I love to explain the issue to you..The aggression started as soon as Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon) got its independence from Britain in 1948, the goverment just began to come it to play and soon was influedned by greed, and other polictical factors, I would say that it became corrput do to colonization, like Nigerian Goverment being corrupt today, because there was no true and fair building of it. The genocide began with uprooting Tamil communities and replacing them with majority Singhalese. The euphemism usually used is “ethnic cleansing,” for actions meant to kill or drive away a population. This has continued to the present day. There were repeated nation-wide race riots (in 1956, 58, 77, 81 and 83) directed against the Tamils. The rioters used voter rolls to show them which houses were occupied by Tamils, showing that the riots were not spontaneous but organized and led, perhaps by government officials. Armed resistance by Tamils did not begin until immediately after the pogrom of 1983. Since then, displacement and rioting have been supplemented by organized killing by Sri Lankan armed forces and paramilitary organizations: disappearances, murder, rape, cluster bombing of Tamil civilians in designated “safe areas,” and more.
Currently, the Sri Lankan armed forces are on the verge of defeating the resistance, also known as the Tamil Tigers. That does not mean that the fighting will end: the national government will almost certainly continue its campaign of ethnic cleansing, and the armed resistance will reignite. What is going on in Sri Lanka is genocide by the United Nation’s or anyone else’s definition. The world, perhaps due to “compassion fatigue,” is paying no attention. We hope that drawing the world’s attention to this atrocity will help us to alleviate or even end it, the prostestors have been nothing but peacful...what i don't understand is if the singhalese are buddhist then why aren't they peacful, there is no compassion here, the goverment treats the tamils as second class limiting their oppurtunities, and pushing them to corners and outskirts of the country, the leaders do not make and sense at all...the LLTE ( it may be arguable) I DO NOT SUPPORT LLTE STRONGLY BUT I DO WANT INNOCENT LIVES TO BE SAVED AND NOT OPPRESSED...though the LLTE is not a terrorist group they do not go around killing civilains only the armed forces, the Lable came after 9/11....and as for the goverment, What goverment kills there own civilians and citizens?....the attention has not been gained by the U.N because China and India do not support this "minority" and remain neutral with the Sri Lankan goverment for polictical reasons and not humanity or moral reasons ...
REMEMBER Margret Mead stated "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"
so i hope this gives you another outlook and helped clear things out...the progranda has clouded the air and biased opinions and labels have manipulated the west here...even the red cross has asked the (corrupt) goverment to stop fire...but they still press on strongly