since it would be painful during the time of tattooing . But Lots more than just tattooing each-other 's names are the in a relationship. Understanding.Love ,Commitment, Care, Loyalty.. I value these more than just showing up my relationship with him
2013-02-06 20:40:47 UTC
No way.. As its been said before me, I have been in a 10 year relationship that of course we started with the best intentions, 10 yrs later we're no more.. How stupid would I look walking around with my x's name anywhere on my body. That's just a big no no I think.
2013-02-06 17:20:47 UTC
No, and it's not because I expect my husband and I to break up. We were friends growing up and I know him better than himself.

Number one, it looks cheap and trashy. Number two and my biggest reasoning is what does it prove? If you truly love someone, isn't that between you and your partner? With the rate of tattooing increasing by the year, it doesn't seem to show commitment any more than putting pants on every day.

Now the real commitment will be staying together as they discover the worst things about one another. That step is supposed to happen before marriage by the way...
2013-02-06 14:53:31 UTC
Personally, I equate that to a BRAND, as in cattle! the whole caper is ludicrous , and the intellectual level of a chimpanzee, with no offence meant to the chimpanzee. Any woman who allows such a bazar thing to be done to her after any length of time, never mind 24 hrs., is not playing with a full deck, and certainly has self-worth issues.

I am not against body ink - but - never on a face - yes, I do have tats, but they are on my arms, and can be covered by clothing, but are not vulgar, violent or religious statements.
2014-08-28 02:44:27 UTC
Probably not, because if something were too hapoen between kyou, it woul d be there forever. Also, if say pn of the partners passed away, perhaps spmeone who doesnt deal with stresswell wouod have that cpnstant reminder of the relationship everyday, and would probably have a hard tome fonding a new spouse.
2013-02-07 08:42:13 UTC
No, no no, not in a million years no.

Gives me a new idea for a Demotivational Poster. The picture of the girl on top, and then on the lines below:


Making questionable decisions easy

since the Garden of Eden.
2013-02-07 02:57:18 UTC
No way! The closest I've got is having a picture of Bambi and Thumper tattooed on my stomach, and that's only because my partner has done a lot for me and my nickname for his is Bambi. Even my parents who have been married for almost 23 years don't have that, they have matching dolphins and each others chinese birth symbols
2013-02-06 23:28:08 UTC
I would not do it. If you must tattoo a name on your body then it should be family names. If you tattoo a boyfriend or girlfriends name on your body, and that relationship don't work out, then you are stuck with it.
Sun is Shining ❂
2013-02-06 22:26:24 UTC
Absolutely not within 24 hours of seeing someone. Absolutely never on the face, regardless of how long we'd been together. Very unlikely to tattoo someone's name on myself, anyway. It's a stupid move.
2013-02-06 21:03:56 UTC
Sounds more like he branded her... O.o

If they were incredibly important and it was a memorial piece then probably but not while their still alive, its kinda creepy when the person's RIGHT THERE to talk to :/ Also like others are saying if the love doesn't last then what then? Think about not getting a tattoo of your loved one as part of the pre-nups
2013-02-06 22:22:32 UTC
Me and my soon to be husband are thinking about getting our names... or something of each other that's symbolic. We want our names because the relationship between the 2 of us are the best moments we've shared together and no matter what happens, we'd smile with our names on each other. If not names we'd want to get something that's part of our body. He wants a print of my lips tattooed around his crouch/hip area. I'm thinking about getting his lips on each boob. So my answer is yes.
2013-02-06 20:27:03 UTC
After being with my wife for eight years, and us both being each others first and only partner, and after watching her carry and deliver our son I got her name tattooed on my arm as part of a larger piece along with our son's name and our dog's. Whether she remains my wife forever or not (she will) is kind of irrelevant, she is the mother of my child, she suffered a 28-hour labour to bring him in to my life and for that I will be eternally grateful. My tattoos are a journal of my life, if part of that life changes it doesn't mean it simply didn't happen and I like to think I'm mature enough that should my relationship with my wife end (it won't) I'm not going to be one of those hateful, bitter people.

While the specific details of the story in question make the actions of this couple ridiculous and rash, the people who disregard all tattoos as disgusting are simple-minded and I pity them.
2013-02-07 05:32:01 UTC
Yes , after we've been together a large amount of time and are positive we'll stay together , such as being married for more than 10 years .

People who do it too soon are just stupid ; luckily you can cover up tattoos .
Lived Life
2013-02-07 02:26:53 UTC
Their is a very selective group of people who should have the honor of having their names on you. 1. Your parent(s) who hopefully loved and cared for you or God, who, with their help, created you. Maybe if someone like donates a body part to you or something that significant. But I've always felt no matter how "in love" and I was at THAT time, no one would ever brand me, except those listed above. My husband is covered in them, but not one was my name and I made it clear, he'd have to put in major quality time to justify a tattoo. I have a long time friend who is an amazing artist in general, but he owns a tattoo shop and he's begged me to let him draw on me for years. But it wasn't till my baby girl was born that I added that person to the selective group. I called him and walked out with a beautiful classy tattoo that I can choose to show or not, with butterflies (for freedom) a peace symbol, so she may have peace of mind and heart all her life, and, yes...her name about 6 mos later, on my wedding anniversary I was at courthouse having to file a restraining order and for divorce from that same man, who had started tweaking after years of being clean and sober, and brought his life (and ours, since being married means you are legally connected) he's ruined me financially, gave me PTSS by stalking, burglary and verbal and physical abuse, violating the order over 22 times. He's been using or in and out of jail since she was almost 2 and it breaks my heart that he's hurt her so much. Now...the man I first married, could possibly have been "tattoo worthy" down the road, but what if I'd done it before he pulled the Jekyll/Hyde act? How much would that suck to see his name on me everyday? I stand by the "Parent, Higher power and now child" as approved "tattoo worthy". But boyfriends, husbands, wives, don't always stay that way forever, your parents, God and children are part of you to the end, they put in the effort and time. Unless you got a heart, lung or other body part, not worth it.
2013-02-06 21:35:18 UTC
Never and I've been married for a double digit number of years.

Tattoos are just not the way I would show I adore her. There are other ways that are more meaningful and more romantic that blood letting of my body for no reason she appreciates.
2013-02-06 19:23:04 UTC
No, I don't plan on ever getting a tattoo (especially of my significant other), because the tattoo ages with you. While whatever you plan to put on yourself may look lovely or cool when you're 25, it's not always going look that way. If you plan on going through with it, try to imagine how it might possibly look when you're 50+ years old. If you don't like what you imagine, don't get the tattoo or plan on going through the painful removal process.
2013-02-07 10:17:45 UTC
No way and honestly the idiot that did it ,should not have done it in the first place .She is 18 and talk about a regretful future .But back to him ,had he any decency ,or common sense he would not have done it to her in the first place .What a couple of dimwits .I think they might be disappointed when they find out love ,sometimes is only short lived and I honestly do not think it will last 6 months myself
2013-02-07 08:57:32 UTC
I have my husband's name tattooed on my arm. I'd been with him for over 10 years. He stuck by me through my very serious mental illnesses as I worked to get it all under control. It wasn't easy for him to watch or handle my suffering. In my eyes, he is my hero, and he always will be.

I'm 43 years old.
¸.•*´`*♥ ♥Melissa♥ ♥*´`*•.¸
2013-02-07 01:26:34 UTC
No, I would not. I do, however have a saying on my arm that memorializes my grandparents. But getting names on your body is just bad luck. Honestly, do you know of anyone that has their significant others' name on their body they're still together? I don't. My bf's initials are the same as mine are MJ, his are JM, so I suppose that'd be okay. But not whole names.
2013-02-07 00:12:59 UTC
Nope, no tattoo, because it doesn't have a point at least in my opinion, if you love someone fine that's it, you dont need to put his name on your body like property mark. Same goes for meeting date tattoo, birthday and more...
2013-02-06 16:42:29 UTC
Not a chance,having been through a divorce and many breakups before I was married, why take the chance putting someones name on your body you might split with? It would also be rough trying to explain to your next significant other!!
2013-02-06 16:24:10 UTC
No., especially not in that amount of time.

Never, because I might break up with them, or who knows what could happen. That is a risk. Besides, I probably will never get a tattoo anyway.
Faiza Zaheer
2013-02-07 07:17:00 UTC
I think its a sweet idea but the fact is , is that you will probably break up a day after getting it and regret wasting your money and you will also have a perminant reminder of that person who left you .I think getting your childs name tattooed on you is okay because they are your own flesh and blood .For instance my sister recently got a tatoo with my initials on her arm .
Steven S
2013-02-07 06:17:41 UTC
My older brother had the name of his wife tattooed over a rose tattoo on his arm. (the rose having to do with her name) While he was at sea, she decided that waiting for him plus the fact that they had three sons was meaningless and started having an affair with his best friend. That's a reminder that you do not want to live with.
2013-02-07 01:35:23 UTC
I would not tattoo a significant others name on me, but I would get the name of a beloved relative or pet.
2013-02-06 23:29:35 UTC
Maybe if we were married or engaged and he died. I can't see myself ever getting the name of a living person tattooed on my body. And if i ever did get a name tattoo, it would much more discreet than hers.
2013-02-06 18:17:56 UTC
No. At least not if I'd only known her for 24 hours. Christ, the tattoo-artist should be mobbed for actually agreeing to do the job.
2013-02-06 18:11:05 UTC
I would not. Even if I hope to stay with the same person my whole life, we would probably break up. Having a tattoo of my ex's name would just be really awkward.
✯ Andrea ✯
2013-02-06 17:19:50 UTC
I have multiple tattoos and I've known my husband for 11 years but I would never ever do that in a billion years.
blue skies
2013-02-06 16:45:47 UTC
Hell to the no. It's a recipe for disaster as far as I'm concerned. It's almost bad luck, like a curse. I think it's like married couples who go on reality tv and end in divorce. The second you get inked with your partner's name, the relationship is doomed. Point blank.
2013-02-07 04:43:08 UTC
No as I'm superstitious and my brother did this 12 years ago when he was married and when his wife went off with another man he had to tattoo over his wife's name , its considered bad luck for this reason
2013-02-07 00:19:47 UTC
I would like to do the tattoo but only if i like tattooing in the first place. Its not the only way we can express our love for them but it is a trendy way though. Its going to be a beautiful gift to our partner.
2013-02-06 16:29:33 UTC
the example you set here is verging on crazy. im not a fan of tattoo so i dont think i'll ever do this. I'll go for a deeper relationship than just the superficial tattoo
2013-02-07 02:59:23 UTC
no and yes mainly no because love is unconditional and you should have to have it plastered on your body how ever i may say no to have a name tattooed to ones body but i say yes to maybe getting a art work that represents your partner tattooed because the image means more personally a name can mean anything
chakra girl
2013-02-07 01:41:47 UTC
No, two reasons: one, that we never know what the future holds in regards to relationships, and two, I don't like tattoos unless they're something like a dragon on a man's arm, nothing on women
2013-02-07 10:40:07 UTC
The only tatoo I would accept between me & a partner would be a tramp stamp on HER body. And that would be a relationship lasting at most a couple of hours. Not a big fan of the permanent markers.
2013-02-07 09:39:42 UTC
Honestly, I would. I love my girlfriend. ANd she's the only girl i'll be with. If she leaves me i'll keep her name as a sign saying that i'm still hers. Plus i plan on getting alot of tattoos and i'll just embed in a sleeve or something (:
2013-02-07 08:04:22 UTC
Do not ever put a husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend's name on your body. As much as you plan on this lasting forever the odds are against it. Now your children will always be your children so if you want to put a name on your body put their name.
2013-02-07 07:22:27 UTC
I would never tattoo anything on my body. They look, dirty and make the person look like a thug. I equate people with tattoos as little kids who have to write on walls, chalk the sidewalk and street and finger paint the furniture. Would never hire a tattooed person on the front-lines of my business.
Carol Knight
2013-02-07 04:13:31 UTC
Only if and only if

we are engaged/ married

because i went to a speaker who talked about stuff like this and he met a girl

with i love jimmy johns tatooed as a necklace

jimmy was a boy she met and they dated for 3 weeks and then they broke up so she put johns

because she didnt want it removed because she didnt want the pain

dont mess up like they did
2013-02-07 03:20:47 UTC
You never know. I may be sometime in love in waaaay over my head and perhaps I'll do something like that, but overall, I wouldn't do it. There are plenty of other reasons to show your dedication to someone rather than tattooing their name on your body.
2013-02-06 22:15:26 UTC
No. I don't like tattoos personally, but I still don't think you should do it anyways. Especially after 24 hours!
2013-02-06 21:27:19 UTC
I would never tattoo a name, only some kind of word, phrase or picture (that's not their face) that relates to them. It would be tiny, too, so just in case something happens, it can be covered up.
2013-02-06 18:45:03 UTC
no because it is said that if you write your significant others name on your body it is bad luck. I forgot where I heard that from, but isn't it true? plus if you and your significant other have conflicts and such and you guys break up it would be awkward for a new gf/bf to see your ex's name tattooed wherever.
2013-02-06 18:31:54 UTC
No. It kind of states that you need their name on you to feel secure. It's weird. Why not a couple ring or something? Tattoos also get weird-looking later on when your skin starts to change.

And it makes you seem insecure, really. Or over-possessive.
2013-02-06 18:19:22 UTC
Glad it worked for them, but no. I don't agree with tattoos either. If you court someone (for intent of marriage) then take it slow, like God intended, if anything happens no one is 'scarred' or hurt too bad. And they are engaged not married and so many marriages don't last. Don't recommend anybody do this.

2013-02-06 18:00:09 UTC
I have my wife's name tattooed on me, its in the shape of a wedding band and goes around my ring finger. Thats the only place i would put it, because that where it means the most.
A New Yorkers Point of View.
2013-02-07 05:36:04 UTC
No, while I think most body art is cool I do not see the benefit of having yourself branded with your spouses name especially a future spouse Tats are hard and expensive to remove unless you just have them blacked out.
2013-02-07 03:19:41 UTC
I did it as a dare, it was a terrible idea! Luckily I got it in a place that I wanted a bigger piece, so I just covered it up with a kick a$$ dragon tattoo instead :)
2013-02-06 20:21:11 UTC
No, everyone knows that tatting a signif. other's name is basically the kiss of death for the relationship. No tatting names unless it is a loved blood relative! No exceptions!

and how is anyone going to read that when she if and when she is old and wrinkled? a person has to think ahead about these things!
2013-02-06 20:16:13 UTC
Considering I don't have one, yes. I would be willing to tattoo the equivalent of nothing onto my body. After all it doesn't actually change anything.
12th Man
2013-02-06 16:37:58 UTC
No I've seen enough marriages fail to know that that's a bad idea. Even if you've been with someone for a long time. My parents were married for 18 years before they got divorced. You never know
2013-02-06 15:48:23 UTC
well i would as long as i felt strongly for her. if she leaves me well it will be a memory and a story to tell. sometimes i see people's tattoos and think whats the story behind that tattoo. im not old enough for a tattoo but i would like one in the future. something meaningful that explains me like "for a pessimist im pretty optimistic" that would show what kind of person i am and would show im a ******* big fan of paramore
2013-02-07 09:39:45 UTC
No, tattoos either are there forever or hurt to get removed. Plus, who wants to explain to their boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other why they have their ex's name tattooed on them?
2013-02-07 09:10:49 UTC
No because theres no guarantee that you will be with that person the rest of your life.... Its actually against my family's morals to get any tattoos at the same time ide probably be disowned from my family.
Trogdor Three
2013-02-07 06:11:26 UTC
Obviously not, because one day, you'll hate her and then have to go through the removal process, or hide it forever. It's just wrong to tattoo yourself a girlfriends name.
2013-02-07 00:18:12 UTC
No. Not even if I married him first. For the simple reason that if something happens to him and I want to remarry, I'd rather not have to deal with that awkward situation of having another man's name on my body.

Kids' names I would consider, because my body will never belong to my children like it will belong to my husband (and his to me), so I need not worry about them competing with one another.
Katrina L
2013-02-06 17:16:53 UTC
No. What if they break up or get divorced? Then he'll have that tattoo on him for the rest of his life. I won't want to ever see the name again if i broke up with her or got divorced.
Can't Stop
2013-02-06 16:08:02 UTC
heh. NO. how will I know if I will be in a relationship with that same person in a year, or 10. Unless I will ALWAYS date guys named "John", I will never get a tattoo. Plus tats are ugly when you get older
2013-02-06 15:08:13 UTC
Yes, I would because if it's ment to be or not you still wanna remember the person you fell in love with. Even if your broken up, it shouldn't define you because people in your future should understand and if they don't then their not worthy of your time anyway because when you choose to be commited to ANYONE, it should be because you love them and wanna spend the rest of your lives together. If you look at it like love doesn't last forever, shows some people may never find it. love is the only magic we have on earth in this lifetime, so when you have it show it off, show yourself and others appreciation you have for the other person. everyone has their own opinions, this ones just mine.
2013-02-07 10:36:36 UTC
Yep, I'd tattoo his name on me... several times even :)
2013-02-07 08:10:20 UTC
i got a tattoo with my boyfriend's initials... and a few months later we broke up. now i have to spend all kinds of money to get it covered. i will never again get my significant others name or initials tattooed on me, though i'd be willing to get matching tattoos, but as something that can be okay even if we broke up.
2013-02-07 06:44:59 UTC
kids or something? yeah. maybe. significant other?? NO. that"s so dumb. some people need to grow up, and realize that after only knowing each other for 24 hours, if that, your MOST likely NOT to be together for the rest of your life.
2013-02-07 06:34:11 UTC
I would not. If my significant other desired me to permanently mark my body just to validate his own self-worth and the security of our relationship, I would be offended and concerned about his psychological well-being. I am not cattle, so why would I brand myself? I would also be unimpressed it if my significant other tattooed my name on himself because, as the old proverb says, "actions speak louder than words."
2013-02-07 02:01:07 UTC
No. I only get tattoos of things that I know are never going to change and it would feel as if I am that person's property.
2013-02-06 17:19:58 UTC
If you really loves tattoos, why not ? But the name of someone, no. Why not tattoo a fly on the end of your nose ?
2013-02-06 16:39:50 UTC
Nooo! What if they cheated on you or just decided to leave forever and never come back what would happen then? You'd be stuck w/ it. Especially if you dont have the money to get it removed but even if you did it'd leave a scar!
2013-02-06 15:51:31 UTC
Well only my family, but never a husband, or boyfriend.

Relationships don't last forever, but ink does.

And I never want the name Michael on my back when I am dating Jack.
Blythe T
2013-02-07 09:44:31 UTC
My boyfriend recently said he would love to get my name tattooed on him. Both knowing this probably wouldn't be wise we have both decided to get a small piercing on our ankles just sometime subtle and casual to show we both care.

This story however, dreadful! I can only imagine the stupidityy and regret she must be feeling.
2013-02-07 08:54:13 UTC
i dont see the point in having the other halfs name on the body relationships break tattoos are forever unless you pay to get them lazered off or covered up
2013-02-06 16:40:29 UTC
No, I most likely would end up regretting it if I ever broke up with said person. I don't like ink, let alone PERMANENT ink on my body so I'll regret getting a tattoo anyways.
2013-02-06 16:36:28 UTC
No, because when I break up with her, I'll look dumb with the tattoo, be constantly reminded of her., adn it'll be a big turn off to my next significant other.
2013-02-06 14:57:02 UTC
My family once discuss this topic a long time ago. We all thought it was unnecessary and not smart to get your boyfriend/girlfriend name tattoo on your body because one day you both could be breaking up. My cousin once did this but when he broke up with his girlfriend, he was so embarrassed and ashame to show his tattoo of her name.
2013-02-06 15:17:43 UTC
Heck No!! i mean lets say i was the man, and 2 years later i divorced with the women(Im a girl though). Tattoos last FOREVER.
Sally Cat
2013-02-07 07:39:27 UTC
I do not like tatoos, but if I did get one it would not be his name. It would be a symbol, like maybe a heart or something. This way, if we ever broke up, I won't have his name on me. I'll just have the symbol, which I can easily change and say it signifies love.
2013-02-07 05:06:22 UTC
If I truly loved them and had been been with them for more than five years and was currently married to said individual, then yes. However, only under those circumstance would I do such a thing as that.
2013-02-07 02:50:48 UTC
No. Reminds me of the blonde bimbo celeb, Pamela whoever it was, who got her wedding ring tattooed on her finger...the marriage lasted a few months.

Why would you put on your body a picture you wouldn't hang on the wall?
2013-02-07 01:36:12 UTC
There are lots of ways to remember the person you love and tattoos are definitely not an option....a special necklace/shirt having his/her name will serve more than ink on my skin.
2013-02-06 23:05:23 UTC
....after knowing her for just 24 hours...met in an online chat-room...and now are engaged.."

I don't see this relationship lasting. A year at best.
2013-02-06 21:38:58 UTC
Honestly i would. Love lasts forever. if you didnt love them you wouldnt take the time to fall for them. i have been wanting to get a tattoo on my heart. it will be a heart with his name in it. if anything were to happen and you wanted it gone. go pay for it to be removed. may hurt but it cant hurt much worse than being heart broken.
2013-02-06 21:30:45 UTC
Yeah. It'd be even funnier if she dumped me.

I'd get a full frontal tattoo of her and me holding hands on dolphins.

Kinda like, Steve-O's back tattoo.
2013-02-06 19:02:50 UTC
I don't give a damn whether or not we really do end up spending our whole lives together. Tattooing someone's name or face on your body is utterly useless, pathetic and ridiculous. Why does anyone need that in their life? It's disgusting and i also judge it to be very childish, what are you trying to prove?
2013-02-06 18:18:01 UTC
Significant other? No. They may not always be your significant other?

The only names I would ever put on my body are if I have children. They'll always be your children, no matter how screwed up they turn out.
2013-02-06 15:13:57 UTC
No.If this Russian man wasn't high on водка (vodka) , then he was just crazy or at least very naive. Relationships come & go. Engagements come & go; and I believe that the divorce rate in The US is around 50 %.

Stupid thing to do.
2013-02-07 09:32:06 UTC
There are too many people who've regretted that decision and end up getting it covered or lasered off. Angelina Jolie being one of the most famous of them, and Roseanne Barr.
2013-02-07 07:27:47 UTC
Heck no! Maybe a symbolic tattoo but not a name
2013-02-06 19:29:59 UTC
I wouldn't. You just never know if you'll split with that significant other. You'll be left looking stupid with a tattoo that no longer has any meaning to you.
2013-02-06 18:11:18 UTC
No.Dating is one of those things that you kinda regret and make stupid mistakes any ways.Personally thats a thing she will regret later in life when she try's to interviews for a Job or get a new bf. he will be like who the f is bryan or his name.
2013-02-06 17:30:52 UTC
Yes, I would. Don't get me wrong... for the longest time I thought that you'd have to be stupid to ever do something like tattooing your significant other's name on yourself. But then again I've never been in true love like I am now. Even if for some reason we wouldn't work out, one thing that I know will never change, is my love for her. I would wear it as a memorial for what we had, and would be proud of it, no matter what (yeah, cheating, murder, whatever... I love her, truly love her.) I just want her to have the best, even if that turns out not to be me. It's kind of like my family... my family has turned out to have done some wrong things to me, and we are not necessarily on the best of terms, but I still love them for how they raised me, and honor them for doing the best of their abilities, even if it wasn't THE BEST. That is true love in my opinion. You need to have love in your heart (bible says that also, even if not in those exact words, for you bible quote-ers out there, lol.) Any who, none of my other past loves have had that effect on me, I've never felt dedicated enough to do such an act.
Blue Sky
2013-02-06 16:04:27 UTC
Well, first off there both idiots and secondly, their so called relationship was doomed the minute she let him do something that stupid. You never, ever, tattoo a loved ones name on your body or in this case theirs. Its the kiss of death to relationships.
2013-02-07 11:02:39 UTC
Tattoos are attention seekers. Why deface your body? Silly.
2013-02-07 10:59:24 UTC
No, it's just a bad idea
2013-02-07 09:45:35 UTC
Love - Doesn't last

Tattoo - Lasts forever
2013-02-07 09:30:14 UTC
Disfiguring the body is not only dumb but sinful. The Bible says the body is the Temple of God. But there is another good reason to not tattoo anyone's name on your body: In this day and age most relationships are ephemeral--but tattoos are forever--either the tattoo or the scar it leaves when you remove it. A tattoo on the body sends this message to the world: "Hey, look at me! I'm dumb!."
2013-02-07 05:04:02 UTC
Anyone with a tattoo looks thick. Why do you think that Beckham covers his up whenever he's anywhere decent. The fool has ruined his life.
2013-02-07 02:39:16 UTC
I wouldn't distort my body and risk exposing it to different kinds of diseases, I heard that tattoos increase the risk of having skin cancer, I'm not sure about that info, but I need to be on the safe side nonetheless.

No, I wouldn't do that. I can express my love through countless other ways. Also, if she really loves me then she wouldn't want me to risk doing that for her anyway.
2013-02-06 23:20:35 UTC
No. Then again I wouldn't tattoo my body period. I'm a grandmother and in my late 50s. I've scene news reports about elderly people who get tattoos and so on. Personally I think your body is God's temple. You should keep it clean. Tattooing your body is like spray painting permanent graffiti on it. I know you can laser remove tattoos but why bother to get them if you have to remove them later.
2013-02-06 22:30:08 UTC
1) To all of those people saying that only "tramps" or "lowlifes" get tattoos, you really need to open your eyes and realize that people of all different careers get tattoos.

2) I would never get my significant others name. I would only get my family's name. Everyone I have talked to that got a lover's name tattooed on them ended up breaking up. The only exception to this is if the person died while we were together. For example, I know a woman whose husband died in a car crash. She (and all of her kids) have a tattoo with his name on them.
2013-02-06 19:50:20 UTC
No, I love my husband and plan on being with my husband for the rest of our lives but if something happened that caused us both to end up with different people I wouldn't want that person to be hurt by seeing my husband's name on me.
2013-02-06 17:45:37 UTC
I would not do that. That is a very shortsighted idea. Even though you can get the tattoo professionally removed later on.
2013-02-07 09:52:42 UTC
Pushing needle into the skin of somebody is not love, that is sadism.

Tattoo happens by sadism.

No further comment by me.
2013-02-07 08:32:09 UTC
Never! If you break up that tattoo will still be there, a painful reminder of lost love.
2013-02-07 08:19:39 UTC
I would only get a tattoo to represent something not a full name.
2013-02-06 20:28:37 UTC
i been together with my gf for a year and 10 months and i dont have her tattoo yet i will because i have a kid with her and shes the one i want to spend the rest of my life with but still wouldnt .
2013-02-06 14:49:11 UTC
No - I've seen too many people who did that and later on they're not with that person; now they're having to pay to get it taken off with laser surgery which I understand is both expensive and painful. I'll just write with ball-point pen. Then I can wash it off.
2013-02-07 09:35:51 UTC
Mybe under the pland of my foot: If he insists, cose if he is the Top humanitarian in the World I can not refuse. But if I lessen to my Instinct, My answer is NO!
2013-02-07 04:26:17 UTC
Definitely not. There is no guarantee you will stay together - then you're left with the name of someone you no longer care for on your body.

It's like personal vandalism.
2013-02-07 00:43:23 UTC
Not likely. Who knows how I would feel about the person in a few days, after I got to know her better.
2013-02-07 00:26:28 UTC
Never because Tattoos are permanent relationships often don't last forever
2013-02-06 21:17:16 UTC
No! That's completely ******* NUTS! He doesn't ever know her well! He hasn't even slept a second night having known of her and he's tattooed his name into her face for life? Coo-coo!
2013-02-06 20:46:04 UTC
I would not because it will permanently show me how superficial I am. Same with piercings. At least I can chose everyday whether I want to be superficial with makeup. Tattoos take away that everyday choice.
2013-02-06 19:36:52 UTC
OF COURSE NOT! Nothing is forever, even if I remain married with my husband till the last day of our lives, a tattoo doesn't prove our love stronger, it's just another object that reminds us of our love, but it's not essential.
2013-02-06 17:07:31 UTC
i have my mans name on me twice and he has my name also couples go through ups and downs but if you know how to work things out than the realtionship will be sucessful i been with my man for 7 years now and going strong
2013-02-07 10:34:59 UTC
no its not needed

its not because they might break up

its because love doesn't need something like tatoos

it just need a person who really loves u

if u love that person u wont tatoo his name at any part of ur body

but you will tatoo that person name in ur ~heart~

that place that cant forget what love is
2013-02-07 10:59:12 UTC
My husband and I have been married 33 years. BUT, i personally prefer to NEVER, EVER have a tattoo of any sort on my body. I figure if God had wanted me to have a tattoo, I would have been born with one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus, I VERY MUCH DISLIKE NEEDLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would have to hog tie me and drug me to get a tattoo om me. Then, if I found out who the people who helped me to get the tattoo and the tattoo artist would VERY MUCH fear for their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-02-07 10:00:18 UTC
No. I've never seen a tattoo that improved the appearance of the person wearing it.
Badonk ♥ The Sentient Chicken
2013-02-07 04:50:02 UTC
Nope. I have always believed that it is bad juju. Also, for him to do that so quickly SCREAMS "creepy stalker man."

Now, initials? Fine. I have my fiance's initials tattooed on me, but it's in a surreptitious manner, and it just so happens that now, those initials are also our daughter's initials.
2013-02-07 04:47:34 UTC
I have known my husband for 10 years, married him 7 years ago. Got his name on my back the day after we got married and even though we are still married, I regret it very much!!
2013-02-07 02:27:54 UTC
No way I tattooed a friends name and now we don't speak and who's having to break the

bank to get it off? me!
2013-02-06 17:22:46 UTC
tattoos are FOR-EVER. Why put, basically stickers, over your body with words that only mean something to you on them? Tattoos are sooo incredibly stupid IMO. They are done to death and they are a PERMANENT fad. It's like getting a trendy hairstyle FOR LIFE. WHY? WHY? They look childish like stickers for grown ups bodies. It's just soo stupid...
2013-02-06 16:52:20 UTC
I wouldn't because what if it doesn't end up working out? I'd have his name on me forever although we aren't together anymore. I wouldn't want to be looking at his name everyday for the rest of my life because he wouldn't be a part of it anymore... It would not a good feeling.. :(
2013-02-06 16:23:06 UTC
Never. Romantic relationships are highly subject to change.

My mother and Jesus Christ are the only names who will love me forever and neither will ever be my significant other.
*TiGeR MoTh*
2013-02-06 16:16:20 UTC
I wont

I think tattoos are the most disgusting thing, I dont like the pain it has and I dont want my skin to be all inky...

I have his name inside my heart forever, no need to show off his name, to prove what ?
micah b
2013-02-07 10:27:54 UTC
No. In my opinion it's tacky.
2013-02-07 09:22:36 UTC

Anyone who gets a name tattooed on them - unless it's a family member, a friends or a famous person's signature - is a knob!
2013-02-07 07:05:58 UTC
No I wouldn't cos if yu think about it some people do take the women on deal or no deal in 2012 she had a tree tattoed on her back so like eveyone she meets she get their name tattoed on her back....
2013-02-07 04:34:49 UTC
Why didn't he tattoo her name on his face instead? If someone isn't willing to do something like that themselves, they shouldn't ask it of another person. (And, of course, the other person shouldn't even consider it.) I wouldn't do it in any event.
Kruger, Freddy Kruger
2013-02-07 01:57:35 UTC
It's pretty ridicules really, but contrary to what most people seem to think, i think it actually looks really good, especially as the rest of her body is ink free, gives a really cool contrast.
2013-02-07 00:10:52 UTC
No, in tatoos. but in other hands. Doing in jewelry's initial would be a good idea. It's erasable rather than tattoo.
2013-02-06 17:55:13 UTC
I would say no. There is no reason as to why I would tatoo my boyfreinds name on me. You dont need to prove you love someone by tatooing their name on your body. Plus there tatoo removal these days so its not like it would be permanant. And if they get offended then screw it, try something called marriage if your gonna commit to someone forever, dont tattoo their name on yourself.
2013-02-06 17:04:33 UTC
Never! What if it ends badly and you're stuck with this ugly tattoo of someone you hate or miss. Getting tattoos removed isn't easy either and it leaves a really bad scar. No thanks!!!
2013-02-06 15:46:11 UTC
No but I have my brother and sisters name tattooed on me but they are my siblings. They will forever have a special place in my heart <3
2013-02-06 14:48:58 UTC
Oh for the love of God no! My relationships last about as long as on "Melrose Place." My entire body would be inked by now, and with names I mostly don't want to remember.
2013-02-06 21:56:22 UTC
Never. I'd only put names such as my parents or (future) children because family won't change such as a relationship with a significant other can.
2013-02-06 20:17:59 UTC
I would put the names of 2 loved ones who passed away, i would have it really small where nobody but me could see
2013-02-06 20:04:57 UTC
No way- a waste of ink + $ since there's no guarantee the love will last. Besides, there are thousands of other ways you can show your love and devotion to the one you love.
2013-02-06 18:05:17 UTC
some idiot tattooed her boyfriend who she married on impulse from "love at first sight" and shes only 21. ill be laughing 20 years later.
ҤҾḶḶ ḶᶖҾڴ ὣᶖţħᶖת
2013-02-06 16:52:52 UTC
Wooooooow move fast much? And I thought the people who did it even after a few years were nuts.
2013-02-06 16:44:20 UTC
Certainly not after 24 hours, yuck.
2013-02-07 09:09:04 UTC
Never! Anytime I have ever seen that happen, the relationship ends within two weeks. I won't be surprised if this happens with this relationship.
2013-02-07 08:21:06 UTC
No, because i may not be as lucky as the russian man. And even so... Can't you just write it with pen on your arm? That's what lovers do, when they are not quite sure.
2013-02-06 21:09:07 UTC
No, especially not after 24 hours.

Also on her face, whyyyy?
2013-02-06 20:38:56 UTC
Not in 60 years, but if I live long enough for Alzheimers, then maybe as a reminder.
2013-02-06 17:26:46 UTC
If someone is getting married to that person then sure, because you can always have it removed... however, it doesn't always completely go away :/ But I'd say no because it's a little tacky
2013-02-06 17:07:00 UTC
Absolutely not. All relationships do not last forever. You never know if you might end up disliking the person in the end.
2013-02-06 16:58:55 UTC
I am not a piece of clothing... I don't need a tag. What happens if he is not the person I thought he was and the relationship fails?
2013-02-06 16:29:43 UTC
I have a tattoo of my boyfriend's name down under :P I won't say exactly where.
2013-02-06 15:43:30 UTC
No way! Can you imagine what the tattoo will look like in 30 years? Someone's saggy distorted face on your body. That's gross!
2013-02-06 14:56:28 UTC
That has been what I planned to do. To get my girlfriend's name on my chest somewhere and our kids' names on there. I believe our love will last and will take that risk in getting her name tattooed on me along with our future kids. I don't know about you guys who say love doesn't last forever, but for me, I believe love can and will last forever. It'll last with me and my girlfriend at least. That's what I believe in.

So Hell Yes!
2013-02-07 09:30:02 UTC
There is no words to explain how crazy that russian woman is. i would never tattoo myself with someone else name, unless it was my kids.
2013-02-06 23:47:34 UTC
That's how it is in Russia, Ukraine etc. Know someone for 2 months get married the 3rd month.... hahaha
2013-02-06 17:38:30 UTC
No matter how devoted your love is for another, they can still leave and hurt you. Also, temptation grows and dies around you, with everyday. Basically there are too many variables at play.
2013-02-06 16:34:58 UTC
No I don't think I would, and if I did it wouldn't be till I was married (and I wouldn't marry someone after knowing them 24 hours!)
2013-02-07 09:12:20 UTC
No I wouldn't.

It's just that since it is permanent

and you don't really know what may happen

to your relationship.

You would need t feel really confident before doing


Besides, I don't even know if we are allowed to do that...
2013-02-07 08:30:44 UTC
Good luck finding another girl with the same name after splitting up!!!
< I >
2013-02-07 09:37:12 UTC
With all the women in and out of my life, if I were to do that I'd be looking like a revered member of the Yakuza (i.e. the Japanese Mafia) by now!

I'm just being honest; please don't suspend me, Yamster-sun.

2013-02-07 04:29:46 UTC
Hi Yahoo... NOTE! I would never demean my human body by having a tattoo, of any kind or description, applied to it.

Regards... Haemish.
2013-02-06 23:00:58 UTC
heck no it is not proper for one thing. I think it is dumb you never know if you are going to stay with that person or not. even if you do stick it out if you love someone you love them that doesn't mean to have their name on your body. Now as far as your children that's cool they are yours no matter what.
2013-02-06 22:10:03 UTC
Nope. I wouldn't do a tattoo over anything. Tattoos are permanent, do you imagine to be with a permanent haircut? It sounds rather dull to me.
2013-02-06 21:24:32 UTC
i wouldn't get any tattoo at all

my youth pastor's wifes name is lori which means laurel so he got a laurel branch tattoo, i think that was sweet and much more creative, plus if they did get divorced then he wouldn't have ehr name on his arm forever
2013-02-06 20:06:53 UTC
Nope. I wouldn't even let a girl tattoo MY name on them.
2013-02-06 18:53:51 UTC
No, because what if you break up? Then when you get a new significant other you'll still have your ex's name on your body.
Righteous Brother
2013-02-06 16:39:22 UTC
Nope, I don't believe in tats or too many body piercings. It defaces the body. The body is a temple and should be treated as such.
2013-02-06 15:54:55 UTC
Perhaps, if they died. Otherwise there's no guarantee that your love is long-lasting and you'll just end up forking out hundreds of laser removal and feeling like an idiot.
2013-02-06 14:55:40 UTC
Not a chance. We both know that our bodies are a gift from God and we desire to keep it clean and pure for the safe dwelling of our spirits and the Holy Ghost to visit us. We can function better as God's servants if our bodies are taken care of and kept in good condition, both internally and externally.
2013-02-07 11:08:14 UTC
ill rather love someone from the heart than pierce my face with needles and ink the way i see it as long as the two of you love each other from the heart that's enough for me
2013-02-07 09:31:17 UTC
No tattoo can sometime even lead to HIV..who wants to take the risk
The Bearded One
2013-02-07 08:10:03 UTC
No because, life is very spontaneous and anything can happen at any moment. Why lock yourselves with memory you might not want later in life?
2013-02-07 07:05:26 UTC
Simply the most important part out of this "The couple are planning to have children." I pity those children.
2013-02-07 02:11:23 UTC
No. I don't mind if other people have tattoos, but I don't want any. My husband's name is engraved on my heart; that's enough.
2013-02-07 01:00:20 UTC
No, that's a dumb thing to do. Tattoos are permanent, some relationships aren't.
2013-02-07 00:11:20 UTC
i see nothing wrong with getting their name tattooed on you, but not big..and not on your face. i dated a guy for 6 years and we got each other's name tattooed but i got it on my ankle and it was small..we broke up and i easily was able to get the tattoo covered. he got mine big as day on his arm going up and down and its still there 4 years later. its nothing wrong with doing it, just be smart about it and dont get it on your face...
2013-02-06 15:56:52 UTC
Never. I'm not THAT young and naive anymore. Too much trouble seeing or removing if the relationship goes south. Being with him has to be enough for me.
2013-02-07 07:23:05 UTC
no thats pretty dumb i would rather get a picture or icon of something that reminded me of the good times. Plus after only 24 hours! WTF! and then to get it accross her face? didnt that guys ex do the same thing? she should of learned from the exes mistake. . . they all screwed up alot of things for each other.
2013-02-07 06:50:44 UTC
I say no but i have the father of my daughter tattooed on my chest. i know now its wasn't one of the brightest ideas in my life but i do not regret it.
2013-02-07 00:44:32 UTC
No. Tattoos of any kind have been so overdone that you are now considered a rebel for NOT having one.
2013-02-07 00:24:13 UTC
I wouldn't. But I did meet people who did, and they love each other madly for many years now, and have kids together.

It all depends I guess
Argus Tuft
2013-02-06 23:45:41 UTC
I know someone who had the face of her ex tattooed on one of her breasts. As she gets older, and gravity takes hold, his face is getting longer and longer ....

Well, it's funny when you see it!
2013-02-06 20:23:50 UTC

Too often a significant other becomes insignificant. I've seen it way too many times.
K Bro
2013-02-06 17:48:22 UTC
No 40% - 50% of marriges end in divorce anyway so I wouldn't risk it
John Locke
2013-02-06 16:33:22 UTC
So is his name Rouslan or Ruslan? If he tattooed his own name wrong, thats news in itself.
2013-02-07 08:09:45 UTC
i have the name of my soon to be husband on my wrist and he has mine on his . Weve been 2gether for 6 years now and both of us don't regret it at all
Alema Pequoia
2013-02-06 18:28:14 UTC
No, never!~

Because times change, outlooks change, friendships wax and wane, hatreds build, acceptable behavior is reevaluated, loves are lost and new loves are found.

2013-02-07 04:59:39 UTC
I have my partners name and our wedding date in a tattoo on my ankle.. we have been married 15 Yeats so far...
2013-02-06 17:05:09 UTC
if you ask if my significant other is music, which it is, then yes, i would have tattooed "iron maiden" on my arms within 24 hours.
2013-02-06 14:53:13 UTC
tattoos really do not symbolize anything, its useless to put a significant other's face on your body permanently.
2013-02-07 04:24:37 UTC
To tattoo yourself with your partner's name is a resemblance of respect, love and inspiration of the other partner. This can happen if that person made a huge impact in your life causing you to change in a good way, for the better. It is also a symbol of a lifetime embodiment of that person, it has the effect of "PRIDE" in it that shows how proud a person can be by loving and being loved. :)

My fiance tattooed himself with my name and it made me feel so loved, soon i am also getting tattooed also with his name. :)
2013-02-06 23:54:38 UTC
No, because honestly I simply wouldn't want to. I do not need to put your name on my body to prove that I love you or that I am committed to you.
2013-02-06 19:52:03 UTC
I would not unless maybe we've been married for like 20 years
2013-02-06 18:36:04 UTC
nope i would never!!! you have to think ahead and think what if something happens and you guys break up! sorry for being so negative but it's the truth and if you guys did break up that would bring some pretty bad memories!
2013-02-06 18:23:32 UTC
The relationship isn't sure to last just because you have there name inked into your skin
2013-02-06 18:11:25 UTC
Yeah, maybe after we're married for a few years though.
2013-02-06 17:56:24 UTC
Not a chance.

I love and honor my partner, but I am not property.

I carry ID, no need to ink my name on myself.

I have his name and contact info in my wallet, should something happen to me, but it doesn't need to be inked.
2013-02-07 10:12:15 UTC
My girlfriend has my initials on her wrist, but I would never get her initials tattooed on me.
2013-02-06 18:35:12 UTC
No,love doesn't always last forever but ink does last forever,also the ink does permanent damage to your skin.
2013-02-06 16:31:36 UTC
I wouldn't because who knows if we love each other for until we die? Love doesn't last forever, that only exist in Fairy Tails, but ink lasts forever!
2013-02-06 15:46:03 UTC
No! I wouldn't even get my own name tattooed on me so why would I get someone else's?

We could a small matching symbol but that's it.
2013-02-07 10:53:19 UTC
most likely not...if anything I would get something tattooed that reminds me of them, but even then it is a huge commitment...
Surveil Deez Nuts
2013-02-07 08:45:37 UTC
I got one that said "Crystal 4 Ever", but then I caught her messin' round, so I had it changed to "Crystal WhoreEver". But then we got back together and I had it changed again to "CrystalWhore? Never!"
2013-02-06 17:12:51 UTC
Nope because something could come up all of sudden and Bam! Break up!
2013-02-07 09:20:48 UTC
Maybe-"Strangette?"-she has that name on her left shoulder- (I've had Strange on my left shoulder for several yrs...) my wife for over 5 yrs...(I'd never put her 'real name' on me-we've got the strangest marriage already...)
2013-02-07 08:41:12 UTC
i'd never have a tatoo period. but, as most relationships last about a week nowadays, such a move is extremely stupid. the relationship is temporary, the tatoo is forever!
2013-02-07 06:32:18 UTC
No. My face is too beautiful to ruin with someone else's name.
2013-02-06 23:06:37 UTC
there is no way, the only names i have on my body are my two daughters, would never get the wifes name on me, ink is forever marriages arnt
2013-02-06 20:40:10 UTC
No but my daughter in law tatted my grandson's name on her shoulder. Now that love WILL last forever.
2013-02-07 08:17:16 UTC
I would not tattoo his name anywhere on me, nor would he do it. We both dislike tattoos.
2013-02-07 05:13:32 UTC
i've got my spouses face all over my left arm.. it's rather nice, award winning portrait work too.

now, move aside yahoo.... there's a big scary world out there you can't fathom.
2013-02-06 23:22:41 UTC
No,tattoo's can be cool, but I have never wanted one.
2013-02-06 20:05:15 UTC
Not in this lifetime.

It's a great way to jinx a relationship.
2013-02-06 15:15:33 UTC
No. It may not be a long lasting relationship. I especially would not have that on my face. It is just poor judgment on her part to let him do that.
2013-02-07 00:48:49 UTC
Oh My....

.. I might but only like real tiny around my ring finger or his name in an abstract drawing , but ONLY if married!
2013-02-06 16:43:39 UTC
Never. And I have tattoos.
2013-02-06 16:09:12 UTC
NO...more than would not work out...and there You are, staring at Their name, day after day...with Your new prospects staring at it with questions in Their mind
2013-02-07 08:26:38 UTC
No.....This is one situation that for which I could honestly say Never!! It just makes no sense to me. I also would not want him to put my name on him either.
2013-02-06 22:54:15 UTC
Nope. i love my wife and all, promised we will be together forever, but my body is my temple. I see no need to mark it up.
2013-02-06 19:44:17 UTC
I would be more likely to tattoo my face on my forearm. And that is not very likely.
2013-02-06 18:59:01 UTC
no. i feel it's bad luck. maybe if they get a tattoo where it reminds them of their girlfriend, like something about their personality or something. but never a portrait or a name.
2013-02-06 18:09:24 UTC
That's a horrible idea, you don't want their name on your body if you two end up separated.
2013-02-06 18:02:15 UTC
No because when i get older the tattoo will look deformed and kinda look like dirt on my skin.

2013-02-06 15:52:59 UTC
Never in my life. That man has some serious self-respect issues...
2013-02-06 15:11:34 UTC
No, I love my husband very much but I would never do that. I would feel like a cow being branded, and I am not a cow.
2013-02-07 06:03:51 UTC
No, because when I am 50 I might not be able to read it. Seriously.
2013-02-06 22:52:00 UTC
Never, tattoo's are the worst possible thing you could do to your skin.
2013-02-06 21:37:15 UTC
no the only name i would get is blood family someone i know would always be there.. relationships are not always forever. only names i would ever get on me... mom's dad's son's daughter's and i do have my grandparents name on me but these are it
2013-02-07 09:28:36 UTC
yeah. my wife has my name on her wrist and i have her name on the back of my hand. when you know you're in love and want to spend the rest of your life with that person,, why not. unless you're afraid of needles
2013-02-07 03:29:01 UTC
NO! These relationships are as stable as a unicycle on a tightrope.
2013-02-07 03:26:59 UTC
Yes. I think that's very romantic. But I wouldn't get it on my face.
2013-02-07 03:14:21 UTC
Bob W
2013-02-06 18:28:06 UTC
Scripture forbids believers from putting marks on their bodies.
2013-02-06 16:44:57 UTC
Yes, after marriage and SERIOUS commitment from both parties.
2013-02-06 15:16:02 UTC
Nope, Love does not last forever... After what a couple months, couple years, you might hate each other.
2013-02-07 09:58:54 UTC
Yup! I have *I <3 Ryan* on my neck. It was done just eight months in to our relationship but cliche as it is, when you know, you just know!
2013-02-07 06:45:35 UTC
no because u never know what is going to happen in the future between the two of u!!!!
2013-02-07 07:57:51 UTC
First of all, it's tacky.

Second, what if you get a divorce?

2013-02-07 03:29:21 UTC
No way! Are you mad not even my husband (if I had one) most marriges end in divorce now a days.
2013-02-07 01:26:24 UTC
NO NEVER! Just because I wouldn't and if and when I am with someone I would not want my name tatood on them!
2013-02-06 23:44:39 UTC
Never people can be very fickle, not worth the pain if they might change.
2013-02-06 23:15:44 UTC
i have heard that is bad luck. but no, i would not tattoo a name on my body that is not mine.
2013-02-06 16:06:22 UTC
Probably just an initial under my eye. I think it'd look ballin'.
2013-02-07 10:05:06 UTC
The symbol that I have to show my love is my wedding ring. That's his only symbol, too.
2013-02-07 08:18:43 UTC
2013-02-07 08:17:09 UTC
2013-02-07 08:11:44 UTC
I used to draw tattoos in my girl friend's face but then........but then i got an arrow in the knee ! :D
Strawberry Ribbon
2013-02-07 01:04:12 UTC
Never. This is useless way to express love to someone.
2013-02-06 15:32:13 UTC
No tattoos for me. Have you ever seen how your grandfather's tattoos faded with age? And who knows what the ink may do to me.
2013-02-06 20:34:15 UTC
No, if you truly love someone you shouldn't have to get thier name on your skin for them to know it
2013-02-07 06:55:12 UTC
I did but trust me youll regret it. But no I would never do it again. . . . The whole concept is just stupid.
2013-02-06 21:09:39 UTC
NOPE! I'm going through a divorce and I am sooo glad I didn't do that!
2013-02-06 18:43:19 UTC
hell no!! huge mistake!! things happen, ppl break up or split..and then your left with the huge headache of ppl asking you whos name is on you and why, or left saving money to get it covered. dont get me wrong, i have a memorial tattoo with my brother's name and my best friends name in the banner across the cross, and i have my kids names tattoo'd on me. but never will i get my husbands name! we do have similar tattoos, that we decided to get on our anniv. (mines on my foot and pink with hearts, his is on his arm and blue with dice)
2013-02-06 16:40:05 UTC
No. I would not choose to advertise another person on my body.
Creative Opinions
2013-02-06 16:04:31 UTC
No! it is not only stupid but also a lack of respect for the other person. What was she thinking???
2013-02-06 16:02:12 UTC
No, you don't need body inking to represent your love for someone
Erin R
2013-02-06 15:46:47 UTC
On my heart, and if he left me no one could see the name even though they would know my heart was broken,
2013-02-07 07:23:26 UTC
hell no, i was married and never tattooed my now ex-wife's name on me, if anything my kids names only :)
2013-02-07 06:01:45 UTC
Well, no. But if it were a blood relative of mine who I care about I would.
2013-02-07 04:17:02 UTC
No. I personally think tattoos looks cheap and nasty.
2013-02-06 16:55:23 UTC
No way! What if we break up, then I'll be stuck with his name on me forever.
2013-02-06 16:24:43 UTC
no - i do not like tattoos at all and that is petty damn stupid. a lot of brain cells are missing from these individuals. sad.
2013-02-06 16:01:04 UTC
I wouldn't because I'm against tattoos and body piercings.
2013-02-06 15:20:39 UTC
so many nonsignificant items have been tattooed, others were just designs for display, so why not?:)
Tom P
2013-02-07 09:15:43 UTC
No, I prefer to have no tattoos.
2013-02-06 17:42:08 UTC
Absolutely not. End of story.
2013-02-06 15:29:36 UTC
No. As much as I love my boyfriend, I would never have his name imbedded in my skin. If we broke up, I wouldnt want to be reminded of him whenever i look in the mirror.
2013-02-06 15:11:48 UTC
No, I would not. I abhor tattoos and all their forms on anyone's body.

Ditto to Rac's answer.
2013-02-06 14:50:17 UTC
No. Even if I was married to them for 100 years I still wouldn't, what if something happens and you split?
2013-02-07 09:36:00 UTC
and plus it looks bad no matter what it says and when you get to the age when your skin SAGS it will still look bad
2013-02-07 09:25:12 UTC
no maybe in 20 years or more before i'll do that i'll do my kids names
2013-02-07 08:09:31 UTC
Probably not. That's not to say that there is anything wrong with that though
2013-02-07 05:00:37 UTC
you have to have a small IQ to have tattoos because they are forever and look hideous especially when you get old and on women.
ღ ℒυɱıèʀe ∂ε ℓα «ℒυиε
2013-02-06 18:14:50 UTC
Love makes you do crazy and wild things. Yes. :) i'm probably the few that would...
2013-02-06 17:52:41 UTC
No i don't get tattoos
2013-02-06 17:45:00 UTC
no because we might not last forever but the ink will. at least get it somewhere that cannot be seen.
2013-02-06 15:52:38 UTC
2013-02-07 04:04:51 UTC
never! what if we break up or something? maybe my parents name or brother or sister or child but not a lover.
Cheap Yard Signs
2013-02-06 19:23:09 UTC
Ink last forever i would say NO
2013-02-07 02:16:22 UTC
no way, i always think that it is a Littleedesperatee and nothing is perfect what if it was to go wrong
2013-02-06 23:16:51 UTC
Triple hell Noo
2013-02-06 22:51:06 UTC
Never.. Only my Mom, Dad or Children.....
2013-02-06 21:50:09 UTC
No, love doesnt last forever and it would suck if you guys broke up
Pish and Fiddle
2013-02-06 19:30:44 UTC
No; I think tattoos are ugly.
Robert David M
2013-02-06 18:42:32 UTC

I don;t believe in tattoos.

And even if I did, she might decide to leave me tomorrow.

Thanks for asking,

Star coming.
Jesus is Lord
2013-02-06 15:59:09 UTC
No. The good Lord put every mark on me that he wanted there.
2013-02-06 14:51:35 UTC

1 i dont like tatoos

2 love is virtually eternal (well the true love) but what if the person you loved was just pretending to be something different?
2013-02-06 17:59:11 UTC
Yes, but not on my face!
2013-02-06 17:57:53 UTC
I was close to do it last week, but he made me mad and I decided not to
Sara Leslie
2013-02-06 16:29:14 UTC
Niet! No! Nada!
Momma of 1
2013-02-06 15:08:39 UTC
No. Say one day your not together, I dont think you would want their name on you...... And 24hrs after knowing one another? Too soon....
2013-02-07 07:55:28 UTC
ya but her name is lilly her name is the obnly one i would ever
2013-02-07 07:17:37 UTC
No, because you might not stay together and who says he or she loves you?
2013-02-06 23:11:55 UTC
No because relationships don't last forever.
2013-02-06 14:41:36 UTC

In Fact the guy who does my tattoos won't, so if you were to walk in and say please tattoo may wife's name he will say "no".

Mum, Dad, Children or family members not a problem but significant other, no
2013-02-06 02:13:14 UTC
Remembering something requires also 'forgetting'...

That is how tattooing would have started, among primitive tribes, with very little memory span...

It reassures both sides, that the names are tattooed on the other, it will be a sort of guarantee...


In ancient Indian culture, relationships are said to extend over several lifetimes!...

So, it does not matter if the name is not tat toed on this temporary body....

It is engraved into the each-other's souls irretrievably!
2013-02-07 08:35:42 UTC
no..this is so stupid.

no i would never tatto other's name ANYWHERE ON MY BODY.


Yahoo should stop asking such dumb questions!
2013-02-06 15:29:13 UTC
Yes but my husband said he would divorce me because he does,nt like them.
2013-02-06 19:49:00 UTC
awwww, how romantic!! NOT!!! No never ever ever, even if we knew each other 50 years!!
2013-02-06 15:45:23 UTC
No, never. That's not forever, as far as anyone knows until they're dead.

I would only get my children's name.
2013-02-07 10:55:07 UTC
Maybe if I REALLY cared about them , but in reality , no
2013-02-07 09:11:24 UTC
Definitely not!
2013-02-06 19:54:47 UTC
never lmao thats too risky, what if we stop talking? then I have to go and get that off-__-
2013-02-06 19:49:33 UTC
Heck no... not on my face at least. maybe somewhere else but no.
Kp Thedane
2013-02-06 16:54:23 UTC
if the benefits outweigh the risks.
Ms Lety
2013-02-06 16:01:04 UTC
No,I would not...a tattoo is permanent.
2013-02-07 10:12:54 UTC
Yes, if she's angelina jolie
2013-02-07 09:24:38 UTC
Sure - If her name was "Big Mistake".

2013-02-07 05:07:18 UTC
I would NEVER tattoo my body for any reason.
2013-02-06 21:19:18 UTC
love doesnt stay i dont stay because i die one day but the tatto stays
2013-02-06 19:39:15 UTC
No. Tats are for self-centered freaks and tramps.
2013-02-06 18:22:01 UTC
You shouldn't mark your body.
2013-02-06 18:07:36 UTC


║╔╗╚╝╠╔╗║**because you cannot "BARGAIN" with the Sovereign Creator...Just be OBEDIENT!


Leviticus 19:28 states~>: “‘And YOU must not make cuts in YOUR flesh for a deceased soul, and YOU must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah"
2013-02-06 17:46:22 UTC
No! You never know what could happen!
2013-02-06 16:48:48 UTC
2013-02-06 16:23:31 UTC
i would not cause you can never ever take it off! you have it for life it would stink to take your skin away...
2013-02-06 16:03:38 UTC
No way Jose.
2013-02-07 07:34:34 UTC
thats cheezy. tats are just a fad. fad followers get what they deserve.
2013-02-07 06:43:35 UTC
Maybe but, not on my face.
2013-02-06 22:15:40 UTC
no cuase you might not be with them forever and then youd have their name on you forever.
2013-02-07 09:41:52 UTC
yea, If I loved them enough and knew that they wouldn't leave me.
2013-02-06 21:35:30 UTC
no, tattoos are so low class
2013-02-06 18:22:29 UTC
I saw her photo it is terrible.
2013-02-06 17:50:18 UTC
No. I wouldn't want to be tatooed.
2013-02-06 15:52:36 UTC
Heck no! I'd never get a tattoo period.
2013-02-06 15:27:53 UTC
No, because I dislike tattoo's.
2013-02-06 14:51:20 UTC
no because if you get a divorce or breakup with him/her you would have to deal with it if you get in another relationship
Miss Fox
2013-02-06 15:14:26 UTC
No. I am deathly afraid of needles.
2013-02-07 10:48:53 UTC
No. Because it is permanent.
2013-02-07 07:15:35 UTC
2013-02-06 19:14:35 UTC
I would do that on my body...without any problem..
G00D Doggo
2013-02-06 17:44:18 UTC
Short and sweet, no.
2013-02-07 11:10:35 UTC
2013-02-07 06:30:56 UTC
no unless they were my parents, siblings, or someone who was closed to me who died
2013-02-06 18:49:36 UTC
I would MAYBE get my kids' names, but not my wife's.
2013-02-06 19:12:31 UTC
2013-02-06 16:48:47 UTC
No, things change.
2013-02-07 06:37:20 UTC
mabey is it was somewhere where i could only see it
The Damn Mushroom
2013-02-06 15:01:23 UTC
That's one way to destroy your resale value.
2013-02-05 19:49:38 UTC
relationships don't last forever but tattoos do. If you have a name/face of the boyfriend/girlfriend tattooed on your body, get someone to look like him/her or have the same name as him/her as your next boyfriend/girlfriend.
Robert Lawrence
2013-02-07 08:54:32 UTC
no don't like the ideal at all
2013-02-07 09:44:17 UTC
no. nothing lasts forever
2013-02-06 22:36:50 UTC
hack yes! me and mine are going to do it.
physical science chic
2013-02-06 22:03:33 UTC
no because you never know what will happen
2013-02-06 15:47:25 UTC
My faith in humanity is dropping even further...
2013-02-07 06:28:03 UTC
no thats insiginificant
Shadow Knight
2013-02-06 23:55:26 UTC
No. Because I find it stupid.
2013-02-06 20:04:35 UTC
No, because it's too long! :p
2013-02-06 17:50:35 UTC
Yes....too bad I've had about 10 "loves" and thanks to my "devotion," 10 regrets.
2013-02-06 15:28:13 UTC
Never ever. Because I'm not so stupid
2013-02-07 10:26:55 UTC
2013-02-07 08:44:21 UTC
lol forever alone
2013-02-06 18:44:53 UTC
hahaha not unless we were both on our death beds, and were married
2013-02-06 16:56:56 UTC
Yes!!!! me and my cat are in love!!!
2013-02-06 15:26:19 UTC
nope never
2013-02-07 11:16:38 UTC
no b/c you may not be with him/her forever... parents/children are ok b/c they made you/you made them and it can never be changed
2013-02-07 04:27:22 UTC
No way!
2013-02-07 00:12:52 UTC
No, absolutely no.
2013-02-06 20:24:20 UTC
never say never
Foxes are RAAAD
2013-02-06 19:45:21 UTC
No... That would be hilarious if they broke up......Plain stupid
2013-02-06 16:06:48 UTC
Hell to the NO!
Mother Martha
2013-02-07 07:10:59 UTC
No.... because no one is forever !
2013-02-07 06:44:16 UTC
absolutely NOT!
2013-02-06 20:08:27 UTC
2013-02-06 18:34:16 UTC
no way
2013-02-06 14:55:02 UTC
'ta - toos' are for the intellectually devoid.

i'm sorry but having permanent ink to remind yourself who you're with is absurd.
2013-02-06 15:31:51 UTC
Thats dumb no way !
2013-02-06 14:49:54 UTC
I'm not dyslexic
2013-02-07 06:10:09 UTC
No cus its stupid..
2013-02-06 17:28:40 UTC
It's just stupid!
Pink Floyd
2013-02-06 15:25:19 UTC
No. I don't know
2013-02-06 20:49:53 UTC
Pat B.
2013-02-06 19:06:15 UTC
2013-02-06 18:10:45 UTC
sandra C
2013-02-07 08:11:17 UTC
no thats so stupid
2013-02-07 07:53:59 UTC
2013-02-06 21:38:51 UTC
no i'm not an idiot
2013-02-06 19:27:07 UTC
2013-02-06 16:51:17 UTC
Endevide ♫▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ♫
2013-02-06 04:51:41 UTC
It's considered bad luck..

plus, it's an akward and totally stupid way to show your affection.

Now, for the story oh well, she's Russian. They do all short of stupid things to get a boyfriend that will help them get out Russia. :D
2013-02-07 05:19:20 UTC
no, what if you break up ?!
2013-02-06 19:06:25 UTC
ew no.
2013-02-06 18:59:29 UTC
Hell No!
2013-02-06 16:13:15 UTC
2013-02-06 15:50:33 UTC

it would look so stupid
2013-02-06 19:34:49 UTC
2013-02-06 15:54:08 UTC
no because its stupid
2013-02-06 15:31:06 UTC
F@#$ NO
2013-02-06 16:19:55 UTC
2013-02-05 22:26:59 UTC
not necessarily
We left and returned!
2013-02-05 16:50:14 UTC
No. I would not tattoo myself nor my "significant other".

Unless, SHE wanted to tattoo HERSELF with the words:

2013-02-05 14:31:30 UTC
Maybe not
2013-02-07 10:31:49 UTC
The One And Only :-)
2013-02-07 09:57:08 UTC
Olivia Sorresso
2013-02-06 14:48:28 UTC
2013-02-05 17:21:16 UTC
Brian Louk
2013-02-07 10:51:39 UTC
how ******* dumb can a person be??????????????????????????
2013-02-06 15:04:34 UTC
heck no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2013-02-06 14:39:32 UTC
2013-02-06 12:24:29 UTC
Yes, I am doing this next week.
2013-02-05 20:58:43 UTC
Yeah, I would significantly have your MOMS name on my........(sorry kids are online)
2013-02-05 15:00:46 UTC
As much as I love my husband, no, I would not get a tattoo anywhere on my body let alone my face. Christians are not to have any cuttings or tattoos ... see below.

Lev. 19:28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord. (This is a timeless truth)
Andrew S Calm before the storm
2013-02-05 14:50:48 UTC
No because it would seem fake. A man's wife is made from his rib so there is no need for a tattoo. She is already fully marked.
Darth Eugene Vader
2013-02-05 14:12:08 UTC
No, I do not agree with tattoos.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.