As an Aboriginal person I was swelling with Pride!
Tasmania has already agreed to some form of compensation and recent wins in the courts for some members of the stolen generation only confirm the possibilities of more. But hey, a lot of people of those generations had legitimate wages held in trust for them by various authorities, which most never recieved. If whitemans law recognising legitimate claims of compensation, why not?
"Mainstream" australians tend to have selective views of history and are seriously uncomfortable with facts being stuck under their noses.
Wouldn't it be nice to think that those who got ripped off the most would have some little win to see out their last years?
Non-Aboriginal Australians of the racist persuasion tend to attack Aboriginal morals, culture, society, language, history as some sort of sub-human curiosity and find unsustantiated 'facts' to build their arguments on. As when Mabo started to make the news, it is beaten up to the extent that sheeple believed the hatemongers when they said YOUR HOUSE IS NEXT!!!!
Never mind that it didn't happen!
Have a quick read around various sites and blogs etc..the rabid responses have only picked up and except for some monitored sights (like this) you can't see the woods for the racists. I don't think compensation needed to add fuel to the fire (with the burning cross in the middle), the race hate was burning strong in this country for a long long time.