You know I think some people just like to settle for mediocrity. I remember being fresh out of High School in the 80s and working my way up the ladder in the CA high tech boom. By 25 years old in 1985 I was making 16.00 an hour. That ceiling eventually burst.
Nowadays kids can't go fresh out of college and expect more than a minimum wage job. They're competing with older experienced workers who are also in a minimum wage slump if they're able to find a job at all.
The ceiling bursts as noted, but the bottom also drops out that people need to also recognize (as we've seen with Greece and other nations,) so things like this really go both ways. We can't sustain such an economic "slump" indefinitely. Eventually something is going to have to be done that works.
As far as the figures you put out which are old, it was already noted recently that California, was late to report, and thus skewed the latest figures to show a slight improvement in national figures. Its already been reported that Californians are exiting the state in droves.
As far as your claim that Romney doesn't care is simplistic and ridiculous. Both candidates "care" but have posed different means to coming about the same end, the goal of fixing the economy and giving everyone jobs. We need to have an actual intellectual discussion to find the candidate with the right program, one that will actually be effective to get that job done instead of a stereotypical play on someone's emotions and fears.
Obama said in his first campaign he'd knock the unemployment down by half, which was never done, and tackle the deficit, which grew higher or he would be a one termer. His programs haven't proven to be effective and there are more people in dire straights, 47mil on food stamps now than there were at the start of his Presidency. He promised to unite people but he never did that, he plays the blame game and now wants four more years. Well I hold him to his campaign promises then not a promise it will be better in four more years.
Romney on the other hand is a proven bipartisan uniter shown to accomplish his tasks with substantial economic experience. He doesn't believe in socialism re-distribution. Romney still believes in the American dream that made our nation great where through people's hard work the sky is the limit. He's got an economic 5 point plan and I encourage people to read it in depth, an excerpt here:
"Mitt Romney’s Plan for a Stronger Middle Class is a five-part proposal for turning around the economy and delivering more jobs and more take-home pay for American families. While President Obama continues looking to big government spending programs as the solution to the nation’s challenges, Mitt understands that it is hardworking Americans in the private sector who will achieve economic growth and job creation. His plan will end the middle class squeeze of declining incomes and rising prices, bring back prosperity, and create 12 million jobs during his first term."
Honestly, America is such a great nation we've had our ups and our downs before. We don't have to settle for mediocrity. We don't have to settle for re-distribution socialism we can still have the American dream.