We did not go into Iraq after terrorists. The first time we went to Iraq was at the request of allies who had been invaded or felt they were going to be invaded. Had the commanding general of that conflict been allowed to push on to Bagdad to go after the leader of Iraq, as he requested to do, we would not be there now. Pres. GH Bush succumbed to the will of the liberal congress, and halted the operation short of that objective. As a result, we are there now. This (the second) Iraq conflict is about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction (we know they did-even defecting Iraqi army officers say they did, and we know they used them on the Kurds-we gave them 90 days to get rid of them) and Iraq's refusal to comply with treaties and/or UN sanctions.
For anyone to say that Al Queda was never in Iraq until we went there is like saying that Al Queda was never in America before 9/11. His statement feeds off the short memories that Americans tend to have and uses misinformation peddled by our news reporting mechanisms to convince you of something that is patently unprovable or not true.
Someone should challenge Obama to quote legitimate source. Just like he demanded Clinton produce her plan to bring 5 mil. jobs back to America. He won't be able to.
Remember that right now the job of the politician is to win the election-not for the people, not for themselves, not for what is right, but so that their party can be in power. The war is increasingly unpopular, he is feeding off of that. Americans are notoriously lazy about learning truth, and he is playing off of that. Don't be fooled-he is saying something that he cannot prove, a false and misleading statement, designed to lead the misinformed to the polls to vote for him.
Before you all jump on me for dogging liberals, Obama, Clinton, or any of the rest of them, know this. None of the people running for office are worth the powder it would take to blow them to h**l. I was in the first road trip to Iraq, that was my division officer who got shot down in Bagdad, and because the stomachless, spineless, weak willed government and people of this fair country did not want to do what needed done the first time, I had to send two sons the second time (thank god they got home safely and my apologies to those who have lost theirs in this conflict-we really wanted to end it the first time but were told no). Politics is no longer about the people, it is about holding power.
I will tell you what you should have learned in high school:
Challenge every statement a politician makes. Make them prove their lies. Ask them for statistics, references, and/or witnesses. If they cannot do so, then challenge them to talk about something they can. If America does not control the politician, the politician controls America. This is what the founding fathers warned us about. Put your questions in letters to the editor of every newspaper in your town and Washington DC. READ EVERY SIDE OF THE STORY then decide for yourself what is true. Then challenge the politician to prove you wrong.
After the second world war we saw politics turn in to a profession rather than a calling. Since then we have gotten our butts kicked in every conflct we have been in, the worst economic problems in our short history, been attacked on our own shores, had the people turn against their defenders, and our leaders insist "It ain't my fault"
How much better we are now!