Islam will be a peaceful region and i believe Allah the Almighty. if we all listen to the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm) we'll be able to make a country a peacful place. because islam always speaks the truth. All the scientists had mentioned it as a true religion.
Bismillaah ar-RaHmaan ar-RaHeem
InnalHamdalillaah, waS-Salaatu, was-salaamu ~alaa Rasoolillaah As-salaamu ~alaikum wa raHmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu
This article is, as you see, a confirmation that Judaism and Christianity are forms of kufr, and is written by Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin, and printed in 8"Answers To Common Questions From New Muslims" by Abu Lauz, as translated by Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo and published by IANA (1995). I was given permission to post it on the Internet. Please do distribute it on different newsgroups and post it on your www sites, in shaa' Allaah, for it is amazing how many Muslims (and others in particular) are not clear about this important aspect of our belief.
Jazaakumullaahu khairan, wassalaam, EC
"And most certainly, thou (O Muhammad) are of most sublime and exalted character."1 (The Holy Quran, 68:4)
by this hadith the importance of Hazrat Muhammad (sm) in islam is found.
Among the Muslims the framing of laws has always been the preserve of the religious leaders, men distinguished for their extreme devoutness and piety. The qualities prized most in religious people are detachment from worldly matters, aloofness, strictness in the performance of duties, unawareness of public affairs and dislike of the followers of other religions. All these are qualities adverse to social progress. People characterized by an excess of these qualities, especially if they are inborn in them, are unable to understand the requirements of a developing civilization. For all the veneration such people rightfully enjoy because of their holiness and purity, they can offer little guidance to men and women in the conduct of their mundane affairs. Who can deny the exalted rank of godly men like Junaid Baghdadi, Ma'ruf Karkhi, Shibli, and Dawud Ta'i; but one cannot imagine them in the role of legislators. Even the mujtahids who framed personal and public laws under the title of Fiqh, although no anchorites like these holy men, did not know enough about mundane matters to legislate about them. That explains why some of their laws are so rigid and unimaginative as to be difficult of enforcement. For example, Shafi'i and some other mujtahids maintain that no one but a reliable man can be a witness to a marriage, that a neighbour has no right of preemption, that it is impermissible to sell gifts, that the testimony of dhimmis is not admissible in any circumstances, and that if a Muslim kills hundred of innocent dhimmis, he is not punishable for this. Laws of this kind are simply not workable.