Can't stop thinking about London Marie Sherwood, help!?
2007-12-14 11:34:43 UTC
It has been a week now since I heard of the death of baby london marie sherwood. The 3 month old baby that died from sbs at the hands of her young father.
I see the pictures of Baby London in the hospital and of her mommy holding her in my head all the time now. I can't stop thinking about this poor little baby.
I read in the star tribune paper that was out on 12/11/07 that the autopsy showed that in her short life, she lived in pain, constantly. That she was bruised on the face, neck, arms, legs, bleeding of the eyes and brain, fractured ribs and legs.
Why didn't the father ask for help? Where was the mom? Why did this have to happen, to a innocent little baby?
Can anyone tell me, how and why is this affecting me so badly? I never knew these people, but I seem to be stuck here greiving for this baby.
It is not like I haven't heard about child abuse before, I have, but this particular case is haunting me.
I wish I could help, but do not know how.
29 answers:
Saucy Gal
2007-12-15 17:18:29 UTC
I know how you feel as I sit here with my 2 month old little girl I can't imagine ever hurting her. I'm sorry but I do place some blame with the mother according to what I have read she dumped her baby on him for 3 weeks and had no contact with him until at the hospital. How do you leave your 3 month old baby for 3 weeks and not call to check on her??? I cant leave my child for an hour and not call and find out how she is. Another article she wrote said she drank and smoked during the entire pregnancy and she wasnt even sure who the father was until the DNA test. And his family the entire time she was there no one other than him even held the baby, in my family we all wait in line to hold our babies. London stayed in her fathers room the entire time they had to hear her crying but chose to do nothing about it. How he could do that to his own daughter anyway is beyond me. This story really disturbs me. She is a little angel in heaven now where no one can hurt her.
Otter V
2007-12-17 17:02:56 UTC
I am appalled that there are so many people that want to lay all the blame on the father. This poor child's (so called) mother ABANDONED her. Why is there to be no blame placed with her?

Also, Baby London "also had multiple healing rib fractures". Just how long had they been healing? One week? A month? Were all injuries inflicted in the care of her father? Or were there some before she was abandoned there?

Postpartum depression may have been a factor, this is true. HOWEVER, she still left her baby with NO CONTACT in three weeks! Not even a phone call? Fifty cents into a payphone was too much for her baby that she claims she loved so deeply? I just can't see not wondering how your baby is doing!

She threatens that the father is going to "be dead" but what about her punishment? If her lifetime of suffering is enough, why isn't his lifetime of suffering enough? He knows he made a really bad choice. But while she sends out these "poor me" messages, does she once think about her choices that lead up to her child's death? Even one time? It doesn't seem as if she does.

I suffered through PPD and didn't ONCE think "Hmm, well, I'll just go drop my baby off somewhere and NOT COME BACK".

There should be a little more time taken finding out why the mother abandoned her baby and less time taken saying "Aww, poor Jessica".

I may seem heartless to some and for that, well, I say take it as you choose to. I just can't see how the mother can be pitied when she was just as much a contributor to this child's tragic future as the father.
2007-12-17 09:01:31 UTC
I just found out about this yesterday through myspace. I started crying when I read that because I do not understand at all how someone could ever do this to such a beautiful baby. It has bothered me so much since i found out. I have a one year old and could never ever imagine living without her.

The one thing that I have seen throughout everyone's messages is how can you blame the mom? But really people have you not read other things. She was smoking pot, cigarettes and drinking when she was pregnant with this baby! Obviously right there it tells you she is an unfit mother! She should have noticed right then that she couldn't take care of a child and maybe given it up for adoption so she could be cared for. Yes the father did this to her but it's also the mothers fault too because if anyone knows males at a young age they are not going to want a responsiblity of a child that is only 3 months old.

I do feel for the mother but why are you only there for her when it's to late? what happened to all the times she needed you when this was happening? You want sympathy from everyone whether it's on myspace or whatever but you could have prevented this. Even if you just picked her up for a day or two. thats a day or two that the father wouldn't have been overwhelmed. I am not at all giving the dad excuses because he is a horrible person. But you have to think of it both ways. the guy deserves what he got but please the mom shouldn't be just given sympathy!!

R.I.P London Sherwood

I'm sooo sorry this happened to you! <3 to you!
2007-12-16 14:46:12 UTC
I agree with stan or the first person who said that you aren't immune or cynical to think about this. We all feel emotions due to different situations. But in cases like these, the death of a baby girl, its a very hard pounder bomb that inflicts on our hearts to think that why would they do this to an innocent(child, person, etc)? but when it comes to baby london, who was only 3 months old, it is really tough to not care at all because she didn't get even a chance to enjoy life as it is and get to stay here only for 3 months, like its a waste of life if you kill a baby when she is here for 3 months. I know you want to do something, there are times when you can do something and there are times when you can't. Unless you are near where the mother lives or can make a fundraiser to help the mom or something is what you can do. Other wise you can probably help bear this painful tragedy that the mother is facing. I hope Josh will be punished. If he knows he doesn't want to have kids and doesn't want to look after them, he shouldn't get the girl pregnant. But for now, I hope that we can help bear this pain the mother faces, and that London Marie Sherwood, Rest In Piece.
2007-12-16 11:00:43 UTC
Mother's can suffer from postpartum depression, at which time things that make sense to the average person will not to them. Jessica was young, probably had little going for her, and if in a bout of depression, figured she would not be able to care for her child, did the only thing legally she could, allow the father to have her. Since there is not much posted on line from news sources, it is difficult at best to understand this case. Regardless of the cause, this type of thing should not happen, no child should have to live or die in this manner. The sad fact is this happens, sometimes by accident, some times on purpose. You can help by volunteer to help abused children, and to educate new parents about how to prevent this from happening, but it will not stop them all. London's suffering is over, and she is an angel looking down. My prayers are that the person who did this receives the time deserved, unlike the man who did this to my niece, who survived at 3 month with a fractured skull, he received only 4-5 years, and will soon be free.
2007-12-17 04:59:59 UTC
I know what you mean. I just found out about it through Myspace yesterday and my heart hearts so bad like if she were my baby girl. I also can not stop thinking about the baby. Those pictures show her so badley bruised. It really hurts me. I had a baby pass away due to primaturity 2 years ago and London's story has affected me in the same way. When I first saw the bulletin on myspace....I felt so hurt for the I find out she abandoned the baby and left her to her father....where were the adults in this story? How could anyone let there daughter take their baby to there father and never see her again? Jessica Sherwood is living her punishment in life...knowing she could have saved her baby girl but chose to party over being a mom. I "Thank God" that he took her....she is not suffering anymore...she is playing with my baby boy.
Melissa D
2007-12-15 19:16:04 UTC
I saw the myspace bulletin about baby London today, and was deeply saddened by the death of this child, and the pain that the family must feel. In answer as to why the mother left the child for three weeks, perhaps she was just ill- prepared to be a mother and knew that she could not care for the child, and thought the child would be safe with the father, also, I saw some references to her being in jail for a disorderly conduct charge dating back to mid november- perhaps why she was unable to call/see her child and why the child was left in the father's care? I don't know what is true or not, regardless, I'm sure she'll feel guilt for the rest of her life. .
2007-12-17 12:30:24 UTC
I am struggling with this as well...children are brought into this world unplanned and unwanted by there "confused" "young" mothers. Not always the case, just more than people would like to admit. I do feel that most of the blame should be pinned on the father, but as a mother of four children and 1 on the way (only 26 mind you) I could not imagine ever leaving my child with another person for that long. My children were also surprises to me (except unborn was planned) Anyhow none of this matters now, something needs to be done to reach out to young adults, to let them know that there are places to get help for them and their baby's sake. I can't imagine the guilt and shame that poor girl must be feeling for leaving her baby like that. Bless that little beautiful baby, whats sad is knowing that somewhere out there are more cases of abuse.
2007-12-16 18:14:52 UTC
I just heard about this and I understand how you feel. I also heard about Baby Kaleb way back in April and it did the same thing to me. I couldn't stop thinking about the lil baby and even cried about it. I still keep up with how he's doing and read the mother's blogs when she posts them, and even get happy with glee with Kaleb makes a milestone, and I have never met the child nor the parents. Im a mother and seeing and hearing about a child being hurt, or killed, puts so much hurt and pain in my heart. I want to kill the person that does it. It happens every day and every year children die at the hands of their parents or babysitters, and it's sick. I just hope that maybe one day ppl will wake up and either give up their child from the beginning to a loving family or ask for help. So don't feel weird for being struck by this, it is very hard to shake the feeling. I know from experience! And as for helping maybe try donating to a fund for SBS. On myspace there is a page called Hope and Support. They feature children with either SBS or children with disablities. I put the link below. And you know it's good we have ppl in the world like you that do care! : )
2007-12-16 11:56:33 UTC
I can't stop thinking about her too. I myself have 2 kids, (one which had colic till she was 5 months.) I am a young mother and I have heard cases about this before. I find myself going back and reading everything about the poor child over and over agian. I am bringing myself to tears, but I can't get this story out of my head. I get so angry at the mother and father. Where was mom? Why did she abandon her? Why did dad torture her? The poor child was trying to tell someone there was something wrong but no one would listen. I have to keep reminding myself not to judge the mother, but being a mother myself I know the responsibilities of a mother. How could you leave your child? I don't know. This is driving me crazy. I really would like to know where the mother was, what she was doing. Maybe then I could justify the way I feel about Jessica. I maybe could decide if I feel bad for her or if I think she should pay too. Is it wrong to hate her? I just keep imagining the poor child screaming from pain caused by her father..... aaaagggghhhh what the hell is wrong with people?!?!?!?!
2007-12-17 07:27:10 UTC
The same is happening to me. It's just so hard to fathom why this poor baby had to endure more pain than anyone I know! Not that I was unaware of it, it just didn't really hit home but since having my son, LOTS of child abuse cases haunt me. London, Kelsey Briggs, Jamie Bulger...all of them have left an imprint on my heart that makes me wonder why we continue to allow these things to happen. I cried for these kids for so long and still think of them. It does make me more cautious w/ my son. He never leaves my sight. Sitting here thinking of it all again, I get a lump in my throat & fight back tears. I thought I was nuts being so upset over kids I didn't know. I realized the part that gets me is the innocence of the child and the cruelness of the "adults". These people (mother included) were just not mature enough to be parents and no one stepped in to help. Helping includes speaking up if you think a child is being abused or negleted. If someone had done that for these kids, they may still be alive. If your friends have a baby, make sure they know about SBS and to call you anytime they feel overwhelmed, no judgements, because it does get frusterating. I totally know what you're going through, I'm experiancing it myself. I just pay closer attention now, and am no longer afraid to speak up. I don't care if it offends someone, if it keeps a child safe, it's worth it. That said, I've yet to know anyone in the situation. It takes time, but each day you'll think of it less often.
2007-12-16 00:41:50 UTC
First off, in response to smiles2have. Yes, you are definately correct, justice should be served when a child is made to suffer. But ask yourself this, where was her mother while all of this was going on with her father? I was very troubled by this story in particular also; I was all ready to set up fundraisers to help her mother out with hospital bills, etc.; when my husband brought up an excellent point. Perhaps this was a scam. So, I did a little research on the London Sherwood story and found some interesting answers. It seems that after a DNA test proved that Josh was the child's father, her mother dumped her off at his home and told him that she was his responsibility now, and she disappeared for three weeks. Yes, I believe he is an abomination to mankind and a poor excuse for a human being that should be punished to the full extent for what he did to that beautiful child. But should not the mother be held accountable for abandoning her daughter and not even checking up on her to make sure she was doing alright and to help out in her caretaking. I believe this is a terrible hearbreaking story. This child's demise was tragic and makes me sick to my stomach. I just hope that everyone can realize that both parents were at fault in many ways in this case. God Bless baby London and may the Lord take great care of her in Heaven.
2007-12-15 18:07:27 UTC
To Smiles: The reason the one poster put blame on the mother is because, if the mother would have visited within those 3 weeks, seen the bruises, she could have taken the London away, and London would be alive now. Maybe the mom was somewhere she couldn't come to visit, but does she have friends or family that could've visited London? or was the mom completely alone, too?

Most of the blame should be on the abuser, but with limited information about the mom's whereabouts, it's hard not to question why she wouldn't visit her child. Especially if you are a parent yourself.
2007-12-16 17:53:38 UTC
This story has eaten me alive as well. I am the young mother of two precious babies and never once has the thought ever crossed my mind to harm them physically or emotionally. I do not blame the mother at all. I feel that if she did infact drop angel London off to the father then she probably did so because she didn't feel as if she could care for her properly... I am sure she never thought her angel would be harmed. I feel badly for so many people involved in this and totally agree that this has GOT to stop. These poor angels are helpless and do not deserve anything but the best life they can possibly get. I pray for London and know she is in a better place and to her mother... I am so sorry for your loss and I know your decisions will haunt you for the rest of your life and for that I am sooo sorry. To the abuser.....May justice lie as it may!

Ang C
2007-12-16 15:18:13 UTC
This is a very tragic event. This baby had 2 parents that did not want her. The mother just left her at the dad's house, and then the dad killed her. How any human, much less a parent, can kill a child is beyond me. There are many couples in the world that can't have children, and then there are the ones that keep breeding and do not want the children. This just disgustes me. I think our government needs to worry more about child abuse and not worry so much about animal abuse. M. Vick will probably do more time than this man that killed a human being. These are just my thoughts.
2007-12-16 08:35:06 UTC
I just saw this on a bulletin on my page.I hate seeing/hearing when others harm Innocent little ones.I don't understand how they can do such a thing to something so precious.

I too am having a hard time with it and not just this one but the Kelsey story as well ...I cry ever time I see or hear about it.

God bless the mother and family.

R.I.P London Marie Sherwood 12-4-07
2016-04-09 07:10:06 UTC
I think these stories get to all of us. It's disgusting, I look at my baby when he cries and think why would someone hurt him for this? It's not because they are young, because I was young when I had my first, my husband was young to, we never lost it with our kids, never hurt them, we always comforted and soothed them. I can't imagine not loving a child, and hurting it especially a baby. I get sick to my stomach when I hear about this stuff. I honestly stopped watching the news, because of these stories, and the stories about Iraq. I get depressed when I watch the news to often. I would suggest doing the same so you can decompress from this. I have a friend that works in the neo natal intensive care and she sees all these babies, and on top of it, they have the family there and usually one of the people there is the one who hurt the baby< and you know what they still have to be nice to them. I don't know how to deal with it other than stop watching the news. At least for a while, or only watch the weather.
orphan annie
2007-12-16 18:22:39 UTC
I just read about little London and the horrible death that she suffered. I cannot believe how anyone could do this to their own child. Why did her mother leave her there and never come back? I don't care if she thought she could trust the father, that didn't mean that she could just leave her there. It hurts my heart to look at those pictures and I find myself crying for her. I hope that he gets what he deserves and the mother for that matter, leaving her with him and not returning to care for her own daughter. May London rest in peace and know that she will never have to live in pain again.
2007-12-17 01:48:32 UTC
i found out today about this and have been unable to stop thinking about it as well. it is truly devastating and so hard to fathom. i recieved a bulletin on myspace describing what went down and it also had pictures in it. i think seeing those pictures is what has made it stick in my mind. we usually hear about these things from time to time and of course, feel awful, but when you see pictures of a mother holding her child that she knows will soon be dead and the baby laying there after being taken off of child support, it makes it all too real. there will be lots of anger towards the father who did this, but the truth is that he will live with the pain of what he did behind bars for the rest of his life. im not sure if this helps you or not. good luck.
2007-12-18 06:29:24 UTC
I cant answer your questions, because I am wondering the same exact thing. Where was the mother? By all accounts it sounds as if she "left" the infant. Why would she do that? No mother leaves a 3 month old infant. I will pray for everyone involved, but mostly for little London who had to suffer so. What a tragedy, a senseless tragedy!!
2007-12-16 13:07:59 UTC
You can give money to blue jeans for babies to help and to a foundation that helps stop child neglect and or abuse in your area. I didnt know them either and i am truely hurt and disgusted with the fact that people can do these things to thier children. It haunts you probobly for the same reason it does me...Because we care and cant figure out why people would take the great gift of being a parent and do something like this.
2007-12-17 06:23:58 UTC
I saw the bulletin on myspace about baby London and that was 2 weeks and three days ago and to this very day it haunts me and I think it struck our hearts because there is vivid images there you see a baby laying there after they took her off of life support and you see her laying there in peace but over all she no longer alive so it becomes so real and so haunting.
2007-12-15 11:47:54 UTC
i know! this is such a sad story. the only thing we can do is pass on the memory of this beautiful angel! i was doing a little research on the web, and i came across Josh's myspace page. it wasnt private so i grabbed the pics he had of London. She was such a beautiful baby girl... id hate to think that the only photos of her being seen were the ones of her with tubes all over her body. so i put the pictures, along with the myspace bulletin onto a hosting website.

Sabrina B
2007-12-15 08:26:25 UTC
I don't have an answer for you, but I feel the same way. I just can't get her little face out of my head. I too have heard stories like this, but for some reason this one is really sticking with me. I couldn't sleep last night after hearing the story and She has stayed on my mind.

I can't give you an answer, but know you are not alone!

I found a sweet picture of her before all this and it has helped me a little to know that she maybe wasn't completely neglected by her mother before she left her. If you give me your e-mail address I will send it to you.
2007-12-16 12:20:00 UTC
2007-12-16 08:05:46 UTC
To Amber S:the reason the mother took London of life support is because she didn't want to see London suffer for the rest of her life.
2007-12-15 13:53:36 UTC
To Sabrina below: Why are you blaming London's mother for this? Her father did it to her. London's mother didn't know that Josh would hurt his baby. How do you know that someone is violent until they show you voilence? Oh, and shaken baby syndrome often occurs because people do not know or understand how much damage can be done to a baby or small child just by shaking them.

Place blame only where blame belongs.
holly e
2007-12-17 07:33:35 UTC
i know what you mean i have seen the video of that little angel i think it bothers me so much cause i have a 3 month old
2007-12-14 11:44:00 UTC
It's good that one "gets" to you. It means you aren't immune or too cynical to care.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.