2011-01-18 22:01:09 UTC
We now know that Jo did not eat that pizza, so in the process of going to someone's home with it she must have been killed pretty much straight away, which shows planning, not a death that occured after an argument later on in the night.
What then happened to the pizza? could it even be someone who lives out of town and chucked the evidence out of the window after the crime or is it someone in Bristol? and why not make a list of the suspects they consider and list their favourite pizzas, as this one was just cheese and tomato. kind of boring, but this could be a false lead, he may have asked Jo to purchase that kind deliberately as if he liked some extravaggent topping it might have made his identity more suspicious?
I reckon it was someone she knew but she had not known them for long, it was someone she had started seeing recently I reckon without Gregs knowledge.
I'm not sure on the landlord theory now, i don't know any young girl in the right mind who would want to share a marguerita with him! what do we think? - "armchair detectives" as we are called, opinions please ...