No Saddam Hussein should not be hanged. Absolutely not nor should he be executed in any way.
Whether or not this hanging would result in a jihad (endless or not) is really not the issue. We should not decide whether to punish someone/anyone on the basis of what it might cost us or others.
If we did then the Mafia would never be brought to court.
For me the issue is an important one - of principle, and perhaps difficult for some to handle comfortably, especially those who watch Fox "News" (sic). There is a mentality of black and white which is not helpful post war.
You see, the level of violence in Iraq is higher now than when Saddam was in power even counting the deaths of the CIA -funded Kurds killed with Western supplied chemical weapons.
The point is that the whole trial process is flawed and political - how could it be otherwise? Winners decide the rules. Imagine George Bush being captured en route somewhere in the East (middle or not) and put on trial for the illegal war and the deaths of 30,000 civilians in Iraq bombed during the invasion for "liberation". Think about that.
Recently, the new "government" of Iraq has voted on a number of issues and it showed a remarkably pro-US posture. That will have further enflamed many Iraqis (rather like having the last Emperor of China being a puppet of the Japanese). This is why the place is in chaos, and at risk of being Balkanised. There can be no peace until the last US soldier leaves and then there will be darkness before the dawn for sure!!
No, this is a sensitive and political trial and as such it is better to imprison the man if found guilty by his peers.
When the Iraqis finally get the government they deserve, then decisions can be made. While the US holds the keys to power (notionally and tenuously) it would be well to incarcerate the man.
Incidentally, as we well are aware, there are US soldiers who have murdered and they will not receive the death penalty in the US for sure. We need to act with justice in another land.