2008-02-08 04:30:16 UTC
This country is appauling.
Far too many people are prejudice of what is a PEACEFUL RELIGION. Now for all the old predictbles out there. You all tar Muslims with the same brush here and that is just wrong. How many Muslims have you seen out waging full on war in the UK. Thats right none. Also every Islamic terroristwillgo to hell as they do not conduct war by the principles of Allah's justice.
In brief, war is permitted:
in self defence
when other nations have attacked an Islamic state
if another state is oppressing its own Muslims
War should be conducted:
in a disciplined way
so as to avoid injuring non-combatants
with the minimum necessary force
without anger
with humane treatment towards prisoners of war
The Qur'an emphasises that war should be fought only for noble motives without seeking any earthly reward.
So no terrorist conducts themself by the laws of their own religion.
25 answers:
2008-02-08 04:53:56 UTC
First I'd like to clear a misconception muslims are not cloned.

Edit -Quran says that any sexual relationship has to be consensual otherwise it is a sin. It is not true that Muhammad married a 9 year old and even IF he did which he did not then this had to be consensual. Besides you can not compare something that happened a millions of years ago to today. People in the past got married younger, they died younger, they became women at a younger age. If any of you is really interested why don't you read the quran before you start throwing around with accusations.

As you already said Islam is against any form of torture or violence, you can only defend yourself when someone attacks you. Those who do otherwise are criminals and criminals can be of any race and any religion

Headscarf is also a controversial issue, I'm a muslims and I don't believe in wearing headscarves. In almost all arab countries people did not wear a headscarf in the 20s, 30s up to the 70s. in ancient times people used to dress that way because this was a social dress code not for religious reasons.

There are now two interpretations one in which I believe in ; in ancient times people used to wear something called kheimar which was also covering the hair all women even prostitues used to wear that. The quran says with the kheimar they are wearing they had to cover their breasts more appropriately. So basically the order is to cover your breasts not hair. The Quran gives certain orders and they must be followed at any time, other things are made flexible to enable us to adapt to the time and mentality we are living in. .Some people interpretated it that a woman has to cover her hair. You can wear a headscarf if you want but this a personal choice not God's order. It's what you do not what you put on your head that matters at the end of the day.

Zionists also use religion to justify their stealing of the land of the Palestinians and murdering of Palestinians that has been going on for 60 years now. Why doesn't the west accuse them of terrorism for a change?

You know the media also lies to these people a lot, they fuel hatred and they have succeeded. I've had enough of explaining it's about time to ignore people who are filled with hatred and Islamophobia, they'll wake up one day. It is stupid to hate all muslims or all jews or all christians or all atheists or all homosexuals. It is simply an ignorant attitude you can not hate people when you don't even know them.

Christian also have terrorists but the worst are Zionists who say that God promised them a land, . The media also always makes sure that Muslims gets the bad press. Also the U.S. government which is controlled by the jewish lobby is another big fat terrorist organization. Their administration lied to americans to justify the war in iraq. In adittion to that there are many doubts about 9/11. Muslims did not do half the things the U.S. and Israeli government are doing to us.
2016-05-25 14:56:05 UTC
whats with that persecution complex? i routinely step in sometimes simply because there are no voices in support of islam in that particular section of the internet, that said, islam has many violent adherants and to absolve responsibility of the thousands of people encouraged by islam to take up violence is quite weak. if the truth suffered, cancerous children must know everything. 911 isnt the only attack thats been perpetuated recently.
2008-02-09 18:02:44 UTC
to me its clear. people just look for excuses to blame Muslims for everything. let me tell you, this war on Islam is very deep. you may hate the religion but you people tell me one thing, why is Islam the fastest growing religion since 2001? if the religion was so bad and evil, why are people converting? clearly their must be something about Islam which is great. you may criticize the religion as much as you want, but Islam would always be protected from god. you can rip our quran, kill our brother's and sister's, steal our land, call us terrorist but there will only be one winner. the truth is people have grown to hate Muslims because the government have placed images into your head.

remember Islam does not need us, we need Islam and its our choice to choose. you either except the religion or you don't? Allah knows the truth. And when the world ends, there would be no turning back for the non believers. in our religion we have to preach. its your choice to accept. in our religion we have to defend. Islam is a family. we all defend our families don't we, so all Muslims should be defending their religion. curse Islam and Allah's curse is upon you. swear at the religion, do what you want to the religion, at the end of the day Allah is watching you and Allah know what sins you have done. you will burn for your acts. Remember its Allah religion, so he has promised to defend it until the final day.
2008-02-10 06:51:24 UTC
No one is saying that all or even most muslims are bad. I know a lot of muslims who seem like really nice people and I'm sure ARE really nice people!

During World War II I'm sure there were a lot of Nazis who were really nice people as well. Not every Nazi was murdering Jews but enough did to make everyone in the world very suspicious of anyone who calls himself a Nazi!

Islam is a form of fascism that paints the non-believer as the enemy. There are endless passages in the koran that demonstrate intolerance to non-believers. If you have read the korn you have seen these verses. Maybe you've chosen to ignore them or misinterpret them but they are undeniably there.

If I seem prejudice against islam you are right, I am! You see, I really enjoy my life as a non-believer AND I'm not prepared to give it up. Islam however, sees me as an enemy or a second class citizen because I am a non-believer. I guess in life you have to know who your enemies are.

By the way.... thanks for the warning!
2008-02-08 04:53:12 UTC
Normal peaceful Muslims have to come forward and inform as about their religion as there is a lot of misconceptions.

You also have to accept that how one dresses is a type of visual language composed of signs that can be understood differently in different cultures. For example a suit is a sign of adherence to the business dress code. In this culture wearing a headscarf doesn't necessarily tell me: this person is a good person. It tells me: this person whants everyone to know that they live a "modest" life and that they hold in contempt everyone else's life choice. It leaves me feeling very uncomfortable and also makes me judge people.

A normal act like taking a lift with a man ( a normal and non- sexual thing for a woman) becomes the source of thoughts such as these when the woman wears a head scarf: she is just about to commit a sin, it is a sin in her religion to be alone with a strange man. She just let every one know that she has committed a sin! I don't want to know that!
2008-02-08 04:36:18 UTC
Calm down son, behave yourself.

Not everyone on this website swallows the utter tripe written by the media, and here, regarding your religion. Quite a few of us know muslims as friends and colleagues, and can make our own minds up.
2008-02-08 04:35:14 UTC
I am tolerant to all beliefs.

There are extremists in every religion; in every country and culture.

It is not just Islam. Islam is just getting the worst press at the minute.

But what about the extremist Christian group that was going to protest at Heath Ledgers funeral because he played a gay guy?

There are people like that in every group of people, we've just all got to keep faith that the majority of people are good.

p.s. Doh made a good point - you're doing exactly what you're moaning about...
2008-02-08 04:41:55 UTC
The Qur'an emphasises that war should be fought only for noble motives without seeking any earthly reward.

Definition of noble motives is different for different nations based on islamic population ie majority or minority
Catch 22
2008-02-08 05:11:14 UTC
"How many Muslims have you seen out waging full on war in the UK. Thats right none." LOL The subway attacks were an hoax, you say?

Why do you ppl keep bringing up the Crusades? That was 1000 years ago.

Actually if you are a peaceful Muslim, together with all other peaceful Muslims, why the f*** don't you take responsibility for preventing violence from your own extremists?
2008-02-08 05:07:10 UTC
I have not heard of many condemning Terrorist or reporting Terrorist activity to the Police.
2008-02-08 22:53:27 UTC
Islam will be a peaceful region and i believe Allah the Almighty. if we all listen to the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm) we'll be able to make a country a peacful place. because islam always speaks the truth. All the scientists had mentioned it as a true religion.

Bismillaah ar-RaHmaan ar-RaHeem

InnalHamdalillaah, waS-Salaatu, was-salaamu ~alaa Rasoolillaah As-salaamu ~alaikum wa raHmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu

This article is, as you see, a confirmation that Judaism and Christianity are forms of kufr, and is written by Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin, and printed in 8"Answers To Common Questions From New Muslims" by Abu Lauz, as translated by Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo and published by IANA (1995). I was given permission to post it on the Internet. Please do distribute it on different newsgroups and post it on your www sites, in shaa' Allaah, for it is amazing how many Muslims (and others in particular) are not clear about this important aspect of our belief.

Jazaakumullaahu khairan, wassalaam, EC

"And most certainly, thou (O Muhammad) are of most sublime and exalted character."1 (The Holy Quran, 68:4)

by this hadith the importance of Hazrat Muhammad (sm) in islam is found.

Among the Muslims the framing of laws has always been the preserve of the religious leaders, men distinguished for their extreme devoutness and piety. The qualities prized most in religious people are detachment from worldly matters, aloofness, strictness in the performance of duties, unawareness of public affairs and dislike of the followers of other religions. All these are qualities adverse to social progress. People characterized by an excess of these qualities, especially if they are inborn in them, are unable to understand the requirements of a developing civilization. For all the veneration such people rightfully enjoy because of their holiness and purity, they can offer little guidance to men and women in the conduct of their mundane affairs. Who can deny the exalted rank of godly men like Junaid Baghdadi, Ma'ruf Karkhi, Shibli, and Dawud Ta'i; but one cannot imagine them in the role of legislators. Even the mujtahids who framed personal and public laws under the title of Fiqh, although no anchorites like these holy men, did not know enough about mundane matters to legislate about them. That explains why some of their laws are so rigid and unimaginative as to be difficult of enforcement. For example, Shafi'i and some other mujtahids maintain that no one but a reliable man can be a witness to a marriage, that a neighbour has no right of preemption, that it is impermissible to sell gifts, that the testimony of dhimmis is not admissible in any circumstances, and that if a Muslim kills hundred of innocent dhimmis, he is not punishable for this. Laws of this kind are simply not workable.
Timothy S
2008-02-08 04:35:52 UTC
All religions are obsolete social control mechanisms and should be done away with. We've come to far to still believe in myths and monsters.
2008-02-08 04:46:08 UTC
Peaceful?? What planet you been living on?

I won`t trust any muslims, they all Pi$$ in the same pot, simple as that.

They hate the West, but they want all the benefits the West can offer them before they blow them all to bits.

Don`t you dare come on here and begin to preach about how peaceful muslims are. They use children and mentally retarded people as suicide bombs. If that is what you call peaceful, then you have a serious problem with life mate!!!
James M
2008-02-10 04:36:51 UTC
Another one with his head in the sand.
Norb M
2008-02-08 04:37:23 UTC
...don't blame western-ers for the wars in the middle east they have been going for 100's of years... too many dicators and hard headed religions
2008-02-08 04:44:45 UTC
Christian or Islamic rants have no place on Q & A.

And this is a rant.

So boreing
2008-02-08 04:38:57 UTC
dont listen to this idiot, i am a christian and can assure u hes just a freak.

islam is not peaceful, if it is then why does it say in the qouran that muslims will be rewarded for killing christians?

its an evil religion, built on evil
2008-02-08 04:41:38 UTC
2bh there is alot of bad opinions about muslim ..and i dnt blame people ..after everyfin dats appened....
2008-02-08 04:35:01 UTC
bollocks........ you religious freaks are all the same

put down all the religions in all the world,,,, and what are we now...? just fellow humans.....

stop hiding behind an argument and justifying the rights you so say you have....

all religion is muck
2008-02-08 04:35:01 UTC
why are you taring me with the same brush.?
2008-02-08 04:40:05 UTC
whats the question ?
2008-02-08 04:33:50 UTC
Err and you have missed the bit in your scared book about the infidels mate....oh and the part of marrying a nine year old girl....please stop preaching this hateful religion!
peter c
2008-02-08 04:53:39 UTC
have you had your bacon sarny today ?
2008-02-08 04:34:16 UTC
islam is peaceful.... lol
janey lou
2008-02-08 04:51:40 UTC
Please just........................SHUT UP!

You're talking Shite!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.