Define the class system please!?
Lovely Lady
2007-05-29 02:46:02 UTC




Is it still even in existence?

Why are so many people desperate to be seen as middle class? Is it really a great acheivment to be middle anything?
24 answers:
2007-05-29 13:28:24 UTC
There are four social classes. They are not financial classes, but, in generalisation, are largely financial-related.

Upper class:

Stupidly rich, and have been for generations. Will not mix with anyone but daddy's friends. Earn money just by being somebody's relation.

Middle Class:

Wealthy and earned it, but can be severely rude to anyone of a class band lower than their own. These ones usually cure (but only in their own minds) a personal tragedy by being generous (and so very out of character).

Working Class:

The public in general. These guys do all the hard slog, so that the higher classes can survive, and they complain when the lower class receive any of their hard-earned. They are usually well mannered, but some could be called 'common' by the upper and middle classes.

Lower Class:

These guys spend their entire lives trying to escape the stigma attached to their class band. They want to get into the working class, but constantly get beaten back. Very few have any hope of rising to middle class. They are often confused with working class, unfairly, because of some of the behaviour that some working class members display. They have low opinions of the upper and middle classes, but usually get on with working class members.
2015-08-06 14:53:42 UTC
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Define the class system please!?





Is it still even in existence?

Why are so many people desperate to be seen as middle class? Is it really a great acheivment to be middle anything?
2007-05-29 11:46:33 UTC
Class is still strongly linked with occupation...the question most Britons ask each other still is the tiresome 'What do you do?', with the questioner waiting with baited breath for the answer...which will either have questioner respect him/her, or treat him/her like scum...until the day they die.

Today, working class has now been almost destroyed, people argue that the early seventies was when the old school of 'working class' was to end...Arthur Scargill's rubbing up of the Tories under Edward Heath in 1974 had a sharp observer...Mrs. Thatcher, who made sure it would never happen again, and ten years later, Scargill and most workers north of the Midlands would see it in full, starting with police from South East England guarding coal fields in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire waving their over-time payslips at the striking miners - 'working class' 23 years later is seen in soap operas...nostalgia.

'What did you say you did, again?'

The Thatcher government measured class system in six levels;

A. Upper Middle Class. Higher managerial or professional. E.g Bishop, Established Doctor, Police Superintendent or above.

B. Middle Class. Intermediate managerial or professional. E.g Vicar, newly qualified Doctor or Solicitor, Farmer with 2-9 employees, Bank Chief Clerk.

C1. Lower Middle Class. Supervisory/clerical/ junior managerial or professional. E.g.Student doctor, foreman with 25+ employees, monk or nun, junior journalist

C2 Skilled Working Class. Skilled manual workers. E.g police constable, AA/RAC patrolman, bus driver, bricklayer or plumber

D. Working Class. Semi or unskilled manual workers. E.g. Supermarket shelf stacker, traffic warden, fisherman, apprentice

E. Lowest Level Subsistence. State pensioners or widows (no other earner), casual or lowest grade workers
2007-05-29 19:20:27 UTC
I know it is peculiar the fixation people have in the UK with social class.

I have to say that it is usually the people who are desperate to identify themselves as middle class who are usually not. The middle classes tend not to have this same need to talk about it all the time and are actually quite embarassed by the discussion of it. Most of my professional friends consider themselves to be working class despite the fact that they are not. My best friend is a solicitor, she is terribly posh, attended boarding school then Cambridge, lives in an expensive house in London and would fight you to the death if you told her she was middle class...

My son's father is a lecturer from the North of England , his parents live in a council house and he has very few possessions of material value.. due to always being broke....people would consider him middle class by virtue of his profession, but he is not!

Take the further example of the Beckhams. I would say that they are a very good example of the addage "money not being able to buy class"...

So, class distinctions are very blurred in my opinion. But usually the key to it all is that if a person makes constant overtures about being a particular social class or hinting that they are of this class. THEY ARE GENERALLY NOT...
susan will of the wisp
2007-05-29 16:23:40 UTC
upper class are people who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth haven't you noticed the way they speak ? money is no object bloody spoilt one would say!! middle are not quite there but like to think they are,and earn a lot of money over paid one would say ! working well the salt of the earth some of us have to work for a living and try to earn enough to live on now the lower class are those that just don't want to find work poor I guess,we used to be middle class once but we fell down to just good old working class now in my opinion far nicer people for the experience, only the mega rich really care about such things now
2007-05-29 17:21:52 UTC
Yes it still exists; we have chavs, posh people and middle class, theres a lot of people in britain today who can be described as lower middle class as there are more oppurtunities for wealth. The class 'system' is also prevalent in america, its just ignorant to think that it doesn't exist.

Although the boundaries of what defines class is always changing for example 'posh' and becks are chavs but are very rich therfore are upper class and because they have a highish social status.
2007-05-29 02:57:39 UTC
it still exists. People are still proud to be working class,middle class is an aspiration that the "nuevo rich" have .Upper middle class cannot be achieved through wealth,the same as the aristocracy,it`s about breeding and "old money"

money is not the issue, although many will see it as so,it`s all about your background and ancestry.

MY great great grandfather was titled(a knight of the realm) my grand mother had servants and my mother had a nanny and 3 servants in her childhood home.I turned my back on all this and worked 14 years with British Rail at a station in Kent starting off as a porter and thoroughly enjoyed it.My brother hit the hippy trail and now rents in New Zealand so where does that put me ? Working class perhaps? Who cares anyway. It`s only for the society climbers
2007-05-29 14:21:03 UTC
I'll tell you something about class, Heather: Those who won't work (as opposed to those who can't) have absolutely NO right to consider themselves 'working' class. In fact, dole scroungers are the new fauntleroys. A new noun needs to be found for these arrogant parasites !
2007-05-29 11:30:36 UTC
Well old boy,You must understand that we upper class simply cant stand those terrible semi council, and factory loud mouth uneducated lower class ignoramus's, So there? If I had my way, I would ship them all to Australia, On a serious level, Im working class, and I take people as I find them, We are all mortals,
2007-05-29 09:27:24 UTC
I'm very much working class and proud of it too, anyone in this world who earns a living and makes an EFFORT wins my admiration, let's not forget that it's not easy to make it in this world. My wife and I have done well, nice 3 bed semi on a trendy new estate but without the help of our parents where would we be now?

Some people don't have the capacity to earn decent money as most of us do but we were lucky, our parents took the time to encourage and educate us, for others they can be handed a legacy of ignorance because we learn from example and from our parents from the word go, if you didn't know better then who could blame you for not doing more?

Here's my idea of each:

Upper class - Genuine people with money who come from old money & they don't think they're better than the working class people - They dislike the pretentious social climbers who tag themselves as "Middle Class"

Middle Class - Have usually came from families that would come under Lower Class, these morons can't bear to admit to anyone, including themselves that they are and always will be Lower Class regardless of how many bedrooms their new showhome has.

Working Class - The real people of this world, we're everywhere. Toni and Cherie Blair class themselves as working class, did you know that?

Lower Class - Chavs, the type of people who throw rubbish out of the windows of their multi story flat. (not saying that everone in the flats are scum but you'll find lots of good people being forced to live amongst them despite their best efforts) These guys don't give a **** and have never had a job, their parents never had jobs and most likley their Grandparents never worked either, avoid like the bubonic plague.
2007-05-29 11:26:23 UTC
its not really a snob thing, its just that i think its something the Victorians invented and we still keep it going . if you asked the man on the street how he would describe himself, working class would be the answer cos more people work these days , or though it appears the opposite sometimes. when some people think they are better than others and call themselves (middle class/ upper class) no such thing as lower classes...
2007-05-29 08:17:47 UTC
there will always be a class system as there is always a hierarchy in any society - even communism.

technically your class is determined by your socio-economic status. but in reality it's all about your upbringing and your customs/values. in england the class system has become increasingly convoluted over the past 100 years as people have been able to rise through the class system as barriers to education and wealth have been destroyed.

as a complete amateur i would say there are the following main groups in english society:

working class (largest social group in england, traditionally defined as poor, blue collar, labourers and unskilled workers.)

lower middle class (this is the group that people dislike because they are the ones trying to be something they're not - very irritating hyacinth bucket types)

upper middle class (tbh proper middle class people are generally fairly innocuous, but get a bad rep because they have money but not ridiculous amounts and get lumped with lower middle class. people who have risen into this group are the most snobby of all)

upper class (lots of money, often not a lot of sense)

aristocracy (v similar to upper class but have titles. lots of money, often unitentionally rude see prince philip.)

it is virtually impossible to go down in social status (even if you loose all your money you will essentially still be whatever class you were born into). it generally takes a few generations to rise through the class system.

but the fundamental thing about the english class system is it's not about how much MONEY you have it's about your VALUES and OPINIONS.

another interesting point is that snobs are generally social climbers and not actually of higher social class to start off with - they therefore have something to prove. everyone else knows it's bloody rude and stupid to judge/be mean to someone because of their class.
2007-05-29 10:53:21 UTC
you have to look at peoples height. Tall people are upper class while short people are lower class. You do get people who are of the middle/average height. These are classified as middle classes!

Working classes are those who work!.

Hope this helps.
2007-05-29 23:44:26 UTC
I cant even begin to describe the Class system, so listen to the link, its all you need to know.....
2007-05-29 03:14:39 UTC
its called the socio economic group now: IE your status in society and your wealth

in the old days the upper class had more in common with the working class and the middle class were in the middle derided by all the others. they were seen as social climbers and anyone moving from one class to another was frowned upon.

In the past the middle classes were seen by me as pretentious and in their failed attempts to emulate the upper classes I used to roll around in stitches.

I always thought of myself as belonging to a bohemian class; above all the others, but I've spent the last 20rs looking at my snobbery.

last night someone said to me in reply to something I said "yes but your just a snob" but another person piped up "she's only a food snob now"

I try not to be judgemental of other's life styles but see people's other qualities.
2007-05-29 13:16:05 UTC
In my personal opinion the class system still exists but it has changed.

Upper = Celebrities

Lower = Chavs

Middle = Everyone else
Andy F
2007-05-29 13:06:46 UTC
The Have's and Have not's....
2007-05-29 02:51:39 UTC
Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures. Anthropologists, historians and sociologists identify class as universal, although what determines class varies widely from one society to another. Even within a society, different people or groups may have very different ideas about what makes one "high" or "low" in the hierarchy. The most basic class distinction between the two groups is between the powerful and the powerless. Social classes with more power usually subordinate classes with less power, while attempting to cement their own power positions in society. Social classes with a great deal of power are usually viewed as elites, at least within their own societies.

In the simplest societies, power is closely linked to the ability to assert one's status through physical strength; thus age, gender, and physical health are often common delineators of class in rudimentary tribes. However, spiritual charisma and religious vision can be at least as important. Also, because different livelihoods are so closely intertwined in simple societies, morality often ensures that the old, the young, the weak, and the sick maintain a relatively equal standard of living despite low class status.

As societies expand and become more complex, economic power replaces physical power as the defender of the class status quo, so that one's class is determined largely by:


education and qualifications

income, personal, household and per capita

wealth or net worth including the ownership of land,, property, means of production, ...

Those who can attain a position of power in a society will often adopt distinctive lifestyles to emphasize their prestige and to further rank themselves within the powerful class. Often the adoption of these stylistic traits are as important as one's wealth in determining class status, at least at the higher levels:

costume and grooming

manners and cultural refinement. For example, Bourdieu suggests a notion of high and low classes with a distinction between bourgeois tastes and sensitivities and the working class tastes and sensitivities.

political standing vis-à-vis the church, government, and/or social clubs, as well as the use of honorary titles

reputation of honor or disgrace

language, the distinction between elaborate code, which is seen as a criterion for "upper-class", and the restricted code, which is associated with "lower classes"

Finally, fluid notions such as race can have widely varying degrees of influence on class standing. Having characteristics of a particular ethnic group may improve one's class status in many societies. However, what is considered "racially superior" in one society can often be exactly the opposite in another. Also in situations where such factors are an issue, a minority ethnicity has often been hidden, or discreetly ignored if the person in question has otherwise attained the requirements to be of a higher class. Ethnicity is still often the single most overarching issue of class status in some societies (see the articles on apartheid, the Caste system in Africa, and the Japanese Burakumin ethnic minority for examples). However, a distinction should be made between causation and correlation when it comes to race and class. Some societies have a high correlation between particular classes and race, but this is not necessarily an indication that race is a factor in the determination of class.
steven e
2007-05-29 02:52:26 UTC
i think we do live in a confused society,millions of us have improved our wealth over the years but many of us still like think we are working class people,but then again many of us nowadays own our homes that are worth a lot of money,so yes confusing.
2015-08-04 11:57:13 UTC
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2007-05-29 08:21:18 UTC
All i know is that i'm middle class. I hate chavs and I hate people that do better than me in life!
2007-05-29 02:57:12 UTC
i thought lower and working were the same? i have no idea but i think its only the upper that still acknologe it as some posh bird came up to me and my friends and asked if we were form money then whene we said no she said oh so your poor, huh! made me laugh! x
2007-05-29 02:56:52 UTC
Them and us.
scottish football ....nuff said
2007-05-29 02:49:25 UTC
if you ask yr probably near the bottom......

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