It is correct to state that there are few up to date media reports on the Falun Gong issue happening in China for the reasons stated below, but It is irrational and irresponsible to state that nothing is happening to Falun Gong in China. This itself is propaganda spread by blind Chinese who have been brainwashed by incessant propaganda to hate innocent people by their own totalitarian government that is branded one of the top human rights abusers in the world year after year.
In the past there have been many media reports detailing the atrocities happening against the group. For example, Ian Johnston of the Wall St. Journal won a Pulitzer prize for his stories on Falun Gong. (See links below)
Recently, many international organizations have covered the persecution and Organ harvesting allegations, including reports from the United Nations calling on China to explain the over 50,000 transplants that had not been accounted for based on the Chinese regime’s own records. (See link below). The U.S State Dept. also passed several unanimous resolutions including Res 232 calling for an immediate end to the campaign to persecute Falun Gong practitioners on the 12th anniversary of the crack down. (see link below).
Also, For the past 13 years almost every human rights organization in the world has reported on the persecution of Falun Gong and the terrible extent to which the communist regime has gone to “eliminate” the group.
The reason why there are no updated onsite media reports from Western media in China is because they are arrested and kicked out of the country as soon as they try to report on the Falun gong issue. (see link below).
Unfortunately, we have also seen time and time again that during every genocide in our history from Hitler’s elimination of the Jews in WW2 to the slaughter of the Tutsis in Rwanda, to present day atrocities facing our world today, including Falun Gong, Western media grows tired of the story and moves on to other issues.
What is more disturbing about the lack of coverage on the Falun Gong issue is that reports show that outside of China, Western media like the BBC, Washington Post, New York Times etc. are being pressured by the communist party to be silent on Falun Gong or face loosing business with China.
You may ask, why is the communist party so bent on silencing Falun Gong supporters?
In 2006 a high ranked Chinese government official defected in Australia stated that it is the main mandate of the communist party to hide the crimes they have committed against Falun Gong from the international public. Today the communist regime is responsible for terrible crimes against Falun Gong practitioners and their main goal is to cover up all evidence of these crimes in order to thwart international condemnation for their actions and of course to hide from international courts for crimes against humanity.
The above are some of the reasons why coverage on the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong is slim save for human rights groups, governments, academic researchers and a hand full of righteous news organizations. It is disgusting and immoral to think that our so-called free press is kowtowing to Beijing but it is happening.