Halloween falls on a very important date in the Celtic Calender. its a bit ironic the Catholics want to take this festival over as well as they've built their other festivals around Celtic/Pagan Calendar and even built churches over their places of worship.
Samhain (sow-een or sow'-inn)
Traditional date: October 31 to November 1
Actual astrological date: Nov 6 in 2008
Midpoint between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice
The largest and most important festival, great tribal gatherings on Tara Hill
The beginning of the dark half of the year, exact opposite day of Beltrane
First Celtic fire festival (male)
Gaelic "samhraidhreadh" means "summer's end"
Irish "Samhain" means the month of November
Celtic New Year's Eve
Third and final harvest festival
The day when day (light) does not exist
Preparation to survive the winter, confront the possibility of death was paramount
The "Fleadh nan Mairbh" Feast of the Dead to honour the past clan souls
Celebrates the last harvest, the cycle of life and spirits passed
Ceremonies involve fire, lights, setting out food and gifts for passing spirits
All fires are extinquished and relit from the sacred bonfire
Stories are told around the fires as there is not much to do outside
The veil between the world (Shield of Skathach) is thin, allowing spirits to cross over
Colours: Black, browns, reds, oranges
Evolved to Halloween and All Saints Day