2011-05-02 06:01:05 UTC
Bin Laden has already lived in this compound for five years and it doesn't look like he was going anywhere immediately. Obama said that he decided to organize the strike against him "because he decided [he] had enough intelligence to take action" this weekend - in other words, there was no immediate reason to do anything specifically at that time - the action was NOT time critical, and what does 'enough' mean in this context, especially when he wasn't 100% certain that is where Osama was at the time? The media are also reporting that Muslim militants are guaranteed to take action in retaliation for these actions - the CIA have said that they will "almost certainly" plan some major atrocity, and who is the most high profile person available for this at the moment who would really make their point to the West? Already the UK PM has raised our national threat level and Prince William and his wife have postponed their honeymoon. Prince William was supposed to be going on holiday in the India Ocean (i.e. close to Pakistan), and now the Government has suggested that he will have to go on military service overseas in a remote area (again - this would suggest efforts are being made to protect him). As the Intelligence agencies can pick up Muslim 'chatter' on the internet, I think Obama knew exactly what type of treat he was creating for the Royal family. Is this because he hates the British, which has been widely reported?